It gets good after 30 hours!!

>it gets good after 30 hours!!

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Other urls found in this thread:

I fucking hate this. If half of your video game is shit, then it’s a shit fucking game.

It gets good after the first hour it actually does

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That's almost true for ZZ though, although make that 10 hours.

>frugal with money
>Steam refund policy is 2 hours / 14 days
>can't buy RPGs ever except when I know very well what i'm getting into because most of them have slow ass prologues that exceed 2 hours

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It gets purupuru after 30 pero if you catch my drill

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Z and ZZ are horseshit. Throw in CCA too.

The original, 08th MS, and 0080 are all you need for that timeline.

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Death to Purus

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>it gets good on the second playthrough

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>08th MS

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this is a stealth gundam thread isn't it
encounters in space kicks my ass

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ZZ is painful for the first 22 episodes.||

Once Glemy takes over as big bad it starts getting decent. Not as good as Zeta but not total garbage.


Go back to your mobile game, casual

What did she mean by this?

War in the pocket

>it gets good once you’ve stopped playing

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>It gets good in the sequel!

0080 is War in the pocket.

All those people say that, and then I enjoy it from start to finish.

>it actually gets good after 30 hours

Fucking Mirror's Edge

>game never gets good

What's her name Yea Forums

Wolfenstein: The New Order

>it gets good on the multiplayer

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new super mario bros tho

Sometimes it's worth it. Ever17 is the most extreme example I can think of. Like 80 hours of bored but the last 5 hours make it fucking amazing. Those 80 hours were just putting all the building blocks in place necessary to support a massive climax.

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Z is pretty good and ZZ becomes okay later on when it gets more serious.

Crosschannel is along the same lines. It's like 50 hours of drudgery than 20 hours of cunt-destroying awesomeness.

I love Encounters in Space, I just wish the "career mode" (I haven't played the game in a few years) was more than like just a couple missions. Fucking Bandai, just make a good game, stop shoveling out shit hoping to sell 80k copies in Japan.

>If you think this is a bad game then you haven't played Big Rigs Over the Road Racing

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>it starts good but turns to shit later

>5687 Hours Played.

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>it gets good after 30 episodes!!
this is why ZZ isn't canon

Alright, Yea Forums. You have to play a throughly mediocre game for thirty hours. But then you play an absolute handcrafted masterpiece for another one hundred. It's a genre defining masterpiece, and most importantly it's entirely sincere and genuine. You feel the love oozing out of it. But you still cringe at the thirty hours prior.

Do you play the game?

ZZ doesn't get good though.

hey kid wanna go to moon moon

I thought the first chapter was great, it was the following chapter that almost filtered me

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Almost every puzzle game and a lot of strategy games that don't know when to stop introducing new mechanics.

>08th MS

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The original, 0080 and 08th MS team are the only good Gundam shows.
Zeta is a convoluted mess of autistic retards. ZZ is the same but with painfully horrid comedy shoved in. 0083 is the same, but thinks hating a vegetable is character development. Chars Counter Attack is also completely driven by characters not making rational decisions and being autist. F95 is a convoluted mess of autism as well, and the villains reveal in his silly costume made me laugh, along with his absurd edgy killer disc. Ideon isn't even Gundam, but Tomino made it and it's probably his most retarded and Tomino-esk show that I've seen. Tomino is a cynical hack and him or whoever writes most of the shows doesn't understand how humans act or feel.

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0079 and 0080 are peak early UC

It gets good after 12 episodes actually

>is also completely driven by characters not making rational decisions
You mean just like real life?

every Uncharted game

08th is complete shit just like all other 90s Gundam, all style no substance

i love how g-reco is technically considered part of UC but nobody ever bothers mentioning it

>It actually does
What the fuck do I do then?


Turn A was fucking kino though and should have been the last gundam show ever made

Don't forget his suicidal breakdown during Victory.
Tomino flipflopped on this, it's apparently after Turn-A Gundam now

At least in real life you can see how it made sense in their head. Like Hitler thought he had a good plan, and he wrote about it extensively to the point retards still by into it to this day. Char went from revenge driven master mind, to fighting for space rights playing pretend even though everyone sees through me, to dropping asteroids on earth to save earth and something something gravity weighs the soul down maybe.

