>Barret still swears like a sailor
>Don Conero is in and still acts rapey
>Crossdressing still in
And to think you fags were screaming this game would be censored or toned down.

Attached: 0281AD0A-DF32-49C6-A572-BE426A731328.jpg (1400x784, 213K)

Other urls found in this thread:,396598/,396595/,109714/

I actually think they swear MORE in the remake than in the original games. Cloud even said shit

I'd be fully ready to embrace it now but at the same time the donut steels added a whole new level of potential doubt

>Crossdressing still in
No it's not, that scene with Aerith and Tifa deconfirms it. Cloud and Aerith don't meet up with Tifa until they're already inside.

The only donut steel is this fag everybody else is in the original game

Attached: E1E02B14-842D-4C89-9746-D4146FB4C786.jpg (1200x651, 71K)

It is toned down. Tell me, how many times did you see the Honey Bee Inn?

barret looks badass and aeris is absolutely gorgeous. how the fuck did they do it? was it sacrificing tifa?

Nomura confirmed it was in years ago and clearly they changed somethings around. You didn’t know that when you fought Reno in Aerith’s church? That wasn’t in the original game

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Tifa is still delicious user

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I can't wait for all the SFM porn of crossdressing Cloud

Attached: cloudcd.jpg (768x1024, 52K)

they're gonna fuck up the motor cycle chase which is arguably one of the best set pieces of /vr/ gaming. All this modern technology and they will fuck up the chance at the best video game car chase in history and they're about to throw it all down the fucking drain.

captcha select all motorcycles

Attached: 798835138461321684151.gif (245x150, 1.49M)

That's in the train graveyard idiot

I remember during my first playthrough of the original wishing that I could replace the character voices I chose in my mind with second-rate voice acting instead.

is fighting reno in the church going to replace pushing barrels?

They're strongly embracing the interwoven action combat aspect of the game. Perhaps they'll just adapt that and make the bike chase a high-speed version of that (so pretty much what they had last time but with stats and spells). I think that would be pretty decent.
I don't really expect them to go anywhere next-level with it, though it would be neat if they did.

>No reflect
>No shell
>No holy
>No esuna
>Statuses are over before you hear the companions call them out anyway
>Magic is only fire ice thunder, and comes in fucking copy paste grenades that are tedious to craft
>No meta magic stuff like duplicate skills etc
>Shitty guard mechanic on 1 line of shield item that is shit and pointless when you have warp strike and tech
>Tech is the only thing even approaching ff combat: There are 4 techs that matter: Ignis buff (you don't really need it but w/e) Ignis heal (you can just use the avalanche of heal items) Prompto single target (mainly to get enemies out of attack) Gladios full screen big damage nuke
>No weapon choice because sword is the best on noctis and everyone else has a type and secondary they are best with
>barely any gearing choice after you tediously grind 3 accessories that is IT for gear choice, most don't do anything useful except increase TP grind rates
>No demon wall
>No boss has any memorable tactics, or if they do you can't tell because they are far too weak comparatively, even malboro boss barely puts anything on you and falls to the might of press O pretty fast
>no red magic, blue magic, white magic
>summons are based on random stupid conditions you have to look up, by then you're near end game anyway and it didn't matter

If they were setting out to fail completely at anything resembling good combat: Mission Accomplished.

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>tseng lost his chin
Danm it

I hope not.
And god help everyone if he steps on the flowers...
I'm serious. I hope they don't fuck up the tone of that set of scenes, it was unique.


It is definitely toned down. He doesn't say anywhere near what he says in the original.

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If someone bought you a PS4 with the game you would have a completely different view. Stop being a poor fag and just accept you are scum


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I can even see him joining the trap gang. Art everywhere of Astolfo, Felix, Shimakaze-kun, and Cloud bro-ing it up.

I pirated the pc version for free

i wanna see more donut steels

Attached: WOOHOO.jpg (1460x821, 138K)

Barret swears so much during the guard scorpion fight. He actually swears more now

Attached: E35E86B7-A04A-4BFA-A04C-137D9B14812B.jpg (1000x1000, 118K)

not that guy, but I still call her Aeris. I don't care. I played the game the day it came out and I said it that way for many years even after Kingdom Hearts was released and people started bothering me about saying it that way haha.

Attached: aerithhththt.png (499x425, 73K)

I hope name changing is still in.

Thanks for proving my point. You can't even afford the normal fucking version of FF7

why is her face so LOOOONG

There's a lot more dialogue overall, I think the ratio is still okay.

My post is about ff15 retard

Not enough shit, fucking and bitch



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I glad I knew her name was Aerith and change it on my first FF7 playthrough. Yet I didn't know she was going to die and she was my main mage.

I want to beat up Tifa chan with Aeris manly jaw

With VA you can forget that.

There's no jaw only AYYYYY

I liked almost everything about the new trailer except that Tifa seemed so distress. It gives me anxiety to see my waifu crying

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what about that chin? I could act like I'm gonna stab her with it so she gets scared

you must have played it after Kingdom Hearts. No one called her Aerith until that game came out.

The thread is about FF7 you fucking one cell brain

Her chin is cute and round
You can't stab with that

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>tfw no Aerith gf

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Japanese voices

stroke Aerith has a chin that might rival Sephiroths Masamune, dumb user

I hope the fireworks are a stylistic "wow" moment and not some actual firework insert. It would help to keep some of the quirk in FF7


Tifa is obviously just Tifa

>always pronouncing her name as Tif-fa
>AC comes around

Attached: 1562518153975.gif (500x375, 497K)

The only to avoid the disgusting -th menace menath

I don't even remember but I did played after 8 and 9. The PS2 was already out.

How many times did they show Red XIII? Exactly haven’t showed it yet

Aerith's voice actor is shit. She's cute but her efforts at sounding even remotely believable are shit.

all anime voice actors suck IMO. It's always like "I'm aaactiiiiing!"

Old Aerith is AWFUL. That’s not even up for debate. This new Aerith sounds amazing in comparison

Attached: 9F2F735A-2C69-4E4E-BFC8-4EFA5CB7D34B.jpg (592x443, 50K)


It's a real name and it's pronounced the way it traditionally is. You got no excuse bro.

Oh God fucking cringe

not even the same location you fucking retard

wasn't her name just stolen from gungdam?

Enjoy your kingdom hearts remake faggot. It looks bad.

>Crossdressing still in
>And to think you fags were screaming this game would be censored or toned down.
>toned down
They literally said this was happening, you idiot. It's in, but it's getting neutered because they don't want to offend faggots.

t-there was a demon wall though

No, they said they are toning down the Honey Bee in. meaning the gay gang bang/rape.

I like him. He fits in with the "1st Class SOLDIERs tend to be prima donna rock stars with fan-clubs" stereotype that Crisis Core established (one of the few interesting bits of expanded lore from the Compilation.)

This guy looks like a huge douche, especially with the leather jacket. Hope he's as fun as he looks.

She looks like she is about to break out into song at this point.

FF7 the musical, a true ode to Lovelace

i was hoping modding would take off once it was finished for the PC version when I bought it on sale
now i'm stuck with it after Tabata quit and mod support was abandoned

>we’re actually going to get a love triangle

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Hoping they put a threesome minigane in.

Hopefully we see both of these at TGS

No matter how much time passes, I will never like these redesigned outfits.

Anyone have the gif of Rude spinning Cloud around at very high speeds?

They're showing more?

do it SE you fucking faggots

Do we have an image of Barret, Cloud and Tifa near each other? Barret doesn't realy look 6'5"

Aeris has such a real girl cunt smile now. This isn't my animes.

