Why do people like monstrosities?

Why do people like monstrosities?

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Other urls found in this thread:


People do not like you

you can predict monsters
you can't predict people
it's a psychological effect similar to that of wearing a mask and not receive as much ire from people, which is a thing in case you didn't know
part of the reason people find 2B so hot

Eren stop, that's gay

Ask your mom, why she still loves you.

Cuz they cute.

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Mileena is a cutie.

Because with monster girls, unlike regular girls, the monster is on the outside not on the inside



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Well why not

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Being horrifying is kind of like being disfigured
It brings a otherwise hot girl down to your level

fear boner

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neglect and/or abuse when growing up

where is this from?

The "exotic" factor.

Was looking for this.

Imagine having a tough monster female who could easily rip you apart but likes you because you're the only person who shows her love.

I'll take human semen milk farms and breeding pens

one of these, not sure if this one
not them

"night" animation
give me a min and i'll spoon feed the yt vid

Having a fetish for something that will literally never exist is a very special kind of suffering

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Why are there teeth on the outside of her mouth?
Is it because she's a genetically incomplete tarkatan or some dumb shit?

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Because the monster is on the outside

Yes, she's a hybrid and basically her face is half way between a normal Edenian face and a normal Tarkatan face.
Pretty much, most monster girls are just hot chicks with a cool monster design mixed in.

fear boner
the nice feeling of knowing she could mutilate you and kill you effortlessly yet chooses not to because she likes you
attraction to the exotic and the powerful

I guess it's because it's exciting, strange, eerie and even scary at times while also having enough still familiar attractive parts.

The real reason is the thought of finding an "outsider" to human society that finds you attractive is an incredibly powerful lizard brain urge. Something from another entire breeding pool and potentially civilization/world/etc with potentially higher level intelligence wants you to inseminate them or inseminate you. Biological incompatibility aside, your system is going "dingdingding, JACKPOT" because you'll be breeding into an entirely new species, potentially massively increasing the breeding range of our species and the likelihood our DNA will persist in one form or another. Before you come at me with gays, that's just crossed wires to the same thought.

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Better the monster on the outside than monster on the inside.

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I don't know.
But I NEED it.

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Imagine being a gay coward lol

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Pretty much.
"Thinning the blood" is hardwired into our brain.

ok thats disgusting


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Kill all monsters!

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It makes sense, what with the massive negative effects from inbreeding.

Feels like I've seen that before but I'm pretty sure I haven't. Source?

>Get up faggot.
>You still haven't killed the Monster Lord.

t. armchair biologist

Oh hey, I just downloaded this, or at least I assume it's this. Seems I'm on for a good time.
Fuck off grandma

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God I wish that were me

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you nerds don't see nothin'

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SMT awakened my monstergirl fetish. I also hate myself.

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>I also hate myself
That's everyone user.

Irl women are far more monstrous than fictional monsters.

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t. inbred

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Not only that. Look at monster girls. Big teeth, monster eyes and weird skin aside. They are usually extremely graceful and strong, a prime mating material.

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Actually we're the opposite, we have mechanisms to prevent inbreeding but for the most part we find similar individuals more attractive than not.

Voltaire sucks. Dude has zero range and stays perfectly within his safe space in terms of vocality and even subject matter, making no efforts to branch out.
A total one trick pony.

haha faggot

because the monster is outside, and not inside.

And what about stuff that is still equally monstrous in personality?

shut the fuck up

While i only really like only some of his songs (like Brains), is there someone similar, but better?

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Actually forgot cultist-chan was a thing.
Man /tg/ used to shit out OC likes no ones business.

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Because the monster is on the outside and it creeps people out just like I do.

Unironically Danny Elfman's vocals when he was in Oingo Boingo. Namely "Dead Man's Party".

I miss when /tg/ wasn't 50% generals and actually had interesting threads

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because we have a culture that prizes failure and spurns success and beauty

>Nu Mileena
OP that IS a monstrosity

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can we revive her? or will it be a soulless husk?

t. roastie

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Thanks, gotta check it out

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That is almost exactly the opposite of how survival of the fittest works.

