What was the exact moment you dropped a game?
What was the exact moment you dropped a game?
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You wouldn't understand it, it's too complex.
>White Knight Chronicles
After about the third boss, you had to grind do much just to continue the story. Fuck that
>Bioshock Infinite
Opening is fucking awesome, then proceeds to become a boring fps, moving from one map to the next shooting generic enemies
>Assassin's Creed 3
Intro drags on forever, not really worth trying to slog through it
But that's the part of the game where you suspend all disbelief and then enjoy ZTD's wild logic-leap ride.
WKC I tried so hard to like, but the terrible bland story and the MMO-style grind design tore me off of it pretty hard. It had decent graphics, giant-ass areas to run through with general open progression, but that wasn't enough to carry me through it, especially with the rock-paper-scissors combat.
>Final Fantasy 13
Played for a good 5 hours
>Wtf is this garbage
>It gits gud after 20+ hours!
I took it back to the store next day.
>Sonic Adventure 2
Pumpkin Hill
>Fallout 4
Played a few hours, actually tried to get into tye game multiple times. The combat is just a slog and am constantly reminded the game runs on an outdated engine
>Resident Evil 6
Bought it because gf wouldn't shut up about coop story.
Only an hour or so in and get trapped in a room where i have to fight wave after wave of zombies. Is this a shitty L4D ripoff? I think i just threw it in the trash
How the fuck did you drop it there? there was literally like 10 more minutes to the end of the game.
>>Sonic Adventure 2
>Pumpkin Hill
Shit taste faggot
That makes zero sense, but ok user
>Pumpkin Hill
You can't let it get to you.
>Sonic 06
Wave Ocean and I'm still mad
the fourth time FF12 asked me to just walk through hours of desert and single player mmo combat
>Duke Nukem Forever
I slogged through the whole thing right up until the underwater level and went "fuck it, I'm out".
I went back years later and beat it. Pretty close to the end of the game.
>Metal Gear Rising
After completing it thrice, still play it occasionally to boss rush, shit is very fun
>Resident Evil 4
After completing the campaign once
>Super Mario World
After completing all 96 exits several times. Lost count since I was a teenager at the time.
>Metal Gear Solid 3
After finishing the game 7 times, still replay it yearly
You dropped ZTD like 30 hours in? Might as well finish at that point no?
To track the deer press l2 and use cowboy vision. Fuck that and fuck that game.
You were right to drop Infinite.
It only stays mostly repetitive, while doing nothing to at least represent the shitshow the plot becomes. Don't worry bro. It's a lot better to just assume the game ended right where you left.
Didn't the first game in this series have time traveling telepathy? What exactly is "mind hacking", and how can it be any more crazy than that.
When my mom put it in the oven to teach me a lesson and the plastic was starting to melt and burned my hands when I ran to pull it out
>my mom put it in the oven to teach me a lesson
Da fug?
When the wind blew me off the cliff for the tenth time in a row, deleted Blasphemous from my pc
>muh sunk cost
>Cave Story
Killed the Heart of the Island by standing in place and shooting
>Deus Ex: Invisible War
Getting to the first bar
>Sonic Adventure 2
Pumpkin Hill
Should have just crept user,
That game really porked my chops when that happened let me tell you what
>Dying Light
moment I went to old town and tried any difficulty above normal. Fucking game is bugged as hell and not balanced. Can't understand all the praise it gets for the generics zombie shooter with tacked on RPG elements such as abilities you should have from the start
Dude that's like the end of the fucking game at that point why wouldn't you finish it
>Pumpkin hill
Far Cry 2 which Yea Forums calls "the best far cry"
I quit when I went to the small fort and got sniped by an npc who barely even exposed a few pixels before shooting me. One of the npc buddies comes and saves me, so we clear off the last few guys then I hop in a car and wait for him to take the mounted gun. Only instead, I watched him there as he went on an infinite loop of asking for cover and reloading his shotgun despite not firing it and no enemies being near. That game is for all intents and purposes a glorified tech demo.
unironically the best part of the game, I was mad at first but learned to love it
I quit Far Cry two as soon as you go to the second map
the best parts of ZTD are the climaxes of group D
>Pumpkin hill
>Didnt like the retarded glorious mess that was resident evil 6
Fag alert
>dead by daylight
Absolutely love the concept and horror games are my favorites
Horrible playerbase, especially the pathetic people who play as killer in lower ranks
Retarded developers who do nothing about it
The first time I saw this face.
found the I M M E R S E D one
good thing you left, game is better and healthier without likes of you
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
When I found out that no girl character is straight.
