How have you been spending your Thursday, user?

How have you been spending your Thursday, user?

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Been having a pretty chill day, going to play some Three Houses later after I can finally join in a fat thread that doesn't get deleted soon after it starts

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How is 3H? I heard the story is a drastic improvement over Fates, but that the gameplay is a bit too easy. I haven't picked it up yet, but I was planning on going with the blue house when I get around to it.
Also, welcome to the thread.

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can you not keep it to one fucking thread

I'm enjoying it after the shitshow that Fates was (though I did really enjoy Echoes). Characters are so much more enjoyable, they really do make the game from what I've experienced so far. Definitely pretty easy, even on hard classic mode - though I'm only about 10 hours into my first playthrough with the Golden Deer, so I can't give a completely fair critique just yet. Still, I'm having a lot of fun with it now that I'm finally getting around to playing it.

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I've spent it being hyped for Daemon X Machina tomorrow.


I wasn't a big fan of Fates at all, so hearing that it's different is a plus for me. I'll check it out.
That's tomorrow? Snuck up on me.

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alone like a pathetic bitch i can't wait to go back to uni

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Totally forgot DxM was out tomorrow as well. I've got such a backlog though, I'm going to be putting that one off until Christmas I think - skip Pokemon for it at this point.
But yeah for 3H it's a tremendous upgrade from Fates for basically everything, even Byleth has a weird charm to them that puts them way over Corrin.

Getting a boner at work from all these fat threads, goddamn

How many hours til you're off work and can act on that?

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>but that the gameplay is a bit too easy.
That may not be a problem now that the new madness difficulty has been added.

im only here for booty

Like an hour and a half.

I have come in order to not help you case

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I'll try and keep this thread bumped for ya, and I'll post for you when you're off and good to go.

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Fuck. I love the way her blubber piled up, it looks heavy.


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As have I
Uni was great, hope you go back soon, user. Sorry you're alone at the moment I am too, but it's nice to have friends to message if you can

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don't worry user I'm gonna make sure that doesn't happen

How so?

Bout fucking time I saw one of these threads

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By posting something that would make jannies faint

masturbating to fat chicks, obviously

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Good to have you here, friend.
Anyone else playing anything tonight?

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Try and keep it 2D, user. Don't wanna get pruned.
Cranking out some homework, at the moment. When I'm done, probably gonna play some Astral Chain. Maybe Dota 2, honestly - I've had the itch.

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I would've married Manuela if she came at this size, goddamn

>tfw no fat wine-aunt gf


I shall do the same

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There's already a thread up

then wishing I was dead after I got home
the usual


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Playing Three Houses GD route on ng+.

Well don't worry bro, be sure to keep your head up have a fat ass as temporary consolation for the bad hand society may have dealt you

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I'm trying a new meme team in FighterZ. Uni has been hell so I don't get to play as much as I want to.

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Didn't expect you to be around, but then again it is thursday.

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I just got back from campus. Gonna start writing some papers after I buttpost for a bit.

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