Game has a tutorial

>game has a tutorial
What else makes you immediately drop a game?

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>game has a black guy or a woman
there are no bigger redflags

If people on v or vg like it i avoid it.

>Game has a gay character
Miss me with that gay shit

>genre: open world

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I bet you're the type of fucking idiot that will skip a tutorial then complain he doesn't know what to do. Dumbass.
Fuck off

This. Not even joking.

>"rpg elements"

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Dragon Age 2 taught me this lesson long before i was radicalized by /pol/

t. Arin Hanson

Get bent nerd, I agree with op(and those anons). Games have become more streamlined but more obnoxious with that tutorial shit. it shouldn't take more than an 5 hours to get to the fucking game. Games with prolonged intros belong in this camp too, Fuck new gta and half life. makes repeating the game a chore

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>always online
>early access
>mission/challenge timers, where in previous entries of the series there were none
>visual novel
>pretentious pixelated indie garbage visual style
>sports game
>published by EA
>VAC, despite being sp/coop (that makes modding and fucking around impossible)
>JRPG (that's a BIG one)

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>crafting system
>millions of items craftable
>*only 10 item models with colour swaps and different numbers

New Vegas has 2 gay companions and it's one of the best fucking games.
Cope, seethe, dilate etc. and so forth /pol/

>EA trash
>sports in general
>looter shooters
>class shooters
>meme spouting

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what a fucking nigger faggot, unironically neck yourself.

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i actually laughed at this, thanks man

lol bitch

This unironically.

yeah not gonna touch those.

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>tf2 is f2p
what you gonna do now?

I stopped playing it years ago tho.

>game has MODERN ARTS

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doesn't count if you can ignore or kill them

Some games need tutorials. Thief did a great job with its tutorial and made it a nice part of the story.

back in my day we didn't need tutorials.

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Yell well you are a nigger

Thief, Deus Ex, Half Life, pretty much all the beginnings of the FPS genre had tutorials. When you introduce harder concepts to a basic formula you need to inform/give a tutorial to allow fair play. I'd even argue things like the screen freezing and seeing "Use Magic To Kill Death" displayed in Gauntlet is a form of tutorial, it doesn't always have to be a totally separate area.

In those games a True Tutorial was optional and not forced in like all modern games. That introduction of a concept in one stage to later add more challenge is just organic gameplay.

>"roguelike elements"

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Well as far as I knew in OP's case it was him sperging about tutorials in general. I'm a proponent of offering them if the player feels like they need one. You can argue that they shouldn't be needed if the gameplay does a good job teaching you what's what, but I do think they have a place in the industry.


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/u/fags should be strung up and beaten

>dex is the best stat in the game

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This. I'm sick and tired of yurifags flooding up the boorus with art of my waifu engaging in their /d/-tier fetish.

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I'll take it over interr*cial any day

I usually don't have a problem with that unless it's BLACKED shit because the fanbase isn't complete fucking cancer.

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Then dont put points in dex faggor

>t.flippy minmax dex faggot

>gimping your build solely because you're not a dexfag


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Shitty controls that can't be easily fixed with changing keybinds. I've been having a hard time getting myself to play Shadow Warrior: Classic Redux because something about the mouse aim just feels really fucking wrong, no matter what I change with the sensitivity and X/Y scaling. If it wasn't Shadow Warrior (or a similarly great game), I would have dropped it already.