Seeing Chapter 2 mission menu in MGSV
100% it regardless, but I'll never forget it
probably a christian mom or something
what? most of the chicks are male only dumbass
>>Deus Ex: Invisible War
>Getting to the first bar
Same, the tiny levels coupled with the fact that every time you load a new level the game restarts itself just made it hell to play for me
I cannot bring myself to hate ZTD even thought the ending was disappointing. The ride was so fucking wild. My favorite part was the SHIFT shenanigans with group C. Group D did hit me the hardest.
Ok. let me tell ya
Mind hacking is very limited mind control. It allows you to control a person for a few seconds. The guy on the OP uses it to make another person shoot a gun, for example.
The series' psychic powers get more complicated and really specific until the end of ZTD.
Couple minutes into Football Manager
>Shit fuck shit why is there so much stuff to do omg how do I start a match reeeeeeeeee
I regret not dropping FFXIII literally anywhere in the beginning.
Spoken like a salty bitch survivor main
>Life Is Strange
The MC takes a selfie with her fucking 50 year old polaroid for her pretentious photography class
>Secret of Mana
The first boss kills me in two hits
>Red Dead Redemption 2
"Finished" the tutorial, but realize the whole game I'm just gonna be doing chores.
>The Long Dark
Was hunting a bear for most of a day. Shot it twice with the bow, both arrows glitched and registered blood trails without actually inflicting bleed damage. Then I fell through ice and got attacked by a wolf who ignored my flare.
Games don't function properly when I play them.
You mean at that start of the game in the village? Isnt that death scripted? Iirc you are supposed to die and then you get the ability to charge.
I agree. The only Techland game I've played that I enjoyed was COJ: Gunslinger.
I was a green rank, then rank reset fucked me over
Always pairing me with idiot teammates who go for rescues even when they know its a campy killer
I played about 50 matches on my day off and was almost always paired against trash killers like these
I have also noticed that most of these killers actually have hundreds and thousands of hours put in game, and they sometimes even bring ebony along with all the meta perk builds, obvious toxic smurfs
Game is really fun in higher ranks, where both the survivors and killers know how to make the most out of each match, but once you get thrown in the lower ranks, you can only hope the killer isn't a pathetic smurf
I stopped playing deadrising after i died on the god damn fucking helicopter. So much time and poof,all gone like an angels kiss.
Every time I got to the theater level in psychonauts All my drive went to the negative. Years later I picked it up again and blasted through it but again as soon as I hit the theater level I deleted the game.
jus slap in autodidact + solidarity and carry games yourself
most stuff at high rank either minmaxed or compensated for the lack of minmax with player skill
lower ranks just has completely different meta
there's no reason to ever swap from adren, borrowed time, dead hard and DS
Sniper elite 4 first mission where you assassinate some guy hold up in a mansion. I got close and lured him next to a truck and made it explode. when I walked up to loot him the game auto saved just as the truck exploded again. wasn't enjoying it anyway, that was the last straw though.
Half Life 2, when I'm in the city and need to shoot doen thr giant walkers to progress. I got most of them out and it was pretty fun, but then I realized I was out of ammo with guys still surrounding me. I just got bored and never wanted to try it again.
I liked Delta, but that whole scene was ruined for me by how stupid Mira and Eric shifting without being shifters was. It seems like they did it because they wanted a good ending where no-one dies, but every version of Eric or Mira are pieces of shit anyway, and they're killing off their alternate selves anyway which was the whole point of that part of the game. That and the decision for a sudden alien machine in a series that already had something they could shove whatever super powers into.
We're going off topic. It's no use.
the lesbian dyke audiologs in nu-prey
>30 hours
ZTD was barely 20
I beat it in 11 hours
>Dark Souls
When I saw that arrows curve in the air from one of the first arrow enemies I went on to play Nioh which I fell in love with and 100 percented.
When you suddenly get pretty much infinite money for no reason.
>Mother 3
I actually beat the game as a kid and loved it, but replaying it I actually stopped at the start of chapter 2 because I realized the humor is really not that funny and kinda just tasteless given the situations. Realizing this was really depressing for me, I felt old.
>Myst IV
Early on when the dad says something to the effect of his two sons could still be reached by making new books. It ruined the story of Myst III for me.
>Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds
When I killed the first boss and it locked me in a cutscene that didn't let me collect the EXP gems before they disappeared.
>Space Hulk: Deathwing - Enhanced Edition
Level 1, it was so fucking boring, and I loved EYE.
When I got to the part of the game where you see the sleeping ghost. I felt sick of being railroaded into making a single decision. You can't wait for the furry goat mom to get back, you can't move the cheese, you HAVE to wake up the ghost, I just got sick of it.
ZTD seemed to be picking up during Junpei and Carlos' shifting shenanigans, then I realised it was already end game. The fact that we didn't get a final escape room for the final game in the series sucks. Quantum Computer Room was right there, Uchikoshi.