>lips mileena
She wouldn't have that much problems finding guys, she doesn't look scary at all
Now this is another story and she is 10X better and hotter for it

Would you stick your dick in crazy?
Keep in mind, s

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>>Nu Mileena

she is malkavian*
Fuck, pressed too soon

interesting, would that work if someone wears an eyepatch?


im gonna need some sauce.

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both are awesome, what about a world where have creatures constantly looking for a mate, but robots are too posesive of their humans because of their use as power source?

I would literally kill and harvest for this.

You never know maybe there's aliens out there that literally look like a monster girl today, too bad we'll never see them

Anons, i can`t find an image of a vampiress from Scare tactics, about to be burned by sun, upset about it and saying that vampires kill only because it`s necessary.
Please, post it.

You are the cancer killing /tg/. Had you said a lack of gate-keeping/acceptance of newfags and namefags/tripfags, had you said Discord, had you said the waning from ENWorld forums/D&D in general I would agree with you, but generals have always been a thing in various capacity naturally and fluctuate in frequency depending on what's happening. You're the same stupid fucking faggots that got quests move and which then caused a whole hell of a lot of board newfags to start looking at /tg/. You and you insistent fucking bitching is what's killing the board.

Don't bother trying to revive anything in today's climate. Wait another decade then try.

what about robot monsters?

user NO

in short, it's people supplanting their ideas onto you which causes a disarming effect in them

Another user.
I was browsing tg when quests were a thing.
80% of threads were stuff like SUCCUBUS QUEST XXXIII and it was hard to find any discussion unrelated to said quests.

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Nothing drives me madder than the prospect that I'll die without finding love in another intelligent, non-human species. It's the only thing that scares me, the idea that I'll die without us having found aliens or made advanced AI. I find humanity disgusting for many reasons, which doesn't help. I'm going to die alone if I can't find a good monster to make me happy lads.

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Stay hydrated.

Isn't the whole Mantis thing predicated on captive mantises who were freaking out because they were being watched and in the wild they don't do that?

Mantis spotted.

First off, when they were addressed as being a problem and then shortly after axed they were effectively nonexistent with the exception of Towergirls which will outlast us both. Secondly, if nothing else is happening on the board of note then quests would happen. You are overplaying how fast /tg/ ever was. Thirdly, and with to a point I agree with you, smut ran over a lot of shit and which is why it was limited to weekly threads, but with the axing of that even more /tg/ content was done away with. You can't keep cutting off tiny parts of things and expect it to last. You may not like the things which have been done away with, but as a whole they made /what it was and fostered the board into /tg/.

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They look pretty cool.

Danny Elfman was in Oingo Boingo? Had no idea.

you people want to be fucked by literal animals. disgusting

Every fucking thread without fail you cringe ass motherfuckers post this gay shit.
Every fucking thread you stupid retards say that 3DPD ningen females have appealing outside looks but inside they are monsters and go on to imply that monster girls have unappealing outside looks but inside they are great. And not once have any of you morons stopped to think about what you're parroting.

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sauce me up nigga

Miss me with that gay shit.
I want to go town on monstrous, fully sentient pussy.

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Good looks senpai

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It more so depends on if the female is full or not, creating the eggs takes a lot out of 'em and in the wild they know this, thus making the male a snack, i know of people feeding the female a cricket 1.5x bigger then her regular meal to make sure this doesn't happen.

Sauce : Mantis nigga

>fucked by
actually sweetie

Don't you have a school to shoot up?

Nigger I haven't even made a post there in years. I bailed when /qst/ became a thing and generals drowned out the catalog some time after that. I'm not even saying generals as a concept are bad but there's just too fucking many of them and they all only appeal to a very specific group of people as opposed to a more open ended thread. A quick look at the catalog right now shows about 47 generals out of a total of 150 threads, with the majority of the general threads having 100+ posts so they probably have an even higher total post count percentage. Having nearly 30% of an already slow board basically walled off is just stupid.

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You like dragons, Yea Forums?

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the closer art gets to realism, the more boring it becomes. When perfect realism is achieved, people desire the grotesque

Be real nigga, we were getting off to monster girls when they were still 8bit and polygon.

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>Not posting full res versions
>Not using a mega and getting your post deleted
Let me assist you


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>tfw no monster gf who messes with my brain and mind because she loves me

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>No feet

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Sorry, user, you'll just have to settle for a monster gf that loves you just the way you are.

