Only NERDS play the Switch

Only NERDS play the Switch.

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Would it be fair to call that avatar the biggest red flag outside of MAGA pepe and smug anime girls?

Why was Colin so entitled to the idea that the Vita would succeed? He still can't let it go

Fair enough, after all sony biggest games are normie gambling shit like fifa and nba2k19.
God im so glad my switch has so many god tier exclusives coming out, truly the beat console of this gen and it doesn't even have the specs of their competitors, truly shows how much western shit is pozzed by pro censorshit trannies.

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Wow the guy from who's line is it anyway plays video games?

God of War port when?

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>grown adult taking part in console war
>goes on about his own 'better' console
>can list a whopping two (2) games before petering out and needing a Yes Man to back him up
His nickname must be Colon because he's so full of shit he's eating second breakfast a third time

i was gonna bring my any video game on a trip, but i realized i'm not a fucking nerd, so i just brought my dick and got ready to treat some women to the chinpo express

>ironic post about switch being for nerds
>unironic seething tranny shows up

isnt this the guy that said vita would kill nintendo

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Unironically who?

>not a nerd
>owns a vita

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I was under the impression that the Vita was a huge weeb console, was that wrong?

>I'm not a huge fucking nerd
>I'm just gonna play my bartending VN on my Vita and talk about how its superior

Ok fag

the guy in fallout 3 who run the bar and you have to hack the terminal to find your dad

Pretty much

The asshat who got roasted for saying gamers who didn't like Mass Effect 3's ending (singular) were entitled.

the only support the vita got in the last few years was from japan,so yeah. not that i'm complaining about that,i still like it.

He's sounding pretty entitled there

Only a special kind of weeb who enjoys VNs and literally nothing else.


>Colin Moriarty
Isn't he that guy who made a 20-minute video berating everyone who complained about ME3's shitty ending and saying gamers are babies who don't appreciate what the giant corporate publishers do for them?

How can one person still be this seething so many years later?

Eternal reminder how his insane fanboyism:

>The Nintendo 3DS is certainly not going to take the Vita out with N64 ports and tired, worn series.

And now shitting on the Switch while touting two games that are also on it? My god.

*reminder of


Attached: The Playstation Vita is set to succeed.jpg (730x732, 145K)

Yes, but people still lap his shit up and he makes big bucks on patreon to run a shitty podcast with the unfunny chris ray gun who also has shitty taste in games

Ah it is Colin" there is no collusion of video game journalists" Moriarty.
Funny how he changed his tune when the WOKE brigade decided he was not one of them and threw him under the bus.

Isn't this an schizophrenic snoy that's against SJWs but shills SJWstation?
Fucking pathetic.

Did he really say that? ROFL.

Why does he own the Switch in the first place

To play it in private where other people aren't forced to look at the eyesore.

>vita old af can run games on 720p and 30fps
>switch 300$ paid online 2yo can run games on 360p 10fps with drops

Is the joke that he could be playing both games on a switch but purposefully picked the other

I never understood that either since they are roughly the same in power with Vita just outpacing it in a few titles.

he's a convicted sex offender and pedophile

70% of people I see with switches in public are normal looking black people and hispanics
A small minority is nerdy incel looking types

This and also the Vita still has better games.

minorities confirmed for the only normal people around

>Not a nerd
>Plays niche indie games
uh huh

Some people are insecure like that.

>still shilling this failure after 8 years
>coping by shitting on Nintendo
I know obsessed has become a meaningless buzzword but fucking Christ this obsession is pathetic.

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Was gonna comment on this too. Why the fuck do you think the vita is so good if you dont even know any good games for it?

well there's normal looking white people and then there's the slightly fat glasses wearing dudes who have anime t-shirts who talk slightly too loudly who you know are weirdos
there's also weirdo minorities but they're usually only one per weirdo group

t. was fringe friends with one of these groups in high school

By all accounts it should have
>same price as 3ds
>way better hardware
>tons of games teased(never released)
>people were clamoring for new hardware at the time
It looked really good on launch but phones and Sony abandoning it so early to go all in on ps4 killed it

Can confirm. Working some 7-12s with about 11 other guys cramped in a shipping container. Young mexican bro brought his switch, Mario kart and 4 controllers. Really fun shit

This thread is now a Vita thread. How are my Vitafriends doing tonight?

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>never released
That may have had something to do with it.

Sorry, I don't have a Vita. Should I get out?

what about the proprietary memory cards?

That was also a kick in the balls. Even Nintendo stopped doing that shit after the Gamecube.

ALso the system charging handheld prices for games expected to be developed with AA+ funding
The system was only superior in power

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I agree with you but that joke man... that was pretty cringe bro don't do it again.

A failure in what sense? It's still an objectively better choice for portability than the Shitch.

Yeah. That was a dumb move. Not even the PSP had proprietary memory cards.

>proprietary memory cards
you can fuck right off.

>You need a control pad and analog sticks, you need triggers and face buttons
And the only one those the original 3DS was missing was a second analogue stick.
>You can't play a side-scrolling action game or a platformer with a touchscreen
Does he think that all DS and 3DS games were played entirely with the touchscreen and not the buttons? Is he seriously implying that the bing bing wahoo machine can't play a bing bing wahoo side-scrolling platformer?

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>A failure in what sense? It's still an objectively better choice for portability than the Shitch.
holy shit my sides

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So he can shitpost about it and then post a screenshot with timestamp whenever someone calls him out.

The proprietary memory cards made it significantly costlier than the 3DS. At launch, the Vita with a memory card cost nearly DOUBLE what the 3DS did at the time.

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>vall halla
Obvious joke post is obvious.

Vita had too many gimmicks like the camera and back touchscreen meanwhile the Switch only has a touchscreen even though the joycons are debatable as gimmicks

drink bleach, shit for brains

i dont get this
why do sonytards keep trying to say that the PSvita wasn't a failure? It sold way below the projected amounts for years, never stocked since no one bought it and literally caused Sony to quit the handheld market entirely
Wii U, the same failure as the PSVita, failed as miserably and nintentards even acknowledges its failure

Attached: Wii_U_Vita-800x457.jpg (800x457, 47K)

bad, got into the /vr/ meme and got one for emulation but for some reason the PSP is way better.

Yes but unless you're an executive or a retarded Nintendo cocksucker you have no reason to care about sales

Because it wasn't. The Vita is one of the best handheld consoles ever made, if not THE BEST.

Just because it didn't sell the most doesn't make it bad.

Vita had every reason to be successful. PSP sold well, was well liked, people were pretty excited for, and had games.

turns out though, not actually releasing games and not marketing the machine means that no one wants to buy your shit
the launch window lineup was largely terrible, and there was still fuck-all for months

having EXPENSIVE proprietary memory cards at a time when a reasonably fast 16GB microSD was cheap and in a market that was very, very, very receptive to digital downloads was such an absurd blunder that I can't even fathom it, since even if the Vita had no games, people could reasonably plop a bunch of PSP games they had on PSN to tide themselves over

the Vita finally gets games ages later
like, literally years later
god, Sony is so fucking shit, and for no fucking reason either

Sales are one of the best indicators that your machine is going to get games.
There is a direct correlation with system sales and number of units sold.

and it's pretty obvious -- developers want to target the largest market