XD... That's all I have to say
this is SO epic, guys.
onions and 0n1ions... omfg lol
gays?? cant exist. minorities??? hELL NO!!! LOL/// huh?? tis ths joos fault lol
wait wtf orange man likes israe?? no no orange man GOOD... jew BAD XD russia good, china good!!
no!! NNOO!O!!! MINORITIES cannot exist on mY WATCH??? stacy wait please have sex with me ufckkk i hate women anyway #INCELPRIDE BUT NOT GAY PRIDE!! PRIDEBAD!!!
user, you are an epic fail
>beat level
>you come back to the level(s) later and they're the same with respawned enemies but the objective is slightly different
>Sonic Adventure 2
>Pumpkin Hill
The zoomer with no taste.
Was playing Borderlands 3 today and just suddenly stopped and thought "This is just really, really not fun".
I need to stop falling for the AAA meme.
The part where you incinerate a bunch of kids. I realized I wouldn't enjoy the game's kind of humor.
>Deus Ex
Partway through the mission when I couldn't figure out how to sneak around cause I was a brainlet
After the first world, got bored
>Dead Space
At the giant asshole bossfight, my computer kept crashing. Should probably pick it up again now that I have something better than a toaster
after 5 hours, got bored of walking at snailspeed through the foggiest island in existence
Dropped like 2 hours into the game.
The only other game i almost dropped was xenoblade 2. I didn't enjoy it but i finished it
I play games through to the end even if I hate them, but I rarely hate games, so it's alright.
>sonic adventure 2
>pumpkin hill
Fallout shelter
when the fuckin deathclaws came in and raped everything i uninstalled it
Started playing WoW during WotlK, dropped it two hours into Cataclysm.
>unconventional beauty
And what the fuck was the retarded asari in Andromeda called? She seems like something obnoxious, like a Pheobe. What the fuck is it with Bioware? Well, now it's nothing left of the studio of course but still.
>Tales of Graces F
When they introduced pascal the game couldn't be taken seriously anymore, she never stops trying to grope that one girl or make retarded jokes which undercuts everything thats happening. She feels like some deviant art oc self insert with how she acts and contrasts with everyone else.
>Judge Eyes
When the MC bribes the dorky girl into being a prostitute.
At the end. After its glorious twist that had my jaw on the floor. Uchikoshi is a genius.
Pathfinder Kingmaker. The game has so much way of softlocking it gets annoying. War of the river kings quest is broken as fuck. I got into Nyrissa's dream, got back my throne and nothing happens until it's too late to solve the quest. There should supposedly be a Pitax emissary coming but he doesn't ever come. Also the kingdom management is cryptic as fuck and now I have problems with impossible DC to solve.
Fucking hell.
>Start playing FEAR
>Get into the first room
>The literal first room of the building
>There are no enemies
>Exit out of the game
It was too scary for me bros.
I can't bring myself to hate ZTD, the post-release shitposting was just too much fun.
As opposed to a non-lesbian dyke?
Currently playing though all DS classics (TWEWY, Ghost Trick, etc) and 999 is next. What am I in for, zero bros? Should I skip VLR and ZTD?
VLR has better puzzles but the story isn't as tight as 999. Still enjoyable.
ZTD is fine. The setting isn't utilised as well as it should've been
No more heroes 2 to this piece of shit. I don’t remember why I dropped it here, but I was probably bad at the game or something.
These are just so wonderful
>tfw I saw someone spoil the alien fax machine in a release thread and thought they were just shitposting
I've dropped this game 3 times.
>first time I didn't even bother finishing the movie at the beginning
>second time i got to the first open area and just turned it off because i was burnt out already
>third time i got through that area, got through the inane ship tutorial, got on the chopper, and saw yet another checklist of bullshit and uninstalled the game for the third and final time
VLR is pretty great. I enjoyed it more than 999.
ZTD is hot fucking garbage
>ZTD is hot fucking garbage
For the first time, it's actually pretty good
Then you play through it again and you still enjoy it because it's like watching a car crash
i can sorta kinda understand the stuff with the complex motives
he's on that "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" type shit
what i don't understand is THE POWER TO MIND HACK
that came out of literally nowhere
>Any fire emblem game
When one unit starts steamrolling everything
Why has no fire emblem game actually addressed this fuckup? Every single game, every fucking time, one unit becomes 'lol I am god' and solos entire maps
The killer is trying to kill us and wont listen to my made up rules! Why would the killer camp when a survivor is trying to go for a save? Thats not nice!!!!!!! Jesus fucking christ people like you are the cancer destroying this game
>he doesn't like having a god of battle hero to send out alone against overwhelming enemy numbers
>he doesn't like seeing waves of mooks throwing themselves at them and doing chip damage to beat him through attrition
>he doesn't like sending their best unit to finally have a proper fight and duel OP bosses
>dark souls 3
>get to crystal sage
>"man this is game is boring, I'll just start playing again tomorrow"
>haven't touched it a year later
>This strategy game doesnt need strategy, and that's a good thing!
