What's a video game where the good guy gets treated like the villan then he tries to do good but the bad guy tears into...

what's a video game where the good guy gets treated like the villan then he tries to do good but the bad guy tears into him even more

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Why do people make threads like these?

Be Jew factory foreman in early 20th century Atlanta
>Hire young girls to pay pennies while you live in luxury
>Molest young girls
>One fights back, kills her
>Bribes negro janitor to help hide the body
>Act like shifty faggot right after the murder
>Eventually get arrested after trying to pin it on the negro nightwatchman
>Wife refuses to visit you for weeks
>Negro janitor comes forward, testifies in excruciating detail
>Jew defense blames negro, say he's too stupid to have that good of recall
>All-white Southern jury believes negro, convicts Jew
>Judge orders hanging, as is the punishment for raping and murdering a girl
>Northern Jews throw a hissy fit
>Spend millions (in 1913 dollars) to smear the city of Atlanta and the negro janitor
>Governor finally commutes the hanging
>Atlanta whites snap, drag Jew out of jail and administer justice
>ADL and (((historians))) blame negro janitor that not even an all-white Southern jury thought was guilty
Now you know the proud history of the goyim defamation congregation.

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Jews aint nothing but trouble

>Janitor applications are now closed.

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>dangling money in front of a Jew

Actually anti-semitic


You read this story and your first thought was 'I want to be like that negro'?


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PewDiePie needs Cancel Culture and lose his job from Youtube and never EVER bounce back on Mixer and Twitch.
Fuck that Double faced retard.

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>Leftist retards are actually mad that he will donate to an actual charity instead of some pro-isareli lobbying group.

leftards aren't human at this point

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What are you polcucks seething about this time?

How did America go from based to cucked

in that story we won the battle but not the war

Pewdiepie is unironically the best troll of this generation.

>t.PewDiePie fangayboi

I get it, but how did the Israel lobby get so strong later on, it can't be just money right?

I really wanted to apply, but it really is a job you do for free, not something you can just do while you're browsing the board, playing another game.

i dont know, im not a real anti-semite. i do think its funny hitlers conspiracy theory about jews running the media and banks is actually true in the US. I haven't seen any misconduct i wouldnt put pass any other non-jew from doing but the irony is pretty funny i guess

It is money. America is built on greed.

Why do leftists support this racist group? I thought black people should be protected

What did he mean by this?

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They don't. Most leftists I know who aren't liberals hate Israel and it's people. They just don't generalize the extremists as "Jews," so it's a bit more socially acceptable. ADL basically has no sway and is more of a meme organization anyways.

>They don't. Most leftists I know

Are you still seething over Chappelle?


>TYT literally getting assblasted

It's called damage report but it seems more like damage control to me.

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Is there even a source for this that isn't /pol/?

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Fee fi fo fum
I smell sweet shekels in your bum

>ContraPoints: I'm Embarrassed For Dave Chappelle



also Hasan confirms he's a retard by saying he learned about blacks from fictional TV comedy shows

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their mafia tactics aren't working like they used to


I know this is an alien concept to the chosen people, but most people don't have to pay people to defend their reputation.

Let’s play a game. Is pewdiepie dog whistling or is he just dumb as fuck and need a brand manager to fix his optics?

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He's out in the cornfield with Glenn Beck trying to get nickels

names of the people involved?

imagine actually wanting to babysit the retards on this board


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I'm not seething over Chappelle, in fact I think he's right. TYT and OccupyDemocrats are both shitty propaganda meant for brainwashing Neolibs further anyways, they shouldn't be taken seriously.

He's playing 9 dimensional shogi

Oh this is good

>What Happened To Dave Chappelle?


Dave Chappelle has destroyed libtards so thoroughly, it's gotten to the man himself, Chunk Yoghurt

>Dude muh neoX

What next? NeoLeftist?

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He's in Britain's Brooklyn equivalent so he's not going to get decked for awhile.

in reality, the dude's untouchable
millionaire, and he has tens of millions of people that will defend him no matter what
boogie's sub numbers are eating shit because boogie won't stop eating shit
also, he's a hypocrite

Already a thing. Almost like as time moves on political movements evolve, huh?

oh, I thought it would be something more clever than that

oy vey why wont pewdiepie donate 50 thousand to us anymore? we really could have used that 75 thousand to fight hate speech, i mean come on its only 100 thousand.

Why are there so many Jewish journalists?

This filthy gentile thinks he's above us.
He will learn his place soon.

Leo Frank


I don't like Pewdiepie, I think he isn't unfunny and is just in it for the money
However, watching all the other people that hate Pewdiepie seethe about this is fucking great

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Why are there so many Indians running 7/11s? It's a family business.

By promoting and and using the greatest lie in all of human history to deflect all criticism and operate with impunity, infiltrating all branches of Entertainment, Legislation and Finance.

It's a way to start off-topic threads on Yea Forums without actually starting an off-topic thread

I honestly don't see a problem with it in its current form

>already knew what ADL really was
>pretends to support them to encourage a massive backlash
>more people learn about ADL and their jewery
>pulls back his "donation" to cement the idea that they're shit
It's genius.

You filthy goyim should be honored to get raped and murdered by God's chosen

>troller of nazis

It's shit because it pushes actual video game discussion off the board. Like my puyo puyo threads nobody wants to talk about. anyway, I appreciate your reply and its conciseness.

You are retarded. Die and don't breed

I can't believe Pewdiepie took back his 50k donation. That 60k could have helped a lot of people. Do you think he will be donating that 70k to another Jewish charity?

Why did he take it? Wasn't it supposed to be for a good cause?

ESL? What do you mean by "good guy gets treated like the villan then tries to do good"? He wasn't good before even though he was good and now he is trying? or did you mean the villain was the one trying to do good? Was he accidentally a villain but didn't know it? This seems like an oddly specific video game. Just come out and say what it is you fag.

We'll never forget the 100k (plus tax) he owed us!!

>wikipedia article on Leo Frank

>top of the summary
>Today, the consensus of researchers on the subject holds that Frank was wrongly convicted.
>bottom of the summary
>In 1986, Frank was posthumously pardoned by the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles, although not officially absolved of the crime. Most researchers today agree that Conley was likely the murderer.
Internet war as it is.

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