Why did games in the 90's have such an odd aesthetic to them?

Why did games in the 90's have such an odd aesthetic to them?

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It's a little thing called soul. Now most things are artistically sounded down so thoroughly that nothing stands out.

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define soul

better graphics leave less to the imagination, and immersion = imagination

hardware limitations and all the pros and cons that comes with that

pre-normalfag flood

It was the 90s. Fucking everything had weird ass aesthetics then.

There was less money going around in the industry, thus less greed, thus more people actually putting their soul and effort into games.

Because video games back there where considered a toy and where treated as such. There was more freedom and creativity and many devs had genuine fun developing them and you didnt have obnoxious fucks going "muh deep story its like reading a book" and there where no overlords such as politics or money unless you where making something completely edgy for the sake of being edgy.

Soul = Imagination


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*artistically sanded down
I hate being retarded

Define love, user!
You just know it when you see it.

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simplistic graphics forced a heavy use of imagination to make up for it, which added a personal depth that isn't in modern games

The human race still existed in the 90s. Now it's just the cattle race and their alien overlords.

originality instead of safe designs that were picked clean of anything controversial or not guaranteed to sell

Look at this stuff

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Creativity still existed because the ___s hadn't fully infiltrated art academia and imposed a need for low effort, minimalist cal-arts shit.

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anything that is made with passion and not through a focus group trying to actualize profits

something you don't have

>define soul
What dreams are made of

Soul: not soulless

To add everything is just about focus groups, marketing, and appealing to wide demographics now. Fuck everything in this medium now.

That dark,grime, and imperfection. Fallout will never have this grit/aesthetic again, not even NV had it. I miss old aesthetic of early 3d pc games. Everything had more grit to it.

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>It's the end of role-playing as you know it.
how did they predict the future of fallout?

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Stupid counteragrument, made by memers to defeat memers.

Soul is putting your heart into the art and creating the world you envision in your head. Making a weird and unique thing that could never come from a committee or planning board.
Not caving to the pressure from society/your boss to make something that sells well to the masses and just focusing on your vision/creative outlet.

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Without internet people could forge their own fantasies without the pressure of what's "been done" already.

Effort, attention to detail, the intent of the artist is visible in their art. There's an engrossing central idea that conveys a cohesive world to the viewer.

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I can't believe humanity has fallen so far so fast that we're having this conversation.

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I want to behead Calarts. Holy fucking shit I hate art niggers in the modern era. Why couldn't we have the post impressionist romantic realist art work as the "in" style instead of this shit

Max soul

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for a real answer:
video game companies really didnt know how to bridge the gap between the rapidly increasing visual power of systems and the knowledge necessary to create these visuals.

the pool of available artists before the global hiring market of the internet was much, much smaller as well. you couldnt go on artstation and scroll through any of the thousands artists until you found a good match; your internal visual developers were pretty much all you had, unless you hired freelancers, which was more expensive back then as well. this was the time when there were VERY few veteran video game artists, and a lot of people were very new to the practice. remember valve commissioning the weird 16-year old for half-life enemy designs and he drew rape monsters?

and also, there was very little standardization of how a game "should" look like in the new era of game graphics. this, added with the fact of hardware limitations created some interesting experiementation (fmv is a good example).

what game?

Weebshit hadn't ruined everything

Another World

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Because the art itself is easy and this style is actually secondary to the self-fellating, hyperpolitical culture that creates it.

Not digital thats for certain. Nothing drawn on a tablet will ever have soul because the artist uses a photoshop tool to smudge and erase it all.

this describes literally all art

The biggest games of yesterday had the budget and dev size of modern AA and indies today.
Vidya as a whole had a large negative stigma so women and normalfags weren't in the industry, only white males and asians.
There was no streaming, social media, and esports so there was no real way of being a secondary unless you actually played video games.
There was a large push for talented artists in the industry because 2D pixels and rough uncanny 3D alone wouldn't entice people to play a game at first glance, you look at 80s/90s box art and it looks godlike because back then you literally had to get people to judge a book by it's cover if you wanted the consumer to buy it.
Extended media such as magazines and tv channels related to video games were grassroot and run by people who actually played video games. aka white nerds and asians.
People back then were overall happier people; even with the drug war, gang violence, cold war, and AIDs epidemic that perpetuated in the 80s/90s.