This can't be right. He's wearing shoes.

what game i need to know

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>tfw no yandere monster girl gf

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whats wrong with human girls?

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>Wanting yandere
>Not dandere

DESU, monstrocities are rarely monstrous, if they are female. they still have something to give you a twitch. Anyway, there are a couple of reasons people might like them

first is novelty. scales, feathers, extra limbs, whatever, this stuff is nice, on its own. Blue skin, glowing eyes, whatever. it just makes for a nice visual design, and would probably feel/smell/look nice in reality.

some people are just White Knights. they like rescuing "broken" girls. consider at the absolute furor over Katawa Shoujo. People lost their spagetti over a fucking burn victim. have you ever seen a burn victim? that girl is right to want to crawl in a hole and die. Which, makes user's heart grow three sizes and want to protect her, even more

which gets us to weak faggots with low self esteem. If a normal girl looks down on you, a girl with teeth coving half her skull can only look up to you. If user feels like slime mold, a girl who literally IS slime mold can't hope to find a normal guy, so she would be extra grateful if user told her she was pretty.

the flip side of this is total power imbalance. a girl who can rip your arms off must REALLY like you to be extra gentle and not accidentally rip your arms of during sex. Maybe user feels super powerful because he can tame the mighty Xenomorph Queen with only his dick. Or maybe user feels like trash, and likes it when XQ uses him like trash and forces him to breed with her.

there are probably a hundred other little variations on these reasons. and some people get off because of more than one

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They're all marrying monster men.

*Unzips dick*

>tfw no monster girl gf to keep me in a permanent dream world with her mind powers so I won't run away or be scared because of her appearance

>superior Mileena

Nothing really, I just don't care for them.

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Artist is meandraco

I like them. I like them, a lot. but, variety is nice.

you right

I have a feeling that it is both, just not in the same individual. some people really go for people very much like them. some people swerve hard for novelty. if I had to guess, I would say maybe 10% jump for exotic dick/vagina. Given that humans probably evolved living in groups of less than 100 people, genetic diversity was a huge deal. Also, hooking up with other tribes was insurance against something really bad happening to yours.

did you watch that episode of Love Death + Robots? you really should

god i wanna be those human girls

They're not as cute

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I did but it was so short.
Should read the book its based on maybe.

>fight or flight
>if im scared, its probably stronger than me
>if its stronger than me, fucking it means i'll have stronger children
could be a mix of this too
the human brain is fugged desu

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>Only 2 arms to hug you with
>No head crest, not even royalty
>Incapable of opening a jar of pickles, let alone a combat android
>Only one set of jaws to smooch
The choice seems pretty obvious to me

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A monster girl thread?
On Yea Forums?
It must be my lucky day.

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Would you?

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they are the real monsters

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would you like to summon a demon girl?

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Not Raine specifically, bitch be crazy. But I'd bang a sergal girl. I want the prehensile clitoral hood rapped around my balls as I pound into her

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>has a pulse
>has a hole i can plug
>can consent
my standards are so low at this point the above is all I need and even that's narrowing god im so lonely v please help me

I really hate sergals and their stupid cheese heads. But maybe. Damn you, xenophilia.

I feel like a normalfag for at least requiring them to have tits and a somewhat human face to be into them.

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I think at this point I'd fuck wraith even if she was going to kill and eat me afterwards, mantis style.

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Mankind has dreamt of fucking monsters since before recorded history, and will continue to do so until we find ayys and fuck their prehensile jawed orifices.

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Literally me

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m-more Slan mommy?

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>stay hydrated

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>this shit is allowed to stay
>every skyrim thread all day has been deleted
Fuck the jannies.

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That's just /d/-chan.

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All my monstergirls pics are normie-tier

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fuck Skyrim, that garbage game has been circle-jerked to death already. I mean this thread is no better but fuck Skyrim

You have no idea.

>devil went down to georgia
>kulve taroth

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I thought this was going to be a cute monster girl thread but you guys really are fucked up in the head. Never change.

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>this artist
>that animation with the tentacles

I don't know what you're talking about, all I can see is cute monsters.

