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Ah yes pokèmon for edgy kids who listen to tokyo hotel truly a GOAT series my fellow jrpgs lovers.
SMT V never the dream is dead
pokemon lets you talk to its mythological creatures?
smt v is dead
Smt is for edgy emo fags. Persona 4 is where it's at.
>Two years and still no info on SMT5
>listen to tokyo hotel
What happened bros? SMT threads used to be so comfy and now they either die immediately or are reduced to fags having the same argument about Persona vs SMT. Is it just because there is nothing else to talk about?
Why is die for me such a shit skill?
>only 160 base power
>need two pleromas and a pierce dark to get the most out of it
>still need concentrate and smile charge
>exclusive to alice so you need light repel
Fuck this shit, I'm sticking with antichthon.
not enough DeSu posters
i think we're out of content Yea Forumsro...
The Megami Tensei franchise as a whole existed before Pokemon was even conceived as an idea. You can keep regurgitating this meme, but it's retarded.
Just shamelessly waifupost to fill the void.
SMT threads were relatively rare on Yea Forums, so they inspired more discussion. When people started pushing multiple SMT threads, it killed the charm. Not only that, but the series is relatively niche, and the dungeon crawling stuff present in some of the titles isn't for everyone. I fear these threads will be dead until V drops, or at least some news hits.
Did Atlus Sega already show their stuff at TGS?
Time to revive as a demon.
Today is GG, Yakuza and Sakura Wars.
There's still tomorrow and Saturday but they don't list SMT.
everything has been discussed to death and there are too many faggots running around now to have a chill discussion.
worst smt mc
DeSubros, where you at?
"discussion" tends to amount to alignment shit flinging and shitting on persona. Not that they don't deserve it, but it's all so tedious.
So what the fuck is wrong with sector E in smt strange journey, were the fuck is this new forma?
Bel king Abel vs administrator bunny, who wins?
Why is DeSu’s Chaos route so based?
Claim your demonfu and demonbro!
Alice as demonfu and Kresnik as demonbro for me.
You get them in every game they're in, right?
you hate to see it
sup niggy
Because finally being able to kill ingrates after being strong armed into saving even yakuza thugs by the writers on pain of a game over is ridiculously cathartic.
Probably Bunny. Four Prime Factor ain’t anything to fuck with.
Uzume and Baal
>SMT V is fucking vaporware now
thanks personafags
Asherah and Mishaguji
>tfw one of the few demons immune to physical in Raidou
Black Frost
Naoya will forever be the best edgelord.
DeSu 1 is too hard.
Naoya is based.
Dude, just use magic MC and fuse.
>2nd worst Persona got a good anime
>2nd best Devil Survivor got an awful anime
its not fair bros
Physical MC is pretty good though, its just that you end up fucking over your other physical party member
>2nd best
>out of only 2 games
I never really go physical because I don’t want to cuck my bro Atsuro.
But it's canon.
vit+mag lets you facetank everything and hit like a truck, why would you deliberately gimp yourself?
Did manga MC go phys build? I havent read it past the first volume
>is a hacker nerd
>can punch demons really hard
Was not expecting that at all.
I would totally like persona if it wasn't for the high school setting which triggers me to hell, holy shit bro, I just wish I was a hot teenage guy living a romance with stacy, SMT is more like it, you can always go the chaos incel path.
Nah I meant how Atsuro has a crush on Yuzu but she's in to the MC.
>implying MC wouldn’t go for Amane or Haru instead
I’m of the belief that he hacked his COMP.
Norn and Cu Chulainn.
>pokèmon for edgy kids
I know how much you hate the mainline series, but please, get out of here and go back playing yor Dating Sim JRPG
Currently doing all the routes on yuzu right now and after that amane and gins
Speaking of devil survivor what’s your favorite route for each game
It's treated as the bad but I love the Ronaldo route during the Triangulum Arc.
It's straight out of the prologue of Gurren Lagann.
Scraps of w.e was left of "announced" smtv was handed to Platinum and turned into Astral Chain
Naoya’s route for DeSu 1 and Kingmaker for DeSu 2.
My nigga
SMT NINE dev here. A very few handful of original NINE developers were called to help incorporate the abandoned online features from NINE to SMT V but since Microsoft did not give us the proper documentation for their dedicated servers, we are having a difficult time transferring online statistics and code to the newer, smoother online playerbase system for the Nintendo Switch
Waiting for 3
>expecting Atlus to make new games that isn’t just Persona spin-offs
You poor fool.
Got any Naoyas with a fedora?
God I wish that were me.
Unironically what would that feel like? I always assumed she was made of stone.
>SMT fags have to resort to waifufaggotry and lewdposting now to save their dying threads
Looks like the tables have turned
imagine smt but gacha
Demon girls > boring human chicks anyday.
yeah it sucked
yes, shame since it could have been at least ok/not awful
I know it's been discussed before, but I never get bored of it. Why didn't they go with this design for Nanashi instead? It's very good.
they needed something more approachable for the Persona audience
That's DeSufags for ya.
I think the MC designs of P4 and P5 are very reasonable. I think Nanashi wouldn't even translate well as a Persona protagonist in terms of design whatsoever. So how do you think that Nanashi's finalized design is more approachable for the Persona audience?
But the only lewd here comes from fanart of the mainline games.