So you basically didn't watch Gundam, Zeta, or CCA and just know a basic outline of what happened, right? Especially in Zeta we see Char changing.

>even though everyone sees through me
alright Char, Artesia isn't here

>One piece gets good after 198 chapters bro
>Just go through 400 episodes bro

naw, I'm good

Yeah, I give it a pass because I like how it tries to ground the setting and make it feel like a military operation. I'm not going to defend the shitty villain or love story.

Fuck you Char, you tricked me!

To be fair you have to have a very high iq to understand gundam

>It's just the set up for the next game
>the story and setting make sense after 20 hours
never listening to Trails in the Skyfags again

Literally the entirety of UC is a military operation.

>08th MS and 0080
maybe if you only watch youtube clip, otherwise they are crap. Good bait, made me reply

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>all that talk about how the game gets better
>actually gets worse and worse at a pretty consistent rate

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any of the borderlands games.

woops my bad, I thought that was 0083, War in The Pocket is good.

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>it's super unique
>most generic jrpg shit ever

Persona 5

Tomino is a hack, that is why Gundam X is one of the best UC Gundams despite not being part of the UC.

>never listening to Trails in the Skyfags again
people constantly recommend them to me. But ive been around the block enough times to know overrated anime tism shit when i see it. They claim it has the greatest long term story and world building in the history of video games. All their example come off as average anime cliche trash.

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The only thing appealing about Persona 5 is it's presentation.

There's a mediocre 100 hour game for the rest of it and it. Just. Fucking. Drraaaaaggggsss

Why are 8th MSfags so retarded?

nier automata

>is one of the best UC Gundams despite not being part of the UC

Attached: drooling retard.png (534x588, 267K)

I've seen all the shows I mentioned, all the way through, in release order. I actually don't hate Gundam as much as my post lets on, but I do think the character writing a motivations often feel baffling, like when that one rebel girl joins Pompadapolis because Char wont fuck her. Before then she was the calm, cool professional on the team, yet apparently just one dick refusal is enough to send her over to join the people aligned with the genocidal space fascist she'd spend so long fighting against. I'm still not sure if it was Tomino's seething hatred of women showing, or Poopadoodool's vaguely defined space magic.

This picture pretty much sums up what I feel about most of the writing in Gundam. Sure the world is full of retards, but this shit is just goofy as fuck.(That said I haven't watched any modern Gundam, except Thunderbolt so I have no idea if this image is legit, but it's Gundam writing so I assume it is.)

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I can appreciate it for being a slow-burn with much lower stakes than other JRPGs but A) that doesn't suddenly make it super unique or interesting and B) that was thrown out the window with Cold Steel being some next level LN wish-fulfillment tier garbage.

Are you talking about reccoa or quess?

There are literally thousands of bad games, pick any of them. This is just bait to get people to throw out their controversial opinion of some well received game.

>Reccoa joined the purple haired faggot
No that was definitely Tomino's hatred of women. I'm still mad she died. Hell, I'm mad that Emma, that blonde chick in ZZ, Haman died.
He's talking about Reccoa. Quess joined Char.

Does ZZ Gundam get good after 30 hours?

>it gets good once you learn how to speedrun it

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Witcher 3. I mean gwent got better i guess. Only reason i finsihed that piece of shit was to runa round like white haired yugi-oh and send bitches into the shadowrealm. Fuck someone should make a mod where all combat is settled via gwent.

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When was Quess ever calm, cool or professional?

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Yeah I think it's over by then.


a good way to make one piece fans upset is to say you'll watch the anime but skip all the filler. It makes them think about how 90% of the anime is filler and they get incredibly heated in denial

>I'm still mad she died. Hell, I'm mad that Emma, that blonde chick in ZZ, Haman died.
At least best girl Fa lived

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>next level LN wish-fulfillment tier garbage.
like most jrpgs now in days. What happened to good shit like Breath of Fire?

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Well to be fair, all shonen are just filler. Or more specifically, saying they have filler is implying they have a plot, which while they might pretend to, they actually don't, just a framework for which to hold actions scenes. If they had a real plot, they would have an actual end, instead of simply running till they go to shit and get canceled.

