Shitaku wants to cancel Nicalis because Tyrone talked like a regular person.
Shitaku wants to cancel Nicalis because Tyrone talked like a regular person
>like a regular person
This is your brain on /pol/
Controversial opinion on Yea Forums, but its not that crazy that people dont want to either professionally or personally associate with someone who casually spits out anti-semetic or otherwise derogatory sentiments.
It's easy to tell when a snowflake has never ever taken a real job or interacted with anyone outside of the internet.
It's easy to tell when a /pol/tard has never ever taken a real job or interacted with anyone outside of the internet.
Isn't that a mobile studio?
I feel like it would be dificult to cancel mobileshit
I don't give a shit if you think Tyrone is "based". Nicalis is a shit company and any hate they get is good with me. Kotaku can do whatever the hell they want as far as i'm concern.
29th prime number
It's the studio who took advantage of language barriers to jew Pixel out of Cave Story and eventually wipe his name off the game.
and redpilled
>wants to cancel Nicalis
Sounds like a good idea, fuck Nicalis. I'm not even opening that link because I don't give a fuck, archive or not.
i cant believe tyrone talked about jews like this and called people the r word, he needs to stop making video games NOW
His deeds are scummy but he's a funny guy. But of course, people are more mad at words than actions.
Wave goodbye to any chances of Cave Story in Smash.
Nicalis should absolutely be run through the gutter for being a shitty company.
The people offended at the words he said are retarded.
>Yea Forums now thinks Nicalis is based
You fags are such cliches. LOL HE SAY KIKE HE /OUR GUY/, BASED AND REDPILLED!
Is Nicalis really getting shit for this instead of being a shitty company? No one cares that they're cunts?
>Tyrone "CHEW SLOWER" Rodriguez
Makes me wonder if kotaku might have more success in the cancelation if they just didn't mention their sjw rage and only talked about the scummy shit so they could get more people on their side
>Yea Forums's hivemind opinion on nicalis is about to take a complete 180 just because he said some mean things about jews and blacks
This board is a living, breathing example of Poe's Law
>tyrone didnt answer my emails he basically raped me
>one shitty thread and speculation is an "example"
You're retarded.
what's it like having an 85 iq john xuandou
>hide who you are
>show who you are
>people change their mind
ur low iq
don't even know what this is about, desu
I'm so fucking tired of this twitter cancel outrage culture and it's just never going to stop.
He's not wrong
Close, they aren't turning around on them because he said those things, they are turning around because people are mad he said those things
It's an important distinction
>Is Nicalis really getting shit for this instead of being a shitty company? No one cares that they're cunts?
Unfortunately, no.
The current internet has replaced moral, integrity, and honest justice with identity politics.
The only sin a man can make is to be on the "other" team.
That's why I said "about to," because all it takes are a few extremely autistic spammers to sway the general opinions of this place firmly into one direction, especially since Yea Forums's modus is operandi is more or less "have they said 'niggers' before? if so, BASED, defend everything they do from now on"
>be incompetent and lazy at your job probably because youre fat
>get fired
>think you got fired because youre so fat you couldnt walk around for a day at an event without your legs BLEEDING
>one thread
Last thread had like 100 anons calling Tyrone based, slowpoke
It's sort of like how e-celebs are bad until they say nigger in which they're super mega based and redpilled
Nigga I'm just taking a laugh at this, I know Isaac and Cave Story are still in IP limbo
>Wants to
It already happened though. Edmund already said he's gonna stop working with him after this.
>a boss telling me what to do is too much, i cant live with these working conditions where the boss just bosses me around
>i know you are but what am i
>my thighs were bleeding from walking
>jew Pixel out of Cave Story and eventually wipe his name off the game
Cute autistic fanfic, but Pixel gets royalties for all releases of Cave Story and use of his characters.
>I stood up for myself
He got less weight after all
Why can't we cancel Kotaku?
how do people even sit through articles this long about petty bullshit
Gamergate was an attempt but they got distracted whining about literally everything
It's not that Nicalis is good, its that Kotaku is so unbearably cancerous that whenever they say something is bad everyone's kneejerk response is to assume it must be good.
don't worry univision will get around to it eventually
Edmund is an schizoid sjw though.
No, Yea Forums's kneejerk response. And it's not because of Kotaku, it's because Tyrone said things that Yea Forums considers "based."
How young and sheltered are you?
The worst thing Nicalis has ever done is delay games for years, that's it.
