Why is this shitty JRPG series so goddamn popular?

Why is this shitty JRPG series so goddamn popular?

>All of the characters are uninspiring and boring.

>The settings are all just a bunch unoriginal fantasy lands.

>The music is bad and total shit.

>The stories are full of stupid cliches that has been told a million times already.

The entire series just suck ass!

Meanwhile, there are waaaay better JRPG games that are worth playing than this pile of moose feces. However, people still play the games for some reason.

Just tell me why you guys love them so much?

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's literally the Japanese Elder Scrolls. Generic, but easily marketable to normalfags

because the games are so braindead easy that small children can clear them with no problem, creating an ever growing fanbase that has different stages of nostalgia.

Because with DQ you know what youre getting. Thats a huge thing compared to FF where every game is different.

And that's why FF will always be superior than DQ anytime.

Because it's simple and unpretentious. It doesn't try to change the wheel. Why do people like Super Mario Bros? Every game is jumping on Goombas and saving Peach from Bowser and bing bing wahoo.

In short, it's comfy.

Yeah I'd rather take the series that actually tries something different every time with results both great and bad over the series that's consistently mediocre.

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>FF was good until they started fucking with it
>Every FF after IX has been terrible

Have fun rolling around in shit I guess.

At least it got better characters that are total badass.

Like this guy in the image.

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Builders 2 has a ton of likeable characters.

I don't have to justify anything to you you fucking troglodyte.

Same shitty stuff just with a minecraft theme put into it.

Just play fucking Minecraft.

>Because with DQ you know what youre getting.
For the first 5 games as they were released at the time, no not really to be fair.

It’s better than minecraft in every way, with a interesting story and many likeable characters. You should play the game before commenting on it

>Interesting story and many likeable characters

You mean anything that's NOT from Dragon Quest? Okay!

Play the game instead of being a sperg

For the same reason Final Faggotry is popular.
It's one of the OG's.

Anyone got any tips for completing one of these things without getting bored and/or burnt out?

DQXI >>> FFXV so no.

t. angry Sorafag

I don't have it and probably never will but who knows, I'll might as well go out and see what makes it so great (and hopefully I don't end up falling asleep).

There’s not a single FF game I’ve played that I have liked. Even during the height of its popularity during the ps1/ps2 days I just found them to be boring

>Every FF after V has been terrible
Fixed, faggot.

Earlier FFs were shit due to their ATB system, later ones were shit in general.
I can't understand their popularity either.

If you like building shit you’ll at the very least have some fun as it has a huge variety of furniture and materials, with some light town management elements. I never played any of the main line games prior to it but found myself hooked about halfway into the first main island.

Yes user, I don't see why people get excited about a generic soulless RPG, DQ got nothing going for it

Three things:

1. Make sure you listen to good music from your headphones so that you won't be able to hear it's godawful music.

2. Make some commentary throughout the game on why it suck.

3. Take the game out and smash it into pieces. Take out a superior game and play it.

If someone ever tells you that Smash doesn't ruin threads for every single series it touches, just look at this thread.

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It's total garbage and will always be garbage.

Did some dragon quest fans make fun of you for your shitty seperoth costume at an anime con or something?

I just hate seeing this ass series being fucking everywhere, even Nintendo is willing to pollute their franchise by putting a character with the most stupidest name I ever seen into Smash Bros.

Japan likes it, I find most traditional JRPGs to be boring, including the mainline DQ entries that I have played (2 and 3).

There are plenty of JRPGs that are worth playing like Kingdom Hearts or Persona.

Isn't Kingdom hearts more of an action rpg than a traditional jrpg?
If we are counting any rpg made in japan then I'd recommend Azure dreams which is aa weird mix of rougelike, town building and waifu simulator

It's the vidya equivalent of comfort food. Its main draw is nostalgia, which leads to similar gameplay and themes between the games, but the devs have gotten the simple mechanics down to a science, so it never feels out of style.
Also, it never strays too far from its comfort zone, so the games aren't as likely to be a GOTY 10/10 as something like, say, Final Fantasy games, but they're also not as likely to be complete dogshit either.

They're a pile of dogshit compared to Final Fantasy; at least that series does different things instead the same shit that's been done before.

>The music is bad and total shit.
Don't you like Wagner you nigger?

Play a game before talking about it

>FFags SEETHING over watching FFXV take the whole series down in Flames while there is massive hype for the Switch port of DQXI

Something tells me this thread was created by a Smash player

>It's that Sorafag that spent 6months posting the same image in every thread related to Smash or DQ
Holy shit, get a life

Any real musician can make better music than any songs from the series.

I think it's both salty FFfags and smashtards

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Should I play Chrono Trigger now or wait for the inevitable remake? What's the best version currently? Playing the psone version on my psp right now. Stuck at carnival and not sure what to do but having fun goofing around.

DS Version is the best, but the PS1 release is fine.
Don't fall for any remakes. Knowing modern Squenix, they'll give it KH's trash combat.

>Hating based Dragon Quest
Fucking kill yourself.