JRPGs became more niche and beyond really popular ones like FF and DQ needed to target a different audience to be successful.
That being said man Cold Steel is on another fucking level of mary sue trash.

Having to baby sit Kamille forever is a fate worse than death though.

That's more because of how WSJ works rather than a lack of plot structure. And even then series like FMA and Soul Eater and Yu Yu Hakusho all ended.

He un-potatoes in ZZ.

I've never understood this idea that Tomino hates women. He certainly has complex feeling about them, and not all of them good, but I think saying that he hates them is a little overly simplistic. Sure Reccoa is the literal definition of a thot but if he really hated women that much characters like Emma and Sayla wouldn't exist either.
He might have started to hate them more as time went on, especially around the time of Victory given what happens in that show, but during Zeta not so much.

It's still fun


When does it get fun? I'm 15 hours in

You already played the fun part, its all downhill from there

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Stop playing smart

Yea Forums is laughing at you nigger

What does this even mean?

She died though, and Sayla was never heard from again after CCA.

>It was never good in the first place, but was popular enough to fool you.

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Just because he kills them off doesn't mean he hates women, also Sayla dissappearing was because of VA fuckery.

Turn your brain off while playing a turn based jrpg

I'd have the patience, so yes.

Does the Yu Yu Hakusho anime have a real ending? I only watched a few episodes back in the day, so it's been on my backlog.

stop playing bad turn based JRPGs

xenoblade 2 unironically gets good after 20 hours.

Didn't Tomino once say it was women that kept Gundam alive because they were the ones that put fujobucks into dvds/merch?


>Judau goes to the Jupiter fleet

What the fuck was that ending? That made no sense.

it stops being awful but it doesnt really get good either

>Does it have a real ending

What is FFXIV?


>"it gets good after you finish the tutorial!"
>the tutorial is a 3rd of the game
>It actually does

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Literally this

ok nincel

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Red Dead Redemption 2

Okay, post 5 good jrpg's

Fuck off dumb tranny stop shitting up this board.

I unironically skipped all """real""" episodes of Naruto and only watched the filler after a certain point. Holy fuck, the filler is infinitely better than whatever canon the actual show had

>nincels calling someone else a tranny
Now THAT'S what I call ironic

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Grandia 2
Shadow Hearts
Lost Odyssey
Lufia 2
Final Fantasy 13

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What, do you not watch a lot of anime? Most anime back then had half-assed anime-only endings. Modern anime usually only get one season since it just serves as a commercial for the manga.

Very appropriate picture. ZZ was a big disappointment until Puru showed up like halfway through the series. Also, most games are usually done by 30 hours have passed.

0079, 0080, and Turn A are the only good Gundam series
Z/ZZ/CCA are good for memes, mecha designs and 80s aesthetics with cute girls
F91, 0083, 08th, Unicorn, and Thunderbolt are just good for mobile suit action
All the others are trash

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>What, do you not watch a lot of anime
No, I watch plenty of anime. But I'm having trouble thinking of shows that had half assed anime only endings in that era.

They don't think it be like it is, but it do.

X and G are good, the first season of 00 is watchable and the first build fighters is okay for what it is, otherwise you are correct.


Why do people hate Seed so much? It was alot better than Wing

Off the top of my head I think Flame of Recca had an anime only ending. Maybe I'm just talking out my ass, but I remember it being a thing, Theres 100 shitty shonen from the 90s nobody remembers.

That's not an accomplishment that should be celebrated.

Couldn't stand up against Gundam Chuck.

It was stupid when it came out, and now it's aged like milk.

>"it gets good after 30 hours!!"
>it actually does

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ZZ is kinda meh at the beginning because of the characters but is fun, then it gets kinda good and even really good in some episodes.
What I don't get is why people hate CCA, it's literally kino

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tomb raider that goes for new and old

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gundam zz is dogshit

said no one

it was a UC retread with super teen melodrama beyond even Amuro's angst added on top. I mean, it's tolerable, but that's not saying much. But it still ain't Destiny at least.

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>implying ZZ isn't good for the majority
and ZZ is canon

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Why is CCA so boring?

What if the game is 120 hrs long and gets good after 30 hours? Then only half of the half is shit.

Gundam X was fucking boring and one of the most forgettable series in the franchise.