>it's not because of Kotaku
No, it's because of Kotaku
He's right though desu. Most non faghots are casually racist amongst friends. This applies to all races.
based retard
Have you seen the game? His name isn't even in it anymore. He's gone off the title screen.
>dude fake news
okay retard
Nigga, shut the fuck up
The Isaac console ports never got updates and have day zero bugs, Wiiware Cave Story had gamebreaking bugs at release besides >60fps, I could name others but forgot
That's just an average non-tranny chatlog.
Tyrone are you among us? Please let us know, I need to call you based
I'm hoping Tyrone becomes the target of steak memes now that Edmund is abandoning him
He even signed copies you idiot.
Why can't you read?
ok buddy
The only thing that can kill kotaku is kotaku themselves
Kind of like wow
>that Yea Forums considers "based."
You are taking shitposting too seriously, Yea Forums is neither impressed or offended by the guys comments
Nicalis deserves to fuck off and die, but for being a shitty publisher.
why is this even news
who cares about this
>tyrone didnt answer my emails he basically raped me
mate, that's just Nicalis being shit as usual
i 100% support based tyrone telling his fat employee to exercise
>who cares about this
>We will be donating $1M to the (((ADL))) and ANTIFA now
It's a blackmail scheme
I'm not sure how the whole steak thing even came to be associated with Edmund to begin with, seeing as Tyrone was the one who made the original comment.
Oh yeah that part is based
The rest of it Yea Forums is probably overall neutral on
wow first reply to the thread with anti/pol/ faggotery
cope, faghomo.
The funny thing is you haven't considered the third conclusion that both of you are faggots.
>they say racist stuff wahhhhhhhh
ok based
we now live in a day and age where people whiteknight nicalis
what a time to be alive
This is conflicting
On the other they shouldn't be canceled for something so pathetic. They should be purged for the right reason. Being scum who destroy good IPs and fucked over Pixel.
jason likes to publish internal axe grinding in studios
he had an expose about jeremy stieglitz from trendy entertainment that resulted in him leaving the company. so he went off to found whatever studio makes ark.
WTF I love Nicalis now??????
how is "Tyrone Rodriguez" not a /pol/ fake twitter
>popular opinion on Yea Forums has always been that Nicalis is a piece of shit
>lot of serious accusations there like potential business partners getting ghosted in the middle of negotiations, forced crunch time, unjustified firing of staff, etc.
>even one case of a developer having to go through them to push a patch out on Steam, and being told directly by Tyrone that they wouldn't push the patch because the game didn't sell well enough
Oh okay so it's confirmation of what we all already knew, Nicalis is a piece of shit, nothing to see her-
>but wait! there's a bit there where they mention Tyrone said nigger, jews, etc.
>how based can one man BE!
Why are you guys like this?
They're a shitty company not because they made SJWs and fatties cry, but because they legit treat IPs and indie developers like shit in terms of critical communication. As far as I'm concerned, I just need them to confirm a physical version of Ikaruga, then they can fuck off forever and let Devolver take over as the go-to indie publisher.
He insulted the reincarnation of Jesus Christ himself, Barack Obama.
That means he has to suffer and die for his crimes, obviously
you should be asking why is kotaku like this where theyll only publish this once they have some screenshots of him saying nigger despite his other actions being known for years. almost like... they care more about what he said than what he did... because they dont care about anything other than their social justice................. and youre siding with them......
You grossly underestimate how much Yea Forums hates SJWs, modern liberals, and gaming "journalists".
Also the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
>making shit up and then getting angry at it
Why are you like this? Read the fucking thread. Most people acknowledge that Nicalis is fucking shit, but this isn't black and white.
People can say whatever they want about this guy because I only discovered him today, but holy shit if my first reaction is to laugh at most of these offenses it's hard to side with kotaku on this one
Fuck Nicalis.
/pol/ is just a pane of glass
It's hard for me to be mad at someone who makes me laugh
Spot on. Nobody here can prove this wrong either.
>no Quote Mii costume in Smash now
wtf i love this spic now
Nicalis should shut down because they are a shitty publisher that just happened to get their filthy hands in a good japanese indie game and milked that to make themselves as the "Japanese friendly" indie devs.
Pixel hasn't seen one single cent out of Cave story several remakes and ports.
PLAYISM is Nicalis, but actually cool.
This is some pretty light shit.
You can sway the masses of Yea Forums and co to like or hate whatever you want. Very easy to make people hate stuff, just spam it daily until it becomes fact. If a game is even slightly flawed, people will repeat that shit if they see multiple threads with 100+ replies about it. I realized awhile ago, if I really want good post quality or content, I have to do that shit myself, and now lo and behold I see my same opinions and images being spread by others months and years later after I spent a couple of nights pushing for shit I wanted to talk about.
