I'm okay with this.
I'm okay with this
Other urls found in this thread:
There is no reason to bitch about this aside from just being a whiny cunt.
It's fine. You'd expect a trans to be mentally unstable and on meds.
This is just Capitalism
>Do so
Make up your mind.
I couldn't really give a shit either way.
Yeah... If you seriously get mad over shit like this how meaningless is the rest of your life?
If they went out of their way to shoehorn this shit into the plot but it’s so out of the way that I couldn’t care less. Chapter 9 was great, feels more like a few levels mashed into one.
571 posts and 52 images incoming
Weren't the devs on this mentally ill trannies or something? Honestly surprised it wasn't already in the game
This. The developers are blatantly trying to pander. Granted it's dumb to pander to that side because, while they're the most verbal, they're also the poorest.
Just because they made it doesn't mean it can't also be propaganda.
Yeah whatever. Nothing to be upset about. Don't care
Pirated this piece of shit mobile game and dropped it as soon as I saw gameplay loop.
This is not an Umihara Kawase, not even close.
>updating the game to shoehorn in politics
great idea faggots
>game is bad because it's not a reskinned game from 20 years ago
As long as they don't make a big deal out of it, it's fine. If the devs start posting and advertising about having a trans character that's where I draw the fucking line. But if this is like the only time it's brought up and everything else is the same then sure.
you fucking imbecile, kill yourself
How does he get an abortion if he's trans?
trans people shouldn't really be supporting this update, if they honestly cared about the message they would have put it in first thing, it's like those corporate rainbow icons
But it's true? All the fucking games in that series are the exact same shit
Literally explain what is wrong with gay/trans people without resorting to "but it makes me uncomfortable and feels wrong"
Ok now post the rest
Nothing wrong at all with them.
Now, if we talk about (((bisexual))) "people"...
Alright Scottfalco, we'll add unfitting button mashing elements to mix things up rather than improve on the foundation of the series thus making cleaner experiences
>Capitalism appeals to a demanding market
>Communist cucks cry about it
If a game is made by homos for homos and they put homo flags in it how the fuck is it propaganda.
Just because you keep posting this doesn't make it true
there was no doubt in my mind why is anyone surprised? any faggot that bought this shit has no balls or testosterone left in their body they may as well make do and start dilating like the protagonist
they made the game
they knew their audience are subhuman bugmen and females so they really dont lose out on any sales, its an echo chamber marketing mechanic
Why did you tell them to make it?
>suck the dick of a mediocre Super Meat Boy clone because muh aesthetics, muh feels, and muh comfy
>it goes full throttle in pandering to estronauts who love those sorts of games
>Yea Forums hates games that are actually difficult
The game was already political. The person who did the music is a tranny. So if you were mad about le politics you never should have played it in the first place because it has always been political.
Why would you be proud of your sexuality or gender disorder? Like, sure, people have different sexuality and gender problems, but why be proud of it? It's like me being proud to be a diabetic.
Or being proud of being white
Because people kept killing or jailing them for being who they're.
Just because this is your rebuttal doesn't make it untrue.
you tried
Same. Doesn't change gameplay. Game is still a lot of fun.
who are you quoting
Yea Forums circa 2014 and circa 2019
This wtf, did I get memed on?
to tell the truth?
More people day every year from diabetes than have ever been killed for being gay or trans. Why is it something to be PROUD of? Like, yeah, of course you can be that way. But it's not something to be proud of. Or ashamed of. It's just something that is.
Imagine wrapping your entire identity into what gets you off. THAT'S truly degenerate.
wait isn't this game about abortion?
>Dude I'm so mad that trannies exist! Quit making me see tranny flags!!!!!
>nu-weaver garbage
end yourself
fuck your garbage indie trash
>whataboutism AND false equivilance
It's the only thing I have enough time to dump, chill out
>fallacy fallacy
No one wants SJWs to make games period. What the fuck are you smoking?
they dont exist
only abominations that hacked their bodies exist.
So the board changed its mind?
>Released on like 6 platforms
>Lots of friends in the press
>Left wingers loved it and skilled it hard
>Sold a measly 500k
>A Chad in Time
>released on only 2 platforms so far
>Mid range price point
>Hated by the press for having Jontron in it and given negative publicity
>Doesn't care about politics, sold on hype alone
>Sold 1.2m copies on PC alone, Switch release will probably outsell Celestes lifetime
Your entire argument depends on a fallacy. The fallacy isn't just one flaw in an argument, it is your whole argument. With the fallacy removed you don't have an argument to rebut. So no, it's not a fallacy fallacy.
I want. So it can flop and see that no one actually buys SJW shit.
For a second, I thought this was about mario maker.
This game didn't flop
It is, and you're not even making arguments at this point. Formulate an argument, then come back.