Origin is good for space fleet battle porn.

This is just my personal opinion, but I didn't like Char in it and his long hair looked like shit. That Miku character was also annoying. It had some nice animation, and the new Gundam design was cool.

Why is CCA so fast?

This is unironically true for dota. It gets good after the first 100 hrs you play and next thing you know you have 2000 hrs on record.

Dont you fucking DARE talk shit about Zeta gundam you fucking casual.

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BASED. fuck GXniggers

>his long hair looked like shit
He's got the same length hair he just slicked it back.

Gears 5

>What's her name Yea Forums
You just said it.

I like 0083

How do I into Gundam. I watched 00, Seed, and Unicorn and I couldn't get past 8-9 episodes in any of them

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Watch the actual good ones.

>How do I watch what I don't like

After I got the hang of every single character in the game my interest in the game fell right off a fucking cliff since the characters and the matchups were what kept me going and not the core gameplay
same thing happened with Overwatch except its roster was small enough and its gameplay simple enough that I achieved that before the Beta ended

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>let's devote 75% of the runtime to characters nobody in their right mind would like or even find relatable: Quess and Hathaway

Watch 0079, people meme about the animation being awful but the fight choreography more than makes up for any of the hiccups

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00 and Seed are some of the worst ones, so you're betting on the wrong horses

I can forgive Hathaway because it brought the kino that is Hathaway's flash.

Only the last 15 minutes of CCA are kino, all the fluff to get to that point sucks.

seed gets good once Earth gets their own Mobile Suits. i like when big mobile suit armies fight each other. I dislike when its just MAIN CHARACTERS AND BAD GUY ARE ONLY THE ONES WITH MS AND THEYRE SUPER SPECIAL

I love the fact that Yea Forumsirgins have turned kino into a meaningless term not like it wasn't meaningless in the first place


That's a shame. I got into it with several friends so we would all play and learn together and we would try and make strats (like going pure aura team, letting a support carry etc), granted I did eventually get tired of the game but that was more when they started shaking things up too much with whatever patch introduced the talent trees and the guaranteed bounty runes. Makes the laning phase more of a chore than fun.


>0079 movies
>Zeta Gundam
>08th MS team
>Turn A Gundam
>G Gundam
>Gundam Thunderbolt
>Gundam Build Fighters (first series)
>Gundam the Origin
>Wait for the G no Reconguista movie

And you've already seen 00 and Unicorn. So there. There are all of the Gundam series worth watching.

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>08th MS team
>worth watching

There's a Reconguista movie coming out? I never went back to pick up and finish the series and always felt a bit bad that I got off Tomino's wild ride.

For me at least, CCA is the peak of uc gundam. It represents the message of the gundam franchise and its tropes, Quess being some type of amuro but that didn't grow up because it did not accept what was happening around her.

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>00 one of the worst
>literally the best AU next to G and Thunderbolt


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We fucking get it, you hate 08th MS team.

I really enjoyed the Trails games I played (haven't gotten to CS yet and may never bother) but I can't fully explain why.

I'm not gonna claim it has great writing, it's full of anime cliches and low-budget as fuck with massive amounts of asset reuse. But I honestly enjoyed the games more than Persona or a lot of the other JRPG shit which gets shilled here.
I would say they were "comfy" but that's basically admitting I don't know how to explain it without using buzzwords. Crossbell really was super comfy though.

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00 certainly wasn't perfect but it had one of the best girls in the franchise

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When did this 08th MS team hate train start?

It's flawed but not as much as something like 0083 and has some fucking great moments.

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About to watch the Origin what am I in for

>When did this 08th MS team hate train start?
I don't know because I was recommended it watch it like 10 billion times on all my years on Yea Forums, so it must be pretty recent

>this entire post

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but its actually true


None of the Gundam shows or movies are perfect.

Except for Turn A Gundam. Actual perfection.

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I think I'll watch this cute girl's show next.


Pretty sure there's just one really loud autist.

No 08th ms team is garbage

Just because I was talking about you didn't mean you had to respond to me.

Guin, pls.