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Well whatever floats your boat. I guess I can contribute this picture from my Bloodborne folder.

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i am struggling to think of anything more dangerous

Oh I'm sorry, were you expecting some anime girls with minor skin deformities by "cute monster girls"?

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What happened to her horns?

>tfw loli monster girls are even rarer than the other extremely rare monstergirls
it's not fair cunnybros

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Fuck off, faggot. Take your humans elsewhere.

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Good, get your shit out of here.

The thread did start with Mileena.

>If monster girls existed and were capable of reproducing successfully with human males, then human males would probably never touch human females again because monster girls are more than likely going to be better people than normal human women
>Human women are more monstrous in their heart than any actual monster girl could ever hope to be

Kind of a depressing thought about how shit is nowadays.

I still come to Yea Forums in hopes of finding well thought out posts like these.

Anime girls are pets. Monster girls are just a further step beyond that. They exist so they can like you just for "being nice".

It would not be all roses though, monster girls would inevitably have the same instincts as the creatures they would be resembling. Thus, if human males truly did go all in on hooking up with monster girls, domestic abuse and death related instances would rocket in percentages overnight. Just about every person who hooked up with a carnivorous monster girl would turn up dead within the month.

She's not that bad

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For me it's kuudere.

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Imagine having such shit taste. I bet you still need human like features to get off.

Hey lads I'm trying to design a snake lady who is obsessed with masks, though I'm trying to come to a conclusion as to why. So far I've thought because she's either hideous in her opinion or she has a horrific disfigurement. What would you expect from a snake lady who hides her face all the time? What would be the most effective reveal?


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Do the monsters/ayys somewhere out there desire us as much as we do them?

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Not at all. They want you more. So much more. Run, user.

Here you go.

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Shut the fuck up bitch lol

We can only hope. Then when we finally meet we can work out all our "tfw no alien gf/bf" feelings together.

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I like my monster girls with human features but monster habits because I'm not an ironic weeaboo trying to out edge/LOL SO QUIRKY other ironic weeaboos.

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What's an ayy?


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I'd expect a medusa type situation.
Do we KNOW she's a snake lady? What's your overall aim for the character?
Personally I'm just into the whole arabian mask/hijab/burka/whatever look so you could just make her culturally cover herself

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>girl monster/creepy girl threads constantly ruined by furfags on /d/
Get your "scalie" fucking ass back to your actual containment board I swear to god if they ruin another thread again posting dragons or other stealth furry shit Im going to complain more

Don't be mean they're just misunderstood. Besides, running just gets them more excited.

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>He thinks people only want to fuck the monsters ironically

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Would you an intergalactic warlord who is also a cute and sensitive cold-blooded alien reptile, Yea Forums?

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why are the tits on the chest though
makes no sense

Because no one likes crotch-boobs.

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I'd love to be a ODST, just getting to chill with a Elite gf sounds awesome

To better seduce humankind to the whims of the Mrrshan Pride, of course.

Could be cultural? In lieu of cobra hoods, her race makes large and menacing masks to cover their humanoid faces, and they find it unnerving or embarrassing to go maskless in public.

that's just a really well-proportioned human face with a different texture slapped on

That's not the handler, silly. She's a pukei pukei.

It has its ups and downs.

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Well it's not like /d/ is the only board with monster stuff

>Sexy fellatio machine

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Mileena with lips > Chainsaw McGraw

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LMAO, who made this

>there are that get off to smearing shit all over themself, but wanting fuck a xenomorph is edgy/ironic
Imagine being this fucking dense and having taste this shit

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I like both because I have the most patrician of tastes.

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>ywn raise a family with a monster wife
its not fair

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A guy called Rube.

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>he goes to /d/ for monsters
based weebtard

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based and lippilled

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I remember when I first started getting into ayys and monsters as a teenager, and I'm pretty sure the main driving force behind that was some weird fear boner arousal signals going off in the brain. I liked the idea of the softer side to a creature that could kill you in a split second (and could potentially at any time during intercourse).

Pretty sure this is how I also ended up getting into vore.

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Would keeep warm with intense snuggling/10

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The internet.

i think its the same fag who makes that furry poppy opossum comic

Thanks bro

Not anymore

Personally I can only get off to more humanized xenos.

It ended or something?