A Hat in Time had the trans pride flag too.
>by homos
>for homos
No indication of such.
>homo flags
Tranny =/= homo. An LGBT flag alone wouldn't be anywhere near as much of an issue, but that just doesn't score enough brownie points anymore.
It can also apply to many Mario Maker levels. Who makes that trash, seriously?
who really cares at this point about shitty pink and blue flags
in the next decade or so they'll all off themselves anyways so we wont have to worry about it
>v is one person
I want trannies to make thier own games to keep all the drama and bullshit as far as possible away from games I care about. It makes no difference to me if some pixelshit platformer is made by normal people or self mutilating attack helicopters.
I really fucking hate trannys
Where do you think Celeste devs got the idea to put a tranny flag in their DLC?
You might be shitposting, but it's sadly the truth.
SJW games are perhaps one of the biggest selling games. I dont' see many popular games the espouses conservative values.
This guy went to prison fyi.
also fyi you are charged money for being in prison so he's also in debt now
people have too much pride in stupid bullshit these days. they form their whole identity around this superficial shit and become boring insufferable assholes.
>breaking a /pol/tards world view that any game not saying FUCK KIKES fails
You done it nao 'arry por'er
>SJW games are perhaps one of the biggest selling games
Got a citation for that?
The whole tranny thing is literally pure cope. That isn't hard to see when they personally introduce themselves as "trans-" and not just target gender. They subconsciously realize it's all a fucking lie so they just become a snowflake.
>2 small flags
>A pill bottle
>Photo of MC with short hair
Fucking snowflakes, I swear
Last I checked GTA, FIFA, Madden, NBA 2k weren't sjw games
Dilate, trannies
Just including flags feels pretty weak. Might as well include one as a token minority.
>play as black people
>not sjw
Absolutely based.
You have to understand that being triggered by this makes you the SJW you in this situation, right?
And now he's in jail.
Is that true?
It isn't?
Alright everyone, enjoy the rest of your thread.
The dude is caught on camera attempting murder, m8.
And yes, being charged for prison is true in the US. The place is fucked up.
LOL that guy's mad as hell.
>I hate mentally handicapped people who were deluded by (((them))) into thinking that cutting their dicks off and eating hormones will make them happy
Trannies, unironically need love, support and a healthy dose of therapy. If that doesn't work, then medication and asylum.
See this is cute and not gross like regular porn.
I'm fine with it too, just don't expect me to buy your game.
No one even paid attention to it and largely just ignored you. Post porn if you want any sort of derail. It wasn't hard for the 54 people here to just not care about you the whole time. You also replied to yourself each time, meaning a simple click of the hide will hide all of your comic via recursive filtering
Ya simp.
Is failing to understand what words actually mean just inherent to the left? It's hilarious.
It's less about actually being proud of it and more about not being afraid to be yourself despite the fact that people will verbally or physically attack you bc you're different. But "I'm not afraid to admit I'm LGBTQXYZ" doesn't have the same ring to it.
Im also okay with this, anyone who gets angry because a character is gay or trans or ugly or something is a pathetic loser and should kill himself, unironically.
shut the hell up you fucking underage, im a man, a big fat hairy man and proud to be one, you guys need to go outside and make friends with normal people
lol no thanks. I'm not paying higher taxes for you.
Nice to know Weaver is still out and about doing his comics. Always kind of wondered what happened to the guy after years of not really paying attention.
nobody gives a fuck as long as he doesn't dilate into the game
Minecraft, gtaV and Tetris are not SJW games. You're assigning random designations to random things to make people mad. Good try though.
You niggers get triggered at something new every week. I'm sharing a board with soccer moms only they're not MILFs.
yeah, except if I say I’m proud to be a straight white male I get called a nazi
Reminder these are the people complaining about games like Celeste and A Hat In Time
Remember when Yea Forums wanted to fuck the tranny composer when she went to the TGA's?
>gay or trans
See, these are absolutely not even close to being the same thing, never were. LGBTBBQ is a shit meme and makes no sense past LGB.
>Trans person exists
>why don't these people just fuck off and make their OWN games!?
they do
Oh boy here they go ...
Why the fuck is this news?
The platforming in Celeste is great but there are a few screens where you won't know how you're supposed to approach the platforms without painful trial and error.
It's better just to see a video to make sure you're on the right track instead of wasting time.
>ignoring borderlands, the sims, the last of us, and any game that lets you play as a non-white
Because you only bring that up in response to gay pride shit. If you want to organize some pro Irish shit go ahead, if you want to be some contrarian fundie you'll get treated like one. Gay marriage has been legal for less than a decade here, ease off the victim complex.
Because we saved gaming journalism
I'm okay with the end of Western Civilization. Nothing lasts forever and we will all be granted eternal bliss in God's kingdom.