08th ms team is garbage

Gundam AU rankings

Thunderbolt = 00 = G > Build Fighters >>>POWERGAP>>>> Iron Blooded Orphans > AGE = X > Build Divers = Wing > SEED >>>POWERGAP>>> Build Fighters Try > SEED Destiny

I consider Turn A to be cannon so it's semi sequel G reco is also exempt from this list.

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How can you put 00 so far ahead of Wing when they're essentially the same, plot-wise?

That's like asking why is G better than Build Fighters TRY.

One is just done better. Wing has a better main antagonist/char clone but 00 has a better plot, actual fights, stakes, and goes for something pretty different by gundam standards (aliens) and makes it work.

Better take on a similar type of MC too. Setsuna blows Heero out of the water.

>AGE = X
delet yourself

00 was only good for the second half of S1. Granted that half was fucking amazing, but the series still starts off dogshit.

Wrong. S1 is great, S2 is alright, and the movie is actually pretty decent
It isn't amazing or anything but I definitely put it above shit like SEED and AGE.

What was wrong with the first half of 00? Or the movie?

I think we can all recognize that 00S2 has some issues but this is the first time I'm hearing "only the second half of S1 was good".


That's true for every JRPG.

Good, I'd rather them save money with CG so they can put time and money into make the actual animation not look like complete and utter dogshit. It does not look nearly as bad as it used to.

The only good JRPGs that last longer than 35ish ours are either Fatlus or Final Fantasy X

that's true with Dragon's Dogma


Zeta is worse than ZZ

S1 only got good around the time the Trinities were introduced. Every episode before then had the same structure every episode, our main characters had less screentime than the side characters who only existed to react to the plot from the point of view of regular civilians, and the fights were boring one-sided matches of the invincible Gundams thrashing the entire armies of Earth.

The movie wasn't that bad but it wasn't great either. It just felt a bit weak for a grand finale.

Death Stranding

>>it gets good after 30 hours!!

the only game I feel that this qualifies for is FF13 because the first twenty hours IS A FUCKING GLORIFIED TUTORIAL.

Once you get to the 20 hour mark, you are no longer restricted on party formations.

Granted it doesn't turn a 5/10 game to a 10/10 game, just to a 6/10 game

>>game never gets good
>What's her name Yea Forums

CG anime is shit and has no soul, any 2D scene will always look better.

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As long as they keep doing that frame limiting shit with the models it will look like trash

Prey 2017, realized I was playing the game wrong the first time.

ZZ actually gets better than Zeta when it hits the stride.

Replace hours with years, and it still applies to your life.

In an EU comic, he un-potatoes, and becomes a doctor, living with Fa in a moon colony.

This is the ultimate crux of this argument. Conveniently you will never experience the game being "good" if you stop playing, because if continue it's totally because the game was good enough to keep you playing that long.

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i just finished stardust crusaders.
that and part one and two is like 60 episodes.

i cant imagine looking down the barrel of another 840 episodes, i dont know how weebs do this shit

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>applies to life
>it's gets good when most adult men are married and have fairly young children that they need to support by working a ton and getting bitched at by thier wives to handle any number of things when they get home, plus thier wife has probably started to let herself go and was never the same after the pregnancy

I dont see how it gets better user.

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What the fuck is wish fulfillment about Tales of Berseria? Velvet's life is fucking shit.

That's the point, 30 years into your life and it never got good, meaning it will never get good.

Magilou is pure nihilist neckbeard bait

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Thunderbolt is AU?

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>it actually gets worse

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Not much, but the game is shit and if you like you're a faggot.

most of the persona games
(if you dont use the compendium.)

Gears 4
Me and my friend who couch co-oped 1-3 in high school played it last year. The whole game we we're waiting for it to get good. Gears 5 has been good so far though.

Berseria is pretty great if you use speed mods to bypass 90% of the fluff/backtracking and play it like its a VN with occasional boss fights

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dark souls

Yeah, basically.

It's the Mangaka's own take on UC and the One Year War. That's why the technology doesn't match up. And all the Zaku's, GM's and the rest are sporting different designs,

It's AU UC.

I wish you had a trip on so I could filter you. I don't know how you live with yourself holding such disgusting thoughts.
>play it like a VN

Monster Hunter cucks say this shit all the time about all the games that aren't World or Iceborne.
your Dreamcast tier janky as fuck dated series deserved its status as dead outside Japan

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You may as well just watch it on youtube and save your money
The game is bad

>buying games

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so what's yours?

