Why do people defend it

You realise cutting Pokémon in a game called Pokémon that’s about collecting, training and using Pokémon is ridiculous right?
The whole content of Pokémon IS the Pokémon, no one gives a fuck about curry, if you want a cooking game, play a fucking cooking game
I’d be fine with everything in these games if they had access to every Pokémon, because that’s why I play, I find the collecting aspect the most fun part, if I have less to collect in this game than the one from 3 years ago why would I pay $20 more for it?
This game has removed one of the core aspects of the entire series and they’re getting away with it because people will literally buy a box of shit because of a brand name, look at Smash 4.5

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There's honestly too many of them. A needless amount.

The meta needs to be re-constrained.

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Honestly dude I’m just a casual. I buy these games to catch new Pokémon and then I put it away after the elite 4. I don’t care about all the old ones.

I'm confused, I thought every other Pokemon game didn't have them all until bank services were released too?

Do people just need to come up with new things to complain about for every game

Tell me you you're not buying Sword

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Shieldbros where we at?
I like the strategy of battle my dude. Which Pokemon are there, I'll still find a team that works even if my Bros don't show up

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In SS, you will only be able to transfer in the select pokemon that are already in the region. In XY you couldn't transfer in pokemon from previous generations until Bank released, yes, but even after Home releases you will not be able to transfer in your living dex or whatever else you may want.

No one is defending it. Why even post this, you autistic retard

It's the same reason people still defend Star Wars despite it going to shit. It's a giant and beloved franchise and some people just have a really hard time accepting when something that big that should not be hard to make at the very least acceptable somehow ends up being crap. There is no fucking excuse for SS to be as mediocre as it looks to be, Pokemon is stupid huge, money, time and resources should be big enough to reflect that and yet this shit barely seems a step above the handheld games both graphically and in terms of scope and yet in exchange we lose shit that's actually important. If GF really can't handle making a big budget console version of Pokemon they should either hire a bunch more staff to reflect the size of this series or let some other dev take the reigns.

If anyone had any doubts it was going to be shit even before the dex cut and shitty textures became a mainstream topic they clearly didn't give a shit at the entire shitshow that was the 3DS group of games. I still remember all the LGPE shills saying
>these games aren't for you, the core games you want will come next year :^)
Gamefreak is asleep at the wheel, jump the ship before it's too late.

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How is soulsilver mediocre asshole?

Which version has Scyther? That’s the one I’m buying

If they keep all the meta pokenon that argument goes out the window

Imagine if Digimon didn’t have every Digimon in every game.

SS as in Sword and Shield, probably should have put a dash in there.

>Creates hundreds of terrible creature designs
>Doesn't bother supporting them moving forward
Leave it to Gamefreak to bloat Pokemon and then retcon and leave a large swathe of them behind. They should've took their time and implemented them slower. Now someone else can actually come to rival the giant because it's never going to be as good as it used to be.

The Johto games all have god awful level scaling that makes raising any new Pokemon after the second gym a pain in the ass, while simultaneously being super easy if you stick to the few Pokemon (read: Your starter and Mareep) which you picked up at the beginning. In a related note, the game does a terrible job at letting you use the new Johto Pokemon by hiding them on optional stuff, again, underlevelled. Also, Johto gym leaders themselves rarely use Johto Pokemon, again, making you forget they even exist. There is a reason some people think Skarmory is a Gen 3 Pokemon. They're extremely good looking games and romhacks like Sacred Gold/Storm Silver fix these issues making the games jump up to god tier though.

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Digimon is a way smaller IP and is full of redundant recolors and weird EX versions of other Digimon. I doubt most fans even know about every single Digimon out there or would even want them all in one game. Is there even an official numbering system for the things? Plus the motto of Digimon has never been "gotta catch 'em all!", you just get raise the ones you like.

Dont even care about that, my favorite pokemon game was black.

Reason i'm not buying is because everything looks shit and bland and no more pokemon following you.

Brexit means Brexit simple as.

That's how it's been. But they have said they want to get to that point.

I suppose SS is getting more negative reception because "console pokemon" was what everyone was waiting for, gamecube games aside. That one big pokemon game that would be grand. Then it turns out to be shit.

sleep tight fugger

sleep tight fugger

Imagine if Nintendies had standards.

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No confirmed to even be in the game yet. Though chances are high because KANTOOO.

Kanto is the best you contrarian faggot

Scyther can evolve in Johto into Scizor

>Now someone else can actually come to rival the giant because it's never going to be as good as it used to be.
Lol they're welcome to. No one will though. Most of the people playing Pokemon likely buy it just to play with their new Pokemon, not to catch their old ones all over again every game.

How many pokemone will be in SS?
if its like 600 out of the 1k then Id be alright with it as that'd be pretty dope.
If it's a standard dex of 150 then its pretty fucking lame.
Why did such a brilliant IP end up in such an unworthy devs hands?
I swear as well if its the same shitty "we're all buddies" handholding, easy snoozefezt that which USUM was... which I imagine it will be... then fuck I took my hiatus from pokemon way too long.
Last played Leaf green & pokemon pearl, came back to USUM and I suppose you can only imagine the dissapointment that was.

Rayquaza is objectively the best Pokemon and gen 5 is overall best gen.

Did people really expect them to put every Pokemon in every game for the rest of eternity? I said it a long time ago they should stop making so many Pokemon, but people would always jump all over me and scream about how we should get 150 each gen or some shit.

a decent design in a mediocre gen

I only play these games to encounter and catch brand new Pokemon. Hell, I play fakemon games for precisely this reason. I don't know why I should care about them cutting old ones.

Nintendo how this man

Why do you hate a kid toy so much you try to recruit other adults to partake in what sums up to be a dumb autistic tantrum?

>gen 5
>best anything

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The core principle behind this series, which was never explicitly stated but could easily be assumed, is that every set of games would introduce new and diversified species so that old and new players could always find their favorites. Not all kids like the same things so there were always monsters catering to everyone, and you could carry those monsters across games to ensure you're always happy playing them. It culminated with the Pokemon Bank, where Nintendo realized they could profit on player's desires to keep their old buddies with them.

That philosophy and service are now moot since Masuda has decided it's all too hard. It's too hard to go further than about 1,000 Pokemon in a single game: apparently the sudden and imaginary cutoff point is around 800. It's too hard to adapt the models, which have been recycled anyway for the past few games, because it requires time and money, and if there's one video game series that doesn't deserve time and money, it's the one that's part of the highest grossing media franchise of all time.