I wonder if Smash really will be the catalyst to finally help Dragon Quest break new ground in the West. I mean, if it can turn fucking Fire Emblem into a house hold name...

>Final Fantasy
>likely to be a GOTY 10/10

tim rogers recommends taking it slow- like, "a half-hour to an hour a day" slow.

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The games are fun :3

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If Sora finally got the chance he deserves more than that stupid hero character, no way asshole!

probably one of the only series that has been consistent in quality for over a decade pretty impressive honestly

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Anyone gonna actually explain why Dragon Quest is supposedly shit or are you faggots just gonna keep parroting each other?

this is funny cause FF one is WAYYYYYYYYYYY fucking better than DQ 1

What's wrong? Can't take a bunch of smart gamers who play smart games?

>reddit spacing

>Why is this shitty JRPG series so goddamn popular?
Because it waits like 5 years between mainline releases and almost always has a major change or host of new mechanics with each mainline entry
>All of the characters are uninspiring and boring.
Maybe if you just played the first 3 games which were released on the NES and even then, 3 was revolutionary for how it told its story and became an important landmark for JRPGs.
>The settings are all just a bunch unoriginal fantasy lands.
They are fairly original as all the monsters have opportunities to be nice guys and they're filled with characters who expand the world. In addition, 1-3 and 4-6 take place in completely different fantasy worlds, both interesting in their own right. I love the Zenethia trilogy.
>The music is bad and total shit.
Okay retard.
>The stories are full of stupid cliches that has been told a million times already.
Maybe the first four, which up until 11 were the only games to do the Chosen One cliche. DQV is a guy's lifestory trying to carry his father's will to find the chosen one for example. The only reason 11 went back was because it was deliberate callback to the Loto trilogy.
>Meanwhile, there are waaaay better JRPG games that are worth playing than this pile of moose feces. However, people still play the games for some reason.
Because it didn't lose its identity like FF, isn't absolutely cringeworthy and retarded like KH and is currently the most consistently good series Squenix has. Every game has a visible amount of effort put behind it and they know how to keep a series fresh for so long.

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Go suck Yangus's hairy dick, faggot.

>isn't absolutely cringeworthy and retarded like KH


The series has a far more original plot than DQ or even FF can possibly ever had. The story is about traveling to various worlds and meeting new people everywhere, making new friends, stopping darkness from spreading, and even making and holding new memories. The story is pure gold full of action, heartwarming moments, and so much more that is worth playing. Anyone who's stupid enough to call it retarded needs to fucking play the entire series?

By the way:

youtube.com/watch?v=E4vPQdcwfz8 (KH music)

youtube.com/watch?v=XHGcklCB-c4 (DQ music)

It's got wayyyyyyy better music.

Replace JRPG with anime and you'd be talking about naruto

How is he bad ass exactly?

Why is this shitty JRPG series so goddamn popular?

>All of the characters are uninspiring and boring.

>The settings are all just a bunch unoriginal fantasy lands.

>The music is bad and total shit.

>The stories are full of stupid cliches that has been told a million times already.

The entire series just suck ass!

Meanwhile, there are waaaay better JRPG games that are worth playing than this pile of moose feces. However, people still play the games for some reason.

Just tell me why you guys love them so much?

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Lufia 2 was a better Zelda game than any Zelda game

Zelda's not an JRPG, dumbass.

shit b8


>The series has a far more original plot than DQ or even FF can possibly ever had
Original isn't always necessarily good. Kingdom Hearts games are incredibly inconsistent in plot and gameplay, you get stuff like 358/2 Days where 90% of the game is "filler" with the bulk of the emotional stuff being in the last few hours, and the gameplay being kinda meh, contrasted with Re:Coded which is a complete waste of space plot-wise but with some of the most interesting gameplay the series has to offer. Contrast it with DQ games which almost never have a gaping downside like that and are pretty consistent with one another.
KH music is generally better, I'll give you that.

>The series has a far more original plot than DQ or even FF can possibly ever had.
That's not a good thing. Originality doesn't inherently mean good. The other user explained well enough the issues with KH's story. If you actually defend it, you're a manchild obsessed with something made up on the fly with the writing level of a child.
>Anyone who's stupid enough to call it retarded needs to fucking play the entire series?
The fact that you end this post with a question mark despite there being no need for it convinces me you don't actually know English.
KH is retarded. It's a bunch of tropes from Shounen Jump with FF and Disney characters thrown into the mix. Monologues are not good writing. Having characters repeat platitudes isn't good writing unless you're pulling a Danganronpa where the platitudes are just metaphors for high school or the nature of sequels or what a fictional narrative can give to a person.
Also, nice on you of using the MIDI track, when XI has orchestral music in the definitive release and in Japan.

its only popular in nipland with the salaryman wageslaves who lack imagination

it's a turn based RPG. How is it Zelda?

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Why the fuck are you comparing the music from a final area that you spend like maybe 10 seconds in before engaging the final boss to overworld music?

Even with the orchestral music, it's still looks like something you hear in an amateur fair tale school play than an actual fantasy game.

