The theory might actually be true

>the theory might actually be true

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Other urls found in this thread:

Just, burn WoW to the ground. There's no reason to keep playing it.

>Whopping 6 minutes long!

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>6 minutes

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W-what's the theory?

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>dude mop but 2 cucks instead of voljin

Sylvanas is a miracle of the universe.

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She was the good guy all along


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the story is crap

Bitch is just Arthas without the charisma.

Would you Sylvanas, Yea Forums? She must feel so cold, but I bet she's really loving even to a living creature like yourself.

Without a doubt

Literally everyone dies. You fight a void corrupted Anduin, Bolvar kills Lorthemar/BE Leader and seeing that the Horde people align with Sylvanas. So the final battle of the raid is faction vs faction in phases where at each stage a faction leader dies. All of them die, and so do we the players. The fleet of the dead come to take them to the Shadowlands and Sylvanas proclaims she was 500IQ and BFA was an elaborate setup to produce the largest undead force ever to take the fight to the Voidlords.

in a heartbeat. or rather the lack of one.

You know whatever they end up doing with her is going to piss people off regardless, Blizzard dug a hole way too deep and there's no way she's getting a decent ending. Either she becomes the next Garrosh and dies because of Old God shit or she was the good guy all along and we're supposed to simply forgive her for all the war crimes she committed over the years

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I've hated the story since MoP ended, and fuck, this sounds back on track

>6 min cut-scene
>not long
thats pretty long for an ingame cinematic in pretty much any game; thats mgs4 tier a game that people constantly used to bitch about being a movie

Doesn't she hate the living? Or would she make an exception for you?

>always wanted Scourge as a playable faction
Monkey pawed the shit out of this one, buds.

I want this to be true

That sounds like actual cancer.

For getting a decent ending, she has to be a decent character which was never the case.
She only has fans because of her boobs see
Same way you have tons of thread about "join le scarlet" with whitemane.
WoW story was always fucking garbage. But thanks to the chinkz and the incels (no wonder why when you waste your life on this kind of game), it keeps going on.

Sylvanas is literally, and I mean LITERALLY the single worst thing to happen to Warcraft lore
She's worse than Thrall even during his green jesus period

She'd turn you into something along the lines of Nathanos where you're kind of undead but only in that you have different colored skin and glowing eyes.

>sex bad!
Go back to trannyera

When are you poor bastards gonna wise up and leave that abusive game

nobody is worse than thrall, people only liked him because he gave buffs

Look, i didn't blame you. There's no story in WoW, so by default you just like the good looking character.

WoD/Timetravel is. Seeing/reliving past events in the CoT was fine, you don't influence shit as they are events that already happened and you just experience it or stop the other dragonflight from interfering.

WoD is just a massive fuckup. Garrosh going back to get an army, Gul'Dan freeing Illidan and going back to the present. Shit was beyond dumb.

I already did but watching Blizzard try and spin this shitshow of a story into something comprehensive and failing is great popcorn material.

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>MGS4 tier

When wow has over an hour of cutscenes, one after the other, come back.

on one hand, this is so stupid that i might believe it
on the other hand, this is Yea Forums

>a game where you fight massive dragons as a small team of melee warriors is fine until time travel is involved
Never understood this mindset desu

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This sounds so amazingly retarded it might actually be true.

i just thought it was neat to have grom back, tho it annoys me they actually did fucking time travel and didnt showcase a king arthas of loraderan that didn't sucumb to the lich king,
like you almost had it blizzard. could of been cool just to get a glimpse

There are people who didnt quit 9 years ago? What the fuck??

LMAO confirmed for never even playing mgs4. Wayyyyyy longer than 6 minute cutscenes

The theory is true, Blizzard have been planning this since MoP.

Vol'Jin saved a Human Hunter by making a deal with the Loa of Death during MoP and then suddenly dies to a random Felguard in Legion, the Human Hunter was then added to the Hunter Area in Legion and wants to get his revenge who killed Vol'Jin (Loa of Death) Bwomsandi/Bwomsandi's Boss. Vol'Jin then makes Sylvanas Warchief because shes the only one who can save the Horde because shes the closest affiliated with Death. If you watch the Vol'Jin death cinematic you can see all the hints towards Shadowlands right there. Also in MoP the end boss Garrosh on Heroic difficulty has a last phase where you all get teleported to SW Harbor where all the leaders are dead on wooden stakes, Garrosh proclaims that this is his vision, Vol'Jin also says he had a Vision during his death scene. Sylvanas ever since Legion has always wanted Stormwind and is currently about to get it by baiting everyone to defend Thunder Bluff.