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See, this user is being smart. He's feeding her before fucking her so she doesn't get too hungry.

I dont mind the wraith, its on the grotesque side of things which is fine for those threads, but it seems like a gateway for some morons to start dumping their scalie folder when they see it. Half the time its really blatant and most of the time they get the hammer so I dont see why they do it. Usually its the very furry rendition of the wendigo that sets them off too.
I cant help myself, its like a sickness

Based and chaos-pilled

nvm I'm retarded

Look, I want my children to have cool monster powers.

I will fap to this later tonight, and I will dedicate my fap to Nurgle.

once past a certain point, they like it because they are ugly inside and out as well

Too hairy.

I dunno, society would adapt. There are tons of places where women get beaten up in relationships all the fucking time, but they still get together and people are still born.

if their animal counterpart can be tamed then so can they be tamed as well

That's just sad

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Glad to help a fellow preg patrician.

Last I checked he stopped drawing and the writing sure as hell wasn't the main attraction

Then you're fucking stupid, /d/ is one of the worst porn boards for monster. /trash/ has /xeno/ (rarely) and /hmofa/, not to mention all the pokemon threads and male monster threads.
>b-b-but pokemon is furshit
>b-b-but anthros are furshit
Shut the fuck up retard, monster is just evolved "furshit".
Then /aco/ has /xeno/ and nightmare waifus and /gif/ occasionally has a monster female sfm thread.
>tfw cant get good gems because i dont want to kill her
The reason I stopped playing.

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And? Who gives a shit? Nobody's thinking to marry him. People just care if the end result is good.

Why the fuck are people posting literal monster and animals?

>that got quests move
Should've spammed less, faggot.

How can human women even compete?

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My vore fetish doesnt mind how ugly they are on the inside

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A girl I used to date would use her teeth while giving blowjobs. The weirdest sensation ever.

[chair clattering sounds]

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That's total threads created, not front page/catalog time. A thread that's dead in 15 minutes doesn't matter. A thread that sticks around for 3 days, does.

why can't we get Shape of Water but with the genders swapped

I got you senpai. The shape of water is basically a woman taking the fourth oath of Dagon without even being asked to.

Attached: deepone.jpg (714x1118, 77K)

Imagine being this desperate to deny that humans have always wanted to fuck nonhumans.

Vore is fucked yo.

is that a fully developed drone?

>venom porn always includes another person
Why can't I just want to fuck Venom without them being attached to someone else?

>webbed fingers/hands
>tentacle hair to wrap around your face

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Don't you have a reddit to be on?

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only the girls

Daily reminder that we're all going to make it

Looks like it, bear in mind in alien resurrection a queen gives birth to a fully grown xeno hybrid so such a thing isn't too crazy

Attached: 1337194 - Alien Dracowhip Xenomorph.jpg (900x1271, 268K)

Its an awful, awful redesign that was only greenlit so she could get kissed to death in the game. That's literally it, they gave her those retarded lip-flaps and fake plastic teeth glued to her cheeks so she could get kissed and die.


>Generic THOT with plastic novelty teeth
Not Mileena/10, you have shit taste. Completely misses the point of the character.

Attached: 3.jpg (1920x1920, 941K)

I assume that they are unwanted and a little bit stupid. They feel like no-one could desire them, but then I come along and do. That makes them shy, confused and excited/grateful/curious. The dickings are new and novel to them, they don't know these sensations, and it blows their mind. Also variety.

It's just a dumb re-design to make her look fresh. Which was... dumb since Mileena was already the most popular MK female without the re-design.

> new and novel things are easy to talk about because there's a bunch of unknown paths for conversation
> interaction explores personalities on both sides as the novelty wears off over time
> they find you interesting enough as a person to stay with despite your radically different appearance
> previously, possibly, a failure with everyone else
if something so radically different from you can find you to be a decent person (worth fucking) then what exactly was wrong with you in everyone else's eyes?

unless the creature is completely brainless and is a straight-out legitimate animalistic "monster" which is cursed to cause endless woe to people, of course; no one wants to get eaten -- the parasites in your brain do, however. get that shit checked.

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I prefer her old face but like her new outfit more

>Daily reminder that we're all going to make it
One day.

One day.

