How did they do it?

How did they do it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

they weren't the xbox one

Rivals were Too stupid

>no ape escape 4
They didn't

Do what?


>how did they outsell the TVbox one and Wii (U)
gee I wonder how

That's a lot of Fifa and Netflix

Microsoft shot themselves in the face.
Nintendo just flat out gave up.

Zero opposition.

There's only 2 actual consoles in its bracket: PS and XBox. PC and Switch are in another category, realistically.

The Playstation brand has really moved ahead this generation, their exclusive have really come into their own hitting new heights critically as well as commercially, the PS4 also still get extremely strong support from japanese publishers as well as niche developers, and the PS4 hardware was the best this generation had as well as being priced extremely well. The PS4's success was an inevitability of this generation, it was the best choice you could make for a gaming platform this gen by a very wide margin. PS5 will undoubtedly be a repeat of this.

So Switch is the best selling handheld every year since 2017?

PS4 has been selling far better, it's on trajectory this year to outsell it as well, and that's with the PS5 already announced.

They made games instead of rehashing the same shitty Pokemon/Zelda/Mario over and over again.

>How did they do it?
By marketing and appealing to the general(normie) audience. Also with a little help from Don Mattrick & co. And from the gimmick loving losers at Nintendo.

I'm just saying. No one ever says
>"Hey guys, should I get a PS4 or a Switch?"
... because they're completely different in function. They aren't in direct competition. Even more-so for PC and consoles.

By that logic Sony just releases the same 3rd person cinematic games every year then.

They made bloodborne

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So it is the best selling handheld every year. Beating the 3DS and Vita.

It's pure marketing. The marketed the console without DRM even though they were going to implement it with Microsoft.

They marketed many multiplats as exclusives by paying for third party advertisements.

Paid online, increased the price of paid online, no exclusives worth a damn, no backward compatibility at all, couldn't even play CDs at launch, shit UI, terrible controller battery life.

Just pure marketing won and 360 kids jumped over.
Shut the fuck up.

So why don't other companies just market better?

Market what? they have no games to market lol

The PS4 Pro. They barely outsold the Switch in 2018, and that was only because people who already owned a PS4 bought a PS4 Pro. Now that the Switch Lite and the Switch v.2 are out, people who already own a Switch are going to buy one of the new systems, and their sales are going to skyrocket past the PS4.

They capitalized on a very poor reveal/launch by Xbox with an aggressive marketing campaign and exclusivity contracts. Factor in that the Wii U was a commercial failure and the Switch didn't come along until the later half of the generation and boom, PlayStation became the dominant platform. They'll probably carry this momentum into the next generation since Xbox doesn't have many exclusive games to use as a selling point, but Nintendo will be healthy competition for Sony

Nintendo and Xbox shot each other in both legs

Yeah, Death Stranding, Last Guardian and Uncharted are all the same, faggot.

>They'll probably carry this momentum into the next generation since Xbox doesn't have many exclusive games to use as a selling point
I doubt it. Releasing the most expensive console is suicide, as history has always shown us. Xbox Scarlet is a lot weaker, but it will be much cheaper and have that game pass. Only 2% of people who bought a PS4 are real gamers. The rest just want to play Call of Duty and Battlefield.

Is it not a handheld?

Clearly biased, Marketing is a standard feature for every platform, nintendo spends more on marketing than Playstation do but Playstation continues to be the more successful brand, and it's games continue to find significant success. PS4's success is entirely down to it's quality.

I'm going buy this, but I am highly offended by it.
Why is there no clean verison of this image? All there is are facebook level normie meme versions of it.

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Why do anons consistently fail to realize PS3 was the exception, not the rule. Playstation has ALWAYS been the dominant platform. PS3's bungled launch even managed to recover. PS5 is coming and there's nothing you can do to stop it from winning all over again.

I was originally gonna get a PS4 because it was cheaper, then I found out it didn't have the ability to play 4k DVD's. Got an Xbox instead.

First console I've bought since the original Xbox and PS2. Trying to figure out what games I want other than Red Dead 1/2.

History repeats itself. PS1 destroyed the Saturn because it was cheaper. PS2 destroyed the Xbox because it was cheaper. PS4 destroyed the Xbone because it was cheaper. PS3 lost to the Wii because it was expensive. PS4 Pro flopped because it was expensive. Now they're going to release a system that will be $200 more expensive than the Scarlet even though that's a terrible idea.

OP wanted to know why specifically the PS4 was the best-selling console for 5 years, not the history of Sony

Oh boy here we go

Winning the special olympics desu. Hopefully they don't get too cocky with the PS5 like they did with the PS3.

Because you need teams of people in the company and sometimes go to third parties to help market. Microsoft didn't even try because of the success of rhe 360, and Nintendo used their own team for America which was eventually fired/replaced as the Switch marketing was entirely handled by the Japanese.