I would trade wod world with current wow world anytime. Let me quest as a human in Lordaeron controlled by Arthas. I hate Stormwind and the twink faggot so much. However his dad was even worst.

>WoD was actually fine and the only bad thing was warforging and garrisons
>people complained so fucking much about stupid shit now we're here

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>why did people get mad at stupid bullshit that increased the grind in the laziest and cheapest way possible
Fuck you, die.

She doesn't look like that.

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She's worse, at least Thrall was somewhat contained
Sylvanas however gets to walk all over the entire setting destroying everything she touches
the only good thing about wotlk's ending is that the very least, Arthas died before he could get dragged down this shitstorm
at this point they'd have had her usurp the Lich King position and turn Arthas into one of her thralls while somehow still giving her the moral highground

I wouldn't have minded the time travel shit if they at least attempted to get the Bronze Dragonflight involved since time is their whole schtick, but they only had one quest involving Chromie and that's it.

Who gives a fuck

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I like WoW story because when i'm blocked at the toilet and i struggle to release a big shit, i just have to think about WoW story to help me.

>let me try to prove this dude wrong by recounting exactly what he just said
Random stats didn't happen until Legion and ask me whatever the fuck happened to gear tables in BfA because I couldn't fucking tell you, but okay retard.

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That's so fucking hammy and stupid and campy that I fucking love it.
That shit might bring me back to retail for like a couple weeks, just to see.
Plus, I kind of want to see how shit goes down as a DK who snitched to the warchief 100% through the campaign.

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fiction doesnt work like this. especially not with a giant megacorp of ever changing ideas like blizzard

In one shot you fucking idiots

Still cute

>class design way, way worse than MoP and Cata's
>cut content everywhere, one real content patch during the expansion's entire lifetime (which was also mostly cut content)
>mobile game tier chores
>focus on single player in a fucking MMO
hmm why didn't people like WoD

woah holy shit its almost like thats what he just said

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She is best girl and the only good thing to come out of Warcraft.

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Only incels and literal retards would touch anything blizzard related at this point

Why would anyone who wasn't already a loyalist forgive her? Even the og Horde races only fight with her because the Alliance has the Lich King on their side, so fuck it.
Assuming Blizzard isn't retarded, which is a retarded assumption I'll admit, and everyone stays dead I doubt any of them especially the Alliance will forgive her.

They have literal fanboys writing for her.She's going to get a powerup and last at least 1 more expansion.

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I honestly dont know whats more retarded, this or that other leak where everything goes back to status quo and the Forsaken retake Undercity. Christ i fucking hate Blizzard so fucking much.

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WoD was fine if all you wanted to do was Raids since there was no reason to log on except to cycle Garrison tables, that doesn't excuse how irredeemably bad and rushed everything else in the expansion was.

it's almost like the complaints weren't minor and that the expansion had huge problems and people didn't like it for valid reasons, which is the opposite of what he said

the 2 cinematics are literally the youtube videos for Lost Honor and Old boy

the times dont completely match up but they're within seconds each.

She's the worst thing that happened to Warcraft.
She wasted the Scourge campaign in TFT just to introduce the forsaken faction.
It's like WoW was already ruining Warcraft even before it was released.

>i can't read: the post

honestly at this point they need to torch all of WoW's lore
Classic even provides the perfect opportunity to do so
Have current WoW end with them defeating the Void once and for all, BUT at the cost of sacrificing their entire timeline
Then establish classic wow as being an alternate timeline that diverges after the end of classic

This is awful..

The top one doesn't involve fucking up the plot or rewriting events. Its just dudes killing a dragon.
Eventually a full/hard reset will happen. Sylvanas is taking Stormwind before the end of this expansion which is where the big faction vs faction raid will happen. If they have some balls, they swap UC with Stormwind for Horde/Alliance and do something fun with the Tram/mountain between.

I-I'm not retard, Anonymous. I just like SC2 arcade and co-op maps.

I dropped everything else. I stopped playing HotS because they killed it, I stopped playing WoW, Overwatch, Diablo 3...
At least SC2 is basically over so it can't really get any worse...

I wonder what the longest cutscene in all of vidya is.
I can think of a 10m+ one off the top of my head, and that's fucking Claves dying in Eternal Sonata holy shit shut up

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>War campaign
You mean the absolute fucking braindead PVE with no PVP?
Seriously fuck off with this shilling, post Classic stuff, instead.

