Why do SJW want to remove this from our games?
Why do SJW want to remove this from our games?
What game is that?
Because they're bitter and they dislike that other women get more attention than them and enjoy it and that men enjoy looking at attractive women
Who is this mommy?
Why do SJW want to remove this from our games?
because it makes straight men happy
it's that simple.
.....i nEED MOre...MORe..MORE....i...i'm gonna...I...I'M GONA COOOOM....ARRGGHHH
coomers die
Is this the Thursday the 12th thread?
Why do I keep seeing this posted, those aren't even impressive.
coomers rise up
then coom
More, please.
I cant stand anime with super exposed titties like that because it's completely retarded that no nip would be showing. Like at least cover it up to where they'd be realistically covered.
sjws should all hang
Because you like it, and they don't like you. Otherwise it'd be strong Femininity.
> over the top directions of gore and violence that the latest participates in
> over the top depictions of sexuality that the player participates in
I want milkies!
Because they're mad jelly of 2D supremacy.
Fire Emblem Two Houses
I'm an ass man who hasn't jacked it to tiddies in several months, but I'm considering it. Post more.
Removes competition, and if theres no tits in anything then you'll settle for any 3DPD
Feels good being a coomer
why did gamer poster change his meme to coomer?
Perfect size
Absolutely based and turboredpilled
Control over supply means power. People who love power want to deprive you of things you love so they can control you by taking and giving them as they see fit.
ohh that's why
how new are you?
Why do people spend unhealthy amounts of time obsessing over two sacks of fat on the chest of a female human? What's the appeal? How is this productive? It's just two spheres.
faggot ass tourist lmao
i'm not new
i wasn't there when they filtered the word
but i know i'm incompetent enough to write something while thinking thinking of something completely different
spoken like a true flat woman
because c*mbrain makes people seethe and coomer is poster friendly
I'm gay but you're a fag. Breasts are fun to look at.
Your angst amuses me. I do not endorse or promote the insertion of someone's manhood into the unsuspecting rectums of other men in an un-consenting fashion, and otherwise. These specimens are far more illogical.
Fuck off, /pol/ack tranny.
So you're just impotent.
>/pol/ack tranny
>our games
your problem is assuming that only straight white men play videogames
Eat my ass
Reminds me of my childhood
why are you gay?
Give big tits for all the women
We get to stare and fondle more succulent racks and they won't have any sense of jealousy over busty 2d girls
It's a win/win
Any good VNs or games that feature gigantic titty monsters?
It's easier to get brainless wojack posters to follow trends.
Yes. /pol/ack tranny. /pol/llies have finally given into their repressed gender dysphoria but still on a "anti-degenerate crusade" somehow.
you are right, women are completely useless
its fun
What competition? No one's lining up to slobber on 4channelers cocks.
You have absolutely zero context and credibility to make a claim as obtuse as that
I don't know what you're talking about dude, I got bitches lining up outside my door waiting to suck my dick now that they know I browse Yea Forums.
A fast food company make good game now!
Hmmhmm, I'm sure normal and not mentally ill spam cummybrain, think kikes are everywhere, and generally angry at everything are sane. Like this guy.
>complain about sjws making everything about sexuality
>complain when sjws don't want sexuality
muh politics
>giant tits
>no ass
Fucking nips!
Why does her collar thing constantly change form?
I am not a sexual deviant nor do I condone anal dilation and sodomy.
I do not sense anything.
you're definitely just gay then
Because in the insane West, and more specifically the heavily politicized United States of Muttland, you have mainstream gaming journalists with too much power running whole articles about a fictional video game character and her breasts and attire.
That's why. And the West will always be this way now, its their cucked way of thinking.
What does being white have to do with obsessing over sexual themes?
I still want to find out the nationality of this user. The accent is all over the place.
because heterosexual men find women's bodies attractive
That's a pretty long title.