>Read the fucking thread
I did, I see a lot of people pretending the only things in the article are the racial slurs and some party antics, when that's less than half of it.
>this isn't black and white
How is it not? A big part of the accusations are multiple instances of Nicalis treating developers like shit. Everyone knew this, everyone agreed it's terrible, I don't see where the gray area is. Or the big moral dilemma is having to agree with Kotaku?
>buy from my gaijin company milking the nips
>work in meat market
>white and black butchers in their 60's throwing racist insults all day at each other and giggling about it
I love those old assholes.
>the "Japanese friendly" indie devs
And then immediately fucked up bringing the La-Mulana to Wii so hard that Nigoro had to build a PC port from scratch just to be able to release it in English.
PLAYISM release Kero Blaster and La-Mulana 2.
They are already miles ahead of Nicalis.
Exactly. Fuck Nicalis for being massively incompetent.
If the CEO is also an asshole, that's just the cherry on top.
Nicalis should fucking burn for what they did to Cave Story's devs, I'm happy with anything that can crash them
Anyone who disagree is an unapologetic retard who has no place in a gaming board
woah dude watch out kotaku might dox you
If as a developer you let your game get taken over by some other company you're a loser. Pixel probably learned a good lesson that he shouldn't trust mexicans.
tell us in detail what nicalis did to pixel
He spew tons of antisemitic shit and then act as they are supposed to act.
He is an evil hypocrite retard
Tell us in detail what Nicalis did to Pixel
antisemitism rules
Basically stole his IP and forced him to sign a NDA so that he can't say anything about it by using the fact that he can't read english
You can't be forced to sign an NDA. Why couldn't Pixel deny to sign the NDA?
>I see a lot of people pretending the only things in the article are the racial slurs and some party antics
Well you tell me, are they not there? Is this not another social justice doxxing attempt?
The article wouldn't even exist if not for the stupid shit. The actual issues are there just as a "by the way".
>Or the big moral dilemma is having to agree with Kotaku?
Again you see it as black and white. If you're going to agree with Kotaku, you'll have to agree with all of it.
At this point you really might as well actually defend Nicalis, because the damage is already done and isn't reversible. But not really, don't.
well what he did was by the book exactly what he accuses them to do
Says the guy preaching racial equality pseudoscience.
No one here actually unironically believes in racial equality pseudoscience right? Don't want to look stupid in the next couple of decades.
do you mean that pixel engaged in some kind of business dealing with a publisher without an attorney and sold his rights to nicalis
Yeah that's why ashkenazi jews and east asians should get all the good jobs, they are superior intellectually after all
Wrong it is about Kotaku, what he said is irrelevant, and in a sane society, no one would care, but Kotaku and people like you, who get mad at such thing because it insults your moronic far left religion, you get upset, and that's why Yea Forums sides against you.
and yet they somehow get game blogger as a career instead
I mean that pixed released a FREE game and then got his IP stolen through dubious means
you can't get your ip stolen user, you have to legally transfer the rights
That's why I said dubious means
How did Nicalis steal the Cave Story IP anyways?
"sign this agreement for this money"
Except that's not what happened, they used the fact that he was just an amateur dev and that he didn't understand english to get him to sign this.
You guys who defend this shit are probably the same ones who go on /pol/ to write antisemitic shit, fucking hypocrites
Those are shitposts retard
maybe he should have contacted a local lawyer that could speak english? what did he fucking expect?
He was literally just an amateur who released a free game that surprisingly got a lot of hype, that's all
Both need to die
if you are entering into a complicated business agreement you consult an attorney even if you speak the same language
its a doggy dog world, you can bet pixel wont make the same mistake again now. so he's better off for it
I'm fucking speechless. So, it all really boils down to having to defend a man's right to say nigger in public above everything else?
Nicalis is just a parasite, nobody will miss them
what is it exactly that you think you are doing
nicalis and its arrangements with outside and internal developers are between them
if you don't like them pirate their games.
>they used the fact that he was just an amateur dev and that he didn't understand english to get him to sign this
Is that what really happened? As in, did pixel himself say that's what happened?
Also you don't fucking sign anything without understanding everything that's on it, you hire your own lawyer and have him walk you through what you're signing if you must. That he was stupid or naive and unaware of this is entirely on him, were it anyone else you'd be mocking them and calling them retarded for signing away something so carelessly.
