Yea Forums BTFO

Yea Forums BTFO
Platinumchads where you at?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-12 Aug 2019 NPD - Switch #1 hardware, Astral Chain makes top 10 with just 2 days (668x616, 574K)

Love this game but that last boss tho

>Platinumchads where you at?
Right here lamenting that Nier and Astral are P*'s biggest successes because I find them to be well below their other works in quality

I just need rising revengence 2 already but nier is pretty intricate certainly better than their liscenced era bullshit


Here's hoping man

Does anyone else think Noah Prime was cancer?

nier sucks

But Yea Forums told me the game bombed. Why would you do that?

There was nothing in August to buy on Switch except Astral Chain.
It's literally like Octopath traveller in August 2018.

These games got hyped because if you don't hype them then you have nothing on Switch for August.

He was one of the funner fights

I love Platinum

Except MM2 did better than that so clear you’re wrong

>just makes top 10
That's pretty pathetic. What are current lifetime estimates, maybe 200k units? especially when you considering Japan struggled to hit 40k.


>physical sales = all sales

I dont buy this argument. When there's no games I'm interested in, I just don't buy anything. I don't go out and buy whatever is coming out to "fill the void" or whatever. It's the current year, there is plenty of entertainment around. Nobody is starving for shit.

Japan doesn't buy digital. They even sell physical download codes just so they can have something to own.

Somehow, someday

Attached: invincible.jpg (700x520, 48K)

>Astral Flop
Not hard to reach 1 when nothing else is selling, lmao.

They do buy digital with the voucher system letting them get massive discounts on some games.

It's a majority of them.

How do I get better Yea Forums

where the fuck do i get more parry codes?

>deleted our review bombing
>game still sold

Attached: 1216407584221.jpg (640x480, 30K)

Wasn't stock also limited?

It was to match low sales expectations, reports said it sold out, but it sold 10k units less than its shipment, so clearly it didn't sell out.

Yes, because Nintendo voucher'd it.

Surely Astral Chain sold 1 million with the voucher system.
Fucking retard.

I don't know what insane cartoon world you live in but most people here don't have someone holding a gun to their head at all times shouting "BUY A GAME THIS MONTH OR YOU FUCKING DIE, IT HAS TO COME OUT THIS MONTH TOO IF YOU DON'T BUY IT YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD"

It's called demand retard

Speak for yourself, lucky bastard.

Yeah no you're fucking retarded. People buy games like Astral Chain if they're.. and pay attention.. IN-TER-ESTED in it.

>There was nothing in August to buy on Switch except Astral Chain.
I like how no one denied that.
Astral Chain was hyped because pirates were starving on August and wanted to show off.
Also people got baited because it's a game made by Platinum.

>People buy games like Astral Chain if they're.. and pay attention.. IN-TER-ESTED in it.
People on Switch sure were interested in Castlevania serie before they release Simon and "Richard" as the fans called them in Smash.

I bet they are playing Fatal Fury right now and praising it when they didn't give a fuck about it before.

>games disappear after the release month
are you ok user?

Is the game good?

>The vouchers
>Multiple reports of AC codes flying off the shelves

I thought it was fun

Yes I'm okay and own a Switch user don't get me wrong.
However so far in 2019 we got :
-January to May (nothing or Yoshi if you're a fag)
-June/July (MM2 and FETH, thx god they saved our summer)
-August (Astral Chain, it's decent but way too overrated)

Hopefully September has Link's awakening; Daemon x Machine and DQXI S but personnally I only give a fuck for DQXI S.

I forgot Super Kirby Clash which is a great game but has a really horrible online.

I played it for a bit, it's pretty good.
Not dethroning MGR yet

Most of Japan bought it by digital.


Jesus Christ 2019 is not a good year to be a Nintendie. I hope DxM gets ported to PC at least.

>thread about Astral Chain
>smashfag can’t get smash off the brain because smashsmashsmash
Who even still plays that game besides autists and literal children?


The last boss is the best part tho.

>Tfw only 9 crates and 10 lost items to find across 6 chapters
i really wish they told you how many items were left in each part of the cases when you select them.

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