Because they are lame people, and lame people do lame things. Their purpose in life is to make everything lame.
because theyre immature fujos having mid life crisis
mind you that there's lesbo/bi girls out there that think hentai/ecchi animu characters are cute too. Oboro from taimanin is my hentaifu I have a thing for villaness milf old hags.
but no, no we can't have that. to fix this contradiction, they force us to like those ugly Cal arts cartoons who are the antithesis to sexy or even cute to look at. so they're just trying to make everyone be the same who all have the same shit tastes etc.
nuke the world for all I care; if law enforcers are nothing but lazy cunts who won't do extra or do their actual jobs at all, and they willingly let children be used then killed like cattle (Clinton and Epstein) then fucking why bother if every judge, FBI, and mallcop are all cheap whores.
also a little bit of areola peaking out is hot as fuck
same goes for bush
I do feel inclined to study their bodies, however I do not understand what senses people refer to. I am likewise repulsed by the other.
This is what happens when Calvinist try hards establish a country
funny how no one bitches about muscular males in games.
Nobody bitched about gigachad despite being objectified so fucking hard it became a fucking abomination.
alright now i just think you're too autistic to understand sexual attraction
*slaps table*
*howling wolf noises*
They'll pull out this "normalization" meme with anything sexual too, it's literally just rebranded soccermom syndrome of yesteryear I don't know how they don't see it.
That's not even remotely how "normalisation" works anyway, it's thrown around so much these days.
Some people seem to genuinely believe sexual pleasure is some how different and more insidious than enjoyment from something else.
Some anime actually just remove the nipple entirely, since you don't have to censor the titty if there's no nipple
The more I analyzed it and thought about it on a base level the more the sensation broke down for me.
this, but also gays should hang too
Big tits means big milkies, big milkies means enough food for your babies DUH
That's not a woman, that's a drawing. How can drawings be attractive?
I have lost my ability to experience the magic once I drew that inevitable conclusion. Can you fix me?
straight colored men play them too faggot. They like big anime titties the same as whitey.
t. colored man
Go to the doctor to fix your sex drive and hormonal levels.
fat and ugly fujos are the most pettiest piles of shit in the human race.
they will screech about pretty women, but if you mention chads or homo games, they'll just hit the block button and not bother responding.
I really wonder if they were confronted in some way and proven up front to be wrong and biased, would they self reflect on their contradictions. but in reality, if they never had any direct repercussions for their retardation, I would doubt that they would feel any embarrassment for their childish behavior
I have a suspicion that me being overworked for the past few days and sitting up to the current hour typing out messages such as these may have a correlation with such issues.
The real question you should be asking is why can older games run at 60fps but newer ones can barely hit 24-30.
There's not enough of them to bitch about.
Seething chestlet or tranny faggot.
Your low test user.
Sure I can sweetie... come here to mommy...
Blind AND autistic, what a shame.
>no one bitches about muscular males in games
Well they bitch about it IRL though....
You sure? Because a lot of vidya male characters are still attractive, fit, muscular you name it.
too redpilled
Because the females are goblinas that are jealous. While the males are trannies that are also jealous.
Well I can tell you're straight.
We need more big anime booties too
Are you actually pretending to be retarded? Hard to tell
Rise up, anti-gamers
I don't buy it, I don't think that's why they hate this shit at all, you're just kidding yourself if you think these people never fuck, they wont stop fucking each other, they're all in open relationships it's a dick and titty buffet, weather you find them attractive or not, these people fuck each other at least. there's enough of em.
My personal theory is these are the same people who grew up on the internet but now they're older and they have children, so they've become the thing they used to argue against, "come on moooom titties aren't that bad" but secretly deep down they know the effect all this internet porn has had on them or their peers and they're fucking terrified of it getting into their children, cause that what this shit's always boiled down to "somebody please think of the children" push any of these arguments far enough, especially about anime titties and it'll come back to kids and sexualisation, they're all so fucking insecure about it, they project it onto all anime boobies at this point and think it's normalising for it to exist so they hunt it down like classic soccermoms, but that shit aint cool so it's just rebranded as "normalising sexual abuse" or some shit because they can tie it into the feminism then too.
