Tick tock Windows 7

Tick tock Windows 7

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nice video game thread you stupid fuck

>Yet another Win10 buyer's remorse thread

what possible reason is there to update? dx15 or whatever? but the only games worth playing are indie shit with no grafix, every triple gay title is complete trash so fuck off

I know right? A thread about the OS and its games isnt video games. and his picture didnt include a Wojack, a pepe, OR a girl cumming. this is Yea Forums idiot we only have on topic discussions here

>be friend win10
>constant crashes and problems
>be me win7
>no problems at all

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>buying windows
>buying anything

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look at this cope

People buy Win10?

nice strawman, dumbass
countdown to windows 7 eol is not video games
get eternally fucked

i use GNU/Linux you pleb

>develop an OS so bad you give it out for free and people still won't use it
>develop an OS so bad you have to pay bribes to mahor hardware manufacturers and developers to stop supporting your older product so people are forced to upgrade
>develop an OS so bad people rather write generic drivers and figure out how to disable the software blocks to make hardware work on your older system than to upgrade
I mean, this is kinda funny.

lots of people on here stick to windows 7 for video games, retard. It's applicable here just like it is to /g/, except you talk about the video game side of it. do I really need to BTFO you this badly? faggot.

I don't get it W7 hasn't had a major update in a long time it's basically already been dead for years so who cares?
When most games straight up don't work properly in W7 then it will matter but obviously we're not there yet Steam is majority W10 at this point but I there's still enough W7 users that devs won't completely abandon them

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Feels good to be a day one Windows 10 user, win7 fags are mad because they didn't take the chance to upgrade.

>this is what /g/tards unironically believe
peak autism

>/g/ hates win10 to death yet has a soft spot for 7 and XP.
>Yea Forums is sucking win10 cock like it's the second coming of christ
I knew Yea Forums is full of cucks but damn

Kindly educate yourself.

but can i play all video games though?

>windows 10
Bet you call being fucked in the butt having sex.


I hope Win 10 goes free permanently, at least for regular consumers

literally just use the ltsc version bro

>tick tock

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>mfw I stopped automatic windows 7 updates 4 years ago.

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is this normal for windows 10 with 8gb ram?

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that's a cute boy on the right

literally never bothered with this shit, its like it never existed for me, i will upgrade on the last day tho

My 1 month old laptop does the same so I'd say so.

You don't need to upgrade on any """last""" day because nothing is going to happen. Literally the only reason to upgrade is if you run into a program/game you can't run on W7 or you're upgrading hardware and it demands W10 to work. Microsofts EOS guidelines are just scaremongering to get you to switch.

>using Chrome

Unused ram is wasted ram.

>Having automatic updates on 4 years ago

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i had windows 7 3 month ago and it didn't use that much ram, also my pc seems to be louder after windows 10 idk

Literally what the fuck is the problem.
>muh security leaks
Doesn't fucking matter 99% of the time if you have basic antivirus software and don't run shady executables liek a fuckign retards.
>new games won't support it
That will take another 5-10 years and almost everything made after 2010 is fucking trash anyway.

There will be a time in >10 years when win7 will be irredeemably obsolete, but so will be the PC that runs it, I will take it off the net, install only reliable stuff on it and use it to play my current games. Same shit I did with win XP. Fucking retards who buy Winshit 10 just for the sake of buying it or because *maybe* they will have issues with it years from now are the worst.

user you are a retard pls die

Because they made a effort to reduce ram usage after the autism fit people had over vista. Nevermind the fact windows will free up ram when it is needed for an application. Now 16gb is standard and people don't really care how much gets used.

Delete every piece of Nvidia software besides the graphics driver and physx. None of that other garbage is necessary.

>tfw still using XP

8.1 master race, report in

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Yes, with WINE and Proton and Gaben giving Linux a lot of support, things are getting better and better every day.

There is a learning curve, but the amount of shit you can do in Linux is massive once you get the hang of it. Even if you don't like the way Linux looks, regardless of which name you go for, you can theme it and make it look exactly like Windows 7 if you're that crazy about it.