No, they're toning down anything that might offend faggot sensibilities.

Honestly only Biggs and Tifa got redesigned significantly. Aerith's one of those subtle cases you wouldn't notice without lookng back to her original design, Barret mostly just slapped shades and a little extra detail on, and everyone else is mostly on point.

>dat Cloud

Attached: EEMKCsEVAAIg1Gn.jpg (529x278, 18K)

based nomura, making king again.

Attached: King.png (365x360, 191K)

god I love Tifa

11:20AM EST tomorrow is the 40min announcement block

combat looks way too slow for real time action combat. Also the over use of flashy effects is shit
I'll probably still buy it though

Is it retarded or superior?

Thanks pal.


Hard not to

Attached: EERjeeQUEAEZ9sS.jpg (889x732, 278K)

>Aerith's one of those subtle cases you wouldn't notice without lookng back to her original design
I noticed IMMEDIATELY, but the new outfit isn't bad and her face and overall sheer beauty were more than enough to make up for it.

Tifa, on the other hand, looks like Yuffie got breast implants and grew up to be a single mom.

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she is asking for it

Tomorrow? you mean the event on the 14th or is there another one tomorrow?

They specified the Honey Bee Inn. The gay gangbang/rape.
they did it to not offend homosexuals and outrage junkie faggots such as your self.

it will be the Tokyo

>but the new outfit isn't bad and her face and overall sheer beauty were more than enough to make up for it.
n-not sure about that

Attached: z_5d7907c3f22ae.jpg (1920x1080, 217K)

It's still going to be another 8 years until the full game is released.

>when Cloud sees Sephiroth's face on Aerith

Maybe more.

>Squaresoft website
>(Aeris) seems more interested in the deepening love triangle between herself, Cloud and Tifa

I think they made her look way to young like she almost looks like a kid here

They made her more "Asian"

He’s like a mix of Gladiolus, Demyx and King

He's like a joe dirt looking janitor bum who stole a uniform and prances around pretending to be SOLDIER while he listens to freebird on repeat.

>finally get the courage to go talk to aeris and ask her out
>she gives me this look and says "WHAT DO YOU WANT"

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She looked asian before like in AC, they differently made her this time way younger than she is supposed to be

I wasn't worried about it being toned down. I was worried about them exaggerating it to absurdity in pursuit of a Hollywood-esque cinematic spectacle, which is exactly what they're doing.

Is there an option to have Barret bleeped on the swears, complete with mosaic over his mouth?

>posting tranny Aeris

Attached: 1562614343654.jpg (474x266, 20K)

You are fucking hypocrite if you think tifa is ugly now. Look at her, look at her rat chinky face. If you think she's ugly now, she was always ugly for you then.

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that could be great as a one time joke
it would get stupid eventually

>like in AC
God don't remind me, what a shitshow AC was. Worse Square movie to date.
>Zuru zuru zuru zuru
Killed Tifa to me.

its incredible the difference between this tifa thighs and in the end, they tweaked tifa thigs.

they just better keep the motorbike chase theme in or else im rioting.

>Zuru zuru zuru zuru
>Killed Tifa to me.
I felt bad for the localizing trying to come up with something that matched the phonetic timing for English instead of just saying fuck-it and making her say something less retarded altogether.

She looked like a hapa model in AC. Remake just turned her into a JAV actress.

Attached: il_570xN.1581682900_kp6s.jpg (570x329, 23K)

>not liking DILLY DALLY SHILLY SHALLY for its's pure absurdity
shit was comedy gold

>FF7R comes out
>Sakurai adds crossdressing Cloud to Smash


>God don't remind me, what a shitshow AC was.
Did you ever watch the Complete version of AC which added even more loose threads to the plot without even explaining their context?

Tseng is hotter than Tifa

Will this be on Steam?

Think we'll get classic outfits for everyone?


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What would the real difference be for people other than Tifa? Sephiroth without Dissidia jingly jangles and AC straps on his coat?

Probably much later

I have NEVER seen a company ruin so many of their characters like they did in AC. Hell knowing how they end up makes me unhyped for the remake.

Every FF is on Steam eventually.

>no Priscilla
All crap, wouldn't want my or Cloud's dick anywhere near them.

Lol no

Purple Cloud. Aeris with her button-down dress. Shirtless Barret with no shades.

All we know is that it's "Play it first on PS4". There will definitely be a PS5 port, probably PC around the same time.

i don't give a fuck. it's literally a movie with "action sequences" featuring combat more dumbed down than FFXV, which is about as dumbed down as a game can get. gameplay literally looks on par with DMC2.

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Cloud is no longer purple?

Best girl 22 years running

Tifafags are KIDDING themselves!

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>reno's a faggy prettyboi
Knew it. They couldn't help themselves.

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Cloud with the original color scheme and the original Buster Sword. Maybe his hair? Give Aerith her shoulderpads.

>Cloud with his correctly colored clothing and less belts
>Barret minus all the added pouches, shades, etc
>Aerith with her more form-fitting dress
>Tifa with her correct clothing

its a trailer, you stupid kid. Of course they are gonna pop a lot of cutscenes. What, you wanna see cloud walking and fighting random enemies as a trailer?

He's only purple in the original game and Smash Bros.

Attached: file.png (1093x820, 1.12M)


>add in mystical whispy ghosts
>turn the president of shinra into a massive pussy with his holo-shit
>introduce sephiroth WAY too early
>fill the first chapter with new OC and excessive padding
>user - Reno looks like a fag, that's the last straw!

new voices suck dick.

that's the cost of going non-union

They were fooling me pretty good with the other reveal but this one is full on 4/10 low effort anime dub tier. Voices are awful.

>Cloud is 5'7"
>Barret is 6'5"
That doesn't look right to me, maybe its the perspective

>and the original buster sword
leave the weapon out of the costume.
The original game had many weapons for Cloud to collect. This needs to be the same way.

No game that has ever focused 100% on the cutscenes it has has ever ended up being worth even one one-hundredth of a shit. Cinematic trailers just mean that the game's gameplay isn't good enough to get people excited for it. Don't even fucking dream of calling me a stupid kid when you're the tard getting excited over QTEs and MUH GWAFIX. Why the hell wouldn't I want to see what the actual combat of the game looks like? Are you fucking stupid?

Attached: anne.jpg (380x2116, 192K)

>best girl
>can't even beat Yuffie in a poll
more like WORST girl

Why is Barret mexican now?

Cloud is at least 5'11 don't believe what you read, believe your eyes.

is the new OC just a random baddy to beat the shit out of? i'd rather see him join the party.

>making President Shinra a hologram
For literally what possible reason did they change this? Why are they making so many nonsensical changes?

>Cloud is at least 5'11

Attached: strife.png (483x567, 107K)

Nice hyperbole sperg, but the fact that the playable demos exist and we already know the gameplay is 9/10 BTFO's your shitposting. Cope loser

because brainlets think "durr why barret not just shoot shinra" even though barret isn't a fucking murderer and you it isn't easy to just kill people whenever you want even if they are villains

those eyes are really fucking weird

Based Anti-Barry

>the gameplay is 9/10
fucking lmfao, yeah dude just like the FFXV demo was incredible right? and then the game came out. FF7 remake can not be anything but shit, sorry. I'm still gonna play it, but literally don't delude yourself into thinking this dumpster fire's gonna be worth the wait.