Can undead have children? Can she temporarily come back to life for nine months to carry a child?

problem is that Sylvanas taking Stormwind is going to guaranteed be in an incredibly stupid way to maximize her awesomeness
probably have her sneak 20 good corpses behind their lines and soundly defeat the defenders despite being outnumbered 200 to 1 then instantly turn all of the inhabitants into an undead army
no dignity or logic in the defeat what so ever

now back to blue

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No. Undead not being able to have children is part of what drove her to being an insane "DEATH TO THE LIVING" bitch in the first place.

Eat shit faggot, the WoD story had one of the worst narratives in the game second only to fucking BFA.

>Muh time travel into an alternate timeline get an army needed to fight the Burning Legion with Panda asspained Garrosh.

I know most people dont follow the story but that fucking asspull is literally indefensible.

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Let me guess, underage Arthas fanboy.

>story and lore ruined
>is being milked with fucking seasonpasses and ugly skins
>no love whatsoever for the game, could be considered abonded besides skins and tourneys
oh yeah and meta is gay af

the original post was
>WoD was actually fine and the only bad thing was warforging and garrisons
>people complained so fucking much about stupid shit now we're here
these statements qualify the poor class design, the cut content and broken promises, the retarded story, and every other problem WoD had as "stupid shit" and that the expansion was otherwise "fine"
the garrison was far from WoD's only problem, and if it and warforging were not part of the experience it still would have been a shit expansion

Arthas was 100 times the character Sylvanas dreams she could be

IIRC the Raid on Thunder Bluff, which is all but confirmed happening not even rumor shit, is a feint for her showing up at Stormwind with the real army.

Look on the bright side, at least Activision cancelled their plans to dig up and rape the corpse.

this is such a dumb complaint and I had never heard it before until the past couple years. I don't remember spergs crying about the story in wc3 at all

Spotted the waifufag. There's no way someone who played wc3 could defend the forsaken campaign, except for the Garithos memes.
Btw how can you be an Arthas fanboy if you never played wc3 back in the days?

I hope this cunt chokes. His fanfic wankery over Nathanos and Sylvanas has stifled my caring about the Forsaken.

seething reddit fags

everyone dies.

>There's no way someone who played wc3 could defend the forsaken campaign

So, what, not even cutscene deaths matter anymore?

the real twist would have been getting a decent ending in this never ending trash of an expansion

>and garrisons
Says you, I wish they would bring that back and make it more customizable beyond choosing what female guards you want to masturbate to.

WoD was fucked because they scrapped half of it at the last second. Even in the beta Kargath never actually died in Highmaul he just ran off and left his hand behind because there was supposed to be a big iron horde raid. They cut the most important part of the entire fucking expansion. It's like if in Legion you never even fought the legion they just stopped at the emerald nightmare and the elf raid.

>You fight a void corrupted Anduin,
Immediately fucking wrong.
Legion already had the comic showing Anduin and Velen way in the future.

Spotted the husbandofag.

Ah right, she's going to shit out an army out of nowhere, transport it across the sea without anyone noticing, stormwind is conveniently going to have forgotten to lock it's doors and she'll be treated as a military genius by the writers

8.3 is n'zoth retards

They will probably keep everyone who died pre-this battle dead. No way they bring back Arthas, Vol'jin, Varian etc
That will probably happen, but it might be something like the army was traveling on the sea floor this whole time

you have no idea the suffering that awaits. Activision just finished raping CTR.

I hope some of you disgusting WoW casuals bleed over into the superior WC3 community when the remaster comes out.

Wc3 tft is blue balls simulator :
>hey you thing your gonna catch Illidan? Welp nope, instead you control him and saves the damsel in distress and he gets away.
>think you gonna find a cure for the Blood Elves? Nope instead you control Illidan again, and it's all about him once more.
>think your going to finally take control of Arthas and go into an epic journey with the most badass character? Nope, instead spend most of the campaign following Sylvanas because WoW needs forsaken (you can't play an "evil" race).

Lorelet here. What was wrong with Thrall?

Wait but what happens if we die while dead?

>They will probably keep everyone who died pre-this battle dead. No way they bring back Arthas, Vol'jin, Varian etc
Varian gets saved and brought back in the leak.
Volin and Arthas would be based tho

literally the worst thing, her story should have ended in warcraft 3, because shes literally a race traitor that prides herself on keeping her race alive

but shes not a human forsaken like all the others, shes an elf forsaken

nice argument here incels.
btw reddit loves Sylvanas.

the 2 removed ENTIRE CITIES from the removal of zangermarsh zone with wolrd boss the removal of the train being like the deeprun one but for the entire map

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and they're going to gloss over how sidelining her entire army for months should have weakened her position enough the alliance would have reached a dominant position globally in the meanwhile

Take the dicks out of your mouth when you speak to me, husbandofag.

