Name a more pretentious game

Name a more pretentious game.

Attached: DeathStranding-990x608.jpg (990x608, 106K)

The Cat Lady

But user I like that game.

Fine, Pathologic or The Void then

It hasn't even come out yet know one nows the full story how can it be pretentious when no one actually knows whats going on yet

Cope brainlet
Fuck you though. I am actually seething at your post.

Chrono Cross

This game is litterally Paper Boy 2020- in space!


God damn it user. You're just making me more mad than when you said Cat Lady. I came here to laugh at OP not get mad at people shitting on good games.

>how can it be pretentious

Attached: dst.jpg (348x161, 7K)


Poop and pee are pretentious? Did contrarians just run out of real things to dislike or are you just a unique example of dumb?

Spec Ops

>t. double digit IQ

The cat lady is not a good game my man.

Chrono Cross

What is the pretense here?

If you piss into your toilet while standing in your own home, then you deserve death.

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Pretentious doesn't mean bad btw

That's better, thank you user.

Truly only gamers could think a piss poor ripoff of Apocalypse Now in the form of a by the numbers TPS is some deep, emotional experience. In any other medium it would be considered a joke.

Myst (all 6 of them)
The Stanley Parable
Anything by Fullbright though about out to Tacoma for actually having gameplay and only making 2/3 of the cast gay

It's ridiculously pretentious, and yet you have to HOPE it's pretentious. If it isn't then it really is a walking simulator. You actually have to hope kojima is being pretentious and ostentatious about his great work and that it's ultimately just a stealth/shooter/adventure game as the alternative is worse.

There's nothing wrong with walking sims.

The only unpretentious walking sim is QWOP because it is actually a walking simulator

^He's right