I don't know, You're made of metal...but you have feelings. And you think about things. And that means you have a soul. And souls don't die. Mom says it's something inside of all good things... and that it goes on forever and ever.


I think it's been like 10 years, but there have been a few great exceptions. This doesn't have that gritty or imperfect look of older games, but it certainly looks great for the time.

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grim fandango has no soul

Note that in the US, it was known as "Out of This World".

damn how did I never hear of this

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What happened to low fantasy, journey focused RPGs?

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Is this the "post cool cover art" thread

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A lot of idiots in this thread like to think in any sort of reason that allows them to sniff their own farts but in reality it's because back in the day most people would only know about your game due to the images found in the game's art box or the images in game magazines, very few would actually see footage of it so having the boxart/promotional art that would get all the attention was the best strategy even if hiring the artist behind the piece was expensive. After that brand recognition and demos were more prevalent so the marketing strategy had to change, nowadays everyone can see footage anywhere at any time and very few people will look back at your game due to a cool artwork they found somewhere.

games now get focus-grouped to death

Mike rubba

ah, i see. like the star wars prequels, or YIIK.

Modern weeaboo art was corrupted by western brain poison.

In the 80s weeaboo art was 100% pure soul. You could practically taste the colors. The vibrance penetrated your psyche and captured your imagination.

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manga was literally created from western infulence, specifically donald duck comics...

It should but it doesn't.

In a perfect world maybe.

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80s Japanese culture was influenced by western media just as much if not more than nowadays.

>will your character stand up to the test?
evidently not a lot of us made it....

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>weebs is why ever western fiction is now star wars with Apple(c) designs or walking in a pine tree forest with Hasbro(c) dragons and wyverns.

i think soul is just what people liked as kids remembered as an adult. ive never seen an example of a modern game with soul.

>this isnt even an animation thread
>brings up cal arts anyway

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Soul threads are just very thinly veiled nostalgia threads, and I'm concerned that most people on Yea Forums aren't self-aware enough to realize this

not really. there was a strong, flourishing manga and animation in Japan before tezuka. he influenced lots of artists but he didn't create the medium. That's pure twitter USAFUCKYEAH wank.

Why would you attack me like that ese? I never bothered you, no one even said my nombre. All these gringos filled with so much hate these days. Dios mio I'm a Shepard of souls, what could be more soulful then that I ask you?

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Early Disney was pretty pure.

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Most of modern calart graduates don't animate ever. They learn design, that is static, composition, storyboarding. No actual movement is needed anymore. not even real life drawings.

I blame Valve and the start of the "muh minimalism" meme. Minimalism is just another way to say "this is half-assed or done by someone with a middling talent." Plebbitors suck Half Life 2 dick until they finally die, yet no one ever seems to rbing up just how imaginative HL1 locales/creatures/etc. were leaps and bounds above HL2 where 85% of enemies are all the same robot sounding faggot in a Soviet gas mask anf the high detailed, almost Blade Runner-esque concepts they were gonna use at first got scrapped for
>"huhuhu look at this tower that just looks like some flat shaded featurless blue polygon mesh in the middle of the city, so hip bruh because high effort is just so last decade"

its a jab at the person claiming no digital art has soul, when grim fandango is all digital

>kalechippu gave up drawing cute boys to draw these two fucking for eternity instead

This decade is about to end, name ONE ANYTHING from the 2010s that would be considered to have soul.

I'm legitimately surprised they remembered Sutte Hakkun enough to make him a spirit

LEGO Movie

That's how i found out about Halo 1, i saw a wallpaper of a Pelican dropship and tought "man that ship design looks cool, i wish i had an xbox"
I became a fan before even knowing what the game was about, internet was limited and i was a scrub for internet browsing, so i imagined what the game was about based on that picture, 3 years later and saving all i could from my allowance, i finally bought the game on PC. Except i couldn't run it because i had a shit PC lol, so i had to go to a friends house to install it there and play, or go to a cyber-cafe and install it there just to play for 30 minutes. It was rough. Still love the game tho.

Damn she's pretty strong that's like 7 gallons. Probably over 85 pounds with the weight of the bucket and rope.

because you're a retarded zoomer newfag, but that's not your fault really

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Lo siento mi amigo, gracias por defending my honor

>I miss the point, but YOU are PRETENTIOUS IDIOTS LMAO
the embarrassment is real.

He's right desu.