Mgs4 has a 30 minute cutscene in the middle of the game you fuckwit

PFFT NO they bitch about her DAILY get lost tourist

Thrall went from a reasonable well meaning faction leader who understood that sometimes in war you had to make hard choices to Green Skinned Jesus who left the Horde in the hands of a manchild

ermagherd it had a comic

against what you retard? what the fuck is wrong with the forsaken campaign or any campaign for that matter? she literally just makes you butthurt

fuckinnnnnnnnn when
i can't remember a scene that long
was it the one with snake pretending to be the boss on the bike? I've not played it since release

I already told you.
Fucking retard, the forsaken campaign is irrelevant for the plot. It's just forced and came out of nowhere just to introduce the forsaken for WoW.
It just cuts the pathing of the story.

Why won’t she clean up her makeup??

>it sets up future events
>therefore it's bad and makes me very angry!
ok sperg

Thrall was written and voiced by Metzen, one of the original Warcraft writers. Early on (See; Warcraft 3) Thrall is essentially written as a Orc Moses. He leads the Orcs to Kalimdor away from the humans, and makes a sort of rough peace with Tyrande and Jaina there.
Things took a turn for the worst with Cataclysm though, where Thrall went from Orc Moses to Azeroth's Jesus, essentially reaching a power level equal to or greater than the fucking Dragon Aspects before killing Deathwing with a Kamehameha. This also entailed a significant quest chain for both factions where the player essentially went through various parts of Thrall's mind and saw how cool and nice he was. It's also notable that Metzen's last time really writing for WoW was probably during Cataclysm, so it sort of comes off as Metzen writing himself out with a bang.
After Cata Thrall got depowered a good bit, but that didn't stop him from coming in and kill-stealing Garrosh during WoD, which is an act that apparently depowered him even more to the point where he just outright left Azeroth with his family to live in Nagrand as a farmer, up until now.
In general, Thrall is just a bit of a self-insert that got a lot of the spotlight, but nothing he ever did was evil. Sylvanas, on the other hand, does evil things every other questline now, and she's reaching a point where she almost has more of a spotlight than even Thrall did.

It's not makeup, those are tears that burned into her flesh when she turned banshee.

i don't mind it as a stand alone, like Rexxar campaign.
It just makes no sense to introduce the forsaken in the middle of a scourge campaign.
It's like introducing the night elf campaign in the middle of an orc campaign.
And since Arthas is one of the few decent character of this games it makes it worst.

I think he means when you drive a care with the burned face man for 30 min but the conversation only lasts for 10 min and the next 20 min is an awkward drive in silence

>does evil things every other questline now

that's MGS5:TPP, not MGS4.

Undead had a bunch of decent characters, it just happens that Sylvanas is not one of them making her stand out in a bad way
you're just wondering when you can get back to the Arthas/Anub'arak bromance

You're selling her short. She's got a literal Matrioshka Brain in her skull.

>Bolvar kills Lorthemar
What? How?

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All the death draws the Lich King there? Who fucking knows. But he sees them fighting Anduin and doesn't know the circumstances. Bolvar vacating sets up the Lich Queen which is absolutely going to happen in the next expansion or soon after

>void corrupted Anduin
I doubt Golden would turn her golden boy corrupted.

exactly. The pathing is also so wrong :

Chapter Three: The Dark Lady
Chapter Four: The Return to Northrend
Chapter Five: Dreadlord's Fall

You keep switching back and forth with two stories that are unrelated.

>another stupid retcon

i dont even care, i just log in to do the main attraction (the raid) and the quit again.

sylv is character you not just your twink king is not

>but shes not a human forsaken like all the others, shes an elf forsaken
Forsaken shouldn't care where they're from. They're undead and nobody wants to be close to them before Golden fucked it up.

>But he sees them fighting Anduin and doesn't know the circumstances.
He's the fucking Lich King now. He's got fucking C-SPAN on every single Death Knight and remaining Scourge, and you think he'd somehow still remain out of the loop? Not to mention this also hinges on whether or not Bolvar even gives a sliver of a fuck about Anduin, which may not be so considering Bolvar's tortured state.

>forgetting about #notmywarchief
>forgetting about #NoHonorNoPauldron
Nigger they've hates Sylvanas since she was announced to be taking over in Legion.

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imagine playing an mmo for the plot

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The absolute state of fucking retail

>and you think he'd somehow still remain out of the loop?
That's the whole point of the end of wotlk.
If he does something bad, that would make the worst moment of WoW somehow even worst.

fuck nu wow.

kill that bitch jaina and I might sub for a month.

