Cave Story Appreciation Thread

Come discuss my favorite game with me bros.

>favorite character?
>favorite area?
>favorite song?
>favorite weapon?

Come on down and have a chat.

Attached: RT2gUlU.png (676x676, 522K)

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Sweet, don't mind if I do.
So, Curly Brace is a Top Tier waifu. That much should be obvious. True Sanctuary was a great reward for the absolute bullshit you need to go through to save Curly. Running Hell is my favourite track for sure. Heck, it might just be one of my video video game songs, though it's hard to pick one version over the others.

It's a pretty decent game overall with some great highs, but it's not one of my favourite games. Too many things I dislike about it for that.

That's fair. I can't exactly explain why I love it so much. But I have beaten it more times than I can count and I always boot it up when i'm in a mood. The length certainly helps with that. It just fits my criteria of what I want in a game and no other game has gotten close.

Attached: Quote.jpg (620x707, 53K)

Best way to replay?
Should I just play the original PC version?
I actually never finished true ending got stuck at the final boss and gave up.

Original PC version with 16:9 exclusive full screen and 60fps mod (you can leave it at 50fps if you prefer, though).

The original freeware version is serviceable. If you want the remastered sprites and soundtrack then you could easily pirate CaveStory+ on PC or buy it on steam. This version is also available on Switch. 3ds and Wii versions also available if you are interested. There is no "definitive" version really so just take your pick.

>60fps mod (you can leave it at 50fps if you prefer, though).

Can it go up to 120?

What a good game.
>Hell Outer Wall
>Last Battle
>SPUR or Blade

I need more Mimiga Sue in my life.

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>favorite character?
Misery wish you could save her
>favorite area?
Last Cave
>favorite song?
Grasstown no contest.
>favorite weapon?
Polar star, love how you upgrade it.

No, the game ties game routine to picture update frequency, so that would make the game twice as fast.

>so that would make the game twice as fast.
Sounds fun.

Outer Wall
Grasstown or Moonsong
Polar Star

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It's been so long since I've played it that I may not remember much, but I'll do my best.
>Favorite character
Sorry for the basic ass answer, but it'll probably be Quote himself. I absolutely love his design. Another character I like is Balrog is funny and Ballos, despite only appearing at the very end, was a very cool character.
>Favorite area
Hard to say. I really liked Grass Town mostly because of the music. Plantation was neat, and the Outer Wall was very epic and pretty to look at.
>Favorite song?
There are far too many tunes in Cave Story to really pick one. Eyes of Flame and Gravity are so damn good. The final boss song is absolutely fantastic as well, if I had to pick only one song it would probably be that one.
>Favorite weapon
This is where you lost me. I don't remember each weapon that well, I know that the Spur is very damn good, though.

Attached: Quote.png (540x628, 326K)

Damn, I could have thrown that on the list as well.

>Favorite Character
Either King or Quote, both are just incredibly cool to me in some way and I love both of their designs
>Favorite Area
Balcony. The quietness of the area between the Last Cave and the boss rush and BSS stands out a lot, it remains memorable for me because of how often I'd go through it after dying in the boss rush or bss.
I'd say the mimiga village and living waterway are close as well.
>Favorite Song
Moonsong or Balcony. They're just really nice, I don't have much I can say or properly express here honestly.
Blade, I thought it was a neat weapon initially but the LVL 3 form absolutely solidified its place for me
But she's okay by the end isn't she? You can see her standing next to the goddess statue in the credits

>But she's okay by the end isn't she? You can see her standing next to the goddess statue in the credits

oh wow I'm stupid then.

the Outer Wall
there's a bunch
but the one playing in my head as I type this is the one in the Labyrinth
I really do like the machine gun. Sure, there's better weapons, and even the major draw is negated because of the booster, but I do love the fact that pointing it down at max level lets you fucking fly.
I wanted to make a whole game based around that concept.
made a quickie prototype and never got anywhere because I'm a useless cunt


Good game

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Favourite Song: WEED