To make the president seem more important.

they updated it since 5'7 is even fr japs manlet tier

Still waiting on the smile edit and the hipster glasses, blond hair edit.

well you wouldnt count clouds hair in his height

>they updated it since
[Citation Needed]

Autism user photoshopping hipster glasses onto every pic of her is late

How long until Keanu Reeves makes it into VII Remake as a character?

He's already in Cyberpunk and Death Stranding.

Attached: Char_profile_Silverhand_2077.png (370x600, 247K)


>death stranding

I'm just adding to the list breh. It's all bad. Making it so Shinra doesn't come down to gloat is a huge change. It's not just presentation, it's context where before Shinra was so egotistical and smug that he waltzed right down to the ISIS members blowing up his billion gil power plants just to kill them. Now he's an anime villain. A massive part of FFVII being different is that the characters had nuance and this is the opposite of that. So damn disappointed.

And yeah, Reno being a flamer is a huge red flag to me because it's so different from his original appearance.

Except FFXV has God tier combat. You have attack combo with directional inputs on 15 different weapon types with Noctis alone, offering back flips, sidesteps, charges, self launches etc, you have aerial combos from different weapon types, manual weapon switching, airsteps, aerial dodges, recoveries, attack cancelling through blink dodges, dodge roll, guard stance that consumes MP, shield blocks for proper timing based blocks that can stagger enemies, magic that is strong and useful but you should use sparingly, tech commands to make your other party members do specific thing through their own dedicated bar on top of character switching all with unique combat for each,jump, warp and warp strikes, parries and counters, link attacks and team attacks, ton of weapon, combat and enemy variety. It's got more freedom and actions in it than any ARPG ever as well. If anyone tries to meme you that it's somehow bad they either never played it or didn't bother to actually learn how to play it and instead just cheesed it with healing potions any time their shit got slapped. Go back to your DMC garbage your shit taste cunt.

Attached: warpin around.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

>face app autist is back at it again

>FFXV has God tier combat

hes voicing reeve
reeve is based on his face

who care...

t. Seething DMCuck or KHtranny

Neck yourself loser

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XV_20171010011821.webm (960x540, 2.76M)

And he's here again.

Attached: ffxv kun.jpg (1920x1080, 749K)

it doesn't matter how much fancy shit you can do in the game when literally none of it is necessary beyond
>hold attack until enemy winds up
>hold dodge to automatically dodge their attack
>resume holding attack


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This image makes me go "FUUUUCK, why she doesn't exist...".
She beyond gorgeous, were she real, she'd be an fucking 11. And I've never seen a natural 10, just personal 10s.
Seriously, this render makes my heart HURT. I haven't felt like that for years, peharps a decade!

i think it's extremely funny that people are surprised by him being a bishie
guys advent children was more than a fucking decade ago ya'll are smarter than this
actually zoomies probably don't know what AC is let alone played ff7

There's no way Kojima wouldn't mocap Keanu into the game after he visited the studio. Kojima even teased that we'd see big names within the game itself after showing Geoff Keighley's character.

political correctness now adays is less about cursing anyways.
the only cursing you cant do is racial slurs.

this is of course not THAT different from back then, but clearly cursing is more ok, and sexual content is less ok.
but i agree it wont be anything "too bad" but i still dont agree with the mentality.

it is censored and toned down

Oh good, what we needed was more gay Turk fanfiction

oh fuck off XV is fucking shit

Are you fucking retarded? You never fought Cor or Gilgamesh or camp bros fight final trial or Aranea camp fight final trial or Ifrit or Daemon Ravus or Ravus or Bahamut v2 or any of the Lucii or Ardyn v2. Please hold nothing but O against Ifrit or Cor or Aranea or Ardyn or Titan or Deadeye or Daemon Ravus or the bros at camp final trial or Aranea final trial or Gilgamesh or Barbarus or Ravus or Ardyn v2 or King Behemoth and see how you hit 0HP within seconds, and since you must still be holding nothing but O in danger state you can't move so the enemy will hit you without you being able to do anything and you'll die. Blink, airsteps, deathdrop, airslip, airdance, impervious, character switching, Armiger, make use of directional inputs and weapon switching are the bare minimum if you don't want to eat shit from enemies.

nate seethe

Attached: cor wrecks 1.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

>H-he's the only new character I swear no one else will be new except this random soldier fag!?

I still cant believe they fucking made don Corneo a fucking mexican
Its not fucking fair!

Spotted the KHtranny/DMCfag/turn-based nostalgia baby who can't into actually deep combat

Attached: fd6kNTNfpKNWjNH.webm (700x404, 2.97M)

Congrats, you're still objectively incorrect by calling her that.

Why is the XV sperg here?

It's over. And I think they made her tits even smaller to prove a point

Attached: 1561182158274.jpg (1024x984, 44K)

i didn't say nothing but hold o, i said hold o but sometimes hold x.

Where is Mexico in Gaia?

Inferiority complex


is crossdressing a dirty word?

>enemy literally just stands there dying while being combo'd to death
>deep combat
i don't have any soi faces saved to my computer on principle but if i did i'd post one right fucking now holy shit lol

Hold nothing but O and X against omega or naglfar or MA-X angelus or Cor or Bahamut or Ifrit or level 120 aranea or Cerberus or the fierce or the rogue or the mystic or ravus or quetzcoatl or dread behemoth or nagarani or red giant or etc
Oh wait you'd fucking die/lose in like 1-3 hits

You still have no proof against any of those where you claim to win by doing nothing but holding O and X. Fuck off tranny

Attached: ara level 120.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

>No Scarlet
>No Rufus

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More like a concept that's in vogue now but no one wants to touch in an E10 game


Because you're terrible at videogames doesn't mean everyone else is

>durr enemy stands there
That's because it's a training room.

maybe you should have stopped the webm before you heal yourself

then have the original one in the game

Barret looks really cool, I don't think they could have done a better job with his design. Also I think people would have thought it was offensive or "transphobic" if they took out the crossdressing. And Conero being rapey, it's not like you're supposed to be on his side. You're supposed to hate him, so of course he has shitty traits. You can't be offended about someone in a game doing something that you're intended to disagree with.

>infinite autocombo on a training dummy
why even post the fuckin webm lmfao jesus christ

XV uses hitstun and hitstop the same way that Monster Hunter World and Bloodborne uses it but more advanced. Every single enemy type has hitstun depending on different attacks, weapons, and Ignis can also hitstun even more enemy types too. it changes depending on the weapon type you're using too, some have more while some have less, as the enemies hyperarmor resistance tanks certain weapons, this is completely consistent and regardless every hit has a sense of impact because of hitstop. XV has the best hitstun, hyperarmor and hitstop of any ARPG.

Not an argument.

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XV_20180213175223_1.webm (960x540, 2.59M)

God please no lol

What you should be more concerned about is the attempt at a "combo demonstration" with a super mode that turns your attacks into cutscenes every time you press a certain sequence of buttons. Every time that camera shifts to that shoulder view, it's a cinematic finisher. That's half of the video with no control over your actions.

You make disingenuous webms of you playing like a retard and then try to pass them off as if they are definitive proof. Kill yourself

>You can't be offended about someone in a game doing something that you're intended to disagree with
You would be wrong. The in vogue opinion among many is that fiction isn't allowed to be "too bad" because everything that happens in the story is actually 100% the viewpoint of the authors because liberals cannot comprehend the concept of fiction

I've been comparing Cloud and Barret's height from demo footage and perspective does not seem to be the issue. Cloud is always about half a head shorter than Barret.