6 minutes?
That's like a minor cutscene in FF14.

In one of the early BfA Horde quests you break into the Stormwind prison to rescue the troll shaman and the princess and escape while being chased by guards and Jaina. Sylvanas sould have no problems to get in with 10 good corpses.

you are forgetting one key thing, wrathion comes and saves him with his new potion that makes the old gods whisper go away.

Thrall, Anduin, Jaina, Tyrande, Malfurion, Saurfang, Sylvanas... They are all bad.
The only moment the story of WoW was tolerable was during wod. They should reboot the story in WoD Azeroth.

how to save wow:

>no more artifact shit

>make northrend 2.0 and a plot with bolvar aka LK 2.0

>make a new Ulduar and other raids, along with the nerubian stuff they were supposed to do


easy subs

>make northrend 2.0 and a plot with nu LK 2.0
Stopped reading here
KYS wrath baby

>The longest individual cutscene is 27 minutes, which happens to be within that 71 minute sequence.

>Can't end wow because people put most of their lives into it and they wouldn't want to take all that time away
>Have to keep making small expansions because making a huge expansion would ruin the flow of the game

I really wish blizzard would be like we're done with wow and we're making a new mmo entirely. Based in warcraft universe but starting fresh with a new engine and changing up everyhtibg.

The cinematics are the Saurfang videos.

Sylvanas and the Horde could've been dealt with long ago trough orbital bombing, yet here we are. Looking for anything remotely resembling logic in WoW is futile.

game peaked in BC or Wrath, pick one.

Gameplaywise? Perhaps. But lorewise they were both trash.

who gives a shit about retail cu ck shit wow?
more lame nublizz le epic cancer

B-b-but he's BACK

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>That's the whole point of the end of wotlk.
No, the opposite is. Nobody but Sylvanas, Darion, Jaina, and the Ebon Blade (or at least the Deathlord) know Bolvar's the Lich King. So while everyone else has no fucking clue what's controlling the Scourge or ordering around Death Knights, Bolvar's behind the scenes watching everything.

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Broken Isles is literally Northrend 2.0
Throne of Thunder was the new Ulduar

Memes aside, he and Saurfang did nothing wrong.
Not only he saved the Horde, gave it a large territory, helped the Goblin who later would conquer Azshara. But he also allowed us to invade the Night Elves and turn their women into our bitches.
He's so fucking based that Malfurion and Tyrande bow to him during cata.

Easy subs and then unsubs a few weeks later. It needs better systems and not OMG MEMBA OLD AREAS?

>She only has fans because of her boobs see
Her campaign missions were fun in Frozen Throne since you had to steal troops instead of building them.

Ending of wotlk is him checking the scourge. That's all. Like what's the point of all this garbage expac if they didn't even think about that possibility of the nu lk doing bad things.

bring back tier sets

add new abilities

no homogenized buffs

aka fix all the shit they ruined

canonically arthas kills illidan in tft. it was 100% a retcon no matter what the devs say

Speaking of WC3 and retcons
>Mal'ganis surviving getting Frostmorne'd

They probably will alongside the level squish, plus returning old ones
This would be better for faction/class identity but they don't want that

I'd bring back Glyphs too

>Like what's the point of all this garbage expac if they didn't even think about that possibility of the nu lk doing bad things.
Maybe because, again, nobody fucking knows there even is a Lich King save for a small few, and those that do know that it's fucking BOLVAR FORDRAGON!

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The devs always lie no matter what to defend current WoW lore.
Like the Mountain Giant, the chimaera, Cenarius, etc. not being part of the Night Elves.

>Saurfang did nothing wrong

Why cant sylvanas just die? She has done way worse shit than garrosh

You miss the entire point : Why kill the Lich King just to put another Lich King, w/o any guarantee that he will do bad things?
Why not ask him to tell the Scourge to jump off a cliff immedialty instead?

>So the final battle of the raid is faction vs faction in phases where at each stage a faction leader dies.
I fucking love this

>Sylvanas proclaims she was 500IQ and BFA was an elaborate setup to produce the largest undead force ever to take the fight to the Voidlords.
I fucking hate this
I just want WoW to die, be named non canon, and W4 continue where FT left, and FINISH THE FUCKING SERIES ALREADY.

No u. He executed the plan perfectly and all of the night elf female would have belonged to us.
But Sylvanas was jaelous and killed them instead.
Thanks Thrall's balls Tyrande is still alive and will continue to provide plenty of Orc babies.