I think Celeste is cute and I want to fuck her
There are two genders
Male and political
two sexualities
Straight and political
Two races
Straight and poitical
>tranny gets head stomped
>black guy goes to prison
two birds with one stone
Slow news day/week/month.
It works the dev's favor. They're getting all that sweet free advertising.
OAG threads are a daily occurence. Billy posts his own shit here.
it was good till he started jacking off.
yeah, i also dont get the whole non binary gender thing, but dude cant these guys just fucking respect these non binary people and leave them alone? like man, if some chick told me that i have to refer her as "they" does it really matter? i mean, if you do you will make that person happy so why wouldn't you do it? just fucking respect man i dont get these retards
>call trannys mentally ill
>behave like a mentally ill idiot and get sent to jail
I don't see why you guys hate this so much; the dev is saying trains people are crazy, isn't that what you wanted?
But yeah. What else do you want me to call it?
Notice how "snowflake" got appropriated as a generic insult without any meaning.
>trains people
Don't talk shit about Thomas you fuckhead
>indie game jam platformer by the two leafs who made TowerFall
What was one angry incel honestly expecting?
Probably use an actual argument instead of attempting name calling. Or maybe actually argue rather than toss ad hom.
It promotes the idea that being mentally ill is perfectly normal, and if anything, superior .
His worst is better than your best.
Minecraft and GTA 5 has a huge SJW communities, theres the minecraft trans bee that happened recently
Legit pretty cute
Thanks user, made me smile
Get off the cross bro
>"Failing to understand what words actually mean"
>Doesn't get why sensitive manbabies are called snowflakes
I can't fap to this wtf its too cute and not as nearly as funny as I'm use to
kill yourself
I only say “I’m proud of who I am” in response to my wife’s cucked friends who always try to start shit with me because I’m white and ex-military
hello glitterglue
I like to roleplay too
I'm actually surprised they didn't do this earlier, their composer is a tranny for fuck sake! You expected anything else?
>She's not gay or trans
So she's a virtue signaling retard?
>wife cucked friends
>always try to start shit with me
did you lose your spine at the war
They wanted money from straight people.
Already procreated and there's NOTHING you can do about it
Is that my boy Stone Cold Steve Austin?
The funny thing is they're right about him being butthurt about fags. And he admits being too pussy to defend his beliefs, lmao.
Case in point.
Why can't there just be a game that doesn't have to add this identity bullshit in it? Thank fucking christ games like Hollow Knight and Shovel Knight exist. They're just fucking fun. I'm so tired of reading about "muh diversity" and "muh inclusion" in every goddamn piece of media I see. I think it's actually aging me.
And he succeeded
Make your own game.
But you fags are mad at Shovel Knight adding a non binary thing and genderswap mode. Remember?
So they dont fuck... fucking tumbrl tier comic
They'll be blacklisted and ignored for not being inclusive enough.
I knew about the gender swap thing but non binary? Oh god, kill me.
I guess you're pro censorship then, you spineless bitch baby. Oh and HK has multiple gays in it, ooooooo
>Why can't there just be a game that doesn't have to add this identity bullshit in it?
Because that doesn't create outrage which means no exposure which means no money.
But user, Shovel Knight has gender swap and pronoun swap and they can be changed independently of one another.
It ruins her character since now she's just another depressed identity lefty.
Just don't play the game or pirate it, what's the problem?
It's a mobile tier indie trash who gives a fuck
Apart from the part where she's none of those things you retard. Adding a flag to her keyboard changes nothing
Why is that this devs problem?
This isn't some studio infiltrated by your boogieman. Some SJWs grouped up and made a game. You aren't the target audience.
You can't tell me that you're not tired of this either. Unless you're just one of them. They exist. We get it. Move on with your life.
Can we get some peace from this social climate we've been infested with? Just a fucking break.
What the fuck is gay about bugs? Oh my god, how the hell did they make bugs gay?
This and A Trans in Time are blacklisted from discussion on Yea Forums.
Delete this thread and make another Smash thread.
Censorship is based if it's censorship of fags and kike propaganda
>love, support and a healthy dose of therapy.
Except the only "love, support and therapy" they accept is someone telling them they're a beautiful woman every 10 minutes.
If they can't cope with reality, they're better off not reproducing.
I can’t gun down my wife’s friends, user
It’s better for me to just say I’m happy with who I am and I don’t care if the words “retard” and “faggot” offend them
>the asian and the one holding the camera
Would tbqh
That's, unfortunately, the best therapy according to professionals.
No one who's considered mentally well would have a pride flag where no one can see it
Why would I be tired of something that doesn't effect the game in any way? I never have to talk to these people or interact with these people. The only time I hear anything about them is when some retard like you is frothing at the mouth about a fucking flag. I wouldn't have even known what the fucking flag meant if people like you weren't chimping out about it.