There is no defending this shit. Masuda's strategy is putting in minimal resources and effort to maximize profit, because he knows drones will buy these games regardless of how downgraded they are. And that simultaneously lowers the bar, meaning Nintendo can dramatically advertise the next series of games as a huge step up, when really they're still inferior to what this series once was.

>The whole content of Pokémon IS the Pokémon

Oh wow I didn't realize SM are the best Pokemon games ever because they have all Pokemon.

I guess XY is better than Platinum or HGSS or Emerald because it has more Pokemon...

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>because that’s why I play, I find the collecting aspect the most fun part

Why you do autistic retard think that your way of enjoying the game is the same as everyone else's?
Why do you think that everyone gives a shit about collecting all Pokemon?

I don't give a shit. I never migrated shit to the 3DS games. I played and cleared the Alola dex in SM and didn't care about migrating anything else. And just like me there are plenty of people who don't bother with the whole "hurr catch em all" garbage.

Newflash, faggot. People enjoy these games for different reasons. The world doesn't revolve around you. Stop telling people how to enjoy their games. If you don't like them, don't buy them. Stop screeching at people who are going to play them.

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>if I have less to collect in this game
there are 403 in pokemon US/UM and the new one is rumored to have 500+

unless, of course, by "collect" you mean staying in the transfer screen for 1 hour transfering all your pokemon lmao

Thats a non argument they add new ones cause its a new gen.I think they should all still be there but its probably just a repeat of gen 3 so im waiting till gen 9 to see if im still gonna be playing these games

take away the massive variety of mons you can use and there is absolutely nothing special about pokemon compared to other jrpgs. so no, there isn't too many of them. that sheer level of variety is why they've made over $64 billion on merchandise alone and why they're the highest-grossing media franchise on the planet.

has there even been a more artificial outrage vendetta than this game?

the difference is that it's permanent now and in the future.

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>so no, there isn't too many of them
Yes there are, retard. The whole dex is filled with garbage and forgettable mons nobody gives a shit about.
>omg nooo they cut Bruxish!!!
And nobody gave a shit that day.

it doesn't. and ironically, right up until masuda cut the dex, that was one of the main talking points that pokemon fanboys always used against digimon.

As long as I can get my oddish am'i'rite

Why? The game already has systems in place that create constrained metas. Do you not play the online tournaments?

sleep tight fugger

>frothing at the mouth because they didn't animate a slightly different backflip

>The whole dex is filled with garbage and forgettable mons nobody gives a shit about.
...in your opinion. in reality, every pokemon is someone's favorite.
>And nobody gave a shit that day.
nu-pokemon's fanbase is full of shit-eating normalfags like you who have zero standards. game freak could cut everything between the title screen and the credits and still sell 15+ million units.

>Pokémon games didn’t go in this direction
>we will never have a game with a fully realized Pokémon world that shows what they are actually like in the wild and living with humans

It’s a pain that will never heal. Fuck me does that pic hurt.

Of course that's what people expected. They've been doing it for over 20 years and they already have future-proof models to continue using in new games for another console generation or two.

FPBP its time to cull the horde. Only the best mons from here on out.

Can I get a full pic? Tried finding it but there are so many lewd pics of the character it’s buried.


>image comes up immediately
You didn't even try.

I was one of those who looked out for my favorites whenever I played. It's hard to get into the new ones and grow to like them.
I think it's high time for a new series of monster collecting, training and raising to come.

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>Implying the pokemon games were ever notably different from each other
The quality drop in SwSh is so fucking blatant, its like they just stopped caring

>quality drop
That implies the previous entries were quality. You're out of your mind if you think SwSh looks anywhere near as bad as either XY or SM.

>You're out of your mind if you think SwSh looks anywhere near as bad as either XY or SM
You're right. SwSh look so much worse than those two pitfalls, its actually amazing. Its like they hit rock bottom and decided to go deeper using a giant drill

>muh older pokemon

i always found facinating poeple attaching themselves to some bytes of data as if they were actual pets.
they objetivise them to the point if they are gone, any past enjoyment of the series or meories would be gone too.

Describe what looks worse about it.

You mean other than the fact that the environment looks like it was made out of cheap plastic?
>Scorbunny double kick.gif

In comparison to Fire Emblem Heroes, how gatcha is Pokemon Masters?

This, but unironically.
Using out-of-region Pokemon in any Pokemon game is dumb. I doubt there are more than 1% of players have even used Pokemon bank functions anyways.

It's people who grew up with the franchise and had in ingrained in every part of their life. No surprise why they defend it like it's their baby, as sad and pathetic as that is.

>and they’re getting away with it because people will literally buy a box of shit because of a brand name
The irony is you'd buy that box of shit as long as they kept copy/pasting those 3DS models.

rememebr the online missions of x/y and how 80% were failures?
yeah most of the fanabse just finsih the league and dont pick it ever again.

This. The game is still looks like hot garbage though.

whta the point of complaining about al the graphics faults if people will still play it if it had their favorite mons?
just stop playing pokemon and move on with life like most adults.

Someone needs to clean house on this pokemon shit series. Everyone at gamefreak needs to be fired and replaced, the next game needs to be a holocaust simulator all about killing off the shittiest pokemon designs, and then they need to actually move the series forward with the kind of game that the material is capable of. There’s no god

Before people just assumed the 3DS was majorly holding them back.
Now on the same platform as fucking BOTW and mario odyssey, there's literally no excuse for how awful the games are.

>all these anons enabling mediocrity
how does that nip dick taste? lmfao

>as fucking BOTW
BOTW is a graphical mess tough, pokemon is just following suit like FE:3 houses too.

>literally 6 gens of medicority
you guys complained to late. Everybody that gave a dame left long ago.Now go bakc to your board to

I couldnt care less about the amount of pokemon in the game and im flaberghasted that anyome would.

What i do care about is game freak lying, gibing us the bare minimum in every respect. Not even taking a lil time to make a controlable camera in every zone.

Oh. And they are a multi billion dollar company. So they have access to all the resources in the world. People literally do work for them for free just for the exposure.

Not as much of a graphical mess as SSH

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it is, i dont know why you guys keep clinging to this comparisions when most switch games just suck ass.
i would say that the cities look better than most of castles and ruins in botw.
but then again is a low bar since its a fucking switch game of course is going to look awful most of the time.

This, THIS is what gets me.
It's a fucking multi-billion dollar franchise's flagship product, and for years they have just been completely half assing it. Literally any other dev studio on the planet would kill for a chance to make a mainline pokemon game, and the one's that do seem to despise it.