Attached: HaloAight.png (2000x1937, 864K)

Source source source

give the fucking source already for fucks sake

Probably different cultural standards. Depressed fucks could be the norm while joyful freaks are thrown in asylums

Attached: horror_angel_by_forgess_dcm9drv-fullview.jpg (800x600, 31K)

I don't have that one picture of the fish/reptile monster guide to whether it's acceptable to fuck them or not

The outfits were fine, its just the redesigned face that sucks complete dick and misses the point of the character.

She's not supposed to look like a mostly-normal person, she's not supposed to look pensive or thoughtful, she's a feral, wild monster who revels in gore. They could have easily just slapped some lips over her shark-mouth. Some of the concept art looked good, I like the one second from the left here in particular, but no, we get that ugly, stupid-looking abomination instead. It just looks so bad in-game.

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It is human nature to want to stick their dicks into danger

It's a mix of fearboner and the idea of being attracted to something that isn't conventionally beautiful so you think you might have a better chance with something "broken" and "other" rather than a normal person.

Gap moe.

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Asian ghost girls used to scare the fuck outta me but I think they're super kawaii nowadays.

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Nah, I think I'd have a worse shot. QT monsters motivate me to improve more than a human ever could

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What is this artists name?


what a cute smile

Most of the fags that write these are retarded as fuck.

I'm glad I had the opportunity to end your existence. And I would do it again if needed.

Bitch what did I tell you


Would you a spider?

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Isn't that a brute actually? God getting fucked by a giant sentient gorilla would be so hot.

Yeah, I meant being an ODST.

I disapprove the warlord thing but approve the rest

The sad part is they probably wouldn't escape the flood with how virulent and insanely high their numbers are.

I probably shouldn't but yeah I would


Attached: 877549FD-E8D2-4AB5-8830-9F3052E2559F.jpg (2551x1800, 1.23M)

you disgust me

>find monstergirls cute, sexy, and attractive
>can't pop a boner to them
At least this way I can read these stories and imagine all these scenarios in my head without wanting to stop to masturbate, I guess.

What’s wrong with my reasoning?

Attached: A43B13D3-E5F8-4CBF-A3A7-B49F022A5DB2.jpg (1217x1280, 282K)

How many fuck holes does this shit have??

If your main fetish is not the idea of creating super powerful monster children by fucking an elder god you are not a man.

You actual retard. The MONSTER is on the outside. That doesn't fucking say that its unappealing, just that they are that, monsters on the outside, as in, not humans. That's all it is.

seven vagánias

>doesnt know what implications are

They're not monsters to me, they're beautiful creatures.

>tfw no centipede gf

Attached: 1528969995355.png (672x744, 539K)

Imagine being her dentist

Because with them, the monster is on the outside.

I've jacked off to pictures of actual spiders (mainly due to lack of drawn content). I fantasise my spider gf slowly cocooning me in the midst of intercourse, wrapping me in all of her legs.

I always get sad when I see anons having deep desires that real life will never be able to fulfill because its a pile of shit.

Everyone with an affection for the otherworldly suffers from this. It's horrible. It's so horrible that I can't even accurately describe the feeling with words

Now we're talking. I may have half an hard on

Okay, so do you fags consider pic related """monster""" girl shit, furry shit or trve female monster shit?

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Wow deep stuff man. deep stuff.

Gf was that for Halloween

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Man I hope that guy makes more episodes

too dark

Well it’s clearly taken during when she was getting ready.

I did not know how much I needed something so badly until now

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A condom?

I swear to god if I'm going to die it'll be from fapping myself to death to that group's works.

how is this shit called exactly? I feel like reading an essay

please provide source to your fellow brothers in fetish user

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Maybe it's because men find them to be an easy target. They are still cute and attractive with that one major flaw that "no one will ever love them" and bam you swoop in and love her like a normal girl and that's the appeal I guess.

being scared is a lot like getting erect.

please respond....

Attached: please.jpg (960x960, 135K)

I'm feeling generous today user, so appreciate it.

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god bless your immortal soul

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Dragon's Crown


Attached: trash.gif (343x196, 1.78M)

>what are milk lines
>convergent evolution
>bipedal species and females need a way to entice mates

>Ghru gal
Dark Souls has some really good monsters and demons. They desperately need more lewd.