We can tell from that, not including his hair spikes, Cloud is only slightly taller than Tifa. Since Cloud is supposed to be 5'7" and Tifa 5'6", they both seem accurate enough. From that, I think we can say that Barret is the one who's had his height adjusted so he isn't 2+ feet taller than half of the cast.

perhaps user, perhaps....

So all this supposed "way harder secret content" FFXV offers, is it all postgame shit? I remember barely playing postgame on launch because there wasn't much to do, did they really add that much?


Does this look like an FFXV thread?

So should I play the original ff7 or hold out for the remake?

Rufus will be a hologram now too


theyre not the same game, play the original and then wonder why anyone even gives half a shit about the remake

>so he isn't 2+ feet
6'5" isn't 2+ feet taller than 5'7"

I don’t think Yea Forums has gets anymore

You're shit at games and shit at XV. you aren't even describing the mechanics which includes warpstrikes, airsteps, lets you self launch Noctis with directional inputs through back Lstick while attacking with swords or lances, impervious for recoveries, airslip for aerial dodges, airdance for more aerial movement, etc. Learn how to play, blink, airsteps, deathdrop, airslip, airdance, impervious, character switching , armiger unleashed, manual attacks with opener, mid, finisher, counter and aerial attacks, charge attacks, directional inputs and weapon switching, etc. You are so devoid of any actual argument all you can do is lie about shit like "lol hold O amirite!?"

Now here's the part where you just ignore anything and everything I just said and post and continue to act as if it's untrue, because you have no actual fucking argument. Maybe git hud instead of being a shit and expecting it to be handed to you.

That isn't the combat at all because you have manual attacks with opener, mid, finisher, counter and aerial attacks, charge attacks, directional inputs, warpstrike, point warps and warp itself, manual weapon switching which each weapon type plays differently, plus character switch which adds even more variety because each member has their own unique combat to them. Even more so with Armiger unleashed too. You literally have more ways to approach an enemy in XV than any KH or DMC has, you have far more combat variety too and there's more enemy variety. You can manually shoot in XV, you can switch to Prompto to vulnerable an enemy and aim at them, or use a charge attack on an enemy in XV either before or after a warpstrike, different weapons have different warpstrike like AOE warpstrikes or individual target ones, or multi hit warpstrikes etc.

nate seethe

Attached: iron giant ffxv.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

>Add new characters
>in a remake
I expected no less from you Nomura

Attached: nomura laughing at casualfags.jpg (378x378, 19K)

The original FF7 is still a great game and worth playing if only just for the context. There will obviously be changes too and I'm sure you already know a lot of the story beats just through being on the internet so you won't exactly spoil yourself.

Those are the kind of people who write their fanfictions in high school with their self insert protagonists who have no flaws and there is no conflict whatsoever because everyone in the story loves them

post-game for royal edition or the bonus bosses in the DLC content, really. and they're not even that remarkable besides Bahamut, which is pretty much the only standout boss fight of the entire package, in due part by being co-designed by the XIV team.

What are the magic ghosts called? The black watchmen of fate or whatever?
Nomura just wants to retell KH forever.

Using a shield was pretty satisfying in FFXV. I wish more action games had shields in them.

Did you forget that FFVII and Kingdom Hearts have nothing to do with one another you dumb fucking nip?

Yea Forums can only get 00, other dubs aren't allowed. So it's basically just a 1/100 instead of a 1/10 chance.

Attached: 8656FEFF-FA1C-4F07-9333-8F61E3D5C1F0.jpg (750x1331, 169K)

Nomura is a hack lmao

Also FF7R is FF Type-0 mixed with XIII stagger system, nothing from KH shit LMFAO

Attached: kh3 ultimate form ffxv armiger unleashed.webm (640x720, 2.97M)

There is no game that is a better game for having lengthy voiced dialogue. Voice acting was a mistake.

Attached: 94D64A5B-7C3D-425B-A6F9-82BD2FC0C1DE.jpg (1024x1820, 437K)


Attached: 1546127176001.jpg (1136x640, 41K)

If they're going to add new characters, I hope its for some sort of purpose and not just for the sake of adding some OC. Otherwise it will be painfully obvious.
Instead of this fag, why didn't they add that detective guy that got cut from the original game who was tracking down Avalanche? I can imagine meeting him again in the return to Midgar except its like a "enemy of my enemy is my friend" type of deal and he lets you go. That would actually be interesting. But I look at this guy and I'm just confused.

It's clearly suffering from the same thing 99% of video game dubs suffer from where everyone's speaking like three octaves too high and the speaking patterns don't sound like people who spend a lot of time in the ghetto but like people recording lines in a studio. The people saying the lines don't sound like they're in the environment saying them that I'm being presented.

Yeah XV shield is God tier

Attached: 1551807531045.jpg (3266x2180, 2.59M)

Way too flashy and obnoxious

>mfw I'm surrounded by thots

neither FFXV nor KH3 is a good game

You really are retarded aren't you? Nomura is the creator/director of Kingdom Hearts and he is directing the FF 7 Remake

Attached: 1566050708885.jpg (682x548, 43K)

There is Reflect, Shell, Holy and Esuna
Statuses last entire in game days and other temp statuses and clearly indicated on the HUD and last longer than their equivalent
Magic is Fire, Thunder, Ice, Death, Holy, Alterna plus Royal magic plus spells moved to abilities and weapons like Gravisphere for Gravity, Piercer for debuffing enemies, Enchantment for buffing magic, Summons also use magic stat. They are the easier to equip than Materia is and actually have more depth in their use than materia because of stacking abilities like Poison+Fira or Stop +Thundaga+Double-Quintcasts, Expericasts, Cursecasts, Healcasts etc
Shield Blockstuns enemies and has perfect blocks and animation cancels while also having different warpstrike for AOE damage when equipped rather than only single target, they are more useful than blocking in say KH ever is
All the techs are useful and all members have their own techs when switched to them too like Ignis dragoon jump or Noct legacy of the lucii or Gladio Maelstrom
There is over 15 unique weapon types and the RA's deal more damage than regular weapon types especially when using their passive abilities and unique actions like the sidestep attack and DPS on crossbow or the massive attack and warkstrike break damage on Tall's or the 200% attack boost on the Fathers finisher
You have 4 weapon gear slots for stats, 3 acc gear slots and 1 attire gear for noct, and 2 weapon slots for bros, that's more stat customization than older FFs like 7 have.
There is Demon Wall
Every single important and high level hunt boss has specific tactics best suited to dealing with them making full use of buffs, gear loadout, techs, combos, warps, parries, breaks, positioning, stats and more
Red magic is black/white magic which is in with offensive spells and healing magic like healcasts or cursecast or firaga or blizzaga or holy or death
Blue is just magic enemies use which again everything enemies do you can
Summons are gods
Cope, XV is the best FF.

Attached: knightshield.webm (960x540, 2.88M)


Attached: FF XV hold O to win.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

XV literally lets you transition from basic manual attack to dodge cancel to magic cast faster than KH3 does you sperg, and it has a fuckton more gameplay variety than shitdom farts 3 has
keep coping

kh3 and dmc5 are garbage for braindeads
xv is kino

Attached: kh3ffxv3.webm (640x720, 3M)

See Cope

Attached: graviga.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

I wasn't taking KH3's side. They're both retarded. Stop posting webms and walls of text nobody is reading.

DESU, everytime they show more of this game it seems to be everything the SJWs hate. It's kind of becoming endearing with each reveal that tranny era loses their absolute shit.