Borderlands 2
>Roland is kill
>After all that time playing as him, getting shot in the back is the way he has to go out
I dropped night in the woods when it turned into guitar hero.
I dropped Mother 1 when that kid sneezes on you in the school.
I dropped Link to the Past because the first dungeon was infuriating repeating dungeons after you die, the enemies do ridiculous. This coming somebody who loved and beat oot and mm.
I dropped ed edd n eddy online because its a retarded meme.
You can't tell me what's wrong with ZTD without also spoiling 999 and VLR, right?
The events of ZTD happened because of a snail.
No really a fucking snail
pretty much. You need to finish VLR, and play ZTD right away while the plot hooks are still fresh in your mind to see it for the unfinished mess it really is
The Evil Within, Akumu mode
That fucking chapter 6
after VLR, it didn't answer the stuff we wanted answered, and fucked up answering the stuff the didn't want, on top of the VERY budget cutscenes and obviously-rushed script
>the events of ZTD
more like the events of the whole fucking series
the moment this one girl in class actually used "sadface" as part of her sentence to make fun of Chloe in the beginning of Life is Strange
instantly broke every possible immersion I could've had
Mission 3 of Armored Core V. Game too hard
So how does a guy go from writing two supposedly 10/10 VN/Puzzle games whatever to a third entry everyone hates?
Grandia: Sue coming back to home
>Dragon's Dogma
After introduction.
The combat is terrible
>nier automata
Adam boss fight. Game is boring as fuck. Not gonna sit through a game that I have to beat multiple times to “get”
VLR is like an 11/10 hot bitch that has mad skills to get you right close to the climax of your life. ZTD is where she rips off her mask to reveal she's actually your dad
Oh jesus you're right.
The real kicker is that it's not even the worst thing to happen in the game
I was about to drop it but then that part came and it kept me going until the end and then I realized that it retroactively ruined the previous installments.
The retard had no actual plans for ZTD, or any series at all. In fact, outside a few references and returning characters, VLR's plot is completely divorced from 999. But because fans wanted a conclusion, he hastily slapped together a movie experience to cash in on the hype while he could. The strategy worked, but it also torched the franchise in the process
So I should just play 999 and VLR and then just come up with my own fanfiction how it all plays out instead of playing ZTD?
Really? Damn. The game gets really good after that part.
Grandia 1 is still one of my favourite JRPGs.
No play ZTD.
It's a fucking amazing trainwreck.
But will it make me like 999 and VLR less in retrospect?
It'll make you wonder what went wrong.
VLR is not worth it on its own, raises way too many questions.
999 is super standalone.
>I dropped night in the woods when it turned into guitar hero.
That happens 3 times in the game and I don't think you can even fail it.
Are you that much of a tonedeaf plebian?
Sadly, yes. However, the experience is like nothing else-the sheer number of ways you can painfully kill off the characters, the stupidly convoluted plot that solves absolutely nothing, etc
It's like drinking to get drunk. You'll hate the hangover, but love the experience as a whole
pretty much, yeah
in spite VLR getting utterly dropped it's still enjoyable overall.
as far as ZTD is concerned, flip a coin
not really desu. it won't leave you satisfied if you want a proper conclusion to the series, but i don't like the first two any less after playing ZTD.
Uchi only wrote 1/3rd of ZTD. Those being the Team D parts
Okay, so what's the best way to play this shit?
999 DS
I really hope you mean the fight in the copied city, or at least the UFO and not the first Adam fight in the desert
fantastic taste user
VLR has a bug on 3DS that causes it to crash/corrupt in a couple areas, otherwise it's definitive. PC's otherwise the best for VLR.
Asides that you've got it right. 999 on DS is mandatory, ZTD it doesn't matter, play on whichever you're most comfortable on.
999 and VLR are both on PC as a collection.
I emulated 999, and played VLR only on PC, so I cant say, but the PC version of 999 lets you jump between timelines without replaying the whole game over and over, which is a good thing. Due to the single screen, it does ruin the impact of the final puzzle though
Think of the first game as a solid, standalone story, the second as a well crafted and interesting but unnecessary sequel, and the third as a comedy goldmine.
I can understand your reasoning for dropping Undertale but I don't think it was the right decision.
Okay. After I finish Ghost Trick and pass my math finals, I will order 999 on ebay. I'm going in! Wish me luck.
I wish you luck in your math finals, faggot. Practice your calculus instead of shitposting here
>COJ: Gunslinger
Never heard about those games until I stumbled into a thread of people geniunely having a wank over that game
pirated it, installed it, loved it
>games with matchmaking attract shit players
in other news: Water is wet