Get ready for a crazy ride, that game is 100% trial and error and old point and click brutality. Your zoomer brain might not be ready.

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I still remember buying a couple of crappy games just because the boxart looked fucking amazing.

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this isn't even official Interplay art, neither Leonard or Tim Cain had any idea where it came from, pretty sure it's from some Slavic country

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Back then studios were smaller. Smaller studios meant more room for individualities to flourish while also allowing these individualities to have an easier time having a strong cohesion pursuing a creative vision. It wasn't the monster of an industry it is today, so that meant there was more people who were working in it because it was something they were genuinely interested in to push themselves either technically or creatively. You won't see odd, unique, soulful or creative stuff if whoever is making it is some monolithic corporation employing 2000 people working on 5 projects at once for some execs who spend their time jerking off to graphs about demographic expansions for their products

Say thanks to Psygnosis

The company was providing pro graphic designers to smaller studios/solo programmers, with approach that every game they are distributing needs to look good. Usually the graphic designers had free hand on what they wanted to draw and in what style. Surrealism was also quite strong painting trend in 80' and 90', often followed in graphics scene. This raised the level of expected game graphics and influenced video games in early 90' in EU.

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So much soul with so little

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why did the 90's love sunsets so much while in the 10's absolutely nothing seems to ever be in dusk or dawn?

This looks like either modified work of Enki Bilal, to match fallout ascetics, or someone replicating his style

The 90's as a whole had a lot of room for oddball, experimental, and high fantasy stuff.

Video games were on a much small industry scale and not every release has to be a megabudget blockbuster that had to sell zillions day one. OTOH, limited visibility and distribution meant even good games can easily fly under the radar.

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>crtl+f "blue oyster"
>crtl+f "cultosaurus"
>0 results
I hate you fags so much.

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worse graphics

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Animations and graphics had to be stylized heavily to visually represent the game on limited hardware. While it isn't like you can't stylize the art with modern graphics, you don't need to anymore since anyone can load up unreal/unity/whatever engine and make it with serious artistic input

Unironically has a part in it. Graphics sets the expectations. You see shitty graphics, you expect the game to have matching limitations, and the same with good graphics. The problem is, that physics, world size, interactions etc lagged behind the improvement of graphics REAL hard. You see a photorealistic world, only to discover that it's much smaller than it looks, you bump into invisible walls or bullshit barricades, you see shitty physics.... all very immersion breaking and arguably such a disappointment is worse than never having high expectations at all.

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people dont want transitions in their life. Everything has to be either light or dark. there can be nothing uncertain. Even if it means sacrificing some beautiful things, one cannot risk being awestruck because it might mean that they like something by the 'dark'

Im sorry for this shit but getting methapory is so easy with this stuff, comparing it to real world

None of this looks good

Something has soul when it took time, passion, and dedication to create and its reason for existing is first and foremost to be an expression of an artist.
People say most modern stuff is "soulless" because, while it usually takes dedicated and passionate people a lot of time and effort to make them/aspects of them, the main reason for their existence is to make someone a lot of money.

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Most of the games you all posted have gameplay that aged really badly and just sucks and isnt fun

freedom of expression, less defined rules for vidya making, also 90's were times when people had only just moved on from having three colors on commodore 64 sprite to actually using proper full pallettes. weird gradient colors and 'photorealistic' graphics/color choices were crysis of 90's

>ctrl f "blue oyster"
>find this post
you're not alone, don't worry
Imaginos was one of the best albums

i mean, this disqualifies all video game art as having soul

Artists and crew were rounded people. They had down different things and experienced different things to have a diverse and interesting view on things.

Now they want bug men who are only good at the one thing they were hired for. They have no depth or other sides.

That is what we mean by soul.

Sunsets cast a dreamy, idillic sense of things past, of things done, "we've come so far", almost adventurous. People don't dream now, they just dread the future while escaping their present into virtual post-apocalypses or settings of massive social disintegration where everything is coated in a filter of either pale blue or to remind you of how much life sucks and how there's no beauty to be found anywhere, despite an actual sunset being an incredibly beautiful thing.

I hate Fallout but even the advertisement has more soul than any modern games.

The best game that no one played.

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>lot of idiots in this thread like to think in any sort of reason that allows them to sniff their own farts
lmao, really describes this thread pretty well

FUCK, why did it have to die? Although it's now on steam for $5 so i might get it

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hey I traced Cyborg 009, that’s soulful right?