Or they should've just stuck to sprites

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This whole thing has really shined a light on how autistic this fanbase is with people actually thinking these pieces of data are their friends or that they feel like their digital collection is going to disappear when really it'll always be there.

On the bright side to this more people have woken up to how shit GameFreak are as a developer.

>Why do people defend it
Mostly because I don't want to side with screeching manbabies

fucking this

Fucking gay

same logic can be aplied to all nintendo games and their shit hardware

idk, for me it's ampharos

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...fuck you

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I could not disagree more with you because whenever I play a new pokemon game I go out of my way to not catch a single pokemon that isn't new. I just sincerely do not see the point of capturing and using the same fucking shit again.

Which is why Black/White is objectively the best pokemon game so far

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There is no reason Gamefreak can't include the missing pokemon later on as patch updates outside of laziness. If fucking Activision of all places can give free content patches for half a year to crash team racing then so can Gamefreak. I can't support such soulless effort on their part.

for me, it's yanma is shit

this is the same company that sold two identical copies of a game side by side from the start

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I'd like to see them release old pokemon as DLC. Like $5 per pokemon and only have like 20-30 of them. I just wanna see how low they can go.

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>take away the massive variety of mons
400-500 is still tons you retard. That's more than everything up to gen 4.

>wanting a finished game without cut content

>not being satisified with the curry cooking mini game as an acceptable replacement for everything they cut

Fuck off boomer

New pokemon are definitely the main thing that interests me in any gen, which is why i agree, people should've been pissed and boycotting GF for two gens now, because X/Y and Sun/Moon both had inexcusably low new pokemon counts.
It would be fine if GF could just make each game with it's regional dex only, but release a new Stadium that gets patches when new gens release adding all the new pokemon to it together.

Would it kill them to not include a worthless battle gimmick that will undoubtly be forgotten about within the next two entries? Just keep improving the current battle model like they did the first five gens.

I guarantee you at least 15 million will be.

ot cant improve anymore.
they can add new skills and balance some numbers but the gameplay of pokemon os suchs a mess of balance that any rude changes will break it more..

Maybe you don't have social media (in which case I envy you) but you'd be surprised how many gamefreak shills and lap dogs are willing to eat everything Gamefreak shits out with no complaints

I mean yeah it's stupid but there's nothing you can do about it and a few trailers later and most of the Pokemon fan base is back on board. You're probably gonna buy day one you fucking sheep.

I'm buying Sword.

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ughh who the fuck care nerds? Don't tell me you people actually capture thousands of the pokemons lol? These devs are people too... it takes a lot of time to make animation and models you bigots.

This, this shit is just pathetic.

>gen railroad
>gen NPC wankery
>not complete and utter shit

>Using out-of-region Pokemon in any Pokemon game is dumb
Actually, I agree with this. As much as I like my favorite, if I have access to my favorites, I'm always going to go back to them if I can. So if you lock the new region to only the new pokemon, people can properly just not buy it if the new pokemon aren't good

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>These devs are people too..
Being autistic enough to care about a digital collection or thinking these bits of data are your friends is one thing, but defending a billion dollar company is equally as autistic.

Nigga, pokemon is the biggest multimedia franchise PERIOD.
There is literally no reason they can't pull all stops, team up with the best studios at everything, and make the best fucking game for the main console main series debut.

>There is literally no reason they can't pull all stops, team up with the best studios at everything, and make the best fucking game for the main console main series debut
is called money, you think they reached those numbers with work?
also stop mixing all the branches with whetever budget gamefreak gets.

>is called money, you think they reached those numbers with work?
as if putting work to legitimately make a good game doesn't sell
>also stop mixing all the branches with whetever budget gamefreak gets.
I'm not... I'm not blaming GF alone.... TPC, Nintendo and whoever else could be involved in this and make the budget bigger are also at fault for the game being so shitty. Most of all though, I can't imagine they wouldn't raise the budget if Masuda asked and promised return. The hack is too far up into his own anus, the bugs eating his brains, he thinks the franchise is strictly for mobile game addicted kids and it shows.

Nintendo owns 33% of the Pokémon company, how the fuck they let sword and shield get through and published blows my mind , this game will fail HARD

I really don't know, must be retarded casuals that never train their pokemon right or never played competitive pokemon. They don't understand the frustration of losing all of your progress from the older games, shinies, legendaries and event pokemon.

>as if putting work to legitimately make a good game doesn't sell
are you not looking at the sells of past title?
why expend 10x the money if it will only grant 2M more ?
they make more money by doing the minimum.
>I'm not... I'm not blaming GF alone.... TPC, Nintendo and whoever else could be involved in this and make the budget bigger are also at fault for the game being so shitty.
then go and compalin about nintendo shit ahrdware, only and graphics.
but you wont becasue you are a fucking manchildren that only care about his favorite mon not being in the next entry instead of the big picture. And you dam well know if they actually included all pokemon nobody will complain becasue they dont give a fuck about the things you are complaining now otherwise you would have sopken like 4 gens earlier.

the amount of retrds that compalined about this shit and still buy FE is fucking astounding.

Sword: Attacking people who criticize it
Shield: Defending GameFreak

I can't believe you believe that. Pokemon could shovel literal shit down people's throats and still make a profit. There's not a snowball's chance in hell this game will fail. Which is a shame.

>why expend 10x the money if it will only grant 2M more
because it brings positive attention to the franchise and yields more cash from other fronts. Maybe tha game will make only 2M more, but the merch sales will rise accordingly.
>then go and compalin about nintendo shit ahrdware, only and graphics.
I do when I'm not answering a question solely about dex, like I was in the first post. You're just being retarded now.
>otherwise you would have sopken like 4 gens earlier.
I did complain about gen5 on this same thread, and criticized gen6 and 7 immensely when they came out because of the obvious lack of effort.

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The hatebase for this game is funnier to troll than those who think it's fine, so that's why I "defend" it.
Anyone who still put a personal stake in the series after the shitshow that was Gen VI is the type of person to easily fall for trolling, too.

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wait, am I supposed to care about the game or the devs or ... I'm confused.

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>tfw fine with eating shit and will enjoy this game just to explore a new region and catch new monsters
not gonna pay money for it though

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theres a containment board for manchildren like yourself, you stupid faggot.

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God I miss Nichijou

This. Maractus is the epitome of Pokémon design and I'm glad it made it in over Scizor.

As of this year there's about 1300 or so Digimon, give or take.

