Yea Forums tells me everyone hates Borderlands 3. Nobodies looking forward to Borderlands 3...

>Yea Forums tells me everyone hates Borderlands 3. Nobodies looking forward to Borderlands 3. Borderlands 3 is hated by critics so people will hate it now. Borderlands fans have turned against the franchise!
>Check /r/borderlands
>They're all excited for it

Why does Yea Forums lie? And no, it's not because it's the subreddit. The Anthem subreddit was shit on by the games fans for months on end.

Attached: borderlands 3 reddit.jpg (1488x1030, 390K)

Other urls found in this thread:

why are you on Yea Forums you need to go back faggot

whoa reddit has a different opinion than vee
Who would have guessed

>Boredomelands this but boredomelands that and boredomelands this and boredomelands that
Do you have autism fucking piece of shit. No one but braindead redditors cares about your shitty grindfest.

Have you considered that the Borderlands fandom is full of absolute retards who are very easy to amuse?

You're wrong

stop posting the same thread 5 times in a hour faggot go back your hole

you need to go back

Why are you seething so much?


Attached: Untitled.png (1283x494, 186K)

I hate Yea Forums too but this is legitimate autism. Stop shilling you fag.

Yes, but Yea Forums also shills World of Warcraft, a game for easily amused retards

Wow. Two whole threads, I'm surely ashamed now (I'm not)

that's because it's reddit, and the borderlands series is mainly appeal to redditors. The shitty, outdated, "ZOMG! xD hAHa Randum!" humour runs through the series veins and is only really funny to retards and children, the repetitive as fuck gameplay where you grind to get bigger numbers really appeals to their autism as they can't handle variety but they like to watch the pretty numbers go up, the sjw shit in their games, etc.

Now, please do yourself a favour and go back to the shithole you came from

I mean Borderlands has always been a shit tier game. Everything is a bullet sponge, aiming is never a challenge. The only part of the game that appeals to people is the fucking lootbox opening. It's gambling for people too fucking pussy to bet anything.

Lilith dies

kys shill nigger

BL2 has largest variety of enemies in any FPS

Its okay to be mad at a franchise but at least be correct.

Putting a prefix in front of raider doesn't count as a different enemy type

>the repetitive as fuck gameplay where you grind to get bigger numbers really appeals to their autism as they can't handle variety but they like to watch the pretty numbers go up

That sounds like World of Warcraft, and I see TONS of shill threads for that on Yea Forums.


WoW is definitely autistic as fuck but at least in wow there are numerous skills and builds that mean you have to think at least a little bit about what you are doing. Aim in Borderlands is so forgiving that you just brain-afk. The only point iof the game is to collect the "DANK LOOT" because you are a BADASS

you genuinely should be. your threads fail because they are shit dont make me sniff a shit twice

Enemy variety =/= Gameplay variety

its okay to like a series but please understand the arguments when writing your response

I agree that WoW is the mmorpg equivalent to borderlands and that it's just pure autism

Wait borderlands 3 comes out in a day? I thought it wasn't coming out for like six months. What is with literally everything coming out in the last week or so?
Also to add to the echo I don't really care, I'll be too busy playing Daemon X Machina and after that I'll play Risk of rain 2 which sadly was publish by gearbox.

i'm genuinely concerned as to why you think you didn't get your answer the first 2 times, OP. are you trying to keep the game in my mind in the vain hope that i'm going to buy it? you know sweeney already bought my copy, right?

>The Anthem subreddit was shit on by the games fans for months on end.
Wasn't that after the game came out?

remember when some streamers and mods on reddit were banning people for pointing out the flaws in the beta

>all encounters turn into Slag+weakness element
Great job gearbox, you managed to turn a billion guns into Slag gun, fire gun, shock gun, acid gun, and normal gun.

So borderlands 3 had a beta?

He was talking about Anthem

>go to dedimurated board for specific gayem
>surprised that people are excited
nice thinly veiled shill thread

Go back

>Went to a place dedicated to fans of the game and hey like it.
In other news, water is wet.

Is /vp/ excited for that awful looking new Pokemon?

how would i know, the last pokemans game i played was gold


>got red on release
>got gold on release
peak pokemans for me - the addition of more and more pokemans instead of trying to improve their current pokemans was the failing

Yea Forums is contrarian land
if something is hated here is loved in any other place

>Yea Forums is one person

I have no reaction image to properly expess my disdain for the tool in the third post.

Attached: 1491509077771.png (294x256, 136K)

Randy you don't need to shill your own game, its already popular enough for retards to buy it

God damn he didn’t even bait the hooks, you fuckers just jumped in the boat

Attached: 7BAE9916-2BEF-4FED-B324-5A31CDBC964B.jpg (408x493, 32K)

Loook mom, I posted the exact same bait thread again!

>Check subreddit dedicated to a thing that they like
>they like said thing and are excited for more of it


You should, it looks just like one of those faggoty "We're coming Home, Bros" post here.


Attached: go.png (720x480, 388K)

People hating Borderlands 3 aren't just pretending to be retarded

Yea Forums collectively hates WoW retard

Yea Forums is the scum fo Yea Forums the most contrtaian of contrarian

Wow Yea Forums lives in its own hive mind world that no one else on the planet gives a shit or ever think about while they go crazy from cabin fever

Truly shocking

theres a thread on /vg/
most of Yea Forums just likes to shitpost and hate on epic

Reddit and Yea Forums are the same newfag

>implying theres not more shilling
>implying theres not more bots
are you trying?

No it appeals to people with friends.

hot take - cringy humor but nice gunplay, will continue to play

Played BL1 with a friend, a guy I played through almost every co-op game with

We still quit a quarter way in because it was boring dog shit

>PS3 visuals
>Sub-40 FPS at 4k on a 2080 Ti

>Yea Forums collectively hates WoW retard

Why do I see so many 'WE'RE GOING HOME BROS' posts then?

/vg/ bleeding over

Shut the fuck up and give us 2001 DNF already, I know it's you, Randy.
Consider developing another Half-Life game, you were good at those and surely you can do a better job than that turk and his $20+ fanfiction.

Attached: _5264-.jpg (912x726, 116K)

/vg/, a true hive of scum and furfaggotry

Seriously, I remember checking out the FNAF thread for a laugh, and it really was furry ERP shit with no game discussion.

/fnaf/ is just vidya /hsg/


Look, I'm fucking jazzed as hell to play Punch Waifu, but let me tell you a small secret about subreddits: they're fucking chock full of people who just want attention but don't have anything interesting about themselves to get there.

woah who would have guessed a community set up for fans of a game would have fans in it.
Are you brain dead?

It has millions of preorders and it has like 1-2 negative reviews out of dozens that Yea Forums loves to fixate on. Its funny and convenient how Yea Forums bashes the legitimacy of reviews when they disagree, but praises their accuracy when they agree.

You shouldn't be here, why are you here? This place holds nothing for you, leave now and never come back.

BL3 is a game for subhumans with no rights kill yourself


>And no, it's not because it's the subreddit
You're an absolute retard. Sage.

As opposed to Borderlands fanboys who are genuinely retarded.

That doesn't counter his point.

Cry more

Yea Forums and Yea Forums in general has always been and will always be the contrarian we aren't like everyone else website. Take the popular opinion and spin it, that's literally all this website is.