Imagine missing out on the free upgrade and having to spend years as a contrarian just to convince yourself you didn't fuck up.

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Imagine being young enough to believe that when something is free, it means that you're getting an awesome deal.
Enjoy that feeling while you can, because in reality, nothing is free, and there's a reason why it's "free". Because you are the product. Yadda yadda free lunch and all that.

user, Win 10 has been and will always be free.

I upgraded today and for some reason it installed the Pro version without me needing a key or anything. It just says it has a digital license. I thought this stopped being free a long time ago?

more like, tick tock windows
next stop: linux

Not in any of the ways that really matter.

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win7 will continue to run for at least 10 years and that will be enough for ww3 to be over. no more usa, no more shit windows. all good.
tick tock. no more jews.

Imagine rushing to download spyware immediately instead of delaying it to the last possible moment then spending years shilling for a billion dollar company that will never care about you

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Unfortunately we're in really bad shape when it comes to that. Almost nobody listened to Gaben back when switching could have really made a difference, and now we're going to smash through the Win 7 EOL date in some ways in worse shape than we were back when Steam for Linux launched.

Sure we've caught up in drivers, and the number of playable games has massively expanded, but the number of devs offering native support has declined, the ones that do arrive have been coming much later than other platforms, and we're still struggling to hit 2% let alone the 3% Gaben said would be needed for sustainability and a shift to killer apps for Linux like HL3.
Its basically guaranteed that we're heading into at least a five year period of total console domination similar to the early 00s when Microsoft first moneybagged Linux-friendly gaming companies like Bungie, Epic and Id to drop Linux support and shift focus to the Xbox.

>install windows 10
>"this isn't so bad after all"
>blue screen after a month
>pc doesn't start
>none of the recovery options work
into the trash it goes

How are people so shit at computers? Literally been using windows 10 day one at home with no issues and have just finished rolling it out to my company. Shit just works.

i used windows 7 and 8.1 for years and i can't remember the last time that i got a bsotd, keep coping win10fag.

strange as i've had it for 4 years with no problems

nah they pretended the free upgrade window was going to end but never disabled it because the adoption rate so terrible

Based. You whiners will have to upgrade eventually. Oh, and you WILL upgrade, when that one game you REALLY want is Win10 exclusive. Maybe none of the current Win10 exclusives are killer apps for you, but there will come a time when almost every new game is Win10 exclusive. It's inevitable that one of them will eventually catch your attention, and you'll cave in and justify to yourself that it's OK to buy it for this one game. Then you'll slowly come to the realization that 10 was better all along and you wasted years using an inferior outdated OS.

Imagine not wanting free performance upgrades. Win7 fags are stupid

>oh look at me I'm the jaded veteran that experienced ooooh OOOOH

Shut up, mongoloid. Keeping Windows going as the most relevant OS is far more important to Microsoft than any pocket change they could have lost out of giving away free copies.


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imagine wanting crashes, a lot of useless programs running in the background and forced updates with forced restarts

I know, imagine not wanting things like your documents deleted by updates. Fucking idiots amirite

>being delusional


does anyone have any experience installing windows 10 on a usb drive?

I'm never going to use 10 as my actual OS but more and more games require it so I was thinking of keeping an external install just for games

BTSC version is fine right?

Delete any nshitia trash from your storage device and throw your nshitia gpu into the trash.

>extremely niche case that only happened to people that owned two copies of files on weird locations
>affected a few hundred people
>n-no trust me! It was bad!

now read the article and comprehend what it means

That it affected anyone at all makes your shilling about updates being the best thing ever completely moot.

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Holy fuck, Sevensaurs BTFO

>running games on an OS running off a USB drive
This is beyond retarded, just get a 120gb SSD, they're fucking dirt cheap on Amazon these days

4 months...

Not on my machine, computer illiterate niggers eternally BTFO.