I haven't been looking at pre-release info since I don't want to be spoiled on the new Pokemon. Have they said specifically which old Pokemon are returning? I'm curious how many from gen 1 are getting the boot.

You're going to have to look at ore release stuff because I don't think there will be a list from them.

I'll just wait until the game releases to find out then.

>the core principle behind this series,
You're a fucking imbecile, and most likely a zoomer. Pokemon has always been about making connections with people. THAT is the core principle. Not catering to autists that identify with Pokemon and can't let go. The pokepurge is unironically the best news for the series in a long time and is only mired down by the fact that GameFreak is incompetent. Never talk like you know about about video games ever again.

The dex cut was inevitable, even if the circumstances surrounding it with the models and animations are an embarassment on GF's part.
Also stop acting like the game would be good if it had a national dex, if the previous 2 gens are anything to go by the postgame will be empty as shit.
Gen 7 proves how you can have all Pokemon and still be an absolute shit game.

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He likely played the game longer than you have lived you stupid underage zoomer
>Not catering to autists that identify with Pokemon and can't let go
Kek if you actually believe this. That has been the sole reason why pokemon got so popular in the first place-that everybody could find their own favorites and beat the game using any combination of hundreds of pokemon, thus dramatically increasing replay value and the uniqueness of each playthrough. Pokemon's creators admitted so themselves
>bu-but muh socializing!
Was also a part, what with version specific pokemon that can only be obtained by trading and trade evolutions, but that was never the main focus, when you could get these pokemon by basically buying the game twice yourself. And looking at wonder trade, you cant honestly believe that to be true

They completely failed at doing this though. The dex so far doesn't look curated to make everything more unique, and I can guarantee they won't have significantly rebalanced what is there. They will also be adding new shitmon, including a regional rat and bird.

The plan is to cycle through pokemon so old can seem new again. Skipping a generation makes them being added again exciting instead of the standard.

>if the previous 2 gens are anything to go by the postgame will be empty as shit
>implying that's any excuse for the blatant laziness that is refusing to program the other pokemon in

>He likely played the game longer than you have lived
fat chance on that, his post reeks of underageb&

Pokemon got popular because it was a jrpg in a time period where JRPGS were king, and combined lots of influences in the 90s with cool monster designs and jumping off the back of dragon quest's monster catching mechanic. After that, merchandise and the anime carried it to where it is now. It has nothing to do with making monster designs that retards can sexually identify with and get personally offended if they're not included in the newest game.

>socializing wasn't the main focus of pokemon because muh lonelyfags can buy 2 copies and muh gts
If you weren't a filthy zoomer you'd know how full of shit that statement is

>but that was never the main focus, when you could get these pokemon by basically buying the game twice yourself
i bet you were that kid with no firends to share pokemon with. The trading part is what made pokemon standout out of any rpg.

sleep tight fugger

I'll add to this in that the original post I replied to, the dumb faggot said that since the games' inception the point was creating new monsters every game for people. Pokemon was not some shoe in guaranteed success, they never had any plans for that. Even when they released sequels in the form of gold and silver, they were meant to just be sequels to red and blue and cap the series off. It's only in gen 3 that this cancerous gamefreak gameplan took over which, remember, is where pokemon took a huge nosedive in popularity

I find it hard to believe that adults get excited for regular old, gamefreak pokemon games

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>After that, merchandise and the anime carried it
> It has nothing to do with making monster designs that retards can sexually identify with
How do you think they kept making new merchandise you fucking retard? You think they sell millions of plushies cause of socialising?

I just love how obvious zoomerfags who jumped on board with pokemon go are. Your stupidity really is a sight to behold
>It has nothing to do with making monster designs that retards can sexually identify with and get personally offended if they're not included in the newest game
If you actually played the previous games, you'd know that no game actually let you catch all the pokemon in the national dex. The national dex itself is a postgame reward, and by the time you actually traded your old pokemon in, you'd finished the game
Except in the newest game, even if you couldn't catch all the pokemon, they were atleast present in the game code, so you could get them in one way or another. Your 'muh dex has too many pokemon!' and 'people identify with their old pokemon and cant use new pokemon!' arguments carry no weight to them whatsoever

none of that is relaetd to his point about socialising.
Most players never completed any of the dexes. i dont know why people keep calling the natoional dex a reward.

How popular are Emboar plushies relative to Charizard? Why do you think they keep shilling Kanto? Why do you think "genwunners" exist? The new designs are of course anticipated but the prospect of new designs is not what originally carried the series. You are a brainlet.

learn to read

The meta will be even more stale with less options

sleep tight fugger

>none of that is relaetd to his point about socializing
Because that was never the main point of contention you imbecile
> The pokepurge is unironically the best news for the series in a long time
This is. This blatant bootlicking to excuse their incompetence and laziness is, and you know its GOfags who say this shit so shamelessly

it wont change a thing. Just will force a change of meta pokemons whcih is better than having the same shits being op every gen.

I'm so fucking mad. I'm never giving a cent to game freak ever again.

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At the VERY LEAST they could've had unique AI for different types of Pokemon. Pokemon that can fly will perch in trees and fly away from trainers, burrowers will burrow underground, Pokemon have nests that they go to, etc

Imagine hunting at night and stumbling upon a group of Clefairy dancing in a circle

the whole point of trailers and pre-release screenshots are to judge the game before its out

>Imagine hunting at night and stumbling upon a group of Clefairy dancing in a circle

whta kind of autismo is this?

>The pokepurge is unironically the best news for the series in a long time and is only mired down by the fact that GameFreak is incompetent.
this is what I said you overeager illiterate tard. You then go on a whole spiel about the national dex for no reason. a cut down more focused list of monsters is a great thing for the series. You dexfags have no standards at all and would probably still lap up gamefreak's shit if they let you use lando-t for the umpteenth time.

>Remove presumably half the dex
>"Its for animations and balance please understand"
>Animations aren't better and they never cared about balance before, why now (see: mega fug)
>"Its too cold for some pokemon [raughs]"
>"We remade the models"
>Just touched up the textures for 1080p
My problem isn't quite just the removal of pokemon, it's mostly the garbage they say. I swear they're just pushing the line to see how far it will bend before people stop buying it.

good think poeple are on baord they hype thrain again judging by the recetion of the latest 5 trailers.