Attached: D4485D23-F3FB-41D3-BCFA-D1CC9A86917E.png (1679x1715, 1.24M)

It’s a dead link

I think I heard somewhere someone is trying to make monster girls a real thing

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>you will never have Mileenas strong spindly fingers wrapped around your cock while she lightly nibbles at your thighs
I ain’t gonna make it bros

>mileena will never use her long spindly fingers to stroke and massage your prostate while sounding you with one of her teeth
hold me bros

It is nice to see people who knows what a monster girl is and not a """""monster""""" girl

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For Mileena specifically? No fucking idea. They're are like 3 other kunoichi with similar bodies and perfectly fine faces to boot (at least canonically), but there's something about Mileena that blows them out of the water. I can't put my finger on it, somebody help me.

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For me there's no point in skimping on fetishes. If you like something, go all the way. No fence-sitting shit.
It's why I also get pretty autistic when it comes to feral art in general.

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Thanks for the chuckle.

I'm down for some cute animations.

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Would kiss

She was unironically right. That game's shit though

it's true

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they are all child abusers

Thanks m8.

>weak faggot

hey that's me

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this is so, so fucking bad especially the VAs
holy shit

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princess crown a game made by atlus

sauce NOW


>thread is still up

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Can be found on the usual sites.

Best thread on Yea Forums right now

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would you a metroid?
imagine the blowjobs

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she'd suck the life out of you

Look, you can see the exact moment when the boner is formed.

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It’s just the first episode. probably be improved later on


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Where do you think you are

your late
dubs don't work on Yea Forums
go back to Yea Forums

>tfw out of SFW pics and don't want to upset little old janny

Attached: 1519399388197.png (901x750, 596K)

It takes a monster to love another monster.

then post cropped versions

janny still gets upset about that

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>>He's a questfag
Nah, removing them was the best moderation decision the site has made in a long time

to the user(s) posting shion's stuff, you're pretty good, lad(s). his artwork is pure sex.

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god bless meandraco

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Ive always wondered about these. So its a pile of sexy slimes right? But i wonder how more of these are created? Are women pulled into the pile and corrupted/transformed and turned into one and mentaly gets consumed by the slime hivemind? Can the same happen to men? do they get turned into sexy female slimes and then become part of a hivemind too?

All I want it's a demon gf, that's too much to ask?

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Sauce my boss?

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DO i?

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mfw I got a boner when I saw this scene in the cinema

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A whole lot, to be honest.

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>males would never touch human females again
Then explain to me why Niggers are still a minority?

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As appealing as both of these are, the monster breeding would at least involve cuddles and love. The machine semen cow would feel pretty impersonal and cold after the initial buzz.

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Meandraco on e621

Nevrean tomboy gf or no deal

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Because niggers ARE monsters?


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I love their aesthetic. And I love humanoid ones.

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slime girls best girls


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>get turned into sexy female slimes

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Xenomorphs really are the perfect organisms for making my dick hard

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It's more that they just eat everything and if they're hungry and the male doesn't get away in time the female will eat them. it's not an intrinsic part of their mating and it was observed in captivity because they were more agitated than normal and the male could not get far enough away. It happens maybe like 1 times out of 10 in the wild.

>would at least involve cuddles and love
Watch more Animal Planet.

Why can’t we have Monster ladies?

Attached: 32A36A2F-974E-41EE-9226-59DAA0477438.png (1900x2800, 1.28M)

Because real life is shit.

because you don't post enough of them

Nigger you need to watch more. Many social animals snuggle. It's pack bonding.

Second from left is lipped with a shit eating grin, and your only problem with her design, apparently are her lips. With that said, her new teeth are miles better and look closer to the kind of teeth an abomination that's expressing both human and Tarkatan genes, furthermore the addition of lips goes along with her purpose as a failed clone of that one blue chick because of course Samsung, Crunchy, and Sword Art Online Khan would half ass an attempt to clone someone by adding shit tier genes into the mix.

Since it's Friday the 13th and all, how about the greatest monsters of all, man?

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I don buy it whit that perfect hair

But I do.

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so is Yea Forums in favour of lips or no lips?

