Zoomer here, never can get into Morrowind. Any tips or mods to help get me further then just a few hours?

Zoomer here, never can get into Morrowind. Any tips or mods to help get me further then just a few hours?

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Look kid, if you don't enjoy it, don't force yourself. There are hundreds of great games out there, old ones, new ones, just choose something you actually like and have fun.

Don't, you will come back here just to bitch and whine about how much dated and slow the game is.

Just play Oblivion. It’s not as hard to get into for a zoomer, but mod it so that the level scaling is fixed or you will literally be on the wiki one day and be like “Wait, this game has minotaurs?”

There are guides online for making Oblivion look better.


Don't mod the thing, if you're not capable of seeing through all the shitty stuff the game has, then you won't like it no matter what you do. Try Oblivion, same advice. Play vanilla and see for yourself if there are things you can change to make it enjoyable, and then you'll know which mods to look for

Play on journo mode by console commanding all your stats and skills to 100

You could try stop being a fag, but that may be asking for too much.

Morrowind is pretty shit, play Gothic instead.

>game is shit, play shit instead

don't do that, just set luck to 2000 so you can still level skills and stats without them failing.

Mod out the shitty dark brotherhood assassins that ruin any semblance of pace the game once had. I dunno about bugfix mods but I never encountered a gamebreaking bug so probably not all that big a deal. You actually want your major skills spread out somewhat, if I’m remembering right- plus, playing without magic is boring as shit, so be at the very least a kinda monk with buffs and shit, if not a full-on wizard

But he can't fit in if he doesn't like what Yea Forums likes.

Try OpenMW

I was 12 and didn't knew English yet I managed to love morrowind.
Zoomers man, they are spoiled the slightest difficultie in their path and they throw a tantrum, back in my day we had to think when we didn't knew how to beat a game or call a friend to help us and you felt the glory of beating that confusing part together as a team it could take days sometimes or starting the game all over again to see if you missed something.
Now with the Internet they have everything in hand and they complain because they failed to cast a healing spell or Arthur takes to long to skin a deer.
Anyway the combat isn't bad try using a weapon or spell according to your skill and be patient like in real life things take time, morrowind takes time

Play both.
I liked both honestly

Huh, never tried that before. I don't generally mod my runs at all but I'll keep this in mind if I'm doing something specific. Thanks user.
Hell I still use the stair trick for acrobatics, that's how outdated I am on technique.

Boomer checking in, never liked it either. I liked oblivion.. It's honestly a hit or miss Zoomer.

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Don’t be a funcuck, if he can’t handle our games he doesn’t belong here.

>Mod out the shitty dark brotherhood assassins that ruin any semblance of pace the game once had.
Do this if it's your first time through the game, or at least wait to enable the tribunal expansion pack.


dont try to fit in to places where you dont belong.

Can ya be a little more specific as to what ya don't like about the game. Because if you can articulate that you can probably manage to work the mw nexus search bar \__["/]__/

To be fair, you remember all that "have a friend pass that part for you" as a good thing now, but at the time we all wanted guides or walkthroughs. Vidya magazines were full of that for a reason, and people bought them, for that same reason.
AAA were always full of bullshit

OP here. Just kinda slow for me. I know plenty of tricks to level up but I'm just not a grind kind of guy. I liked Arena decently enough, but maybe this era of games just isn't for me

Well there are faster leveling mods, because I agree the beginning of the game can be a bit of a slog especially killing the same wildlife over and over again. But idk if the low level quests and just wandering around from cave to cave doesn't interest you mods wont really make you enjoy it more. I'm able to feel pretty immersed in the game and the leveling often comes as a pleasant surprise rather than a grind. It kinda helps if you make a story up in your head about your character or you join the temple, imperial legion or cult. Something that helps gets you immersed in the lore and politics.

dip points into enchant and get god tier stats ASAP, especially agility