>waaaah why won't devs who work paycheck to paycheck put in all this unnecessary effort into the game
gee I wonder why

>whcih is better than having the same shits being op every gen
>Include Tyranitar, Metagross, Charizard, Mewtwo, and other OP fan favorites and give them ALL a gimmick that makes them even stronger if only temporarily
Yeah I'm sure the meta will change, it's not like they're repeating the same mistake they made with mega evolutions

I don't really care but as a solid argument try and take your dog to Hawaii and see what happens. Or try and bring back some weird animal to your country. Don't know why they didn't just play that angle. I don't see any excuse for the graphics though.

It's falseflaggers. Any and all topics will have people arguing for the sake of arguing. We can only hope that these sell low enough that gf is forced to take notice.

>Tyranitar, Metagross, Charizard, Mewtwo,
there is no megas, they arent meta anymore hell they werent even meta last champion excpet for metagross mega.

>Plus the motto of Digimon has never been "gotta catch 'em all!"
This was never a real phrase outside of burger Ashnime and promotion. Also the slogan was back when there were less than 300 mons. Not over 800.

>he reveals his underage again
Top kek
> a cut down more focused list of monsters is a great thing for the series
And you'd know if you actually played any game before GO that this was always the case, in every single game. Like I said earlier, in game, you had no way to get everything, and you could trade in previous gen pokemon only AFTER you completed the game
The fact that you cant get these pokemon isnt the problem, the fact that you cant get these pokemon AT ALL because they're not even in the game code for absolutely no reason is. Now run along, little zoom-zoom

New starters tend to do very well, Greninja especially blew up huge enough that he got a new special mega evolution added to the anime. Almost like, what everyone focuses on is the pokemon and like seeing them.

>Why do you think they keep shilling Kanto
So you are arguing that is what everyone remembers and focuses on? Pokemon, the designs that were new to them at one point and they grew attached to. Not socialising. Hey why did you say >Not catering to autists that identify with Pokemon and can't let go.
Weird you are now arguing that GF do know that people re very attached to Pokemon, not socialising.

>The new designs are of course anticipated but the prospect of new designs is not what originally carried the series
All the designs were new at one point. The original designs enticed people cause there were all these neat monster designs. Not cause they would get to socialise.

Yeah, that's not a problem, moron. I want the games to have a curated more focused cast, period. Not just temporarily before the postgame is flooded with ugly gen 5 designs and other riffraff. but please by all means keep obsessing over this zoomzoom gofag thing. I have most likely played this series since before you were born and got to experience pokemania firsthand.

>what is dynamaxing
The fact that all pokemon can do it, and yet it's usable by only one pokemon in a battle obviously means that people will dynamax pokemon that are OP to get the most of them. In act, it's actually WORSE than mega evolutions, since all pokemon can use it, so even the OP -as-fuck pokemon that didnt get megas will be able to dynamax. you certainly wont see any dynamaxed Eeveelutions or crapmon in battles

>play breath of the KANTOOOO
>only has 50mons
>somehow Livingdex autists want this

> I have most likely played this series since before you were born and got to experience pokemania firsthand
kek the zoomer cope
>I want the games to have less content because reasons

>no more arguments
aha, oh wow

>zoom-zoom overheating
Kek please keep going retard

sleep tight fugger

sleep tight fugger

>I’d be fine with everything in these games if they had access to every Pokémon, because that’s why I play, I find the collecting aspect the most fun part
I find local battles and finding new Pokemon to be the most fun parts so this game still appeals to me. Sucks for you guys who like to have their old ones around to fill the dex but this doesn't have ant effect on me.

>tfw tripping on highly concentrated espresso
sleep tight fug, here's hoping the caffeine will wear off soon

>You realise cutting Pokémon in a game called Pokémon that’s about collecting, training and using Pokémon is ridiculous right?

Its just jew scheming for the future.

When RSE released you couldnt get every pokemon either.

You needed to buy FR LG to complete the dex, which released after that.

SS is just what RS was to pokemon back then.

I wouldnt be surprised if you need to get SS2 and/or Gen4 remakes to complete the game through trading.

>I find local battles
Now you have less options for team composition, and a smaller dex has always lead to less viable pokemon for high level play.

>I wouldnt be surprised if you need to get SS2 and/or Gen4 remakes to complete the game through trading.
This is outright impossible.
To use your comparison, you needed FRLG to complete the RSE dexes. However, what you didnt take into account is that all the pokemon in FRLG are in RSE's code, and vice versa. You cant actually get them in-game, but they exist in the code, which is why you can trade them in from other games in the first place. This is not the case for SS, because the pokemon not included in these games just simply dont exist as far as the game code is concerned. You cant trade anything that's not included in the game dex in, from anywhere, including the pokemon bank

>high level
Nah I'm full casual. Ever since the first gen I've loved to battle firends/family with my story team in a rival battle kind of way.

>1300 or so Digimon, give or take
holy shit

oh fuck you
in a series where the tag line is gotta catch em all
they're gonna do away with that notion

>This is not the case for SS, because the pokemon not included in these games just simply dont exist as far as the game code is concerned.
Source: your ass

The game isn't out yet, no-one has scoured the data to check.

You fell for marketing. "gotta catch em all" is just something in the anime and it was back when the series had 150-250 pokes

Again then, this is still worse for you as lower team composition. Especially for a casual who doesn't care about getting a good team and wants to play around. You have fewer options and there will be some unique typings etc left out. You have less room to experiment with your story team as there are less ways to cover your needs, meaning you'll have similar teams more often.

Because you literally could never catch them all without stupid trading or transferring autism and nothing changed this time around. Gotta catchem all was a marketing slogan that never actually meant anything.

I'll tell you I'm not buying either.

Gotta Catch Em All disappeared for a bit and never should have come back. It's the reason why boomers think Pokemon is about buying all the merch and most players don't give a shit.

Name one pokemon game in which it's possible to CATCH every single pokemon. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Normally I'd go for the contrarian pick, but there's no way a sane person would choose the ghost shota over the brown fight girl.

That said, this: Maybe if Sword 2 puts megas back in, I'll buy that version.

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But this is me. I play PoGo daily. I didn't buy LGPE and I won't buy this. This is the first CONSOLE POKEMON GAME and they handed it off to their B team and clearly don't give a fuck at all, and even worse are treating people like me as idiots for blatantly lying about their laziness and saying it's due to the amount of work of animations (which was the excuse for why X and Y were bare bones; because they created tons of high quality future proof models... Which Swsh is are still using....). They're using the same excuse again, but are lying because they aren't even doing it. The game looks cheap. It looks bad. It looks like they don't care, which means I won't either.

>source: your ass
Masuda confirmed it himself you stupid twat. None of the excluded pokemon exist in the code itself.
And the reason? 'We're making new models by changing the textures, making games is too hard please understand!'