Just wait for the next one with Tifa being sexualized more and it'll reach full nuclear. The nips are tired of their shit and god bless them for it.

please get off the internet and go for a walk

>calls him a sperg
>is going to reply to this post with another 5 paragraphs nobody is going to look at just because I quoted him

>because you have no actual fucking argument
What you're typing isn't an argument. You're just listing off stuff that's in the game while deflecting the fact that you're being called out for being bad at videogames.

>autist is clearly holding R1+O and still gets hit taking damage while having wait mode on and using one of the strongest base game regular weapons in the game Durandal with elemental advantage against one of the weakest grunt mob enemies in the entire game while having a full 5 member party

Attached: just hold O to win except for when you don't .webm (960x540, 2.93M)

KH kun on suicide watch

That's using high level weapons against low level grunt enemies requires minimal effort? Show that against Omega or Cor or Bahamut or The Lucii or Coerls or Iron Giants or Behemoths or Magitek assasins etc.

its misrepresentating the entire game by acting like low level grunt enemies being attacked with high level weapons means you can replicate the results on every enemy when you absolutely cannot

It's like saying because mashing X 2 or 3 times to beat a regular shadow in KH means every single enemy can be beat with that alone

Attached: You can hold only O to win amirite.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

XV is god tier

This isn't an argument user, it's cope.
Time to face facts, you're on your way out.

The absolute cope of retards who never played it

six years of this FFXV shitposting and it will never end, and i'm pretty sure he's either got a doppelganger posting the same shit or he's multi-posting like he's got a pass on super damage control mode

Whenever people post proof they have, you go into deep denial and say they still haven't

>XV is absolute shi-

Attached: God Tier FFXV Combat.webm (700x392, 2.89M)

i mean if you want i can post the screenshot i have of the final screen
everyone who owns a ps4 has played this fucking game.

New content probably at TGS stage event just like what happened at E3.
>Red XIII reveal boys

Attached: tgs.png (582x170, 20K)

It's a fucking training dummy you retard

Attached: Honeybee Officially Censored.jpg (910x1024, 181K)

I hope they don't show too much before launch.

Based XVchads putting retards in their place

Attached: Noct smiles.jpg (299x266, 15K)

This is Square Enix, they'll show the whole game before launch.
Once we see Red I'm gonna stop looking at remake content until March

Yet you can't even do what you're claiming to be possible

They definitely did tweak her.
Her thighs are bigger and she went up at least a cup size.
Plus the skirt alterations.

Responding 3 times to the same post will not make you any less retarded

The fight is automatically lost once he hits 0hp
Aranea will come heal you after you lose the fight so you can rematch, that is the fail state

He better fits the image of how I imagined a lot of SOLIDER to be, superpowered assholes. Cloud got lucky with Zack.

We do not forgive.
We do not forget.

Attached: soul versus soulless.png (1200x1042, 1.21M)

"we", kimosabe?

Its literally showing that manual combo on a training dummy are you fucking retarded?

It's so obvious you never played the game


I can't imagine what kind of person this XV fag is like in real life. This is an actual insane person who reads way too much into everything.
Get off the internet, play a game, go to a restaurant, hang out with some friends, go learn something new.

Attached: 2.png (800x457, 393K)

i never went into training mode because the game was fucking ez lmao

You literally have no argument and have already proven you never played it

Attached: regis v ardyn.webm (700x394, 2.93M)

How will they handle this?

Attached: tumblr_nq0rbdIyIJ1u6i0ico1_500.png (468x304, 162K)

>already proven you never played it
No one but you has ever played it according to your own warped logic

He wasn't designed by the XIV team
The Director of Comrades coincidentally has the same name as a 2D artist that works on FF14 but FF14 devs had nothing to do with Comrades, the combat and bosses in it were entirely by XV devs who worked on base XV.

probably the same, i really dont see other way, not that it would be hard to do

Give me genuine proof to this.

True, 7r looks to be emulating it with Cloud blocking with the sword, though it lacks that extra oomph XV shields have, especially AOE warpstrikes

Attached: rULQDR1g0L2WM0gz.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

I don't know how they can possibly flesh out Midgar to the point where it's 2 discs and over 30 hours long but goddamn I'm hyped

Attached: 1563508314894.jpg (800x800, 235K)

Are they gonna make him bipedal and outright look like himself in a suit?

Or cut it?

They won't just recycle the human model like here.


Now y'all know what Nanoha threads on Yea Forums feel like.

You're the only one shitposting here you fuck

>not a fucking clue

Attached: o1_1280.jpg (1280x760, 309K)

It's been like this for 5 years

we are just gonna see a real covered "grunt" thats apparently a little too big
and weirdly has a scarf too

You are not people nat

I love it when people try to use critics to defend their games

Attached: thecriticshavespoken.png (600x1200, 875K)

Assuming everyone is one person is why you're retarded

Its ok nat
kh3 bombed and lost

The complicated way
When he says "You may call me whatever you like", it will result in everyone calling him something different.
Cloud will be mechanical and cold about it, calling him Red XIII the entire time.
Tifa, Aerith, and Barret will take the practical approach and just call him Red.
Yuffie, if they restructure this to include her in Midgar, will be a cheeky little shit and call him dumb things like "Fire Butt" or "Catdog" or even "Pupper" if they want to be cringy memelords about it.
He will never actually refer to himself by name.
Later on everyone swaps to Nanaki, except for Yuffie, who keeps coming up with more nicknames for him. And everyone else.

The simple way
Everyone calls him Red, but he shows up as Red XIII in all menus. Everyone switches to calling him Nanaki later on.

I can live with that over a cut.

She looks the same. The only difference is her stockings.

Attached: FF7 remake characters.png (2560x2227, 3.69M)

>everyone is one person
That's why these are also you
You are not subtle, you schizophrenic retard

I think he meant the big red dog in the sailor suit fooling seemingly able (by Shin-Ra standard) inspection

No you're just an exposed german greek samefag that never played it

>president is a hologram
Fuck Square Enix

Oh wait...You meant the Shinra disguise thing. Not how awkward everyone saying "Red XIII" out loud in voice acting will hit the ear wrong in casual conversation.
I'm...Just gonna go.

I wanna see Hojo so baaaaaaaad

Attached: 157743241736.png (200x257, 98K)

Except XCX and XC2 are completely empty, has braindead autobattle """"""combat"""""", is MMO tier gargabe with hideous graphics and the ugliest character models in creation and the most bland forgettable monsters ever with no actual dungeons or story or real character or soul. Fuck off XCX-kun you delusional faggot.

Attached: xcx-xv-5.jpg5.jpg (3840x1080, 1.39M)

Only during that one scene.

>completely empty
lol no

>the scene where he, like a badass, personally attends to the terrorists attacking HIS reactors and unleashes the Air Buster
>its now just a hologram, that just happens to be installed there for some stupid inane reason
I hate Nomura


top kek

Attached: xcxxv4.jpg (1619x460, 506K)

I hope they make it as absurd as the original
>Officer sees SOLDIER first class in Junon, tells him to put on infantry grunt uniform
>Cloud is dorky as hell and fucks up everything until getting on the boat
>400lb lion with a flaming tail stumbles around the deck wearing an undersized uniform
>There's another grunt with huge tits
>Shin-Ra makes themselves the easiest ship to infiltrate
>Jenova shows up, after the fight everyone says fuck it and takes off disguises
>Remaining Shin-ra on-board just ignore them anyways

Attached: ceb.jpg (1024x427, 64K)

>you're just an exposed
lol ok. I'm sure you're going to post screencaps crying about your twitter ass lover now

No FFXV fans are [c]ucks, not keks

In fairness, it makes a hell of a lot more sense than the original scene.
Why would the president of what is essentially the entire planet foolishly put himself in harms way by getting in spitting distance of?
Even back then it made no sense. I mean yeah, you could argue that it shows off how big the president's balls are and how little he thinks of the terrorist bugs beneath his boot, but from a strategic standpoint it was dumb as all hell.
I mean what the fuck would he have done if Barret hadn't conveniently forgotten he had a gun on his arm? President Shinra would have been a swiss cheese.