This game is crazy good. All the ways you can die are fun, and the music during death scenes is great.

artitstical direction over a premade graphic assets/lighting

Because nearly everything was hand-drawn art which requires you to pay some fucker to make it. It was and still is a combination of developers wanting to get their monies worth from commissions, and artists trying to make a name for themselves. The result is surreal, hyperdetailed, often nonsensical art that oftentimes is barely even related to the finished product.


From the 70´s to the 90´s creators had to use all the tools at their disposal, for example using pre renders,sprite art , etc.But now is really easy make a game with 360 degree camera and create a model with almost no effort.

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The intrinsic immaterial nature of humanity.

That looks like a fucking off brand cereal box from the 80s.

It's easy to pre render, really hard to render. The color harmonies are either baked in or require raytracing and shit.

Rightfully so, as with the most modern video games themselves

thing that reminds me of better times

Honestly loved the GRFX and art in that game, but playing it was annoying as shit. Three planes of play sounds good on paper but impossible to manage. A good deal of the AI's can easily outplay you.

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Metal Slug was dope plus anything that Snk made in the 90s.

Did this series ever get a sequel where neo-Jomy and neo-Keith get together? They were so gay for each other, man. The crying reunion made it overtly obvious.

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wow you're right I'm sick of all these calarts AAA games

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I do 8 player FFA and its fun as hell, most of the time i don't even develop underground, just rush research and steal combot parts from the chaos that ensues or get the Hedoth combot in that one map

Are you seriously implying that yearly rereleases stuffed with mtx and lootbox shit aren't lower quality than AAA stuff back then? AAA games where they can't even bother to rename their old applications for their $60 yearly roster updates? Come on, user.

a nature of something is immaterial intrinsically.

what is "humanity"? what comes from a human to define the soul of videogame art? what IS the immaterial nature? or do you mean that the immaterial part of the nature of this very nebulous "humanity" concept is what defines soul in videogame art?

maybe youre talking gobbledygook, but id like to hear more.

Jesus that's depressing to see.

Let's be honest, those both have strong downs syndrome vibes.

With a pulley that becomes WAY easier than you think

That is certainly no more than 5 gallons.

Depends, are you talking early to mid 90s with 2D capping out or the later 90s when 3D came to consoles?

Your posted art has no soul, thats typical pop anime bullshit from the 90s.

Star Wars prequels: Soul
Star Wars sequels: Soulless
Both shit, but you can see the distinction.

Giving a shit about what you're doing beyond how much money it will make.

Thank WoW for that shit

Limitations that lead to great ideas and creativity. Because we couldn't do everything we had to put more thought into what we could do.

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the fuck does that have to do with calarts you retard

I agree, but I'm partial to Secret Treaties.

calarts is synonymous with lazy and cheap, just like Filmation back in the day

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The ephemeral excitement that tingles in your chest and makes the prospect of being alive feel worthwhile

Imagine having to go to a well to get water instead of opening a tap.
What a dumb bitch.

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People in this thread are so dumb..
Your arguments are so bad and you clearly got zero clue about anything.

There's some behind the scenes videos of animating Dragon Ball Z where they show a few tricks. To get certain lighting effects they actually had to put a physical light box underneath the cell. It'd be a jump to say it's like the idea of practical vs digital film effects but it's a similar idea. There's a tangibility to it.

old = good
new = bad

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weird people making games. now the weird people are twitter morons with their pronouns in their bio or mass corporations. No one makes games for the raw artistic and entertainment value of them and all the art games miss what make games unique as a medium.
I'd also argue it's because games aren't designed by people who enjoy other mediums extensively. Look at Doom, it was based around a DnD campaign with references to occult horror and action films and music that essentially cloned then time's metal and rock scene. A modern game is based around previous games and the same set of like 3 movies. They design the game as a hodge podge of of "I want X game with y game's mechanics" rather than "I want a game where X happens and you do Y" if that makes sense.

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old thing, but not new thing

I think this is part of it too. People are inspired to create by what they consume. Old developers consumed games, books, movies, music, table top etc sure but now the only thing that seems to inspire anyone are the games they grew up on. It's all gotten a bit incestuous when the modern gaming nerd who wears their status on their sleeve only seems to know games and even then it's what small amount they personally played. It's why there are so many spiritual successors.

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>lemme just compare a prerendered promotional picture to an in-game stillshot.

