You know he's right.
Bloodborne is fucking trash. Jed Preesgrove is the best journalist
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Fuck Hacksaki.
literally who
A hack Slant journalist.
>Sexual connotation
Fuck Soulsborne babies.
A game's journalist.
Sexist pig.
nothing but meaningless buzzwords, he doesn't make a single point in that 200 word essay
cope harder
your favorite game is objectively dogshit
this but unironically
Hi Jed fucking slit your throat you piece of shit
>Bloodborne forgets what made Dark Souls interesting
No, it doesn't. Bloodborne isn't a Dark Souls game. It didn't have to remember because it was being it's own thing. Stop assuming all games must be like one another.
His Sekiro review. He's a piece of shit that spends twenty minutes talking about how much of a hack Miyisaki is and dosen't talk about the gameplay at all. 2/5.
He looks like a monkey subhuman too.
Stop giving these people attention.
I love when my reviews cause such butt hurt from fanboys. I'm the one with the job in video game journalism, and you pieces of waste are the ones with zero life.
>guy shits all over your favorite game
>your only response is to say he looks "subhuman"
This is honestly pathetic. Take a debate class, kid.
He is a sub human though.
You’re a piece of subhuman dog shit Jed. A fucking hack of a writer, who isn’t going to amount to anything in there life. You live off clicks, complain about advertising (while you have ads running on this garbage site) and you look like a piece of human waste. You’re fucking disgusting, an example of horrible journalism, and everyone laughs laughing at you.
>honestly pathetic
Go back to fucking reddit.
>the Hunter's Dream, a setting that pretends to be meaningful but feels like a pit stop
>in Bloodborne, buying items is a given from the start thanks to the Hunter's Dream
>the sexual connotation is obvious
>Miyazaki throws in little twists
>'Castlevania III is more difficult and unforgiving'
Bloodborne is still a good game.
He looks like the skinny liberal tard version of the Quartering.
Huh...I can actually see that.
Fuck Bloodborne faggots.
Well? I'm waiting.