It’s to fix a plot hole in the original game. He showed up in person on the plane. Barret could have easily shot him .

Attached: D17DBCA5-6C47-4038-B8BD-AC6979003D42.png (800x852, 822K)

>Why would the president of what is essentially the entire planet foolishly put himself in harms way by getting in spitting distance of?
He was in an armoured helicopter with his guards, with an Airbuster
He was also not a pussy

I'm sorry user

>It’s to fix a plot hole in the original game
Barret wants to stop shinra not murder administrators, we see him bully but not murder a shinra admin on the train.
If the CEO of a company dies that doesn't kill the company.

I was thinking the other day about how where they going to call Red XIII after he reveals his name user, so your input is appreciated

>all this screaming about XV being godly
>all that DLC that got fucking C A N C E L E D

He tries to shoot at President Shinra when he escapes if I remember right, and blames the man for everything, especially after the plate was dropped.

>He was in an armoured helicopter with his guards

While the guards were there to head the team off, Shinra was NOT in that helicopter at the start. He walked out on the bridge behind them with nobody nearby to take a bullet for him.

>defending XV's combat
There is a good chance that you, right now, have the most fucking awful taste of anyone on Yea Forums. Congratulations.

>He tries to shoot at President Shinra when he escapes
After he unleashes a murderous deathbot yes. And you can just say the helicopter is armored as we never see it sustain damage to barrets bullets in both times he's shot it
>blames the man for everything, especially after the plate was dropped.
That occurs afterwards.

>tfw just waiting for part 2 so we can witness Yuffie pick on Red XIII for being a dog

>While the guards were there to head the team off, Shinra was NOT in that helicopter at the start. Right, I was referring to when Barrett started shooting. The president was just a badass that demanded respect unlike the new pussy shinra

will Cissnel making an appearance?

Comrades director kazuya takahashi, he worked on quests on base XV,396598/

Different to the 2D artist kazuya Takahashi that worked on FF14,396595/

Comrades sysyem designer Tomonori ishikawa
Comrades battle lead Kenichiro Yuji
comrades multiplayer combat Isamu matsushita, makoto shimizu, haruka ishihara
Comrades Boss Battle and monster battle by Ryo Oda, he worked on base XV bosses and also worked on Bayo 2, MGR, KH2, Vanquish,109714/

Attached: comrades boss by ryo oda.jpg (1018x414, 186K)

t-thanks, ethics department!

Attached: 1560319932974.jpg (425x797, 121K)

>Bayo 2, MGR, Vanquish
This moby page doesn't list these

>he falls onto open critic because it leaves a bunch of the positive scores XV has out

Attached: vyvc3702.jpg (1836x2541, 890K)

Those are replying to different posts, are you retarded nat?

>Windows Edition

>different posts
Yet the same person

These graphics don't look good enough. Should have saved it for the next-gen hardware. Anyone else? Hair doesn't look detailed and proper in particular. Nanaki is going to look bad.


Attached: xcxxv1.jpg (1886x1058, 531K)

One of the bigger things I'm looking forward to in this is them making Yuffie and Vincent mandatory characters, and seeing how they integrate them into the plot more.
Because outside of their recruitment and their own personal stories, they never really did much outside of chime in from time to time.
And I think maybe Vincent and Hojo had a thing. during that last battle with him, and even that I only recall as a few lines of dialogue.

xenoshit is soulless
xv is soul

So it's you still seething because you're an ESL German greek fuck

Wait, I wasn't paying attention to this shit flinging.
Why are we comparing a PS4/PC game to a fucking WiiU game?

>non canon alt timeline 3rd round of bonus dlc was cancelled while the canon 3rd round bonus DLC released as intended
hell xv is even getting a new game in china

Attached: churu3.jpg (693x1024, 123K)

They should have used Luminous engine

>ESL German greek
Ok, I'm sure you posting screencaps of your lover will certainly prove that I am him

Says the faggot with the worst taste and who got BTFO because you have no argument

>people think this is a Shinra holding cell

Attached: Cloud's Room.jpg (2280x1080, 434K)

yeah my bad mixed him up with another XV dev on boss battle Oka who did

Attached: oka kh2 ffxv mgr bayo2 vanquish w101.jpg (809x1340, 271K)

Yes the objectively best version

And yet different posts, and you're the same person in those

You might want to re-read this post and type it again.

Some xeno fag here randomly brought up xb2 and xcx open critic score to use the xv open critic score which leaves out most positive reviews


Yeah though Luminous only became a finished engine in 2016 while ff7r started on ue4 in 2014
besides Luminous team is using it for their new AAA IP for next gen

Attached: 39E15E7F68C77BE2BA08A495258ADC6690132F0D.jpg (3240x4480, 3.08M)

You first

>No u
I'd say go back to school, but you might shoot the place up

>some chink mobile shit

You've got to be really desperate to think this is relevant in any way shape or form. Then again, this is Barry.

retards, read

Why the fuck haven’t the mods permaban Bazztek? Jesus Christ this thread ain’t about FF XV. Nobody gives a shit about that game . This is about VII Remake

Attached: 873D1BF6-405A-40CB-A9B6-36C5EB1A3913.jpg (800x852, 132K)

I bet it's because he bought a pass. He's that pathetic that he pays to defend XV

>that just happens to be installed there for some stupid inane reason
He has a squad of drones that project the image. Pretty in character since he likes to show off expensive new tech like the Aibuster.

That cope

They'll play it completely straight for laughs.

which makes more money than ff7r ever will

>tifa gets her tits nerfed
>aerith will become pure girl archetype
>cloud WILL crossdress
>reno has his tits out for all to see
Fujos win again baby! Can't wait to see Zack's cock in 20 years

Attached: IMG_20190912_202810.jpg (744x690, 51K)

It's entirely accurate. Don't go near any schools, for everyone's sake

I know

>>Barret still swears like a sailor
Source. I never heard him say fuck once. Ffs he's a nigger and he doesn't even say bitch

Why won't they permaban NeithOf when he/You are the only one shitposting here by trying to shitpost against XV in a FF7R thread, it's only natural and fair that people call you out you spastic fuck.

Attached: FF7R TGS 2019 JP.mp4_snapshot_00.41.991.jpg (1920x1080, 627K)

>all this people seething over a hologram
Its a fix to the weirdness of the original. Still in character since president shinra has a giant ego anyway.
This is not in discussion.

>92 reviews vs 29
Not even comparable. Its original version has more reviews.

They have tried, many many times. He spends likely hundreds on VPNs every year to undo every single one of his bans instantly, and the only lapses in his faggotry is when he has to go find a new provider.
We can only hope he runs out of money like Goodrafag and kills himself over that.

>teleports behind you :3

Attached: Untitled.jpg (977x551, 129K)

You're one to talk NeithOf you German Greek pedophile

People will bash me for this, but i like that they adjusted the power level of the turks. They are supposed to be dangerous, its only natural that they should keep up with cloud, at least for now and before he gets stronger in the game.

Neithof is a pedo?


Attached: 1545128362682.webm (1280x720, 761K)

People are mad over that? It makes much more sense. Heidegger also speaks at the end so that's even more reason for the hologram. President Shinra wouldn't waste his time talking to sewer rats in person.