Also friendly reminder we are in 9th gen.

It's entirely down to marketing. Consider the star wars and destiny commercials. They are covered in playstation logos making them seem like exclusives. Wii U marketing in America was so bad that people thought it was an add on.

Switch marketing MUST be working because it's selling so well.

Thanks to this guy

Attached: Don't Mattrick.jpg (740x490, 25K)

FIFA, CoD, and Europe

Who are the rivals? Xbone/switch?
The console won by doing absolute nothing

Whos gonna get the get?

>Switch marketing MUST be working because it's selling so well.
Yet nintendo are spending more and are well behind the PS4 in terms of sales, to say that it's just marketing is completely ignoring word of mouth, which for PS4 has been huge, and that's entirely down to it's quality.

this but unironically


>Yet nintendo are spending more and are well behind the PS4 in terms of sales
Idiot. They were barely behind the PS4, and the only reason they were behind was because of people upgrading to the PS4. They're going to be way ahead of the PS4 this year.

Oh right, didnt v get rid of gets some years ago? Jesus

Edit: upgrading to the PS4

Why are they trying to forget 2019 so badly?

>Why are they trying to forget 2019 so badly?
Gee, I wonder why.

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They are miles behind PS4 what are you on about, this year will make no difference, just wait and see.

Attached: europe.png (700x545, 136K)
17.7 million PS4s AND PS4 Pros combined versus 17.4 million Switch's.
You are clearly retarded.
Also, that was shipment data. Sony could have shipped out an extra 500,000 thousand at the last minute to make it look like they were doing better.

Switch isn't competing with 8th gen consoles like PS4 since the Switch is 9th gen.

If PS4 was about its quality the top selling games would not be
Mine craft

They don't even have a Sony published game in the top ranks.

2019 Released:
>Catherine Full Body
>Days Gone
>Arc of Alchemist
>Blood & Truth
>Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain

2019 To be released
>Death Stranding
>YS IX Monstrum Nox
>Concrete Genie
>Aegis Rim
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III

Might come this year
>Granblue Fantasy Relink
>Granblue Fantasy Versus

Owned nincel dabbed on hard lol

>Catherine Full Body
>Days Gone
>Arc of Alchemist
>Blood & Truth
>Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain
I've never even heard of those games except Catherine(coming to the PC eventually), and Days Gone(unplayable garbage).

They just made up the numbers. Nintendo released their actual sales numbers and then Sony just added 500k to "shipped to store".


Historical numbers are different, and PS4 continues to outsell the switch worldwide in 2019, and that's while it's sales are falling in the wake of the PS5, historically the switch will well undersell the PS4 since the PS5 will ensure it lands in an early grave come next year. Third parties are helping with that too, but PS5 will be the nail in the coffin.

Quality is part of it's success, but remember it's more powerful and cheaper than an Xbox so yeah, quality is what makes it the higher selling of the lot.

>already listing vita ports by the second named title

>PS4 continues to outsell the switch worldwide in 2019

dilate, pedo

2 cents have been deposited into your account

>vita ports

Does it every month thanks to europe.

Catherine Full Body


>Does it every month

>last Fifa game announcement said there's no new major game play changes and that it's a roster change
>proceeds to sell 40 million in Europe alone

PS4 has by far the strongest 3rd party support and also has decent hardware for a decent price. Xbone is weaker and for a long time it was being sold at the same price as a PS4, only a retarded fanboy would buy an Xbone over a PS4. Then there's the Switch, an overpriced and underpowered piece of garbage with nothing but bing, bing wahoo and waifu bait. Sony really had no competition this gen since the competition were their own worst enemies.

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How is it a vita port? It was released on PS4 and Vita only in Japan at the same time

Because it was developed for the vita and brought to the PS4 last second

>retard thinks switch and PS4 are in the same gen

This is why PS4 was the best seller in 8th gen. Marketing, ecelebs, and game "journalists" telling brainlets what to parrot.

Meanwhile on Nintendo
>Next Pokemon game to remove all major features from the previous game
>Sells 10 million in America

This will come to PC.
>Catherine Full Body
This will come to PC
>Days Gone
71 on Metacritic
>Arc of Alchemist
Not out yet AND not exclusive
Not out yet.
>Blood & Truth
VR shit
>Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain
69 on Metacritic



2K Sports
It’s not the Xbox One

>He counts shipped as sold

How's the drought?

>implying I give a shit about pokemon
>most pokemon fans are actually pissed that game freak would rather focus on curry than the national dex
>proceeds to defend EA sports shovelware


That is your post, yes

>will come to pc
>no source

Yakuza and Catherine came to the PC, so these will too. You're delusional if you think otherwise.