>cancel culture is ok when it targets people I don't like
>unless it could turn people against cancel culture in which case it's still not ok
>I'm fucking speechless.
Are you literally shaking too? Fuck off, retard, and learn to read. You don't jail a known rapist for smoking where it's prohibited.
I'm unironically in support of Nicalis. They've fucked up in the past, sure, but it's better to cultivate a culture that normalizes incorrect politics than letting SJWs win. It's like choosing the lesser of the two evils.
How can you even be fat enough for your thighs to bleed form walking. I've ran a marathon without my thighs bleeding.
It's my constitutional right as an American to say the n word.
the virgin nicalis
the chad devolver
they made scum developers remove a tattoo from a skinhead character because it said 1488
maybe his clothes are too small and made out of broken glass
Makes sense.
>publisher doesn't want to be associated with neonazi
chad publishing your own games and leaving devolver with quality titles like my friend pedro and the red strings club
maybe they shouldnt have published a game thats literally about neonazis then? are you fucking retarded?
They also publish good games and actually pay the devs
woah i didn't know there would be bad people in your prison
>good games
ah yes i love games that i finish in 4 hours and then never touch again. thats basically their entire catalog
>Tyrone Rodriguez
So you don't care about games, just politic
What about jailing a known rapist for rape except he also smoked where it's prohibited and you are convinced all that rape stuff (which you actually believe is true) is just "an excuse" to get him jailed?
But it's the player characters. There'a a difference between having some prisoner NPCs in your game with skinhead tattoos versus being explicitly able to customize your own character with a 1488 tattoo or whatever
At least they publish new stuff frequently rather than milking the same ips constantly
How is that Nicalis' fault and not the nips? Did Nicalis go to Japan and forced them at gunpoint to sign a contract? Not my fault the nips can't read.
Imagine strawmanning this hard
woah don't be so hard on gris, katana zero, and minit
Nigger, it's fucking kotaku.
>sent back their contract with changes
uhh, retard much of course they don't want to do business with your commie terms, they have to run a business that's a keyword their way or fuck off commie
ah yes
>It's okay to screw over the creator because he signed onto it and we deliberately took advantage of his poor understanding of English
Neck yourself, boot licker.
no there isn't
How did Nicalis steal the rights exactly? Please do tell.
>i should feel sorry for someone acting like a retard and getting taken advantage of as a result
yea im gonna go with a no on that one
And that change the game completely
Thanks for the good example
Ok that's fair
So stop complaining on /pol/ about being exploited by smarter than you, it's your fault after all
which poster is here is responsible for pixel's varius business contracts
was it you. did you let him down by allowing him to sell rights to nicalis for a price he didn't like afterward
Yes all retards deserve their fate, how retarded do you have to be to sign something you can't read this is what dumb negroids like mike tyson did.
Nobody discusses games like that here.
it LITERALY happened in the first reply in this thread
stop going to twiter threads and you will see you are wrong
This is some ironic racism right here
Yes it is faggot. The blame is 100% on the retard nip who signed the contract. If you can't fucking understand English hire a lawyer like any foreigner that's not retarded.
I mean with the actual image. The thread started off with "haha man he said the nigger word how BASED", that reply was completely valid, fucking retard
He is mexican
Without politics there wouldn't be any games.
I don't post on /pol/ faggot. Anyone signing a contract and bitching that it wasn't in their favor after is a fucking retard. The only exception is if they signed it under threat of violence.
>forced him to sign something he couldnt read
he talked like a normal person talks when they think nobody is going to read and he is talking to a close friend
whats wrong with that?
how is that /pol/?
By hurting my feelings on a private chat
>ever taken a real job
they generally don't care what you say when you work minimum wage user
>Pixel hasn't seen one single cent out of Cave story several remakes and ports.
He gets royalties for every port and use of his characters.
I went out and bought Binding of Isaac and Cave Story+ today. Tyrone is a good egg.
brb buying another copy of remilore for based tyrone
This bullshit story is always brought up when people want to shit on Nicalis for other reason, ever since the Wii era.
There's never been any proof, and Pixel keeps showing support for Nicalis, so it's bullshit.
These people are so god damn pathetic. Unironically don't be a little bitch. No wonder games are shit now, these are the pussies responsible for them.
tyrone is probably shit to work with but he's a tiny fish in the sea and no one has to work with him
>Pixel hasn't seen one single cent out of Cave story several remakes and ports
somebody post pixel's tweet saying the exact opposite
I really hope you fuckers aren't like this sperg that think real life shitposting isn't the dumbest thing ever.