Female lead is a slut

>female lead is a slut

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i like hugs
do sluts give good hugs?

Name 5 games

Drakengard 3
Your waifu's game x 4

best games
they'll hug you tight as you cum inside them as they enjoy the pleasure of their 8th cock of the day.

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Meltys Quest
Virgin Island (she might turn into slut depending on how you play)
Treasure Hunter Claire
Nymphomania Paradox
JC Fight

>Nymphomania Paradox
Is this on steam?

they do give good mouth to penis hugs.

> Which one of these features the biggest amount of Ryona or Corruption?
Asking for a friend

First Tomb Raider games

What ARE some video games?

Jackie Chan

Oh "those" games. I was thinking more like a mainstream/sfw game where the main character also happens to be a slut, eg Shantae

>eg Shantae
substantiate your claims

Fear Effect.


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Nah. Some other games from TechnoBrake are, but those are the ones where he tried way too hard to make actual games, and they play like ass.

JC Fight.

>rival character is female
>battle OST is strangely erotic and sensual

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I won't defend that. It's why I was asking for more. Shantae is the only one I could think of and that's just because of how she dresses. Don't worry user, your waifu is pure

>male lead is a slut

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Oh please, as if Bayonetta's the slightest bit interested in actually having sex.
She just enjoys using the idea of sex to hold power over others.

If I'm not mistaken it's from here vndb.org/v22448

Many canonical pairings
>Sex scenes are a thing
The Witcher series

coom haha

I really like it when the girls wrap around the hips to do a deepthroat


Early Tomb Raider games had Lara show zero interest in anyone until I think 5 or 6.

I too enjoy Mass Effect.


>mom is a slut

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