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Outward is exactly that.

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vidya was still a new enough form of entertainment that it didnt find itself being whored out by companies for mass appeal. probably had smaller passionate teams back then working to create projects they cared about. a lot of mainstream AAA stuff now has actual dedicated marketing departments and make decisions based on demographics and appeal.

thats not to say that you cant find soul or interesting aesthetics these days, but you'll obviously have to look around for yourself and dig a little

everything in the 90s had odd aesthetics, all decades do really

Satoshi Urushihara forever the GOAT

Because we were all high off our tits.

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Between 1998 and 2001 or so SquareSOFT put out something like 40 games. Many of which where radically outside their wheelhouse. They made space ship shooters, racing games, a few fighting games even. And yes I understand there is a huge difference in the budgets, markets and costs. But therein lies the problem. You couldn't make as many games or as risky ones because production bloat is too high and games are now MASS APPEAL so you can't just make a profit off a niche. A produce back then could draft up an idea, plan out some docs and pitch it and if it sounded like they could sell it, it could get made maybe not perfectly or without compromises but there was drive. Compare to today and it took over 10 years for one FF when the previous gap was 2-3

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Try harder

both look pretty bad

Yeah that's what was crazy back then. You had a game for literally any fucking taste. I feel like the issue nowadays is that every game from people with the capital to do some really great stuff has to be a blockbuster hit with a gorrillian dollars in profit. I respect Bethesda, somewhat, as they seem to want to release a bunch of weird (albeit shit) stuff inbetween their big ticket launches. I mean shit, I would say that the Doom and Wolfenstein franchises were revived due to Bethesda running out of cash.
I don't know. Due to the indie scene more games are coming out every second than ANY other time in the history of games, but they don't have that AA or AAA polish that older games at the time did.
I don't even think I have nostalgia goggles when I say that games were simply better back in the day. Not to say that there are no good modern games.
I will also say that it is important to stay in reality and realize that these old games didn't go away, they still exist in their original form. Albeit a bit dated visually the game, the part people remember, will always be in tact. So I don't really see the point in being overly nostalgic or "boomer-ish" about this stuff.

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shit taste zoomer

post old soulless things


mario allstars

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The other guy brought up calarts, man. I was just explaining that AAA has gotten a lot worse lately and that animation is also being done as cheap as possible. They had to hire back all those animators for that new Mary Poppins animated bit because they just use computers for everything and Disney knows CGI + real people looks like trash.
Unless you meant Filmation, in which case I'll admit I'll always have a spot to hate that studio in my brain. If you can't tell the difference between pink and gray you shouldn't be the head editor for an animation studio.

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That pre-2000's fantasy art style is just so fucking gross to look at. It feels like some socially awkward middle aged creep is showing me his idea of a perfect world and it repulses me on an instinctual level.
Bottom is just copy paste Chinese rip-off tier garbage.

both are soul

soul = old
soulless = new

you sound straight out of retardera

Sorry my mistake, I should have said nigger and called you a kike.

I agree for the most part, though I find something appealing in the soft landscapes those illustrations tend to have. The character designs are pretty dumb. But you can't deny that it's better on a technical level than the other.

>from the 90s.
Terra E was from 1976, not the 90s you dumb retard

thing I like

>socially awkward middle aged creep
Why? Because it's sexist or something?

Boomer fantasy art is dogshit, only spunkheads would die on the "it has a tit so it must good" hill

Too boring, people liked anime more and won the aesthetics war in the end.

too bad that game charm wears off not even halfway in

No, because it's looks like everyone in the picture are just people in costumes. Even the ogres(?) and dragon look fake. It's He-Man except for adults who never grew up. It's uncanny.
And yeah, the technical skill of whoever drew it is definitely good, the design is the problem.

Trust me, it's at least 8.

>Animated film from 1937
Western 2D animation peaked 100 years ago

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>play game as kid
>AI impossible
>buy on steam
>stomp everything in the campaign and 4v1 skirmishes on the hardest difficulty

Shame about the 255 unit limit per map though.

Honestly playing it again makes me appreciate how good of a game it was, insane amount of depth for a game in that era and innovations that have not been seen before or since. Even attention to detail like things dying in orbit and the debris falling down and landing on the surface layer.

This would have been an absolutely fantastic game for esports assuming some balance patches, watching 2 high level players go at it on 2 playfields simultaneously would be tight.