/smtg/ server
Sorry, man. Not when Persona is still a juggernaut and what not.
That shitty hat ruins the design
People have always waifu'd the demons
It did happend
But its ok atleast its free.
Based and Demonpilled
This so much
Like both but smt has better gameplay. P4 is still pretty comfy.
The anime was better than the game
Nekomata and Pyro Jack
>until V drops
So never?
delete this
Does people liking something anger you for some reason?
Is atlus ever gonna experiment with spin offs? Especially now that persona and the mainline has become more established than before, are they going to try a completely new spinoff?
it's bait
They always tries a new spin off like DeSu, Catherine, etc.
I bet that after SMTV they try a new spin off.
They literally have a free excuse to dump games as apart of the Golden Playhouse for free interest if they dont form to rpg gameplay.
Speaking of RPGs what was the last new SMT rpg spinoff we had?
Devil survivor record breaker I think or dx2
Catherine I think.
Hopefully they can start pumping out spin offs with the new assets they have now.
The last one they tried was pic related
>Tokio Hotel
First off spell the bands name right second literally no one remembers them
Keep waiting then my fellow DeSubro
It's like literally nobody remembers how goddamn long it took for Persona 5 trailers and teasers to come out. Atlus time is Atlus time, it'll be out when it's out. Don't rush it.
Ippon-Datara for demonbro. Don't really have a demonfu, at least not yet. Design-wise, probably Skogsra or Leanan-Sidhe.
does that one user still post his wish in the nightly E3 thread?
I'd like to see some gameplay footage.
Are they any good?
Final part...
Hecatia didn't appeared and so Tenshi...
>Hecatia is based on Hecate
>Tenshi is a angel/celestial
you got an article?
sounds false to me
maybe a pic of the article
surely it wouldn't be too hard for you to do
Not true tho.
he had a good run
Would you anons prefer to see SMTV play more like 3, SJ or 4? I think 1 and 2 might be unlikely.
>in Touhou is this pic
>in SMT is a man with a scycle
A updated version of SJ/4 with 3d demons.
The modified Nocturne system in P4G was already perfect. I don't like how samey 4's system made all the demons
Hey look! Another faggot smt thread!
How about we compare Nocture "the best JRPG and SMT gamr" to what most people say is the best RPG ever made: Deus Ex.
Nocturne requires you to fight very single damn thing including the shitty bosses. Deus Ex doesn't require any violence, allowing you to play the game at your own pace.
Deus Ex gives you freedom of choice, ranging from story choices to how you navigate levels. Nocturne gives you the former, but not the latter since you have to follow a predetermined path.
Expanding on this, Deus Ex also has multiple solutions to every problem, meaning that no two playthroughs are the same. Nocturne may allow for more freedom than most JRPGs (talking to demons), but it still has the potential to be as linear as it's contemporaries.
Let's look at obtaining the pass from the collector in the sewers just before the Matador fight for example. In order to obtain the pass you need so the guard at the gate will let you through, you need to get it from the collector. He'll give you it if you help him find a 1 Yen bill. Obtaining this bill requires you to break into the back room of a bar and steal it.
The problem with this is that this is the only method to get past the gate. I'm the fucking Demi-Fiend, so why can't I just beat the shit out of the gate guard or collector so I can get what I want? Why can't I buy the one yen bill from the bar owner for a reasonable price? Why can't I find a fake bill to give the collector?
And don't forget that Nocturne starts with an hour of cutscenes and story interactions while Deus Ex immediately hands the player control from the start of the game and never takes it away. (Despite the fact that Nocturne stops focusing on the story when you hit the vortex world, making the first hour of the game redundant.)
Deus Ex, and most other RPGs, would let you do these things because an RPG is about player expression. Nocturne's single approach however, is just this: linear, contrived bullshit
>Amane route 8th day for DeSu1
I don’t even remember the 2nd game even though I 100%ed it
What ever happened to that user who used to spam "smtfags parrot the opinions of"?
I still don't know who amazing atheist is besides some meme about a banana up his ass
How can this song be so good, but go unused?
Ryanfag forcefully attracted shit posters. It's no use.
it's a great injustice
Initial plan was to have older cast, but higher ups told them to pander to younger audience.
Apocalypse was also a minor project to train new hires, so I guess they all joined Atlus to work on Persona™, not some forsaken spin-off series, and their wishes influenced the direction.
It's generally accepted that Devil Survivor is the best SMT game, though it's definitely not a JRPG.
Love Persona 1
Probably everything is on-hold until P5R comes out.
2 sucks
why is *record scratch*'s universe so fooking beeg
That one song I heard from Guitar Hero was pretty good
sadly this. his proto design was better.
I would really love to play this if the artstyle wasn't cancer. If kaneko or even doi for god's sake did the art I would be on board. I just hate generic anime styles. I don't really watch anime, I just play japanese games.
In terms of gameplay definitely. Not sure why it's P1 that gets trashed in that regard.
>if kaneko or even doi for god's sake
trying too hard to fit in
sucking kaneko's cock and actively shitting on everyone else is what newfags do
off yourself
thanks for the pasta mario
Soejima was only good in 2EP, his art got progressively worse after it.
majority of P1 haters have never played P1
I bet you got into smt with the influx of people talking about persona 4 around 2011/2012. Most people posting in this thread right now probably never knew about these games before then.