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wish those were my eggs inside her haha

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No lips scare me.
So, I prefer no lips.

No lips all the way. MKX was a mistake.

what the fuck is with boon and ruining perfect designs

[chair clattering]

Attached: 1566944525125.jpg (1280x837, 182K)

Where is she from?

Lips for Main villain, no lips for jobber.

No lips all day every day

Attached: mileena_by_shizzyzzzzzzart_db1qalc-pre.jpg (894x894, 36K)


I'm so very surprised I enjoyed Teraurge as much as I did.

>tfw I want more content with a giant worm
>tfw meeting up on the beach for sex with a sea serpent monster you beat the shit out of and dominated

No lips, not even a fucking contest.

MKX "Mileena" is ugly, stupid-looking and misses the point of the character.

>her new teeth are miles better
Kill yourself, the new look is garbage. The concept art I posted looks nothing like the final product, and again her in-game model looks fucking awful. She's not supposed to look like an almost normal person. It just sucks all the uniqueness out of her appearance, she's not scary, she's not threatening.

And AGAIN, if they wanted to give her lips, they could have just given her fucking lips instead of changing the anatomy of her entire fucking face. The lip-flap looks fucking stupid, the giant plastic novelty teeth glued to her cheeks look fucking stupid. And almost all fan art out there looks awful too, because the anatomy on her mouth makes no sense and most artists just end up with a face that's completely normal with some white teeth-blobs slapped on. The only artist I've seen actually get the new design and its anatomy right is Nezumi.
Is a perfect example. Just some normal, generic THOT that went shopping at Spirit of Halloween for some plastic novelty teeth.. Not Mileena.

Attached: fatal_duel_v02_by_hollytoth-dc5piem.jpg (1920x1017, 943K)

>Lips for Main villain, no lips for jobber.

>Gets lips
>Jobs super hard and dies


There's a lot to like, first VN I ever tried. Bless the Finnish madman.

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Lips. Ive seen the best bj sfm with lipped version. Nothing beats it.

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Bump limit soon bros

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the thread may die but the feeling of not having a xeno wife will live on forever, never to be quenched

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All women are monsters, these just have the convenience of having that be on the outside.

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A lot of the time it just doesn't fit my tastes. Straight up anthros that are just human bodies with animal or animal-like heads are boring, and I don't find xenos attractive (they usually have no eyes or ways of expressing emotion with the face, that's important for me)
I just want a big spooky female with claws and shit BUT with a cute face.
Monster girls are fine, if the monster parts are substantial enough and don't clash with the human parts.

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Were xenomorphs always slimy?

more monster hunter ones, I mean

Yes. In the original alien they literally used ky jelly to make it's skin slimy and condoms for the skin around the jaws of the costume.

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human with catlike features not other way around.

Would it be unethical to fall in love with a monster?

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Whats the best source of monster porn

refer to pic related when in moral doubt

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my wife eating ice cream but failing miserably because she has no mouth, getting it everywhere and making quite the mess

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>not wanting to hiss that gronk

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Hey man, I don't want to go to jail

Here you go, user.

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>no big, strong monstrous gf with long sharp teeth and big powerful tail
Why even live bros

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>ywn rub nerg's belly
never ever
she isn't real
you can't have her

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I want a MH monster wife or husband but only pre-generations


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not real, isn't real, will NEVER be real

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>You will never hide from the flood as they as they force all males to breed to further increase their numbers.

>not robots/synths

Attached: COMStream_8-3-19_gunplagoat.png (1710x2160, 473K)

>cute oni will never tease while hide the embarrassment of being treated like a woman
What did we do wrong?

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i like both

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Only if my mind was supplanted into a robotic body of my own.

i think the core problem is giving humans the ability to imagine something better than what we have

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To be fair I REALLY want a robot body.

low self esteem

bye retards

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I don't like the lips, but at the same time, Mileena's old shark mouth just a little too, I don't know, simplistic I guess. Her mouth design needs just a little more complexity, but I don't think the lips were the right choice - and to be honest, I can't even imagine what the right choice would be.

Friendly reminder, monsters are for hunting and NOT for sex.

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Because the challenge of impregnating something that wants to kill you is appealing.

As long as she has huge tits, it's all good, baby!