Bank services won't BE released for this game though. Ever.

This thread is somehow more autistic than all of /vp/

>Western only
>Anime only
Not on your life

Attached: 250px-Crystal_EN_boxart.png (250x249, 131K)

that's literally impossible

I still can't believe Pokemon fans lap up editions. Most fighting games don't even try that shit these days, if you see one it is generally just a goty collection called an edition. But Pokemon 3rd editions were never even a totally complete version, and now they do 2 new editions so the split remains. All this shit is actually more work than just 1 actually complete game. I swear they could add loot boxes and it would be defended.

Oh and as a bonus, the "less than 300" bit was also completely wrong.

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I believe the Japanese version is Pokémon get da ze! So similar implication though it doesn't say all.

Well in general my story teams are going to be bound to new Pokemon so it's not like I ever try and balance things out. There are generally a bunch of returning pokemon in the story too so I'd have to do a ton of playthroughs to ever need ones outside of it.

>"gotta catch em all" is just something in the anime
Ash Ketchum doesn't bother doing it and neither do any of his companions nor friends he makes along the way.
>>and it was back when the series had 150-250 pokes
It seems like the core design philosophy of the series changed several times over the years. This franchise lacked foresight or something, if they'd just took implementing new pocket monsters slower they could have some kickass homeruns in the works; like a Pokemon Stadium 3 or something.
Catching them all seems to be dying now because you can't transfer forward and the like.
>>Name one pokemon game in which it's possible to CATCH
It last happened with second gen, and even third generation where you could link up the main series and trade between them.
You're expecting to pull a gotcha but that's dumb if you take the context of my own statements to mean that in which I intended to convey.
G/S/C could trade with R/B/Y and R/S/E could trade between FR/LG. You could even use a gamecube game to store your pokemon on a memory card back then. Those were the days, before all this mediocrity.

Not that user, but I think Clefairy is originally from the moon or something, and they dance to it when it's out at night or something.

>So similar implication
It literally just means Pokemon get, so the only "implication" is that you get Pokemon.

thanks doc

Trading is not catching. Requiring 2 games is not 1 game. There is no game in which it is possible to catch every single pokemon. Not 1. Not even in generation 1. It's just a catchy tagline because it's a monster-collecting game. People are only now taking it hyper literally because it's not possible to use every pokemon in the game via some method, legitimate or otherwise.

sleep tight fugger

A story team isn't bound to be all new pokemon, we generally get less new these days and SWSH isn't set to have more than usual. Since XY we generally seen older ones pushed in your face harder because of the BW backlash. You're looking at 1/5 new if you are lucky, and from what we know of this dex the kanto pandering is full on. So no your team will end up being old pokemon, but you have way less choice. A bigger regional dex with more choice unarguably would be better, cause then you have more chance to experiment.

Imagine seriously trying to worm your way into arguing that getting less content is fine. They could cut it down to 50 pokemon and you'd argue well I can only carry 6 anyway!

I don't know how IP law works. What's stopping anyone from just making their own pokemon game? I mean, not literally Pokemon, but a bestiary gamy where the monsters can known more than 4 moves or something. Is pokemon too big for an indie game to take market share from it even if it's actually better?

They have done, plenty exist or have tried but you can't compete with the highest-grossing media franchise ever.

but a bestiary gamy where the monsters can known more than 4 moves or something
Such a thing exists, its called SMT. It even has amazing spinoffs that follow this idea like Persona and Devil survivor

Bro I've only used new Pokemon in both gens 6 and 7, trying to tell me I'm somehow going to use old Pokemon before new ones is just silly.

I don't give a single fuck about collecting pokemon since I never caught more than I needed to beat the games.
However, SwSh doesn't really appeal to me and since XY I've felt more and more done with this franchise because I sense that the creators don't really aim for innovation anymore.
Had I known that the jump to 3D didn't make GF want to evolve pokemon to a standard held by the likes of Zelda, then I would've preferred it to stay 2D.
I'm not angry with GF, just disappointed but I'm ready to move since there's more than enough franchises that do try to differentiate from their previous installments.

>A bigger regional dex with more choice unarguably would be better, cause then you have more chance to experiment.
But isn't that exactly what is happening? The regional dex is most likely going to be bigger than previous games (common prediction is 500+ based on reveals we've gotten so far, current largest regional dex is XY with 457). Most people do not interact with any pokemon outside of the regional dex. So they are getting more choice.

Because after the Pokémon cut announcement hating on Game Freak has become popular, and Yea Forums just HAS to be the contrarian voice.

They would rather side with corporate shills and braindead fans than accepting as valid the most popular narrative.

If you defended a shitty company like Game Freak months ago you'd get shat on by everyone here, but now everyone seems pretty content about lazy developers, rushed games and shilling because "it's all unnecessary stuff bruh".

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Poké Barney, your daily threads on Yea Forums aren't going to affect this game's sales positively or negatively one iota, why do you bother?

You have to catch them in one of the games to trade them, either you or someone else. It's obvious that there's no pokemon game with all regions and stuff that was never the discussion from what I was saying.

>Most people do not interact with any pokemon outside of the regional dex. So they are getting more choice
See, this is why any franchise becoming mainstream immediately goes to shit. Fucking casualfags I swear

"sleep tight fugger"
8 times

tem tem

There is probably a bizarro universe out there where Nintendo went that route.

>Every generation only gets maybe 30 new mons tops.
>Most Pokémon straight up reuse the same animation skeletons and animations, like Monster Hunter does.
>It takes ages to get anywhere because of the open world.
>Action takes a LONG time to happen because you need to wait for the "realistic" animations to play out
>Combat is real time, but also very easy to cheese when using the terrain right or a total clusterfuck.

>People wish the game would go back to it's roots and increase the count again, resulting in more unique Pokémon. People want turn based combat back. Make it simple again.

because i am annoyed by redditors and normies spamming #bringbacknationaldex en masse.
I don't actually think the game looks good, I just act like I do in order to spite them.

Attached: 67556863_p0.png (1362x1891, 588K)

Stfu faggot

What's silly is the lengths pokemon fans go to so they can deny more variety is good. I guess for the person who only cares about online battles, but only against family, only casually, doesn't care about team composition and will dodge out the way of any old pokemon it is okay. But still worse as you have less variety to fight against, and you don't get that many new pokemon these days. Things are still worse for you yet you would still defend GF to the grave.