I think it's important we get to the REAL reason they're so against it so we can properly tackle it, and I think insisting it's just because they're jealous of anime boobs is doing us a disservice as we'll be ill prepared to genuinely come and defend this stuff, they're already having an effect on it's existence and prevalence, we need to get serious.
I haven't heard them really pushing to do that lately, though
Bruh you're looking at the very essence of our hardwired survival instincts. If anything you're the unhealthy degenerate for not understanding the appeal of milk mammaries
So is this anime any good or what?
soft > size
Titties that you can melt into are the best prove me wrong.
Because they are weak, mediocre people who hate themselves. Physically attractive characters remind them of that.
im kinda agree, it fuck ups my faps that the nipples are misplaced just to show more boobs.
showing a sliver of aerola should be pg-13 on anime, just for the sake of correct nipple placements.
>Bruh you're looking at the very essence of our hardwired survival instincts
If you're a year old, sure.
what the fuck is wrong with people
Instinct. It also explains the THICC fascination.
We can't just tell women not to be fat, we need to tell men to start jerking off to fat women.
It's a parody of women bitching about some cute chink athelete they're jelly of.
They caught the gay
Not faggoty at all to point out how 99.999999% of male characters in games are either the "pretty boy" or some 8 ft tall musclebound giant.
Look at any action game or JRPG whatsoever and you'll see I'm right.
Does she /ss/ the shota?
three houses more like two mountains
Because if you buy a game for tits then you're a moron
He has hormal problems from being overworked.
Big breasted women have big aerolas
only fake big tits have small nipples.
as a matter of fact, large nipples is a female only trait.
>implying you're actually conscious enough to transcend your survival
Have DMT
Who, my nigga?
Hate to break this to you kid, but nobody attracted to men considers "shirtless guy" to be any sort of noteworthy fanservice. You only feel it is because you need to force it to have a point, not because you actually find it over the top sexy.
No, she's into black guys.
I wish I could intimidate other women with my tits
Your tumors have nothing to do with my survival, and having kids is the death of freedom.
It's from Mahjong Soul
Every breast feels like a bag of sand you Yea Forumsirgin, there's no degree of "softness".
Your lack of sand knowledge is troubling.
it's kind of funny 10 years ago we were bitching about conservative asshats trying to remove sex in video games
when will the cycle in
left and right politics needs to fuck off
>procreation bad
u okay there buddy?
Shame they go with the "impossible clothing" kinda meme for how they draw tits in that series, the "boob tent" as the chinks call it is great.
You wanna do it, go ahead, you exist solely to raise children for me while I stay free.
Yeah actually some men are upset about it being unrealistic and it makes them feel bad cuz they're fat or disabled or whatever.
I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
Actual reddit and actual faggot, unfortunate.
Might as well pull the trigger and try again.
>there's no degree of "softness".
are you retarded or something?
body fat, age and sun exposure really do change how a boob feels like, fuck, even diet change it to some degree
btw, tell your girl to not get tans, and use sunscreen on her boobs, this prevents early saggyness.
T. mamography worker.
You're gonna be alone on your deathbed.
Some day somebody will have a final thought about you and you will never be remembered ever again.
Thank you dear titty expert
>asking a titty culture community
>instead of selectively asking SJWs
how are you this fucking stupid
I lost brain cells trying to come up with a reason for how smart you're supposed to be
>conservative asshats trying to remove sex in video games
>10 years ago
They still are.
Two wings, same bird.
I'd be as mad as you if I had to have kids too.
I fucking love /ss/
My DNA will continue while yours won't.
Omg... tits... they... are tits..... masaka
Don't sjws browse here? I've sane a few lame people post itt.
>My DNA will continue
How unfortunate for everyone else. Also you're not doing a very good job, virgin.
Excessive porn consumption does warp your mind though, look it up
Your parents are disappointed in you.
im going to organism