Nioh 2 gameplay
New purple bar under health and stamina.
It's yokai power that deplets when you use yokai abilities, so basically mana.
Nioh 2 gameplay
New purple bar under health and stamina.
It's yokai power that deplets when you use yokai abilities, so basically mana.
it looks like dogshit my mouthbreathing friends.....literally all the worst parts of Nioh dialed up to 11. I can gladly say I was a part of the alpha demo chad train and that experience is now like tears in rain
Can you jump yet?
Although Nioh was very fucking fun during the first playthough during way of the samurai, the further difficulty repetition and abyss grind/autism managed to do something I never though a souls-like could do: making me sick of the game to the point I never want to see it again and I couldn't give less of a fuck about a sequel.
Looks pretty cool. That new Yokai parry thing seems interesting but also extremely powerful with how much Yokai Force it gives you. At least there's confirmation that all the weapons are back for those somehow skeptical of that.
Other new mechanics:
Hitting enemies with yokai abilties reduces their maximum stamina.
The little rolling cat creature that follows him around charges his yokai bar.
When yokai flash red you can counter their attack with R2+O.
What about the co op
I hope there is more modes
like that 100 fighters tournament
We already know from the Alpha it's generally similar to the first game, except there can be three of you in missions now.
no more sloth spam?
sloth spam was worthless once you hit wots
This maximum Ki reduction thing seems like overkill, especially since they're still sticking to giving 99% of enemies paper thin health and numbers. Yokai Skills are already extremely strong, I hope at the very least it's a temporary debuff.
Sloth is still in, but the Jutsu cost system was reworked so it will cost more to carry them round and debuffs seem far more reliant on your power stat so it will be far shorter. Besides,
>unironically using Sloth ever
Open beta when, I had fun discussing 1's tests with Yea Forums
their Twitter is all in nip and dekinai
I fucking hope there's gonna be one
I'm banking on them announcing one at TGS. Making the Alpha closed was a bullshit move and probably hurt more than helped partly due to their selection and feedback acquiring process. No I'm only a little bitter about it.
Are they still doing the shit garbage diablo loot?
>they keep saying atarashii
>but there's nothing atarashii
Looks more like a DLC than a new game. Which is alright, Nioh was good.
Yes, and it's still as little as a problem for anyone with basic reading skills as before. They've also made every type of equipment come with a guaranteed effect to differentiate and make them feel more unique.
do you think the webm spammer autist will come back?
the alpha was fun but fuck I do not wanna play this on ps4 again, that shit fucking sucks, the ps4 is loud, the framerate sucks, the graphics suck
I don't know how people can play like that
The spellcaster yokai looks fucking amazing
Tonfas are back
>When yokai flash red you can counter their attack with R2+O.
This also looks cool as fuck since you're unleashing your oni form momentarily to rape their ass.
What I'm particularly curious about is that afterwards during the boss, he does a random dodge but goes into Yokai Shift solely for it. It doesn't seem connected but maybe there's skills and effects for temporary Yokai Shift actions when in danger, which could be cool.
oh thank fuck they're all still in
though they would've swapped 2kat for axes
Probably just a little bit of damage while dodging. A safety net if you fuck up a roll or roll into another enemy.
but what about my odachi?
Don't worry bro, odachi was in the alpha when I played.
aw fuck ye
Any other big weapons or are odachi and axe it?
But he does the dodge outside of any attack. The only thing I noticed different was that his Ki was on fumes but it only happened once so I was thinking it's a random chance at zero Ki. The time is at 9:43 for when it happens. We've sure come a long way from Nioh 1 Alpha, used to be you were actively punished for overspending Ki.
Dropped this game as soon as I saw the catgirl. I didn't expect more from a Koei game but holy shit can we get a single Jap game that isn't filled with embarrassing otaku pandering?
why do all tecmo koei games have the same soulless UI?
>tfw a cute flaming cat lady will never steal your corpse as it's being prepared for disposal
It hurts bros.
>haha look guys im ironically pretending to be an retarded weeaboo
Its all so tiresome
So far the dual hatchets are the only new weapon shown. People were speculating a scythe might be another new weapon due to the enemy using it in the trailer being one that used the hatchets as well.
Looks like everything is. Axe, tonfa, 2kat, and kusarigama were all missing from the alpha. Hatchets are the only new weapon so far but I kind of hope theres one more. A new ranged weapon would be cool too.
If there is only one new weapon then that is ass.
>Not getting the game because otaku pandering
You get to kill the waifu bait though
It looks like Nioh 1.5. Kind of disappointing. The fact that it's a prequel is even more so.
>haha guys look im ironically pretending to be an idiot who is flustered by incredibly trivial things
Good one, you almost got me.
Still a pointless feature and taking it away would make the game better
Not necessarily. It depends on how much new is added to existing weapons. Quality over quantity basically. That being said, I still do hope there's one or two more types other than hatchets.
Normally I'd agree about quality>quantity but if there is just one new weapon then that sucks.
Anyone else feel like some jap dev playing the game doesn't really tell me much at all?
There's many things about Nioh that I didn't like but I still had a blast because there was this one way of playing or that one build that was just insanely fun.
Some gookshitter can't replicate that after all.
Man I love this series. So glad it got a sequel. Everything looks good and the new yokai powers are very interesting. I always go high spirit so I can't wait to see how that goes.
The new inventory looks uglier than old one. I hope that's just temporary.
It's probably a Yokai shift ability like the counter, and you get one extra dodge when you run out of ki.