It was a fun ride classic bros

It was a fun ride classic bros....

Attached: prime time pop.png (953x779, 445K)

>not a single full server
What went wrong?

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I cant believe it ended so quickly vros. It only just begun. I grinded for hours to get to level 60 and now nobody is playing it.


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>Half of the server are already dead
>The other half is slowly dying too

sad user, very sad

been in queue for an hour already, started at 4k

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no.. how can this be happening.. they told me retail was dead.. DEAD! dare i say it, was brack really right after all?

so wait 50% of the serves are filled to the brim and the other 50% are empty
i have a solution that's so crazy it just might work

Yes very sad user, our home... destroyed by zoomies

EU is even worse

Attached: aaaaaaaa.png (1920x1080, 1.11M)

The honeymoon phase is over and most people is starting to get into their early 40s.
The prospect of being less than halfway there and entering the grindiest, most poorly-designed part of leveling is bringing people down en masse.

why do you get better names?

speaking of honeymoon you watch the xev bellringer video where you fuck your mommy on her honeymoon?

Rest in piss

>speaking of honeymoon you watch the xev bellringer video where you fuck your mommy on her honeymoon?

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listen bros
>the jews open 4 servers at start
>all of them are full with a 10hour que
>open some new ones really quick because they can (but why didint they do that earlier?)
>people change servers becasue they want to play
>bada bing bada bomo those servers are dead empty
>oy vey goyim if you want to transfer to something high pop that would be 25 bucks
>no goyim if you want you can transfer from your high server to something dead that will free up some slots

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maybe because it's night time over here


can never get off to this because she always has the one guy with the tiny cock fuck her and as someone with a big peepee i can't relate

i wonder if dude with small cock is her husband

I quit being at 42 and zones are just so poorly designed I'm either doing green quests for trash xp or have to do orange quests where I get one bad pull and I have 2 orange enemies on me
I didn't pick a meta class so I can't efficiently farm mobs like a mage for 1k+ xp a pull. I won't give into the dungeon grind either like everybody else who is 50+ at this point.

why is Yea Forums a high pop realm full of losers and complainers ?

could be
with all the shit she makes wouldn't surprise me if that was her fetish

That's just the classic experience.
I guess you thought you did but didn't.

yeah I did, it's more fun to play with friends but autistically farming dungeons like zoomers saw streamers do is for faggots so I'm just casually playing with my friend until the sub runs out

Literally on the same boat.
I cannot do this shit again, I have a job and now I know better than to waste my time like this.
Fuck grinding.

This isn't unique to Blizz but shame on them for not being ready for this in current year unless they were actually playing 4d Jewery.

Make servers, merge them asap when the fall off happens. The goal is you want PEOPLE TO PLAY YOUR GODDAMN GAME and not frustrate them. There's probably other ways of handling this too but Blizzard is terrified of deleting servers in the past and just tried to hide behind is quasi-mega-server systems.

Screen from today around 5PM, only 4 low servers. Suck dick nigger.

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imagine playing with smelly sand niggers

Which server, user?

00:50 on a workday, this is what it looks like right now.

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