Any games where an ancient evil awakens and kills your party members out of nowhere?

Any games where an ancient evil awakens and kills your party members out of nowhere?

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all i see are two skeletons
probably dont even give good XP

Why are all the presidential candidates ancient boomers?

Any games where you can spend your entire career convincing people with a fraction of your wealth that you care about the working class and that socialism is the answer to everything despite owning 3 mansions and never having worked a day in your life?

Because people who live longer have learned more and have more life experience. Same reason why nobody respects people who are substantially younger than them.

never seen a more pathetic set of candidates in my life


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Has nothing to do with it, especially in current year where boomers know absolutely nothing about the most importabt sector of the economy, tech. Politicians are boomers because voters are boomers. People don't really get wiser after like 25 or so. After that point you just become more of a retard stuck in his ways without any respect for other people.

These fuckers are toast. Drumpf is going to win again.

stupid bootlicking faggot lol

I guess now Yuropoors wont be able to bitch about 'muh healthcare!' when talking about Americans on the internet anymore so that's a bonus

You gotta be at least 35 to be president.

As a Yang supporter I'm so fucking depressed that was his "surprise"
I was hoping he'd finally do something unique that he hasn't already done, maybe showing people how many other policies he has but nope.

not if shit starts costing more because of his gay ass tarriffs.

someone explainpill this one for me

desu I think Trump's gonna get in, all the Dems lets be honest are all shit candidates

>t. a leaf

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No one gives a fuck about your gay ass cummie shit get the fuck outta here cringelord.


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The DNC isn't going to let the only decent candidate get the nom. I will vote for Trump over Biden. Let's burn this shit planet down

>first two debates biden is really quiet and fucks up constantly and lets people walk all over him
>3rd debate and he's suddenly yelling and being concise and wide awake, destroys bernie just by calling him a socialist, bernie's sounding like he's sick and is way quieter than last 2 debates
It's been wild so far

You say this like the 2016 republican field wasn't a fucking joke

Same lmao and I don't even really like Trump but imma vote for that nigga

If the DNC picks Biden, Trump wins. I don't know how they don't see this.

Clearly not because one of them won

He should've ripped a fat vape on stage. I'd maybe consider voting for him.

I don't think thet're all shit, but cult of personality nonsense will be tough to beat unless the economy heavily trends down

>Trump fears this

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I totally forgot about that
>sleepy black guy
>zodiac killer
>orange man
>robot guy that said the same thing 5 times
>jeb fucking bush holy shit

so it's going to be another hillary situation again isn't it

Trump's the shit candidate of shit candidates, though. At this point I think I'd vote in a fucking tree stump if that was the alternative to four more years of out-of-touch orange dementia.

Honestly, the DNC nominating Biden, the most moderate candidate and drawing the "Play it Safe!" card in the current political climate is actually quite noble of them and I respect that.

Jeb! Was at least properly entertaining to watch fail.

He would be paying more in taxes than your average person if he actually passed universal health care and $15 minimum wage. I don't see why you think it's a ploy when he is only going to lose personal wealth from this.

>destroys bernie just by calling him a socialist
Fucking everyone has been doing that since 2016.
The republicans and the corporate democrats.
It's a pathetic slur they're using in place of an argument hoping that it will scare boomers who grew up in the cold war.

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I still hold that Trump won more due to Clinton's and the DNC's incompetence than his own merits

>won the election

seems like you're the one is out of touch.

All politics is reddit and deserves to be permanently purged from this site. If you've ever expressed a left-wing or right-wing opinion on this website, you deserve to be range banned.

>Castro torpedoing his entire campaign by trying the Trump method.

Top kek.

Yeah but the thing is when I say destroyed I don't mean in terms of actual meaning.
I mean boomers will now go "oh socialist oh no!"
Boomer vote is still huge

The latter point is definitely true, but I disagree with the former. Maybe it’s just a difference in our backgrounds, but most of the old people I interact with are much, much more mature, intelligent and good at decision making than peers my age (I’m 25). This is the exact reason why Asians respect their elders so much.

Kids don’t like to admit that old people know more about life than them, but 9 times out of 10 they do. An old person can be president and have young people advising them about fields like tech. Nobody is an expert in every single field anyway.

Because ancient boomers vote at a much higher rate than any other age group and they will only vote for other ancient boomers.

corporate DNC would rather have another Trump term rather than Sanders winning

not like Biden and Warren stand a chance

2016 rep debates were so fucking kino.

What will be the 2020 equivalent?

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