Alright can someone redpill me on the combat? Is it true action like KH or hold button to win??

People are saying that President shinra being there in person means that the president cares so little about avalanche and hes pretty much showing his influence and power, being ahead of avalanche in these things.
Imo, you can do the hologram thing and be the same, specially knowing that barret could have just shoot him at the same time.

>tfw you ordered the collector's edition
>tfw you're ready to be comfy for weeks while playing this

Though I'll be playing with the Jap voices thank you very much. Maximum comfy. I'll be an adolescent again for at least a couple days, if not longer.

Attached: shinchanblush.gif (160x160, 119K)

If people weren't blind, they'd know it's this same room.

Attached: 1568214279089.webm (1920x1080, 781K)

What a slut.

I fucking love that they added this

>People are saying that President shinra being there in person means that the president cares so little about avalanche and hes pretty much showing his influence and power, being ahead of avalanche in these things

That doesn't make any sense. He still gets the jump on them this way. Why would he show up against someone he thi ks is an ex-SOLDIER?

Based on what? You can see shacks behind him out the window. The other place seems to be completely enclosed.

And XV has over 100 reviews on PS4 and has additional 35~ positive reviews on the XB1 and PC version and it has an 83 on xb1 and 85 on PC

also cope

Attached: xb2xv1.jpg (3632x6690, 3.78M)

I think I should probably finally play FFVII before playing the remake
I feel like if my first experience is the remake I will lose a lot of the magic

>Reno can dash and shoot lightning
>Rude can throw your ass across the stage
What's Elena suppose to do?


Yeah NeithOf keeps buying Yea Forums passes and VPNs to ban evade and samefag from multiple devices, he even spam reports posts until they get auto flagged and auto deleted then he brags and acts like some mod came and banned his boogeyman when all he's doing is exploiting the auto ban flagging from the report system.

>Why would he show up against someone he thi ks is an ex-SOLDIER?
He doesnt. In fact, he acts surprised when he see cloud.
Cloud is like "long time no see"
And president shinra says "what?...oh you. SO you decided to leave our ranks and bla bla" he's surprised too

what a DORK

I hope they release the Fusion Swords as like a hidden unlockable and it changes Cloud's playstyle.


fuck you until you can't cum cum and start cumming blood, thats how she kills you

That would hurt so bad.

you are mentally ill, seek help immediately

the walls are exactly the same
same dirty while walls with the lines

I reckon this is Cloud coming back to his room with Tifa sitting there waiting for him, but Cloud sees her as Sephiroth and probably snaps out of it when he hits his sword. Then they talk about the dumb promise.

If he's the only OC guy and he's just this, like a comic relief sort of character who keeps showing off but getting thrashed, I'd totally be down so long as he doesn't replace any moments along the way

Regardless, him showing up would be stupid. Barrett could've easily shot him dead in an instant in the original.

you tried

>time not 7:07

On an island somewhere to the south of Midgar.

Attached: B47569BB-0B35-4051-B589-633DAFA798EF.jpg (640x480, 36K)

same bg but at night

Attached: 164824652141.png (1639x1864, 1.95M)

uf anything, corneo likes like a typical fat old guy from NTR doujins

Ok neithof keep proving it's you

It’s neither.

Nobody should even be able to see daylight in the slums.

>NeithOf got so scared he put his twitter on private after getting exposed yesterday and the day before here

He may not even be an enemy.
I don't buy that he's actually in SOLDIER.

you can hold square to attack

I fucking hate ff7 fanboys

Rent free

You are mentally ill, seek help immediately.
Do you need assistance in getting to a psych ward? Where do you live? I can call an ambulance for you.

good fucking taste and fellow crisis corefag, user

Attached: 1507865494771.jpg (680x383, 29K)

Is no one going to talk about the fact Don Rapenero is voiced by Mark McFucking Hamill?

It depends where you are.
Some places in the original had sunlight hit in.

hold o to win, faggot

could you autists fuck off back to gamefaqs please

I fear that the voice acting is going to bring many unsuspecting anons face to face with how fucking retarded most of FF7 is. These games are better served with dialogue boxes. The only well-cast FF game was XII, and that game was too good for this shit series anyway.

They said shit in the original, and Barret also said fuck a lot, albeit censored into classic &#¤% gibberish.

The concept of swearing and how saying certain words - even if not insulting anyone - makes a story unsuitable for people under 18 is ridiculous in general though. American morals are retarded.

The Aerith vs Aeris shit is just another Bartz vs Butz thing and no one ever fucking talks about that one, why is this still a thing?

>And to think you fags were screaming this game would be censored or toned down.
But can you leave Midgar?

Attached: FFVII_Midgar_WM.jpg (240x240, 7K)

Found the brainlet. If you thought the combat was deep and technical, then I've got terrible news for you. DLC content was the only shit that had decently balanced combat and that is only because Noctis isn't in the party. Literally every main superboss can be beaten by spamming warp strikes, hold dodge to get out of the way, then warp strike to safety when you run out of MP. Keep some potions, elixers and pheonix downs on you for when you eat the occassional nasty attack but lord knows, even facing these level 120 super bosses at level 40 with mediocre weapons is a joke and you'll never be in any real danger of getting a game over. It wasn't deep or interesting combat design, it was lazy and tuned for the lowest common denominator - you.

Ahem, Yuffie has game too.

If I can't date Yuffie, it's shit.

>All the edgy Hot Topic kids that only like Cloud because he's emo like them and a mopey emo cryhard in Advent Children and Kingdom Sharts

>Play the remake expecting their emo king to be a crawling in my skin edgelord because they obviously didn't play the original

>Realize he's actually a doofy idiot tryhard who says shit like "let's mosey" and fumbles through everything like the brick stupid portagonist in a harem anime.

>Delicious emo goth tears.

t. Matt aka Kagari aka SBK91 aka NeithOf aka Nathan aka Pesmerga aka Bidklues

Does anybody actually even know? I swear the idea that the first part only consists of midgar is some fan idea that has been run wild with like some sort of meme.

They literally said so at E3, you turdmuncher.

I don't do that you do that. Stop projecting, jerk.

I never munched a turd in my life.

All those "chads" are you though and you've never had sex and never will.

I'm not a fanboy. Hell, I used to hate FFVII, because of the old rivalry between FFVI and FFVII discussion of which one's better. Now I'm ok with FFVII, but I still didn't play it, even after 18 years knowing the series (knew about it in 2001)

Love that touch of him fumbling the unsheath against the frame. It's the little things like that.

Spaghetti dropping dorky Cloud is the best version

I'm not him. Realistically, all these games have terrible combat, but the clincher is that they have gotten worse by modern standards.

His point is that it can't be worse than XV. It's hard to say, but there's a good chance it would be, said XV was such a fucking mistake in many ways, not least of which was the content.

I don't like the Turks having superpowers now. They used to be cool because they were just normal ass humans who were well-trained enough at close combat to fight head to head with a "SOLDIER".

Gadgets are not super powers.

Using materia is superpowers now?

I wonder if what Reno is using is the Haste materia?

Thinking back on it after playing it for the first time a couple months ago it's weird how kind of unique Cloud is as a story protagonist. Usually each RPG party has a character that makes you think "that guy being here is a problem and is hiding some shit." So me knowing damn near nothing about FF7 other than the obvious Aeris dies, it surprised the hell out of me when it turned out Cloud was the massive liability in the party.

The Turks are special agents of Shinra, they're kind of supposed to be extraordinary. It's AC that turned them into absolute jobbers

They're not gonna give any explanation for why Reno can teleport behind you and you know it.