>it goes to shit after the first 2 hours

Attached: dancing.gif (480x272, 1.06M)

You sound like a ledditor
it figrues

>game gets worse the longer you play
fuck total war. Turn times get longer and longer, manually moving recruited troops to the front is tedious, the AI cheats to ridiculous extents, and the older games tend to crash on you after battles before you can even save.

>tfw Rome literally starts to fall apart in later rounds on modern hardware

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>game is a fucking shit single button masher 90% of the time
>but it looks cool so you keep playing

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>FFXIII is a 35 hour game
>It takes 20 hour to get "good"
>this is somehow acceptable

Fuck Squaredrones

>Game is great but shits the bed in the last 5 hours

Search your feelings, you know it to be true

Attached: ff9.jpg (425x383, 43K)

starbound, wasted potential on becoming something great.
>shit story
>shit characters
>ugly as sin villain
>game progression doesn't improve
>combat shit
>planets don't even matter nothing really matters in this game
Only good things it has going is some of the music and its good if you rp as a furry degenerate.

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>it gets good after you become good

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>series gets good 200 hours in

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Is it worth it to go out of the way for the uncensored PC version or is it fine to just play the all ages Vita port

Okay but YIIK gets REALLY good after the first 2 hours.

>game is great during the first half
>gets actively worse during the second half
>final half comes through and is amazing and you forget all about the second half until your next playthrough

>game actually gets fucking perfect after the first hour
I can't believe the intro almost filtered me.

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Because they only watched the show once, years ago, and now just watch AMVs of Shiro vs Packard and think the entire show was like that instead of most of it being cringe.

Is that so bad?
Games that thrive on online gameplay are the only ones you should NEED to buy near release...
RPGs are usually as good now as they'll be in 5 years after release unless you're a gfxwhore. Just wait and get them cheap from the used bin/emulate.


No game that gets good 30 hours in has 30 hours of playtime as the halfway point.

Contrarian opinion to bait for (you)s

The point is the game should be good from the get go. If it's shit for 30 hours then what's the point?

Anything you dont like

>It gets good after 7 days of in game time.
classic fags should suicide themselves

I love Final Fantasy 14, but I would never recommend it because it's pretty shit for the first 20 or so hours, and even then it doesn't really get good until about 40 or 50 hours in. It's not even about the story dragging on (although that certainly doesn't help) you just get so few abilities to work with and enemies are extremely basic and boring for so long. It's terrible.

>it actually does

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poor thing, she's the best and hottest but kamille is more interested in basically every other girl

It actually doesn't, vanilla endgame is boring as fuck, especially with no honor system or BGs yet. The "journey" was supposed to be the fun part but then streamers conjured up the spellcleave meta so now everyone that begged for classic just sits in instances all day.

That mod already exists, bro.

really hope the next xeno game is more /m/, i mean siren was badass and all but the game could've used more it's clear where takahashi's passions lay

Oh yeah, Deus Ex.

Who died and made you witchhunter general? Fuck off retard.

I think that’s literally the point

0080 Good 0080 stardust memories

Nigger are you dense your probably a zeek sympathizer!


>It gets good after 150 hours

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>negative review on Steam
>over 5000+ hours played
>says it's not worth the time
Why would you spend that much time if you didn't like it?

>0080 War in the Pocket

Fuck now im a bigger faggot 8th MS Team is only good halfway the love story is ass.


>Game is 35 hours long

>no soul

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>Z is horseshit

Yeah okay buddy. I can live with ZZ as it's polarizing, but fuck off. Also, not including Stardust Memory? Get the fuck out of here, that STILL has the best animation in Gundam to this day, and the only problem the anime has is Nina's erratic characterization in the last few episodes. 08th is overrated, but all of the UC OVAs are good.

Plot doesn't equal quality by any means. Any plot or premise can be good, it's all about execution. In 00, things HAPPEN (moreso S1 than S2). The Gundams show up, do things, and by the end of 25 seasons all three major factions have banded together to try and defeat them, another set of Meisters show up, villains give over the fake GN drives, we get plenty of backstory for Setsuna, Lockon, and Allejulah, we get a nice little pedestrain viewpoint with Saji and Louise's entertaining (then trajic) story, which sets them up for how much they effect S2. Gundam 00 was really the only great Gundam of the 00's.

