
How has the 4th anniversary treated you so far, Yea Forumsros?
Got LR Cell twice, and LR Gohan once. Also this lad is still wrecking shit.

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Started playing a week ago and already put the grind in for a LR Super Reboot Broly, who does he do so much bros?

There's no Reboot LR yet, Only STR World Tournament Mega Chad and TEQ Broccoli.

The requirements are retarded, but he's still good as fuck.

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I started playing (again) like two weeks ago, did a shitload of rolls for Gohan but never got him. Got two Agi Gogetas and a bunch of other stuff, working on a Movie Heroes and a Pure Saiyans team, but I've hit a wall where I need Dokkan Awakenings but the missions to do the ones I need are too hard.

You DID pull both LRs, right bros?

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That's nice and all, BUT DO YOU HAVE KIBITO?

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Fuck I want Gobros so bad. I'm saving up my res coins for whenever they show up. Already at 390.

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Kibito potara support card WHEN

They're likely to show up in november with the thank you celebration. I'm waiting for the agl ssj4 goku that I'm obviously missing. 590 coins at the moment.