How did they get away with this?

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based and mama mia pilled

you gotta understand, it was a different time back then

Listen, bro. I bet you think you're being real fucking funny. You're not. Maybe put some thought into your post next time. As a homosexual myself, I can see that your little joke could be pretty hurtful to some people. If Bowser chooses to be gay, then that's his decision, and you have no right to make passing remarks on his sexual orientation.
It's not cool to be a homophobe.

Bower didn't fucking choose to be gay, you bigot. It's really pretty interesting, bro, that you would call that user a homophone when you're the one being a gay-basher by implying Bowser got to chose his sexuality. He did not. Not cool.

o' my bretheren most black, you do seem to possess The Homosex

Why are some koopas bad and some nice? Is there a mushroom kingdom Visa that needs to be passed? I have lost countless nights of sleep to this we need a fucking answer does koops or koopa the quick not know how many of there kind mario has massacred?

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>implying homosexuality isn't natural and instead is a deviant behavior.
Reported. Enjoy your ban shithead.

>tfw "koopa" in your native language literally means poop
fuck miyamoto for this

I think the rule is all the bad koopas serve bowser. If you don't serve bowser, you're fine.

There are different koopa clans and not all of them bow to the turtle king or recognize his title. Bowsers clan has some sort of immortal curse that lets them come back via magic or green shrooms or something (kamek?) How many times has that fucker been melted and come back, seems to make sense. It must also take some time to completely regen because there are skeleton forms of Bowser and the minions between normal forms

Here's your answer.

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Name one fucking thing wrong with being homosexual

No, fuck you user. You ruined the last thread.

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I just posed the question, you fucks ruined your own thread.

Your falseflagging post brought in a bunch of /pol/fucks. You knew exactly what you were doing.

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Time to change this.

>As-salamu alaykum for-a playing my game-a!

Why did Mario use a greeting when he was throwing Bowser away?

It was a different time


> these are high quality shitposts on Yea Forums

Fuck off faggot go cry somewhere else ya big gaylord seething fagtard

I broke my front tooth trying to backflip like mario when I was 8-years-old

>pooper trooper

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so long, Gay Bowser...

did you yell WAHOO as you did it?

>People CHOOSE to be gay

hol up