I like the facial abuse make-up running


>w/o any guarantee that he will do bad things?
The guarantee is that it's fucking Bolvar Fordragon, dipshit.
>Why not ask him to tell the Scourge to jump off a cliff immedialty instead?
Fuck if I know, but we're not discussing how stupid WotLK's ending was, we're discussing how retarded it is to assume Bolvar's 100% ignorant of everything outside Icecrown.

The lengths are near identical.

Who needs Night Elves when we have the Nightborne hotties?

soifang is what happens when women and soiboys write what should be a badass warrior.

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>The guarantee is that it's fucking Bolvar Fordragon, dipshit.
Well dipshit it seems that it didn't work out very well according to the leak.
Also it's not like half of the characters go corrupt in WoW.

>Well dipshit it seems that it didn't work out very well according to the leak.
Have you considered that perhaps the leak is wrong? Because that's what I've been arguing this entire time, you illiterate mong.

>be big strong man
>have to duel someone at 30 paces when you have an axe and they have a shotgun
>be afraid
fucking soiboys am I right

Night Elf females are the strongest fighter and purest kind of Elves. Perfect for breeding.

hes a massive retard hes now Worf from star trek going MUH HONOR you are a retard as well for liking him go cry on reddit

saurfang jobbed to furion within like 3 seconds in melee combat.

Saurfang makes Tyrande so wet that she let him go just after that he tried to kill her pathetic "beloved" and conquered her homeland.

Then where is the third one?

Not up yet. Things are added to the PTR in stages. Not everything comes at once.

Malfurion's genuinely one of the strongest mortals on Azeroth and has fuck-off powerful Druid strength on his side.
It's astounding that Saurfang lasted three seconds, let along that he pretty much won.

MGS4 doesn't actually have hour long cutscenes, maybe if you actually played it instead of listening to memes you'd know this

nice headcanon

Keep in mind that Saurfang is special because hes related to a guy whose claim to fame is that he HIT Sargeras and then died.

No lol. Otherwise Saurfang would have been dead. And later on Saurfang one shot Malfurion.
Also Thrall >>>> Malfurion (see cata).

How new are you?

>pretty much won
>had to be saved by sylvanas the first time
>second time axes malfurion in the back after he gets sent crashing into a tree

Saurfang survived because Malfurion didn't want to kill him and Sylvanas shot him in the back. Don't act as if some old orc veteran with an axe is on the same level as the strongest druid on the planet.

The game is over by this point

Saurfang beat Malfurion because more people like Saurfang than Malfurion. The only reason the Horde still exists is because people who like the Horde are more vocal than people who like the Alliance.

>by the end Sylvanas is going to turn into Kerrigan 2.0 and unite all factions forever while she ascends to godhood with some void macguffin

You know it's going to happen

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>that headcanon
Lmao, Thrall rekts your druid. Your druid is so pathetic that he went to Thrall's wedding in Hyjal. Yup, Hyjal is Horde territory.
That cuck of Malfurion was Neutral the whole time and let us have fun with the women of his people.
If he's so strong, why his people are on the verge of extinction?


No, it's simply that Orc males >>>>>> Night elf "males".
Your malfurion did jackshit in the history of warcraft. He told his wife to accept the Horde and the Alliance as partners and blew up his own tree lmao.

Yeah just like Medivh's son, right? He will totally show up this time

Take your green niggers back to your own pla-OH WAIT, you already fucked your own planet up.

Yup, and now we are taking yours. Stay wad allianceKEK. Ashenvale is OURS.
Even Goblins conquered your homeland.

How does Sylvanas' strap-on taste?

I'm loyal to Thrall's Horde. I don't like the talking corpse. She burned our broodmares alive.

imagine being this autistic.

>I'm loyal to Thrall's Horde
You mean the one that didn't take Ashenvale, didn't take Azshara, bowed to the Night Elves, and only grew a spine when Garrosh took over?

The series ended in ICC. Everything after is just filler.

>T. night elf male
We cut the balls of your own demi-god at a point where he doesn't even fight us anymore.
Ashenvale was conquered under Thrall. The Goblins were helped by Thrall. Thrall never bowed to the Night Elf. That's the contrary. Gol'Koshn! Stop insulting the WarChief.

Thrall's Horde is as dead as Rend Blackhand's Horde. Just give up, roll a Shaman and have Thrall tell you hes literally too shit to go on before he hands over the Doomhammer. Wear an Earthen Ring tabard. Forget the Horde.

>Ashenvale was conquered under Thrall.
No it wasn't. Not even Garrosh could conquer Ashenvale. It was never taken until Sylvanas used her plot armor to march through it.
>The Goblins were helped by Thrall
Not until after he had stepped down as Warchief.
>Thrall never bowed to the Night Elf
Literally the end of RoC.

