Why the fuck is no one talking about this

Why the fuck is no one talking about this

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fuck off, boomer

>"the best romsite in the universe"

never used it lol

They have other stuff zoomer

>hosting current switch eshop titles
They unironically had it coming, should've stuck to older content and games no longer for sale.

Thanks for sharing the link user. Can't wait to donate so the site's owner can afford a better lawyer to lower his time in prison.

SwitchBounty is still up which is the most popular one
I mean think if you were in his position, he did provide a service for tons of people. The least the community can do is help him a little.

They did. By paying for the subscribed service.

He fucked himself by being a high profile paid for pirating site. Should have saved all his earnings for a time like this which anyone would have realized was going to happen.

there's like a billion romsites out there
plus what can anyone say that hasn't been said? nintendo are pricks and they'd rather give people 20 games as part of a yearly subscription service than let people download thousands of them for free, blah blah companies acting bad blah blah unregulated capitalism blah blah
no one cares anymore

Nigga romsets are getting harder and harder to find

Imagine putting your real name on the registry for a site you know will be served legal notices.
Imagine not just mirroring your site under a different name when it is, and publicly telling Big Company to go push their japanese microdick up their own shaft.
Imagine not repeating this as many times as necessary.

This tags are right up there with fangame devs who think their IP-infringing project they will put years of their spare time will somehow be a portfolio piece that will get them jobs in real life. Then they get served a C&D and fold like the cucks they are.

Never heard of it, don't care. There are far better places to get roms.

Cynical but true

>Nigga romsets are getting harder and harder to find

Imagine not paying chinese chinks to host, and manage your website FROM CHINA and use them as a front for a small %cut while you reap the benefits and none of the legal life fucking issues...

>paid roms
They deserve it

>Nigga romsets are getting harder and harder to find
No they are not, and some literally who site getting BTFO is meaningless.

Good. They deserve to be burned alive.

>I mean think if you were in his position, he did provide a service for tons of people. The least the community can do is help him a little.
Piracy is overall harmful for society, if piracy rate of games or other forms of media reached 100% we wouldn't have this form of entertainment as we know anymore.

>site offers a paid membership/subscription service for pirated nintendo games

how is nintendo is the wrong here? no fucking shit they're gonna sue. these guys are infinitely retarded thinking they can get away with paid roms.

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even nintendo does it

And anybody who bought a Virtual Console game in order to play said game is a fool

>nintendo selling their games

>that one good rom site that no one ever talks about

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Never heard of this site. There's literally 1000s of other rom sites.
>read they were hosting switch roms
Well that's like cutting your dick off and expecting to just magically become a woman.

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Storage is cheap enough that you can just download complete romsets and never deal with these rom sites

no, i meant they were literally downloading roms from the internet and selling them with the classic consoles

Yea Forums doesn't support piracy

>gets sued up the ass
>still trying to make money
Holy shit

>fighting Nintendo
this is a scam. they'll take the donations and run

Just get an 8TB hard drive and download all the complete rom sets you can find

paid roms deserve death.

>not using the-eye.eu
Every rom and then some are on there, without ad bullshit.
Also contains a sizeable archive of books

What right do they have to use the property of another person as their own?

>tfw people bitched and moaned about emuparadise going down
>sat comfy downloading the N64 full set and shitposting
Imagine what would happen if CoolROM went down.

We know, and only retards support them for that

>paid rom site
Oh boy.

I don't give a shit because i'm not dumb to use public sites/trackers.

>Paid site.

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As long as we have torrents, magnets, private trackers, and archive.org we’ll be fine
What kind of morons pay for roms

>every rom
otherwise good site, their download speeds have been kind of strange lately though

>tfw I want the full Sega CD and TurboGrafx-CD sets
>don't have 500 GB lying around
>could free up that much space if I deleted my porn folder
>would still need another 750 at least for PS1
Fucking discs

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Nintendo fans

Fucking spacelet get out
TBs are cheap

X sucks just like all other 90s Gundam

Fucking spacelet, you need to start hoarding for the dark ages of the internet

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Isn't Sega CD some of the shittiest emulation out there or am I thinking of Saturn?

Hoarding is one thing, but I'd rather have everything on-disk.

Yeah Saturn emulation sucks shit

How is everything not on-disk?

Hard drives are cheap as fuck though

Meaning, I'd like for everything to be on my laptop's hard drive. That way I can load everything at any time.

And I have several externals, it's annoying having to shuffle shit around though

What's the best form of long term storage user?

I hoard thousands and thousands of /tg/ related PDFs and ePub files and need to know the best way to keep it long term for when the trove and the archive eventually get nuked.

I didn't really plan it, so for now I just copy each HD to another HD which I store offline. I'm planning on transitioning to Tape Drives soon though

You suck. Get a desktop, hook up an ethernet to it, and install NextCloud so you can access all your files everywhere.

Laptop is convenient for visiting family and friends and shit, but I was planning on getting a desktop anyways. Guess I'll just wait until then.

You can keep your laptop, I'm saying hook up all your external HDs to a desktop and then you can always access the files from the laptop using NextCloud

>it's another nigger faggot thread
learn to pirate, anyone charging money deserves to get fucked

You had to have known Nintendo was coming for you. They said they were going after these sites, and they are.
Get your games now before Nintendo decides to resell you the same games in their e-store for the 5th time.

A good idea. I'll keep it in mind. Thanks user.