That kind of "therapy" isn't worth pursuing, then. It only reinforces the problem.
What makes you more knowledgable than professionals? What are your credentials?
I bet you would you kekistani shadilay incel faggot
This. Le based and freaking redpilled /pol/fags dont make games.
But the right has had enough of experts and smart people. Learning makes you dumb.
>Things no one said
Why do you fucking cares it's just a couple of pixels that doesn't get in the way of the actual gameplay jesus christ
Same. The ones bitching about something this frivolous were not going to buy the game regardless.
I don't like politics in games so nty.
the game was always political though.
You don't need a medical degree to know that shit stinks. What you suggested is like telling an addict to keep taking drugs.
Who are you quoting?
HOLY FUCK! i....i guess this is a problem that is gonna solve itself eventually
The most woke user in the thread
>suicide attempts
So, you have no actual knowledge and no credentials and I should believe you "because".
>What the fuck is gay about bugs? Oh my god, how the hell did they make bugs gay?
Why do you fucking care, did you even play HK? There were lesbian bugs and gay bugs, are you triggered by that?
You fags are pearl clutching soccer moms, you realize that right? You get triggered by this inconsequential shit without fail at the drop of a hat. "I'm so tired of it" - are you gay? Why are you so fucking invested in LGBT shit to the point where you can't handle it in a video game?
In other words, your argument is grounded in your feefees.
>trans with gender reassignment therapy
Trannies who got their genitals snipped are more than 80% likely to attempt suicide.
Quarterpounder is a literal soiboi snowflake
This was cutie and strangely wholesome. Thanks for posting.
I don't like degeneracy.
It’s a pretty good game but I wouldn’t recommend it. I only bought it because I was in the middle of a Switch drought and I wanted something to play. I beat it and got all the strawberries I immediately saw. I got bored towards the end but eventually went back to play it. I know if I were making a game though I wouldn’t include any symbols from real life in it. I would want my game entirely divorced from this plane of reality. What’s funny to me is when people claim it’s a masterpiece. Even as a platformer I preferred the platforming segments from Hollow Knight to the best of Celeste. It wasn’t even the best platforming in the indie space that year.
Why the fuck are you on Yea Forums, retard?
>posts on Yea Forums
you're already as degenerate as a pride parade
I can hear the seethe from 3000 miles away
So you did or didn't play Hollow Knight? Christ you're such a cowardly homophobe, dude.
>I only listen to what Dr. Schomostein tells me. That makes me smart!
Literally incapable of thinking for yourselves
And now you fall back on "DA JEWS!" and /pol/shit. So fucking predictable.
I'm pro LGB.
T's can go neck themselves. They ruin everything they touch, including the pride movement.
There's nothing cowardly about thinking faggots are gross and disease ridden, brother.
I'm not. I'm on 4channel.
I'm a different guy tbqh
Am I in a Blasphemous thread?
How come you never see FtM trans in games? It’s always MtF
Avatarfagging and roleplaying is against the rules
You also believe in tinfoil-hat tier conspiracy theories on top on relying on your feefees as if they're worth a damn.
So you did or didn't play Hollow Knight?
fuck off Hulkster you selfish shithead. Go steal another championship from Bret Hart
>130 angry comments
>84 angry comments
>142 angry comments
>82 angry comments
>110 angry comments
>136 angry comments
>176 angry comments
>82 angry comments
>71 angry comments
>132 angry comments
>115 angry comments
There is no way in hell any one of these retards actually has a job or a single actual, ACTUAL problem in their lives.
Didn't. I just now scrolled up to see what you were talking about. Like I said, I'm a different user.
So then why are you replying to me, retard?
>censorship is good now
This is exactly why I completely dismiss these disingenuous as fuck faggots
Trannypunk 2077 is a very real actual problem user
The finish to that post didn't work for me brother. And besides, not like Bret drew dimes or even nickles.
Its what got Billy blacklisted from KotakuInAction, lol
I answered your question
>Why are you so fucking invested in LGBT shit to the point where you can't handle it in a video game?
You sound grouchy. Go dilate.
>anime avatar crying about being normal
I miss when Arthur was just about having fun with library cards, bros
A million dollars says these retards spend the majority of their time seeking out new "controversies" to complain about and not playing videogames
You sound triggered
>oh no there are gay bugs in Hollow Knight!
>Unironically using a think of the children hashtag
Biggest cringe I've ever had.
I'm convinced that OAG is a psyop, nobody can actually say this unironically
>deflecting with "I AM SILLY"
>"muh jews"
Such a freethinker!
There's nothing more satisfying than someone being fucked by their own beliefs and actions :)