ITT: Vaporware

ITT: Vaporware

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Reminder that if wild ever comes out there is a good chance the snake tits will be gone

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They did renew the trademark last year so there is hope soon-ish especially with releasing DMC V and RE2

Obligatory Cube World post.

Lily Bergano
That Killer Edge or whatever game it was called
Weird amount of PS4 vaporware.

Didnt this became MHW? I mean looking at the footage for this and World they seem similar

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WiLD is being worked on but Ancel is prioritizing BG&E2 first
Lily Bergamo became Let it Die
Never heard of The Killer Edge

Didn't it just get a steam page

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>WiLD is being worked on
Just like Deep Down.

The Underside

>Weird amount of PS4 vaporware.
At least the xbox games we didn't get this gen had the decency to be publicly canceled
I want to believe it will still come out

I hope that's still alive
people said that new Capcom title might be it

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This game literally just looked like Demon's Souls but with a weird Ass Creed hi-tech dream world thing going on

>that one guy who thought the trademark for their mobile game was this

I mean there's a functioning studio who's only project is WiLD. I think we'd hear about it if they closed down.

Why are people excited for this? Besides looking good, it is described as just a trashy roguelite dungeon crawler that will play like Bloodborne chalice dungeons. What the fuck is there to be excited about?

I hope

Because maybe they can use the engine for Dragon's Dogma 2

Do cults count

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Wrong pic but STALKER 2 is vapourware 200% anyway

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that's just it though
3D action dungeon crawlers are rare, and it had MP and generated dungeons
the story concept was some interesting mix of history and fantasy time travel/animus thing

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>the story concept was some interesting mix of history and fantasy time travel/animus thing
I was all for it until they brought up the Assassin's Creed tier story. Really do hope its assets find a good home in DD2.

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I think it was all just surrounding artifact collecting though


weren't they at gamescom though

I am legit sad this game never came out.

I wanted a purely fantasy co-op game, not another sci-fi co-opfest. Not that it matters anymore.

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What's this

It hurts bros

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Came to post this

>implying current Yea Forums has the mental capacity to even know what vaporware is

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It looked neat and even though it's premise was shit they said they were completely reworking the game last we've heard.


2013 PAX conversation with Official Playstation Magazine UK and Matthew Berger:
>OPM: Is Starcraft: Ghost still an active project for Blizzard?
>Berger: It’s on hold. It has never been cancelled.
>OPM: So it might still get released?
>Berger: Maybe.

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>In 2014, Blizzard president Mike Morhaime confirmed that Ghost was officially cancelled.

>literally the only decent-looking starcraft game
>doesnt even get released
I guess you have to commend blizzard for their dedication towards keeping their legendary franchise filled only with shit games

Fitting title for the reaction of hearing the game might have been put on the Wii U just to have it fall through immediately.

The game is official vaporware.

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Weren't there rumors of a potential demo soon?

They wasted too much time and Alien: Isolation beat them to the punch.

>Besides looking good, it is described as just a trashy roguelite dungeon crawler that will play like Bloodborne chalice dungeons

Literally the dream game I've wanted for the last 20 years, sounds good to me.

Souls clone by Capcom could be another Nioh so that sounds good to me.

people have totally forgotten Routine

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>Found out it has a trailer before this one
>Style is completely different

>tfw one of the very few games I was hyped for this year

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That game was definitely in dev hell. Even ignoring the edits made to it there's no way it'd take that long.
Did it even get brought up at TGS?

a game that is out in a playable state is objectively not vaporware

Don't remind me. I remember getting so fucking hyped when I saw that first trailer, and then when the devs posted a Q&A here on Yea Forums back in like '10 or whenever it was. God I forgot all about this game.

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Good. It was just another jump scare running game

A Left 4 Dead clone