>But isn't that exactly what is happening?
It isn't set to be much bigger than that, predictions put it in the 400-500 range based on guides. So at best you are getting 50 more. Again though, a much bigger regional dex wouldn't hurt anybody, and if the cut has to happen I'd want a seriously extended regional dex.

Because they fail at one part or more of the Pokemon formula.
>Every enemy is recruitable
>You can train early monsters and still can perform well with them late-game
>They evolve and don't change their design that drastically
>Unified artstyle with charming monster designs
>They don't die of age
>You don't lose them when you breed them.
Pretty sure I'm missing some, but this should be the core.

What's worse is that they also add new gimmicky shit each gen and then chuck it out in the next one, whether it was good or not
>gen 2 got day and night cycles, gen 3 didnt
>gen 3 had the physical/special split that forced you to choose moves depending on multiple factors such as specific stat vs STAB vs move effects. Gen 4 ruined it by applying that split to the moves themselves
>Gen 4 improved on berry growing and harvesting, and carried over the frontier postgame challenge. Gen 5 didnt
>gen 5 brought in dreamworld and special abilities. Within the same gen this got scrapped and hidden abilities became a breeding quirk
>Gen 5 also brought in season changes. Gen6 didnt
>Gen 6 brought in mega evolutions. Gen 7 doesnt use then anywhere in-game, and relegates them to postgame
>Gen 7 brought in Z moves and UBs, in addition to multiverse crap. Gen 8 removes these entirely, in addition to megas, and half the fucking pokedex

All I've been saying is it doesn't effect me much. It's completely fine to think of no national dex as a deal breaker and you won't see me convince you otherwise. Once again it just doesn't effect me enough for me to not get the game.

less content
higher price

>I dont care about lazy shitty practices because they dont affect me!
Enjoy the paid DLC and gachashit coming your way in future generations, faggot. I'm sure you'll love those

In my opinion it would be best to stop the introduction of new mon and instead mostly do reginal reskins and typings. Although I know this isnt the most popular opinion it still is my opinion.

Attached: 1470137634324.jpg (567x481, 119K)

>(read: Your starter and Mareep)
A man of taste I see

Attached: 1492630892620.jpg (260x293, 22K)

This is honestly not a bad idea, using regional variants has been a thing as far back as gen2. Making their types and movepools different is simply the next logical step
The problem is that they completely botched the idea by making too few variants, and all of them are of KAAAAANNNNNNTTTTTOOOOOO! pokemon for the sake of blatant pandering, souring the reception of what is otherwise a good idea. Worse, the variants are literally paint swaps, and yet those idiots count them as new pokemon, so any creative effort in producing actual new pokemon gets affected
I do believe that there are plenty pokemon, and that GF needs to stop adding more, atleast for the time being, and do different shit with the pokemon they already have

Yeah, it sounds like something a studio would have to really focus on. It might be a doable solo project if you made it similar to early generations in animation scope, but modeling even 151 models to keep the same 1st gen size in 3d and animating idles and damage for them all would be a task. On the bright side, once you have a model you can always add more animations in updates or some such, and if you sell literally anything you have years to do the next set of models.

sleep tight fugger

They'll cycle them, retard

Late to the thread but don't even bother with Pokémon masters. They differentiate between the "premium" currency you earn through doing challenges/daily login bonuses, and the "paid for" currency which is bought using real money

i welcome them removing pokemon i wish every game just had new ones and no old ones

There will always be mons that will be in everything because of their popularity. ANdothers will fall more and more to the side.

>There will always be mons that will be in everything because of their popularity. ANdothers will fall more and more to the side.
Yes. They'll still cycle them

I would honestly be happy with no new pokemon, just build on what we have. more content, animations, fights, moves, megas, even z moves (even though i hate them)

No new pokemon would be the quickest way to never get me to play a pokemon game again.

the game relies on past Pokemon for balancing, the first game had alakazam who was weak to types that were much did not exist of and were super weak and the best pokemon to use for that were poison so they were weak to Psychic

Sleep tight fugger

you cant balance a game with such a big roster.
its impossible. they either have to abandon balance or cut pokemon. to my suprise they actually cut pokemon. thank esports for that.

As a huge fan of nature in general, one of the biggest appeals of pokemon for me was the collection aspect. I really felt like i was discovering new things about this fictional world's wildlife and that was pretty cool. Hearing that they're dropping a HUGE chunk of the pokemon every gen is just too much of a blow for me. Especially since now that the dex has shrunk, there's even less to do postgame and let me tell you, I'm not throwing down 60 bucks for a 10 hour game, especially when the meta involves this... gigawhatever being the focus. Its a shame but this is where i get off the pokemon ride, ill always have the old games.

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if you cut all pokemon from each gen to only the pokemon that gen made i dont think any would be balanced. Gen 1 was terrible in balance

You guys are so fucking dumb about this. When GF is talking about balance they are not talking about smogon 1 on 1s post game every Pokemon seeing roughly equal usage, they are talking about every Pokemon having a role in the game.

all you do with pokemon is battle.
if they cant battle successfully, what role do they have besides being cute?

i dont think they put in as much work into balance as now. and they created the new gens knowing well that they are putting the pokemon on top of the old ones. so yes, if you cut old pokemon in any gen it will be unbalanced, because it wasnt build with that in mind.

You can balance the single player.

Who gives a shit if you can't catch some random Pokemon no one even cared about in the region it's from? How many fans do "Finneon" have?
The problem isn't cutting Pokemon, it's not showing any area where the saved effort is made use of.

I'd rather have a Pokemon game with 150-200 good Pokemon where they all have their own unique animations and locations you find them in the world (not just spawning from the ground at random).

Attached: 2hus.webm (620x450, 2.75M)

the single player has always been piss easy, but every gaming company has an eye on esports nowadays.
so they used that excuse to have less work.

Smaller rosters has never once lead to a more balance entry in pokemon. Just you thinking they'll try is bullshit, we've seen no evidence that they are attempting a more balanced meta. Even cutting features like megas which actually helped shitmon out.

It really annoys me that the nature aspect has never really been expanded on. Wild areas are probably the biggest step in ages, and even that has been botched. I'd love a pokemon game where it actually felt like you were exploring a region and watching Pokemon in their habitats. Where your dex could actually update with useful info and it felt like you were discovering things.

>confusing regional dex with nation dex
Masuda drones pls

Same, but options for older mons should be in. So I also disagree.

For the same reason people defend Sakurai and that awful World of Light mode.

