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Wonderful 101 Switch when?
Is there a more based director in vidya? I think not
>RE2 (shared with Mikami)
All masterpieces
>Is there a more based director in vidya?
Ask your mom.
>That night when he was here and called us kids
Good times.
when will he post here again
One of the few good post-2010 moments on Yea Forums
never ever
where the fuck is bayo3 ?
Slaphead Hack with a superiority complex
Are you locked in this bald manlet rape dungeon, user?
Let us know somehow.
>tfw I want to play W101 but never owned a WiiU
>Tempted to get a WiiU but might get ported to switch
Fuck man.
Japanese Phil Fish
Yeah Mikami
Blocked. RT Japanese Phil Fish
I know it was one of the only games to utilize the gamepad, but couldn't you play it entirely on the gamepad? It shouldn't be that hard porting the game to Switch
Can't deny these trips, but Mikami stumbled with PNO3, which did get released and will eternally stain his record.
just wait, apparently over 50 percent of wii u exclusives have moved to switch and thats not even counting the 1.5 sequels like splatoon 2 or mariomaker
He doesn't have superiority complex. If you actually read any of his past tweets before he went full autismo on blocking he is very humble as most Jap devs are.
PN03 is shit and Evil Within is painfully mediocre.
>calls everyone insects
>is the bald, bug eyed/faced manlet
>thinking he did any work on those games
>everyone seems to ignore that he is a proud slacker who didn't do shit in school
He didn't go to game school, he went to the arcades
Did... Did you miss him saying that he would ignore school work to play on his home computer?! That and the fact that he literally dicked around on RE2 and only through everyone else's hard work did it turn out okay.
It's a joker nigger. He wanted to make RE2 more like what would be DMC, but Mikami kept reigning him in. When he was tasked with the what was supposed to be RE4, he finally pushed it to become DMC. It's clear he knows what he is doing, otherwise VJ2, Okamiden, and Bayonetta 2 would be as good, if not better, than their predecessors.
>The Chad Kamiyafag
>The Virgin Wojakfag
But... DMC1 sucks lol. So does VJ and Bayonetta. Okami is just... Eh.
>"Hur dur, let's add in yet ANOTHER Space Harrier styled gameplay moment"
He is a hack.
>DMC1 sucks
Ok you can go back to redit now.
Nah, I feel good. I am not a sad Twitter addict who blocks anyone who even breaths my way, and I am also actually tall and don't have an ugly face.
Ah yes, I too love my Fixed Camera angles in my action game. Also how does it taste to suck on .5 inch cock?
You should ask your mom that question, she'd know.
Sorry user, you already used that joke earlier in the thread. I see why you like Kamiya so much, you and him are so smoothed brain you can only think of one thing, and nothing new after that huh?
Mega cringe.
>he's a faggot and a schizo
What is he working on now?
>over 17000 blocks
If it takes ten seconds to read over a tweet, think about whether the question has been asked, then block someone. 17000 x 10 seconds
That's over 47 hours. Nearly two whole days of blocking people
Absolute madman
Kamiya does not understand why he is popular and he does not want that popularity. I know a lot of japs on twitter that are like him but not batshit insane. They just avoid replying.
>implying he doesn't have a script some intern made for him that does if text[0].toShiftJIS is False: blockWithMsg("insect, blocked")
He understands why, he only makes games he would enjoy playing. A lot of jap artists are like what you described because westerners retweet their art and get more attention than the original post with said art
I think he genuinely enjoys the shitposting.
Jamiya doesn't mind popularity, he minds people being idiots to him for no reason. That's the entire treason why his Twitter became the way it is now, he wasn't like this initially.
blocked :)
No. I have seen japs say "yabai, my tweet is getting a lot of retweets" and either they stop twitter for a few weeks or delete that tweet altogether. There's even a tweet about communism that was all over jap side of the internet and the guy deleted the tweet.
It can use the gamepad for weapon drawing but it's better, way better to use the right analog stick. It also has some segments with things going on on both screens at once and some menus are designed for two screens, but there's a picture in picture mode built into the game.
The port job should be easy, I don't get what the hold up on this port is.
The hold up is Nintendo.
This is actually reddit holy shit
>please shill harder corporation man let us suck your dick and give you money
This is a reddit ama on Yea Forums.
>nickleback boomer goatee
>probably tiny dick
>newfag didn't get to experience Yea Forumsingo
Yeah, Itsuno who made BASED DMCV
Imagine having your mind so warped by an imaginary boogieman.
>made DMC, Itsuno cucked him and made it better
>physically abused his mother
>made Bayonetta, still not better than Itsuno DMC
>known for ruining RE
>known for being a pussy who can't handle criticism and blocks people on twitter
>TW101 was shit and flopped
>Viewtiful joe is reddit the series
>Okami is Twilight Princess on wolf form permanently and also a giant tutorial
>had to have Nintendo save him from bankruptcy after Microsoft fired him for being a hack
I feel like the only reason Yea Forums worships this loser faggot is because he's a loser like most people on Yea Forums.
>hurr projtecting
Yeah fuck off with your Yea Forums handbook basic insults. If Nintendo didn't bail him out this faggot would have rightfully fizzled out.
>IMAGINE faggot
kill yourself redditor.
What if we all blocked him instead?
>types dumb shit
>meme anime image
Checked out
>He's a 2016babby
you have to go back
>physically abused his mother
The fuck
You're being insanely silly about an incident you were likely not even using the site at the time of it's occurrence and scream Reddit about something completely unrelated to it. Take a break from the internet.
Why is he squinting?
Bayonetta is way better than dmc ever was. Enemy design alone brings bayo on a whole different level.
What Kamiya game should I pick up?
>you were likely not even using the site at the time of it's occurrence
so tired of this basic bitch redditor insult.
Yeah I'm a newfag, been here since 08, eternal newfag yet still not as new as you. Fucking kill yourself redditor
>unironically being okay with shilling because it's your favorite gook faggot.
>made DMC, Itsuno cucked him and made it better
DMC1 is still the best in the series, the rest are trash (2 and DmC) or training room grinders (4 and 5). 3 comes close, though
>physically abused his mother
>made Bayonetta, still not better than Itsuno DMC
Better in some ways, worse in others
>known for ruining RE
Except that was Mikami with 4, and not even because 4 was bad but just because it was bold direction the series followed blindly
>known for being a pussy who can't handle criticism and blocks people on twitter
Twitter doesn't offer any critcism in the slightest, blocking is the best thing you can do when people post stupid shit
>TW101 was shit and flopped
And DMC3 sold far less than 1 or 4 originally because it was coming off of 2's terrble reception, just like W101 was stuck on the Wii U and didn't have a babby journalist mode
>Viewtiful joe is reddit the series
You don't even know what reddit means in this instance
>Okami is Twilight Princess on wolf form permanently and also a giant tutorial
Sorry you have the attention span of a goldfish, zoomer
>had to have Nintendo save him from bankruptcy after Microsoft fired him for being a hack
That was Square Enix, but also you're retarded if you think Microsoft wasn't in the wrong. They kept demanding features added without increasing budget or time, just like they did with the original Phantom Dust reboot which was cancelled as well.
Viewtiful Joe is his most underrated one. Easy to grasp, a few characters you can unlock, good amount of secrets.
Bayonetta. Wait for a sale on Steam, it's cheap.
Make sure to hold down attack buttons to use the charge properties of your weapons and dodge offset: dodging while holding down the attack button mid combo to carry your combo after the dodge. This way you don't drop combos and get those sweet damaging combo finishers.
Pls no block based bald man
thank you