Name a thing from either Yea Forums, Yea Forums or Yea Forums you'd want to see get a Video Game.
Name a thing from either Yea Forums, Yea Forums or Yea Forums you'd want to see get a Video Game
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Dragon Ball.
Invader Zim.
Trans rights
I know DBZ had a bunch of videogames but has there really been no Dragon Ball games at all?
Destory all Humans literally has Zim in it though.
Back at the Barnyard
>Sam and Max styled point and click with the writing of Back at the Barnyard.
Would be amazing.
Who would be the developers and what kinda of game a XRA game would be like?
Most likely Devolver and Adult Swim games.
I could imagine it being a variety game. Xavier going into different games and breaking each genre of game in half.
Run down of what this is?
>INB4 an easter egg that's about Otis fighting an anime girl that almost look like Reimu from Touhou
>Run down of what this is?
gentle femdom
there's also witches and magic or something
lazy answer: visual novel
less lazy answer:
>I could imagine it being a variety game. Xavier going into different games and breaking each genre of game in half.
So like Travis Strike Back or something like that?
I just want a xenoverse style bleach game.
There was one on the wii, and I'm pretty sure PS2 has had some DB games.
As you can probably guess they sold like shit because Z has better brand appeal
Maybe, though more emphasis on it being Xavier and his complete chaotic anarchal disregard.
The main protagonist of a JRPG watching in horror as what should be a normal battle gets turned into a therapy session with him and Xavier on why hurting random wild life animals is a bad thing and how it was because his father touched him in places as a child.
I could see Dragon Ball being a more laid-back style of game. Like a weird mix of MegaManLegends chillness of just wandering around a town hub and maybe the fighting element of the old PS2/PS3 Dragon Ball Z fighting games, scaled down to fit Dragon Ball. idk.
Yea Forums is the only board I go on, but if I had to pick a tv show maybe vikings? A game where you play as a Norse raider would be pretty cool, if they didn't fuck it up with shitty combat
Ninja Scroll
Vampire Hunter D
Aeon Flux
These things have game adaptations but I want good ones.
>no sneed
Not based.
Cowboy bebop
The PSX Vampire Hunter D game is pretty cool, its pretty much proto DMC
Baka and Test MMO based off actual academic test scores is a pipe dream if I've ever had one.
Idris elba
>Aeon Flux
Could picture a mix of MGSR while being more surreal.
Wasn't there going to make a Cowboy Bebop game? I remember hearing something about that?
>level 1
>get shot in the chest by omar
>game over
a Tsuritama game would be pretty fun
>Final Fantasy XV fishing
Ok how would that game even work? All I can picture is a E for Everyone verison of Deadpool.
>gay cat
i fucking wish
Child friendly Metal Gear Rising.
Panty & Stocking.
You're a genius
Steven Universe game please. A proper action game, not a watered-down Paper Mario.
Heavily Styled 3d Beat em Up.
Ok stay with me on this one.
Sonic Boom, except each character is a gem, and the game is not a pile a shit.
only the story will be haha.
Venture Brothers
TF2 styled FPS with each character functioning like a class.
The story mode could be a greatest hits of the episodes or could follow one of the more fleshed out story arcs.
Brick Frog is the super boss who gets his spotlight stolen by Scare Bear who proceeds to just leave.
he appears in hit and run
Batman Beyond.
Could be kino if done right
The gba one is awesome
Hear me out on this
>Multiplayer game
>1 player controls the scene and has to come up with the most elaborate way to kill everybody
>Everyone else playing has to find a way to avoid getting killed
Might be a little complex, but would be killer for parties and online if people knew what they were doing
I swear one game has done something like that.
It kinda reminds me of those old Halo 3/Halo Reach maps where you have a group of people on a platform and one person desides what props to throw at them.
At the very least, as a playable character in something
Surprised there's not a Black Lagoon game
I want to say something on the lines of Armored Core but I think it'd fit an arena fighter like Godzilla king of monsters.
Rundown of Black Lagoon?
>Rundown of Black Lagoon?
there are a few plot threads with different characters but the gist of it is office worker gets caught up with these mercenaries and gets baptized in violence.
He becomes a stronger dude, the damaged goods girl that protects him gets a little softer, it's kind of a story of those two polar opposite characters helping each other out with lots of anime gunplay thrown in.
It's pretty good.
John Wick game like Max Payne
A new Duckman point and click
Megas XLR
>Rundown of Black Lagoon?
When you walk out of the safe space of your own country, don't be surprised to see how fucked up the rest of the world can be.
are you retarded OP, or just fucking stupid?
>Rundown of Black Lagoon?
Jack Kirby's fourth world
mostly because I'd really like to see Kirby's artstyle in a videogame
lisa but amazingly more fucked up.
Dragon Ball Advanced Adventure is pretty good
A Dick Tracy videogame based off the comics rather then the movie. There's plenty of great villains you could use and you can have a mixture of action and investigation.
I know it doesn't count, but you can unlock him in the PS2 Ghost Rider game
Sonic Adventure
Cerebus the Aardvark
A weird blend of LA.Noir (Except no dumb face tells) and Batman
Could see a Rayman 2 inspired game revolving around him
For >>Yea Forums only.
Darker than Black
Enjoy the mobage
Overlord Action RPG with character creation.
Did you not even read the post? This thread is for games people want based on IP’s that don’t already have one. You’re one dumb mother fucker, faggot.
Would you play as Zim trying to pull off a new scheme or Dib trying to figure out how to expose it?
Sounds good to me.
>Yea Forums
Marshall Law. The Boondocks
>Yea Forums
Evangelion after the events of the movie
>Yea Forums
....there's already a CSI game, right?. If yes, then Castle.
No, I mean, there's already one without counting the collabs. And pretty sure there's an action one on the way, also mobage.
There were 2 Bebop games (both Japan exclusive). One a Star Fox ripoff for the PS1, and the other a brawler IIRC for the PS2.
They were going to release the PS2 game in the West but it kept getting delayed and it would be pointless to release a PS2 game around the PS3 launch so it never came here