If they show it to be materia-based then that would be a pleasant surprise, but it's not gonna happen.

The realism aesthetic isn't doing it for me though. Part of what made ff7 charming was the art style - exagerrated animu features and all that shit.

Doesn't really matter to me.

I hope Cloud's drag will visually vary in quality depending on how you play. I am crossing my fingers for a truck stop trick.

I'm hoping his buff physique always fucks it up for us-the viewer but the people in corneo's mansion still buy it which makes Cloud visibly uncomfortable.

>hold square to attack
Yikes. FFXV here we come

AC merely kept them as they were while suddenly having everyone else jump buildings like anime characters. FF7 was always best when it was grounded and no one could pull any of that silly DBZ shit - or at least no one without Jenova cells in them.

Possible since if you fail the gym mini-game the wig is all matted and shit

Looking forward to the link cameo

Attached: no gay.png (972x975, 752K)


why are VI and IX fans so fucking obnoxious

why is barry so fucking retarded and annoying holy shit. why can't he just make his own threads to be a massive sperg in

>In b4 that is just a FMV and there isn't any model at all

yeah, but it's still going to play like shit

yep -- it's for today's strange, new audience that they replaced their old audience with who's into cussing every 3-4 words

I wouldn’t really call it that considering everyone does crazy shit in their limit breaks.

These kids will have to wait for another emo boy

Attached: Vincent-ffvii-battle.png (282x588, 53K)

You play as Cloud though while in drag. You kill a whole room of Don's goons while in drag

I hope Vincent gets re-imagined more like Beyond the Grave instead of anything "emo"

he does it for attention
attention that you give

I hope he has a personality or any redeeming factors whatsoever in the remake.

The main girl has small tits and toothpick legs, probably explains why they made her look like a chink.

>cucked so hard it nearly destroyed the planet
>gets 2 lolis to fuck in DoC

he made it bois

They never really felt like a threat after Midgar with Reno and Rude always hanging out in bars and Elena rolling down a mountain.

He takes it off before he fights them.

Looking forward to his monster squad transformations.

Then their portrayal so far in FF7R is consistent

Ah shit that's right. Maybe I can hope there's an option to keep fighting them in drag

I wish they'd tweak Tifa's face a little before launch. Its nice they filled her legs out a bit more so they are twigs, her arms need it a little too though. But facial tweaks are what I'm hoping for. I like her look overall, but her face looks/feels flat boring compared to Aerith.

Attached: Give me the milk.gif (385x215, 999K)

He tosses a couple of them judo style when they try to get handsy on him.

>tfw it's DoC chaos and beast

Attached: 15238835165.png (142x214, 65K)

>get to explore other sectors (maybe even the fucked up one that isn't 7)
>get lower and upper levels

so much shit to do

You can explore above the plates?

>trying to make excuses for modern SE's ethics department
>calling others gay

Or maybe it won't be something lame.
Fucking downer.

I'm imagining so. There were screenshots of the upper plates at Gamescom.

>Beyond the Grave
Off topic but man I can't wait for Gungrave GORE. I can already see it getting roasted by reviewers since it looks like it plays exactly like the previous games and not some triple A modern war cover shooter, but what the fuck ever.

Man, I need a PC port of that.

Fuck Snoy.

that is the detective

>Thinking they'll miss a chance to pack it full of costume DLC
>Thinking there won't be a trap Cloud wearable costume
Brace yourselves for it boys, crossdressing Cloud is coming soon and so will you.

user, look at it carefully.
The bottom screenshot has a plate in it.
The bottom does not have a plate.

Now, I'm no expert on Final Fantasy VII's storyline, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say something happens in the course of the game that causes a plate to form where there was none previously.
Yes that sounds correct.


Attached: FF7 Remake Barrett Chono.jpg (1200x599, 430K)

Source? Asking for a friend.

>trap Cloud
>marshmallow sailor Barret
Just need something for Cid or Vincent for the ultimate doujin party.

I'm so excited for this fucking game and it really makes me sad how much better she looks on the the left/Dissidia model than in the remake.
I hope they tweak her more before launch.
I don't like the stockings that much, but I can deal with it. But fix her face and fill her arms and legs out just a little please god Square-Enix.

Attached: I awake dim.jpg (640x448, 26K)

she's meant to be skinny
she's also skinny in Dissidia

now show Tifa in game for Dissidia instead of a cg model

Attached: 153399342681.png (1920x1080, 2.27M)

I didn't say she wasn't
In fact I think that Dissidia model is Tifa perfection.
The FF7R model however looks like she has toothpicks for limbs. I'm fine with skinny, but like someone earlier in the thread said, it almost looks like they gave Yuffie a boob job and put Tifa's clothes on her.
That and her face looks very off some how. I can't place my finger on it, but theres definitely something that really bothers me about.
It just makes me sad is all. I'm still incredibly excited for it, I just really hope Square makes some tweaks.

Attached: n-no thanks.jpg (710x720, 34K)

show her legs


Attached: 1568212010354.jpg (525x865, 44K)

Attached: 157824516883.png (561x725, 565K)

Sorry, but you're going to have to wait until around 2025 for that scene, at least. Did you forget this game ends at Midgar?

They're big
But not 'Tifa big'

>Barret still swears like a sailor
I don't care about niggers
>Don Conero is in and still acts rapey
I don't care about this shit either
>Crossdressing still in
gay tranny shit

None of this matters if there isn't huge TIfa tits.

Attached: 1566250414239.jpg (710x710, 124K)

twigs here too

>have to scrounge for screencaps where Tifa looks sorta vaguely almost as good as she is supposed to

scrounge what it's just a screenshot

same can be said of the same one you keep using of her in combat

Tifa looks great, have sex.

I think you missed the part where my main complaint is with her face/head. And she is still skinny there, yes. I want her to be skinny. That does not change the face that she looks better in Dissidia to me by a long shot, even if the arms and legs are only marginally different in size.

Attached: Saves E3.png (292x454, 206K)

she looks retarded 3D in Dissidia

>have sex

Attached: 1435684462193.jpg (1920x1080, 130K)

her face looks dumb ingame in Dissidia
she looks like a generic plastic doll face
her face looks fucking great in remake

Attached: 1568321708505.jpg (963x732, 297K)

Attached: Brenden Believes.jpg (540x720, 33K)

He was in the original idiot.
>pic related

Attached: SOLDIER_1ST_FF7.png (325x374, 95K)

Your perception has been clouded by hentai. Those are Tifa big.

Wait, source?

where do you fight this guy again

Tifa looks stupid.

Thats the only screenshot she looks how she is supposed to. The fact that you had to post it in this thread twice only supports that.
I'm not sure why you're getting so defensive. Tifa is my favorite character, and I just want her to be as good as possible in the remake. I still like many aspects of her in FF7R, but overall I think they could make improvements. To me at least it seems like other characters have gotten more care and attention, which seems weird considering what a fan favorite Tifa is. And it makes me a little sad to see that a 3rd party like Koei Techmo/Team Ninja seemed to have capture Tifa better than Square themselves did.

Attached: Confusion.webm (450x472, 1.44M)

tl;dr - you're just complaining for the sake of it at this rate. get your autism checked


You're just arguing for the sake of arguing. Take your own advice faggot.

Attached: Godbert the Wise.jpg (1200x675, 126K)

Based Chadbert. Now there's a real Trump voter.


>waifu faggot who watches too much anime

now it makes sense why you prefer the dead-eyed sex doll version