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The USB would be just for the OS, games would still be on a hard drive
I'd get another internal drive but I already have 4 (one ssd and 3 hdds) so i literally do not have the space

>got W7 Ultimate on a legit disc
>have had Windows Updates disabled for nearly a decade soon
>Vulkan works on Windows as well, and VK12 is already under way
I can smell the SEETHING of Microcock's shills and their failed panic mongering.
When Windows 7 finally becomes 100% obsolete (and no, that won't be in 2020), I will have been dual-booting a Linux for quite some time already.

This is true as well.
Whenever someone's having issues with a game or program nowadays, I always need to ask "ya on W10?" first.
3/4 times, the answer is yes, and the blame's on the OS.
Like did you know that W10 sucks major ass at running DirectX9 nowadays, which is why they're trying to push 12 and VULKAN ?

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>running games of a HDD
Fucking why
>I'd get another internal drive but I already have 4 (one ssd and 3 hdds) so i literally do not have the space
If only there were some way to partition your drives

i dont use it anymore but it was okay

Weren't those all in Russia though?

>update windows

>don't update windows

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>Can't into gpedit to disable updates

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What about a countdown to Playstation 3 EOL?

>>running games of a HDD
>>Fucking why
Fuck off with your autism, not all of us enjoy wasting money on 4tb SSDs

>If only there were some way to partition your drives
They're all mostly full and I don't trust wangblows 10 to install to an already used drive without wiping it

>being dumb enough to fall victim to exploits
Anyone who does this deserves it anyway
>disable updates on windows 10
>still stuck with a buggy unfinished OS with absolutely no sense of consistency
>still has sound options spread across 50 different menus
>still no merging of control panel and settings app



if you bought win10 you got ripped off. You can literally get it for free from their website.

>have the choice between my files being deleted by a virus or by microsoft
this isn't fair bros

same here

i switched on win7 because of advice and it's the best thing i did. it barely has any lag problems despite having old ass shitty graphics card and old cpu. i can browse chrome and play games at the same time which many mid tier pc's struggle

fuck windows 10 and whoever shills that shit.
everything about it is so fucking retarded,like if some asshole got himself a mac and went "hurr durr it luks so cute and funni les copi dat"

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Why bother making an infograph like this when normalfags don't give a shit about anything listed here? Who exactly was the target audience of this image?

4 months.

>implying you're actively playing 4tb worth of games at any one time
You keep the games you're not playing on cheap slow storage (HDD) and move any game you're actively playing to your fast storage you stupid faggot. That is of course if you're a bandwithlet who can't just download whatever game he feels like playing in a matter of minutes. There is absolutely zero reason to be running your currently played games off a rusty spinning disc, it isn't 2006.

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What happened to XP shitters? :-)

>there are children itt who never used win95

Yeah, I won't say 10 is a better system by any means. But if I'm stuck on it, I might as well make as least shit as I can.

Speaking of which, anyone who doesn't replace the trash Win10 start menu with Classic Shell doesn't know what they're missing out on.

>tfw still have a working WinXP PC as well
Feels good to be able to run Call Of Cthulhu without constant crashes

>ruining your SSD with vidya
I only have CEMU on mine. All else run just fine on the 7200rpm E:\ HDD

>there are people who never have used a PC.

You are literally retarded if you think WINE is as good as native Windows for gaming. All for what? So you can say MS aren’t collecting your data? As if they give a fuck what some sweaty basement neckbeard jacks off to?

This shit really boggles my mind honestly
Imagine having an OS that takes full control of your PC to the point where it will randomly delete your personal files when it updates and there's nothing you can do about it
And people are completely okay with this. They think this is normal and will gladly continue to use win10 after it happens. They are that cucked. What the fuck went wrong?
I have witnessed this myself. One of my uni lecturers mentioned it happening to him and he barely cared, like it was normal. Why?

20 rupees have been deposited in your Microsoft store account ranjeesh

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I still remember those days of third party firewalls being required for any PC with an internet connection. What a time it was.