>no u

>nintendo's are sold because i said so


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By 2025 yes

He's right

Mental gymnastics.


And never ever on Shitch

So you have some magic ball making these predictions? Wew lad

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But I have a PS4 lol
You have to be 18 to post here, snoy

Catherine is on vita so its already on PC

If you own a PS4 why are you asking about the drought? Are you retarded?

>last second
Yeah, that explains why we've known about the PS4 version for years

I have a PS4, gaming PC, Switch, 3DS, and a Vita. But the PS4 is ass shit, and I won't be buying a PS5. The vita is pretty cool, though, it let's me play my PC games on a handheld.

Buy being the Trump of consoles. Its based af and has literally zero competition.

>If you own a PS4 why are you asking about the drought?
Gee I wonder

by not having any competition at all
the xbox one is one of the worst consoles of all time, and the wii u was a joke of a similar caliber.

>How did they do it?
Lots and lots of brown people

The bigger question is how did PC gaming tank so hard in the last few years.

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PS4 is basically a high power PC

>The bigger question is how did PC gaming tank so hard in the last few years.
...The fuck?

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That's why Amerimutts brought Switches mostly right

t. seething 3rd world cuck

>Ps4 pro flopped
Nigga what? It literally can't flop because it's part of this generation. Also it was cheaper and came out a year before the competition.
>Now they're going to release a system that will be $200 more expensive
Where tf do you even come up with this? Sony will do anything to keep the prices below competition, they learned from the ps3. Unlike Microsoft killing themselves with their high prices with every console revision. At least sony dropped the ps3 prices, Microsoft just fucking kept at the $500 price tag.

>PS4 is basically a high power PC

Attached: 1567741548333.jpg (720x303, 27K)

>Nigga what? It literally can't flop because it's part of this generation. Also it was cheaper and came out a year before the competition.
Only 20% of PS4 sales were the PS4 Pro, that was extremely disappointing seeing as it was supposed to extend the generation.
>Where tf do you even come up with this? Sony will do anything to keep the prices below competition, they learned from the ps3. Unlike Microsoft killing themselves with their high prices with every console revision. At least sony dropped the ps3 prices, Microsoft just fucking kept at the $500 price tag.
The hardware specs have mostly been leaked. The PS5 is WAY more expensive hardware than the Xbox Scarlet. Michael Pachter saw the specs and didn't know how they were going to release it under $800.

The Xbone's lead up and marketing was so horrid.

Should i wait to buy a PS5 i don't want censored games though.

>Only 20% of PS4 sales were the PS4 Pro, that was extremely disappointing seeing as it was supposed to extend the generation.
Considering what they built it for that's surprising. This wasn't the route Microsoft tried taking. Sony stated numerous times it was just a console for better resolution since 4k tvs took off so quickly. So yes it did help extend the life. Microsoft on the other hand was trying to build "the most powerful console eberrrr" because they were dying.
>The hardware specs have mostly been leaked. The PS5 is WAY more expensive hardware than the Xbox Scarlet. Michael Pachter saw the specs and didn't know how they were going to release it under $800.
People said the same thing about ps4 and numerous articles stated sony were taking a loss on their consoles yet they were profiting roughly $20 on every console. So take in grain of salt what you hear, don't be fucking stupid thinking sony would do a ps3 mistake again.


>Considering what they built it for that's surprising. This wasn't the route Microsoft tried taking. Sony stated numerous times it was just a console for better resolution since 4k tvs took off so quickly. So yes it did help extend the life. Microsoft on the other hand was trying to build "the most powerful console eberrrr" because they were dying.
Mental gymnastics. The PS4 Pro made no impact on the gaming industry and it's pretty much a running gag at this point.
>People said the same thing about ps4 and numerous articles stated sony were taking a loss on their consoles yet they were profiting roughly $20 on every console. So take in grain of salt what you hear, don't be fucking stupid thinking sony would do a ps3 mistake again.
Sorry, but the PS5 has a GPU comparable to an RTX 2080, which costs $700 atm then you have to factor in that the ram they're using is expensive, SSDs are expensive. And you still have to pay for the CPU. The PS5 will probably be $600 and the Xbox Scarlet will probably be $400.

You but consoles for exclusives. Also current gen and on will be bc with each other.

>The PS4 Pro made no impact
Yet sold better than the x1x lmao keep coping idiot.

Ps4 and Ps4 Pro are both 8th gen, dumlet.

Xbox helped

Well yeah
What the hell else was there?

Did you reply to the wrong person?

Good hardware, good third party support, good exclusives. The only one that has all three.

Microsoft had a terrible console launch. When coupled with their refusal to create anything new in terms of IP, lack of Japanese support, and ridiculous policy of needing XBL to play F2P titles leaves you with a title disliked by dudebros and weebs alike

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by doing nothing and letting Nintendo and Microsoft screw themselves over.