Not rotting, perfectly preserved by necromancy to never age

>patch 8...
Yeah, stopped reading there. If the patch doesn't start with a 1, it's not worth my time.

You want talk history? Swobu : Ashenvale was invaded because Thrall asked Grom to take wood. After thrid war, Thrall said that the Warsong shall continue to take wood in Ashenvale and eventually expand territory.
Thrall will always be the real warchief, it doesn't matter. The Goblins allowed the Horde to take another Nelf territory.
The End of the Third war is Thrall helping the Night Elf, like the great and wise warchief he is because the Legion would have won otherwise. He never bow to them. That's the contrary.

I'm still pissed that Blizzard adamantly refuses to let us have this as the Night Elf heritage armor, or just armor in general.

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why do they do this? why sylvanas?
i hope anduin becomes the next Christ
fuck girls dude...

Oh, definitely.

Heritage armor was made specifically to shill Allied Races, don't expect any more main races to get them any time soon, and don't expect them to be good when they do show up.

Six minutes? Wouldn't that be like twice as long as whatever the next longest cinematic would be?

This is so fuckin retarded, but so is everything in WoW lore.

The leak says everyone dies for Shadowlands user, obviously they'd all get rezzed later.

Sylvanas' plan all along was to create a common enemy in herself for the factions to finally team up to fight so they can stand a chance against N'Zoth together,
She does this by making herself the villain they'd join against.

The leak doesn't actually say he doesn't know. Could be he actually works with Sylvanas to turn everyone against each other.

The entire fucked up state of the lore concerning the factions from Cata onward is his and Jaina's fault.

Obviously it's actually the writer's fault, but in-universe it's them.

Nathanos is fine, he's just overused. He shouldn't really have been the main guy you report to in the War Campaign.

Go to bed, Chris

>Based in warcraft universe but starting fresh with a new engine and changing up everyhtibg
The game doesn't need a new engine, it just needs a design overhaul.

Four main races have gotten them already though. Probably all of them will get it before BfA is over.

I was hoping the theory was wrong because it sounded incredibly retarded and lazy fucking way to reboot the game but all this shows me is the dev team is still a bunch of incompetent fucks who have no clue what they are doing.

Reminder that night elf males had eyebrows and no facial hair on the official art in vanilla and npcs have it in BFA but players can't get rid of their beard without being cancer patients, same deal with black hair.

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You get a more evil looking screen filter.


>>forgetting about #notmywarchief
>>forgetting about #NoHonorNoPauldron
Kek, good times. I hope something similar happens again

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>leave class design untouched from bfa
>still rngforging
Nah dude, they got a lot of work to do if they want to break records again.

Sylvanas and the plague are such boring writing tools. You're only defending her because you want to fuck a corpse.

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remove RNG on gear, no proc shit

one trinket drops, no procs, same ilvl every time

>WoW lore and world building
They still haven't explained properly how Zandalari Trolls Paladins are still around and completely playable when the t-rex god they worship got killed off.

>Arthas becomes a warlord and decimates Azeroth
>genocidal manic

>Sylvanas interfers in using the plague during ICC, the siege of Gilneas, Darkshore and the Alliance in retaking Lordareon. Attempts to use the Vrykul and Valkyries on the Broken Isles in attempts to study the Lich Kings methods but gets sidetracked because Greymane sought to kill her for poising and killing his son. Also genocides a majority of the Night Elves and their homeland while they're in the process of fully healing it. Uses the excuse of Arthas turning her into his pawn as an excuse to do as she pleases while talking to one of their dying soldiers.
> not a genocidal maniac because she's a fucking woman and its all part of the plan,

Nu-Blizzard and identity politics everybody!

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>Sylvanas and the plague are such boring writing tools
Much better than "MUH HONOR"

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They learn few things from Blood Elves.
Also, you don't need t-rex, only believing in him.

This sounds fucking retarded but I'm kinda into it

>Garrosh forces
>Has shamans, dark shamans, warriors, armed forces, goblin engineers, orc engineers
>Sylvanas forces
>Everyone with plague super soakers and the odd dark ranger

Wow, how fun and exciting.

>updated Nelf models are half-assed, with much less detail and polygons as the other races, their fingers are still tipped by four-polygon points and Nelf males still have the low-poly snarling grimacing frozen expression faces
>get their home destroyed
>Tyrande and Malfurion are completely inept even after their power-ups
>the playable Nightborne models are just as half-assed, the worst offenders being the NB male which is the exact same model of of the Nelf male including the faces instead of the heads and faces the NPC NB have

Why does Blizzard hate everything that has to do with the Nelves?