Computer illiterate faggots deserve it.

where are my win 8 bros

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People (especially dumb consumerist gamers which frequent this shit board) are fucking cattle and will do what they're told regardless of how much worse off they'll be because of it. Look at all the people here who genuinely believe they need Microsoft's updates to prevent them falling victims to le ebil viruses. Then again these people are probably dumb enough to run whatever .exe makes its way into their downloads folder regardless.

>popular = good

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t. indian chink

Yeah but thanks to these "computer illiterate faggots" the rest of us have to deal with it too. You have to choose between
>new windows that spies on and controls everything you do and randomly nukes your files
>old windows with vulnerabilities, hardware compatibility issues, and some software won't run on it anymore
>linux, which is mostly garbage for desktop use, have to dedicate triple digit hours to ricing it to get a tolerable desktop experience comparable to windows, and 95% of games and software doesn't run on it except through a compatibility layer that isn't perfect
There is no "good choice" anymore, we're fucked because microsoft doesn't need to make windows good for people to use it anymore

>gamers frequent the video game board
>they prefer the OS that plays the latest video games


What up with South Sudan?

Hey niggers


Learn how to debloat your shit

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>retard doesn't understand what "t." means
>inadvertently signs himself off as an Indian chink
thanks for confirming what we already knew Ranjeesh. Learn how to use the lingo before you post next time.

I use Windows 10 and I know how to tweak it, it's actually much better than 7 with better hardware and software support.

Anyone smart enough to use google can find a way to disable forced updates.

I don't get how they just accept them either, what with all the rage I've read about from people getting kicked mid ranked match in whatever flavor of the month shit they're playing. But I guess the rage doesn't last long enough for them to actually learn how to use their computer.

But I don't use Windows 7. Stay mad chindian.

he did the t. meme correctly

>misses the dumb consumerist part because he has no fucking attention span and can't read properly
>the OS that plays the latest video games
Name 10 games that you can only play on Windows 10 that are actually worth downgrading your OS for.

>Microsoft will literally SHUT DOWN my windows seven computer in four months
What the fuck bros?? How is this legal??

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>7fags are reddit tourists

My autistic friend who knows computers is switching to either 10 or linux. He said something about backdoors but you guys are making me feel safe so now I feel conflicted.

I wish someone would just hold me and tell me it'll be alright but I don't like people making a fuss over me because I'm a strong emotionless guy which also makes me feel conflicted.

>durrr just run these scripts and everything is fixed!!! hurrrrrr
trying to fix windows 10 is like trying to clean a plate of food after someone takes a shit on it. no matter how well you clean it, you will still be eating bits of shit in the end.

>he did the t. meme correctly
No he didn't, retard. "t." is a way of signing off your post. Unless you greentext it you are implying that YOU are signing off as that and not the person you're replying to. Now go back.

t. newfag

I dont really want to leave windows 7 but the OS running slow after being put in sleep mode is annoying.

>calls others reddit tourists
>doesn't actually understand what "t." really means
>thinks it's just another word for "you are a" and parrots it like this
Go back.

It's an OS. I use it to access my games, that's it

Why do you autists make such a big deal over this

t. newfag

Why I have the sneaking suspicion that Microsoft will "accidentally" leave open some exploit or oversight in their last update for 7 to ensure people don't pull a XP

Thanks for admitting it, now go back or lurk for five years before you post again.

Do you know what's the most abominable smell in the world? The smell of a putrefacting corpse. That's Windows 7.

Game Maker 8.1? Hell yea!

>I am a consumer whore
>And how!

why yes. I already am using Windows 10... LTSC 2019.

Attached: ltsc.png (2560x1440, 767K)

I didn’t miss it, I just ignore shitty strawmans. I can’t name 10, but I can only play Forza Horizon on my Win10 install which is a good enough reason for me not to stick with a legacy OS.

t. retard

I already installed Linux.

They own the platform and can cease issuing updates if they want. Its been on their schedule for years.
They already prevented hardware vendors from properly supporting new components on 7 years ago.