Why does Pokemon make Snoys SEETHE?

t. Masuda fart sniffer

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dont get me wrong, i do not agree with them, i think they will do a terrible job at it. i never cared for balance in pokemon.
im just saying that you simply cant make so many pokemon unique and just like so many other gaming companys they are jumping on the esports train and using that to cut corners and giving the impression that they care about balance now.

they don't know shit,i can already see that they are living in a worse timeline than ours,because they are blind losers.

I have literally been playing Pokemon since 1996, when they first versions released on GBC. Since then I, and every other Pokemon fan, have harbored the dream of one day playing a true console Pokemon game, a fully realized 3D environment with all the trimmings we've come to expect from other standard AAA titles. Highly polished graphics, full exploration, exciting and well animated battles, but at the end of it all, we just wanted to be able to walk around the world with our favorite Pokemon at our side. Everything about this game is a betrayal to the life long fan, and I actually said nothing when LGPE came out, because I thought for certain it meant they were busy finishing our dream game for the switch.

I literally have a life long case of blue balls because of this game. I've bought all the titles up until LGPE, and this may be the end for me since SS required me to invest in a switch; it's looking like too large a financial decision just to be disappointed.

This is why I'll never buy another. What's the point? For 20 years I've trained and bred pokemon and made connections to them, this design decision throws their entire concept of making friends with these creatures out the window. Even if I like a pokemon in one game, it's never going to be transferable. Why would I play an inferior version of the game I've been playing for 20 years?

Retard, that is literally what the game sold itself as, virtual pets.

>we just wanted to be able to walk around the world with our favorite Pokemon at our side
Fucking this. This so much.
New-zooms are total psychopaths and will never understand this feeling

Don't bother user, he's too autistic for emotions.

Nigger it's not that I can't catch it. Every Philemon games has had limitations on what's watchable in the region. The point is I can't even transfer it, AND they have explicitly stated that transferring as a method of completing the dex is no longer their priority. They have abandoned the hook they caught me with.

sleep tight fugger

Why would they waste time on something that only a fraction of people will use? Again, who's gonna transfer a Finneon? That's wasted dev time.

I remember a guy in high school that caught a shiny Feebass that wouldn't eat bitter poffins.

>I wont use it, so it's not necessary because I'm representative of everybody who plays this game!
Kill yourself you narcissistic twat

*dry poffins, sorry.
It was whichever poffin you used to up beauty so it could evolve into milotic

I will never understand how pokefags don't realize this. There's literally thousand models (including forms, megas, etc). No other game has so many creature models. Add character models and you have a massive amount of work to do.

Yeah people were using winners like Volbeat and Illumiese

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The average player base is representative of the average player. There are like 900 pokemon now or something, and I'd rather have 200 fully realized ones than 900 cardboard cutouts. I don't know what the average player wants or not, and neither do probably you, so I don't understand why you're so upset.

Shove it, casualfag
All those models exist. They were made 6-7 years ago for XY when the series went full 3D, and those models have been reused over and over. giving less content and citing that as the reason is fucking bullshit

I would, fuckface. I have pokemon that I've kept since ruby/sapphire, just because you are a fucking casual doesn't mean we all are.

It's a switch. This isn't the rinky dink handheld scene anymore, they are stepping into the big leagues which means they have to deliver MORE and BETTER, not less and worse.

I don't see how the inability to adapt to new situations make you any less casual than I am.

seethe more, ugly :^)


This the new shill meme? I am adapting in fact, I've adapted to closing my wallet for gamefreak products.

You wish I was ugly. In fact, you NEED me to be ugly and unsuccessful. Too bad for you.

>The average player base is representative of the average player
Other way around, faggot
>There are like 900 pokemon now or something, and I'd rather have 200 fully realized ones than 900 cardboard cutouts
Except every single one of those 900 were fully realized, multiple times already. You would know that if you actually played anything other than LGPE and GO
>I don't understand why you're so upset
Of course you wouldn't casualfag, because as far as you're concerned, the game ends when you beat the champion
>Openly admits he's a casualfag
>even posts like a casualfag
See, the game only allows you to transfer old pokemon AFTER you finish the fucking game, this retarded bullshit you spout has no ground at all

>I'm a burger

I admit there are a lot of obscure pokemon people never play with honestly, but paying 60$ for just circa 500 Pokemon compared to 40$ for all pokemon up to 800+ is just baloney and you're silly not to admit we're really just paying for the cartridge prices without making the most out of its space and instead cluttering it with unnecessary bulky gimmicks and cut scenes they've started to shove since gen 7.

You got offended so quickly, just like a pathetic redditfag hahahahahahaha
Go back :^)

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No one uses that meme anymore. Gamefreak hires damage control now too I guess. 2019 really is current year.

Pokémon is the most casual game ever , if you are such a hardcore gaymer then maybe you shouldn't be playing kids games full stop

Are you going to buy a kids' game, user?

>Implying I played anything after the failed abortion that is Gen VI
>Implying I'll waste my money on this casual garbage
You have fun zoom-zoom, enjoy

Spoken like a true redditfag
How does it feel knowing your beloved franchise is going to shit? Hmmmm :^)

>TFW the National Dex cut was what got me interested into the game.

Fuck genies
Fuck Tapus
Fuck Heatran
Fuck mythicals
Fuck Narutoad

Pokemon can be balanced, you just have to remove Pokemon that are too strong.

>laziness is fine because muh competitive!
You dont even play competitive, faggot. If you did, you'd know that set tourney rules can ban certain types of pokemon from being used, there's no reason to truncate the number of available pokemon
But even that's not the point, because gamefreak has never given a shit about competitive, given how they designed mega fug

This wouldn't justify what they're doing still. They're other ways of fixing the meta that don't involve picking the entire roster apart

I'm sure you're going to love it when the third version adds back all the legendaries

Sun and Moon kind of killed my pokemon obsession. I don't even care about these new games.

>Except every single one of those 900 were fully realized
If you by fully realized mean that you never see them in their natural habitats (only through a battle screen), I guess.
You rarely if ever see Pokemon interacting with their environments and each other (except for combat), and in combat they usually just slide back and forth or a beam appears in front of them to represent an attack.

I transferred some Pokemon from gen 3 to gen 4, but that's about it. I don't feel attached to cardboard cutouts.

But they kept Ferrothorn and Toxapex

Fpbp, I legit cant stand over 200of em

I used it in my Ultra Sun run.

Too bad, you're going to get neither and all of those will be back.

Don't know, you're the one defending it and in love with it.

>Pokemon can be balanced
No one actually believes this

Is it too much to ask for injured idle animation?

For Gamefreak? absolutely.