In Wing, it's just fucking boring for so long. Seriously, rewatch it. It's almost unbearable how the show just fucking drags, and then you get like 4 recap episodes to go over the little shit that's happened. It picks up near the end once the Wing Zero is constructed, but getting to that point just blows.


This is why I fucking hate DMC

Yeah. That's called work. You should be working. But the human animal is built socially so playing games that take 30 hours to enjoy can make you money.

>people say this about Nier Automata
>it’s not even a second playthrough
>9s is unlikeable with a boring gimmick
>by the time you get to A2, the game becomes a slog
>she’s also unlikeable, but that seems to be the point so I’ll let it slide
>the only time 9S’s gimmick is interesting is the final boss fight
>despite 2B being the only likeable character, as well as the main character, you don’t even play her for like 2/3 of the game
>If you’ve played any previous Yoko Taro game, every sad moment or twist is obvious and significantly weaker than previous titles he’s worked on
Wasted potential, the game

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as a persona fan I can say with confidence Persona 5. Dungeon design kept getting worse and worse and so did the story to an extent

Dungeons were never the strong point of Persona, not defending 5 but all the other 5 games had pretty shit dungeons with a special award going to 3 for being both boring and randomly generated.

I have no idea how the first people to play Monster Hunter on the PS2 made it through to the good stuff. Thank God they let everyone else know that every game in the series has 10 hours of padding busy work shit at the start to slog through.

game thread?

Brutal Legend.

I wonder if GS mains could live in a world without charge slashes

Games shouldn't still be introducing functionality 3/4th of the way through the playtime. Fucking hate this shit, just let me do all the stuff after the tutorial section.

This. But even by JRPG standards it's trash

this game gets better every playthrough honestly.



It gets good immediately. Xeno 2 is phenomenal from the start

>Game is mediocre if you play it once
>Games true colours only shows the more you play through it repetedly

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>Ruined the plantniggers vs fishaboos backstory
Chucklefuck deserve the nickname

Never heard of a phrase "the chain is only as strong as it's weakest link", have you?

>Game is good given the perspective of another time's hardware limitations

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Fuck off Ridhe!

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What about victory?

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Is this true for any game? Every time I've been told that and actually fell for it it ended up being a dirty lie. I think people say that to simply win the argument by default, "you can't say this game sucks if you haven't played it for dozens of hours".

I'm still mad at the "FFXIII gets good towards the end". No it doesn't, it's shit all the way through.


>has an entire battlefleet die for Emma, then kills her off 5 minutes later
what DID Tomino mean by this?

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lightning returns doesn't even start until the second playthrough, granted the first playthrough is a glorified tutorial and not that long to begin with


I am still fucking pissed about Connie dying in Victory Gundam.
Goddammit she was so close to surviving the final battle

path of exile

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what's the point of this photo? he looks awful in both

>not using piracy as an extended demo and buying the game once you're sure you like it

The game takes 20 hours to open up and even then its still dull, uncomfortably weird and nonsensical and alienating, and increasing the complexity only adds frustration and tedium to the game.
I hate it.

Xenoblade x.

I see you're a man of culture as well.

Dishonored and Assassins Creed

I would say Monster Hunter suffers from a slow start when you play it solo.
World is much better for solo play but the original PS2 game and its peers for a long time were very stingy on offline loot.
So often times you had to grind, mostly for materials to supplement the hunts by building traps and bombs to make the hunt go somewhat faster.
The early mission are crappy gathering ones. Hell, the only time when you get to the good stuff, even in 3 Ultimate on the 3DS is when you get towards the end of the regular chief missions and you start fighting things like Lagi for real.

Classic is good if you take your time and enjoy the the journey.
If all you do is farm optimal dungeon EXP, gear early, follow a meta spec, your game is a piece of shit after beating whatever will be considered the final boss.
Ie Ragnaros

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Invisigun goes from meh to GOTY once you go multiplayer.

everything with the zabis was just way more interesting then anything the titans had going on

I don't think I've ever seen a game that gets good after 30 hours.

