Hey game industry, here's a crazy idea. Let me play as an actual cute fat character instead of some angry bull-dyke with a grudge.
Hey game industry, here's a crazy idea...
Fatties aren't cute.
how ticklish is she
what the fuck would be her gameplay? Bitching about her endometriosis and making sure you rub deodorant on your thighs before leaving the house so they don't chafe?
>promoting and enabling obesity
What about fucking no.
>cute fat person
Those don't go in the same sentence.
I fucking hate you and this Thursday the 12th horseshit
Wrong site go to resetera
>game has a hunger meter and inventory system
>Give her a chipmunk tooth to infantilize her
>angry fatass
based and tummypilled
This is a FUCKIN comment to some FAT FUCK on Yea Forums named janny2988.
Eh, it's more skinny guys who like chubby girls, from what I see anyway
Unfortunately only anime or college girl fatties are attractive.
After 20s they dont last.
>Why yes i'm american, how could you tell?
>Yes I'm heteroSexual how could you tell?
because it takes almost no effort to fuck them
this, I'm welcome to all body types, but I don't want butt ugly faces.
Just because some guy has different tastes doesn't make them smarmy or different guy. Unless they like muscle girls, which makes them closeted gay
fat men look good
women don't
Anime fags and weebs just can't handle a feminine woman
*blocks your path*
>he falls for the makeup + filters combo
For your own good don't ever use dating apps retard
based I've seen some real fucking cows, but cows who had very nice skin and faces, and jeez I'd fuck her right up hard
>layers of makeup
Apparently he wants to draw the girls a lot bigger but his publisher won't let him.
I tried
sorry the in game models weren't better
Synedouche's artwork is such horseshit. It's always the same body type.
>that quadruple chin shes barely hiding
Yeah, it's called desperation.
pick one.
You're a real faggot, trust me.
You think she puts make up all over her entire body? No her skin is just actually quite smooth. It happens. Besides it's good make up, nothing wrong with that
>hey game industry, how about pandering specifically to me instead of other people, because pandering is OK when it's MY favorite thing
I've been jacking off to another fat thread, but I'll migrate here if this one's gaining more traction / posters.
Thats just manga in general though.
Most artists only know 1-2 body types.
Hell Oda has been re-using the same women in one piece for what, 20 years now?
Why don't they post her without makeup?
>2 pounds of makeup
>doesnt even show full face
>those fucking beaver sized chompers
ya nah shes ugly as fuck, she draws some really good musclegirls though
>hey game industry, how about instead of making ugly women for brownie points, instead try pandering to my niche interest shared by a lot of other people, because pandering is OK.
>Besides it's good make up, nothing wrong with that
Yes there is, you asshat
>No her skin is just actually quite smooth
you have never seen a nude fat person before in your life
1 word, cellulite
Chubby girl have the most womanly body of all, having exaggerated hips, breasts and body fat, all more feminine traits than masculine ones. And what part of being a lovely, weak, soft and delicate girl isn't feminine?
thanks anyway eishi