They didn't, Xbox dropped and fumbled the ball so hard all PS4 had to do was hold it and win the game.

Do people really believe exclusives matter that much to the average consumer?

Even if you take into account CoD/FIFA/Fortnite the PS4 always had an edge
>$100 cheaper at launch
>Snowball effect guarantees people buy console to play with friends
>CoD gets content on PS4 first
>Fortnite doesn't require PSN sub

Exclusives sell consoles. When normies are buying their fifabox they're going to pick the one that comes with a free copy of spiderman over the one that comes with a free copy of sea of thieves

>all these 80's
>almost all of them are marioshit, rehashes, bingbing, and a fucking tetris game
I legit feel sorry for shitendo. Sony wasn't kidding when it stated shitendo is going for the child audience and is no longer considered a competitor.

>Yet sold better than the x1x lmao keep coping idiot.
Xbone X was a flop too, retard.

At this stage in the game they sure as hell are. Xbox has shown time and time again that they have nothing fresh or new to offer in favor of buggy unfinished crap or the same franchises they've been slinging for the past decade. Sony's games might all follow a similar if repetitive formula, but it's been a recipe for success. Phil Spencer is out talking about how single player games "don't have the impact they used to" while Sony is selling millions of copies of Spider-Man and God of War while Crackdown 3 is a wet fart that's forgotten after a week. Dewrito Pope Council hasn't nominated a Microsoft game for GOTY since Reach.

full library is what matters to the smart consumer, and the PS4 has one of the best full libraries + exclusives no matter how you slice it. If you're gonna idort the best idort combo is a PC for all the good indies, good performance, game modifications, PC exclusives/microcock shit (even thoughi t's all tranny garbage) and being a good all-in-one platform all in all, with a PS4 to play the good sony exclusives (bloodborne, god of war, HZD, uncharted, etc), get early access to games that MIGHT come to PC one to ten years later (Catherine, Nier automata, Yakuza, MHW content, Nioh, David cage movies, etc) and play the other console non-pc 'exclusives' (RDR2, can't name anything else).

Ninceldo has nothing on them unless you like kindergarten simulators. You can already perfectly emulate the only two important switch exclusives.

>Sony's games might all follow a similar if repetitive formula, but it's been a recipe for success.
You overestimate the selling power of Sony's exclusives. I think Uncharted 4, Horizon, God of War, and Spider-man were their only exclusives to break 5 million. Their best games were Bloodborne and Persona 5, but only 2% of PS4 owners bought them. Halo: Infinite, on the other hand, is a huge system seller, and it will be a launch title for the Scarlet. Dudebros care way more about Halo than they do about some samurai movie game.

The Switch is on its way to outselling the Xbone by early next year, which means it will have sold over 45 million units in half the time. That alone is proof enough

You forget tlou2 and also current gen will be bc with next gen, guaranteed every exclusive + some will be getting a day 1 patch on console release day to increase visuals and fps. If rdr2 still hasn't released on pc by then it will be a big factor.

Games. Like always quality and quantity at an agreeable price. Helps MS shat the bed and hasn't tried in 10 years. Also helps Nintendo only does handheld gaming and got out of the console business.

If you play video games and aren't a retard, woman, or toddler PS4 is the obvious choice

>You overestimate the selling power of Sony's exclusives. I think Uncharted 4, Horizon, God of War, and Spider-man were their only exclusives to break 5 million
t. retarded obsessed nincel sourcing 4 year old articles. Last I checked several months ago there's 12.5 million bloodborne players.

Microsoft killed the Xbox One.

This. It's not that the PS4 did anything good. It's that(at launch at least) Xbox was so bad, everyone flocked to PS4 because by comparison Sony looked more consumer friendly despite actually being worse than the PS3 because of paid online. The only reason they "won" this gen is good optics at the start.

>beating the 3DS
By far the instant it released
>beating Vita
How is that even a question?

PC gaming is near impossible to track
Everything from your 3000$ Monsters to your grandma’s 2004 Windows XP computer can be considered a gaming pc

All the anime titty games

>Wii U just wasn't an appealing console and no one wanted it, had an awful, awful first year in terms of software

>Xbone tried to 1984 everyone and the bad PR never truly left many potential customer's minds, and it was $100 more than PS4

Pretty much, Sony just fucked up the least, so they won basically by default. I'd be genuinely surprised if the Xbone has sold more than 40m consoles, MS stopped releasing numbers in 2015.

9th gen should be much more interesting. Nintendo will likely have a good 55-60m head start by the time PS5 and Xbone2 release, and its a total toss-up as to which of those will come out on top as they're likely to share 90% of their libraries again.