Witcher 1 was weirdly enough the opposite for me, I liked the intro and first chapter but the rest of the game felt like a weird fucking slog, I'll keep playing and see how it goes.
As for other games that apply to this, I'd say Deus Ex. It legitimately only gets good after Liberty Island after you learn the mechanics of the game, then every time you replay the game, Liberty Island feels like a fun little intro mission.


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>Breath of Fire
I am starting to think Chrono Trigger is literally the only good JRPG in existence.

Shenmue, it fucking sucks

>It gets hard at max level


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SKYRIM after adding the mods.

Kingdom Hearts 3
Final Fantasy XIII
Nu God of War
Xenoblade 2

All of them were somewhere between mediocre and bad the whole way through.

This bitch. For some reason despite not having a great time with it on the first go I decided to give it another shot, and once I knew all the level layouts and the most effective ways of getting around it felt more like a proper Aeon Flux game instead of some crummy movie tie-in.

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>UC gets good after 200 episodes!

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Pokemon Go

War Thunder

Captain, the kids stole the Gundam - again.

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>30 hours
Maybe to finish the game and start looking hoe to set up selling stuff
200 hours is more realistic to be able to speedrun to mapping

Except for the swamp. Fuck the swamp. It manages to be both a confusing mess and an overused boring area in the same game.

Vizima is a 10/10 town though, and the game has many great characters as well.

>it's pretty bad but you remember it fondly after a few years nonetheless

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Nu doom

>Game is good from the start
>Your just a contrarian shitter

08th MS Team kind of breaks the setting when you realize they had a dozen Gundams and GMs running around in Southeast Asia while the space forces were getting fucked in the ass for months until the battle of solomon.

>it is good from the start to the ending end even many years after that
>you may feel a little drag during the sewers if you are a whiny impatient little stupid baby

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>try playing the game 5 times at different times
>bored as shit, drop it everytime in ch.1
>few years back, try playing on hardest mode with OTS camera
>absolutedly love it, devour every bit of content in the game with major satisfaction

and then the sequels shit all over the magic

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>Z are horseshit

Nigger, Z is considered the empire strikes back, get off your feddie high horse.

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Sounds like the federation to me.

Hollow Knight.

>it gets good after 120 hours!

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>It's only good if you agree with the developer's political viewpoint.

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Tales of Vesperia, but append a Grade farming session so the second playthrough can ACTUALLY be good

How long does it take for life to get good?

Life starts out good and then gets shittier the further you play.

>muh star wars
So it's shit then

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haven't played a ff game properly before how the hell does this work.

Far Cry 4

dragons dogma
persona 3

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You'll still have like 2400 hours left once you get there as well


What the fuck is wrong with you why did you use a female pronoun to identify a negative thing in videogames? Are you that butthurt over us females ignoring people like you? You fucking incel

Gundam The Origin is fucking garbage


Vesperia is fantastic on the first playthrough, though

I like 0079, Zeta and Double Zeta

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I've done this before a ton of times. Not on purpose though. I'm just like "I'll pirate and play this game." and if I end up loving it I actually just buy it.

>game introduces a mechanic at the very end that should've been there from the start
Fucking Ultra Despair Girls, the link bullets should've been more important.

I've played too many games that really do get good after 30 hours, and good enough to be worth the time investment that I honestly don't mind anymore.

>ugly as sin villain
I don't see how that's a bad thing unless it was supposed to be hot.

Persona 3/4 for me

>ZZ actually gets better than Zeta when it hits the stride
abso-fucking-lutely not
for one Zeta actually has good pacing and with the exception of Katz and Reccoa none of the characters makes me want to McFucking kill myself over how annoying they are

t. shitposter

Rainbow Six Siege, TF2.

record of agarest war

I was expecting this answer and I still fucking lost. Fucking Sneed

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Normies parrot these fucking opinions. The only chapter of the Witcher 1 I truly consider bad is IV. Yes I fucking said it. Every time I replay the game I'm having comfy times, levelling geralt, getting gear, progressing the story and then I get to chapter IV. Yeah it has nice atmosphere and shit but compared to the other chapters? I always rush through it as quickly as I can to just get to V.

>defending star wars
>calling anyone else reddit



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