Please don't run an unmaintained OS connected to the internet without recent security updates. Whatever imagined performance losses you'd have from upgrading to GNU/Linux, or using 7 in a VM would be more than cancelled out by upgrading your hardware, or simply upgrading your drivers if you're running 7 on recent hardware it doesn't properly support.
AMD hardware for instance has been benchmarked at 50% faster on GNU/Linux than on Windows in some cases.

you're fucked

love windows 10, the only thing I miss about windows 7 is the transparent aero title bars

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>Why yes, I use Windows 10 LTSC, how could you tell

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Cam someone tell me what the fuck I stand to gain by upgrading to Windows 10 when I have a shitty ass, decade old GPU and CPU?

>redditor telling people to go back

>shitty strawmans
It's not a strawman when there are literal examples of it in this very thread.
>I can’t name 10
That's all I needed to hear. I think I'll avoid playing some mediocre arcade racing game so I can continue using my non-shitshow of an OS that doesn't use its users as perpetual beta testers


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I'm building a new gaming rig and I was told I had to buy Windows 10 for it

>newfag reddit parrots absolutely seething that they were exposed for not knowing what t. means or how to use it properly
t. someone who is lmaoing at you

>>linux, which is mostly garbage for desktop use, have to dedicate triple digit hours to ricing it to get a tolerable desktop experience comparable to windows

Cinnamon (default desktop environment for Linux Mint) is almost perfect for me, as a Windows 7 user, out of the box. There were a few minor things I didn't like, and I fixed them quickly after spending some time exploring the settings. And by "some time" I mean about an hour. Double-digit hours would be a gross exaggeration. Triple-digit hours is mental retardation.

based coomer


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you were lied to

the best version of windows is also free
been running this since it came out and it's amazing

Attached: 2019-09-12 17_53_01-Settings.png (361x109, 3K)

t. retard


This is why Microsoft turned Windows into data-mining malware.

*slow clap*

Why I can still get win10 free dipshit

No need to tell me, I already figured that out from your previous five posts

yes, goy, pay us to spy on you
you retards are almost as stupid as the people who unironically pay for dedicated surveillance devices like amazon echo

kys boomer get a new pc from the store already lol we 10 and rtx now

what in the christ do you use the start menu for?
I never see it beyond the second it takes to type the name of the program I want to run

t. retard

Oh no, Microsoft are going to see how many times I’ve opened Steam and Discord since that’s literally all I use it for on my dedicated gaming PC!

are you doing this on purpose

I upgraded a few months ago and the 9700k doesn't officially support W7, I just got LTSC W10 instead, works fine.

Well, that's part of it, at least.

Win10 search bar makes a half-assed attempt to find something similar to what you typed and then just does an app-store and web search. It's awful and I can't figure out who would prefer that over a proper search. So that's the primary reason I replace the start menu pronto on any new Win10 setup.

I keep a few programs pinned to the top of the start menu, but I suppose that's just habit from Win7.

Found the underage

>The Chad Win8

My windows seven works just fine for Doom and GBA rooms, thank you very much you cunt. You'll regret disrespecting your elders when you have 50 years to your name and are wearing a diaper

shit clocks tickin rick

>not a single country prefers 8.1
feels good being smarter than literally 100% of the global population

Win7 boomer

Win10 zoomer

Which one are you Yea Forums?

The 8.1 chad.

what the fuck did you do to get viruses in the first place? facebook give you a keylogger? the fuck how do you even catch wannacry? There is nowhere you visit that could catch a virus in the first place.

W10 games are comfy

nigger, I was posting here when people were swearing by 98SE

Windows retard
Linux genius

Which one are you?

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8.1 doomer reporting in

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>Win10 search bar makes a half-assed attempt to find something similar to what you typed and then just does an app-store and web search.
I don't know what you're talking about, on my machine it just searches locally and it works pretty well

look at this arrest

My mom calls me to fix her computer every few months and it's usually facebook or her googling items she wants to buy and clicking random links then accidentally clicking yes to the "would you like to receive notifications" popup or misclicking on random popups.

dont most browsers have anti-popup shit pre-installed nowadays?