I'm pretty critical of games and the only major complaint I can levy at it after all these years is that the unit path-finding is really bad.

Also had that kickass main theme that I still listen to in my car.

Not enough Kino 90's art in this thread

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GOG release when?



im not good at this but i tried

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Minimalism isnt necessarily low effort though. Most good design is minimalistic, its mostly out of necessity in order to make production more efficient for budget and time restraints, but finding how to create more out of less is a difficult process. Japanese culture values minimalism and this is evident in japanese games.

Fuck off, no one has a whole meg of memory.


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Soul: Adj.
1. Describing a creative work made with the intention of appealing to the creative group and people of like minded interests. (aka. setting the standards of cool)
Soulless: Adj.
1. Describing creative works where the artistic integrity is dropped to appeal to a wider audience, typically such decisions being done by financial backers that don’t understand the medium (aka trying to fit in without knowing how to be cool)

This is why 80s/90s/early 00s media had so much soul. They were designed mostly by the geeks for the geeks. Now its designed by the suits for the masses.

mount and blade

go back to R

Everything was ugly back then. Look at overalls.

I played it all the way though and you know what? I agree entirely

One of the big problems of the 90's was the demo scene itself. A lot of devs put the game's best foot forward, and in a lot of cases, it was the best the game had to offer. Nothing worse than buying the full game to find the rest of it to be trash or not nearly as good.

good job user

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i made it better

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>soul blah blah
you fags are annoying. All mediums go through periods of experimentation and consolidation. Vidya will be just as fucking weird if not more by 2030. Mark my words

___s invented contemporary art. Cinema, animation, vidya; they're all ___ish at its core.

It's based and genuinelly and I like it

>games were simply better back in the day
I think it's more due to changing tastes and the amount of games that are out. There are just so many games out now that someone's passion project, no matter how good it looks or how fun it is, can be completely buried and unknown to the public. A game that came out in the 90s had to compete with maybe a hundred or so games; a game that comes out now has to compete with tens of thousands. For example, Owlboy, a game that took the developer 10 years to make, has only sold around 100k copies.
I was gonna continue this post, but I can't focus on anything without going on a tangent towards some other aspect of how insane it is on the indie circuit.

>implying artists can't erase on a physical canvas

It's a lot harder.

I miss this

Ultima is low fantasy? I mean I miss it too, but come on mate, the first game had you fighting dragons with blaster cannons.

Attached: viprsr_015.gif (640x1136, 349K)

dont cite the first one as if you ever played it and didnt find out about ultima because of spoony

depending on what phase you're at sure but it's a lot harder. Even light pencil will still leave some trace and if you fuck up a heavy paint splotch.

>tfw no Conan the barbarian rpg that's not early access online or survival bullshit
Why does every single fantasy rpg these days have to be Tolkien Tolkien or another flavor of Tolkien

Yeah. Soul doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s good, but Lucas tried to tell his story as best he could, and I respect that.

Fuck you man, I played and beat it. Same with Aklabeth. Ultima may have toned down the technology bits from IV onward, but it's always been high fantasy. You become a literal god of magic in the last game.

why does that nigga have a fivehead

Yeah I agree. I think there are a lot of good games coming out they just aren't being distributed on a silver platter anymore. Gone are the days of finding an actual gem in a game store for half price based on cover art alone. Guess we just have to dig around and find what's good now.
I guess you can replicate that old game store feel by going to thrift stores and pawn shops, but even then the stock doesnt seem to revolve as dramatically as it should.

Attached: IMG_20190809_111524.png (442x354, 27K)

I just miss how unapologetic things used to be. No one made excuses, no one cared about hurting someone else's feelings and no one tried to pretend games weren't exactly what they were.

Attached: Fear_Effec_3m.jpg (1024x768, 112K)

Everything good is digital now. The only difference is that publishing isn't quality control like it was and you're left sifting through even more shit than before.

that's what I was implying but yes.

a trader cannot comprehend that which is priceless kys cuck

Does it even have a plot/choice and consequence?

You cant say jews in here?

what games have the aesthetic of oldschool sci-fi novel cover art?

Attached: 08-hitoshi-ikematsu-book-jacket-illus-1984.jpg (600x929, 358K)

Swear there's a game that tried to replicate the kind of two-tone lighting effect in your picture with shader magic.

Attached: FALCOM.jpg (1920x1080, 1.66M)