Because their players like Valnoressa wants it.

if i could of looked like that chad i would've probably rolled a Nightelf long ago.

My first instinct was think of how retarded this is, but then i remembered where warcraft is now and t be honest it's not that crazy.
Still absolutely no chance of it happening though.

The Nelf players want the race they play to be complete shit in looks and lore?

>ability pruning to the point of barely having working specs
>barely any patch content
>a whole missing zone that was intended to be there at launch
>a pretty terrible story that was axed very quickly and the patchwork to try salvage it was terrible and made little to no sense.
>a whole fucking raid tier/major patch axed
>pvp practically ignored, Ashran barely worked, accompanying pvp sets incredibly uninspired
Oh there were a lot of issues with WoD.

Almost all races look like shit because blizzard has an orc fetish.
>tauren female has like 4 faces total
>still no option to remove bones for forsaken
>humans still look fucking retarded even though there are normal looking ones around
>nightborne is probably the ugliest model ever produced at blizzard
>gnomes can't have eyebrows without a beard just like nelves

Unironically pandas and orcs are the only races that got some love and pandas even after all these years look better than the allied races we got.

Dude, just google it.

look at those hips

Night elves will never ever get the attention they got in warcraft 3.

Enjoy being nu-high elves.

He plays an orc fyi

How about stop introducing shit to take it away next expansion just as we get used to it? Don't give me any more of your artifacts, legendaries, azerite or forging SHIT.


arthas was literally retconned into caring about his subjects, holding back out of the last remaining goodness within him and wanting to rez everyone to fight against the legion.

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if the shadowlands leak is true i'll lose my shit. it's a great conclusion and blew my fucking mind when i read it. surprising blizzard could write something decent for a change.

>new homeland after dealing with so much shit over centuries that they decided to camp out on a big fucking tree so they can live peacefully before some bitch torched the fucking thing

You and the other retards should stay where they belong

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i want to get possessed by her

Given how bad the writing is among Blizzard's staff, that 6 minutes will feel like an hour.

The campaigns were fun, but Sylvannas herself was just a massive whiny cunt. And nothing has changed since Frozen Throne. Probably the worst written character since FemDiablo.

>cutscene in the game
>over an hour long
Not sure where it is in the game really matters.
Besides the game had cutscenes that were easily 10-20 minutes throughout the game. which is still double the 6 minutes

Nightborne have the worst models in the game. Worse than current Worgen and Gobins, even.

>*Phase 4 begins with lasers, black holes, and exploding consoles*
>Lover's hearts split asunder
>Devoted blood spilled freely upon the sand

Admit it. Blizzard is producing kino again.

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Males, yes. I do like how the female Nightborne look and move.

This sounds absolutely horrible. I love it.


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>saurfang after YEARS since vanilla gets the spotlight
>doesn't accomplish shit
>has been in countless wars
>lost his son to arthas
>his only purpose after finally given the spotlight is some stupid flat "war is bad" message
Fucking writers can't do shit. Also Jaina going completely against her building revenge arc against the horde for like 3+ expansions now into "thrall you were right all along", fuck off. She wanted to dismantle them, even fucked off for the entirety of legion because the council of dalaran mages dare let the horde in.
Only bringing back daddy khadgar can save this mess.

it's the only hour long one though

Scourge 2.0 and bolvar becoming a threat is coming it's just a matter of when. He lost everything and him going full evil has been forshadowed ever seen tirion put the helm on his head.

What about the fact taht in legion he out right sayd, hey if you want i can take care of the legion all by myself so you all dont have to.

Does not seem like a dick or going crazy move if you ask me.

I played every legion class quest for every class at 110, and death Knight was the best one. You see a side of bolvar that you had not seen before and it definitely foreshadows something.

They'd still be better if they were more like the NPC models though.

It really is amazing that they managed to fuck over a character as universally loved as Saurfang.

Completely agreed.

Post braids. I fucking love braids.

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Old Nathanos was fine. The new super-capable-but-doesn't-ever-do-anything-and-is-excessively-condescending version can drink bleach. And the writer can eat a dick.

>She wanted to dismantle them, even fucked off for the entirety of legion because the council of dalaran mages dare let the horde in
And she failed.
I mean, girl spend an entire night with 25 horde raiders...

>ywn work for Blizzard and write a shiptease for your self insert and your waifu

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this is what happens when you let onions boys and hack writers like golden anywhere near a pen.

They shouldn't care about Alliance