I could make that sweeping statement about literally anything. It means nothing.
You're literally just saying all this because you're mad about Smash and still haven't gotten over it after 2 months.
Also, Dragon Quest V's music shits all over KH

Seethe more

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3 our of 4 of your points are either subjective to your shit taste or blatantly untrue.

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Builders 2 is such an underrated game. It’s a serious gem.

DQ music thread?

Its only popular in nipland, but it's easily the most soulless mind numbingly boring JRPG out there


He’ll yeah

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>mfw my favorite JRPG series will never ever be in Smash

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Literally everyone is in agreement over how bad this series is. Everyone fucking hgates it. Reddit Quest is trash and will be trash forever. Based thread exposing these facts.

DQVI is seriously underrated, especially in the music department.

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Stop responding to yourself OP, Sora has a chance next fighter pass.

At least it's not Corridor Quest XI. Literally killed the series and made baby mode shit the standard.


Absolutely kino track


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I have every right to be fucking pissed at Nintendo for allowing that hero (AKA zero) instead of plenty of wonderful characters like Sora. He'll never be as good as a real hero like him, NEVER!!!! No wonder why Banjo Kaziooe got more praise than him because you don't need a hero wannabe that looks like a high school geek wasting his time on D&D when you even a bear who looks more heroic just by looking at him.


Got any more inferior music?

Neku would have been a better pick than Sora.

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How the fuck is what he said related to Smash garbage

This reads like a bait, please tell me you don’t actually talk like this irl.

DQ is trash and will always be trash.

This has to be shitposting right?
That song is shit mate.
See There's like 5 people who were mindbroken by Smash or something because DQ got in before Sora.

Do any of the DQ games have a good story/characters?

I tried playing DQ3 and was bored out of my fucking mind.


V has the best battle theme.

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the way hes typing is some obvious bait but of course Smashbrains take the bite

try 5 and 8

That’s 1/2 DQ games that literally don’t have characters because you make your own, 3 is mainly about the world and the adventure

Great taste you all got there, now go out and play REAL amazing games that are worth playing.

>good games

It’s literally a brainless time sink genre that doesn’t even incorporate social aspects like shooters, mobas or fighting games, literally the most beta shit
If you want good games then play some experiences like MGS or Ace Combat

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>the entire series literally just a weak combination of Wizardry and Ultima while lacking the depth and nuisance of both with a somewhat ugly art style
Hard pass from me bro

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Hey thanks for saving my pic user

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Every FF was masterpiece-tier until FF8 now it’s shit

3 is revolutionary for its story at the time, and needs to be played after 1 for that to make sense.
Its characters though are pretty much non-existent.
If you know Nippon, import DQIV for DS or PS1. It has an English DS release, but they never translated the party chat, which gives the characters more character. It is translated for the mobile version though.
Otherwise, I recommend V and VII or VIII, all three are available on DS/3DS, as well as PS1/PS2, but DQV requires a fan translation for its PS2 remake. It's worth it though for the Orchestral music.
The DS releases use MIDIs, but DQVIII has a mod to add back the Orchestral music (which is in the English version of the PS2 release by default, it's weird, I know).
I'll talk about the others as well, just so you're familiar with them
The bare basics of a JRPG, but can be beaten in 8 hours. No real story to speak of, just save the princess (if you want) and kill the dragon. Builders is an alternate take on DQ1 and better in story.
Added a party system, but the game sucks, worst in the series. Builders 2 is better.
Again, play I first to get why this was revolutionary.
Gave the party actual characters, added auto battle, story was good and took place in a different world (which V and VI also take place in)
First game that doesn't adhere to "Ur the chosen one", beloved for a reason.
People love it or hate it. Terry is hot though.
Long as hell for a PSX game. 3DS remake is significantly shorter.
The West's favourite DQ.
Prelude to a MMORPG.
Good, but nothing like the rest of the series.
Nippon exclusive MMORPG you could play on the Wii.
Deliberate callback to the original trilogy. It's why it went back to the Chosen One story. 30th anniversary and all. Get the Switch or PC version, the MIDIs suck.

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>Every FF was masterpiece-tier until FF8
The only decent game in there is FF5 the rest is either obsolete like the NES games or straight up garbage, FF never had masterpieces.

Never ever Anti JRPG keks.

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5 was literally the worst out of that group you fucking contrarian

its one hell of a pleb filter if you dont think DQXI is the game of the decade you dont know the first thing about videogames.

>5 was literally the worst out of that group
I guess because it had actual gameplay, unlike the rest.

When the fuck is Squenix going to put DQI-VI on Steam? They could literally port the mobile version and most people wouldn't care as the mobile version in many instances are the best English versions available.

Any with a brain will just throw it inside the nearby trash can or sell it for the superior FFXV.
Yes, I went that fucking far.

The first three games are shit but the others are great

I wanna get into Tales but what does it have to stand out amongst other jrpgs? I’m a self insert fag so to play as someone else the game needs to have really good story.

I'd rather think about actual good games from other decades

Shitpost, shitpost, shitpost. Bait. Is this working?

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