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hopefully they keep cutting newfags until its just burnie gus and geoff on the podcast again
RT gets most of its staff by giving fans the illusion of "one day YOU can be on stage with [insert favorite RT member]", and it's a long known shit place to work, maybe they can make it an actual decent business that doesn't use their young fanbase's wide-eyed hope.
Probably not. Their games and shows are shit these days anyway.
What are some games where the MC is able to see the future?
i just want adam and elise to get out before it's too late. and peake. it's too late for lawrence and he probably only has 3 years to live before his liver fails. the rest of them can burn
burnie had another kid
Didn't SBFP sign up with those guys?
>Adam goes back to school
>Elyse and James break into writing and standup
>Lawrence dies of alcoholism
>Peake returns to Adult Swim and heralds in a new era of good programming
>Don goes full-time EZA and saves them
>Alanah gets deported and never returns
>Bones finds a good job to support his kid
RT's probably not dying any time soon but good riddance if they do.
Godspeed, Bruce.
remember when they were just some dudes making halo fan videos? i member
So what was their whole deal with animators a little while back?
>The company previously reported a headcount of 419 employees as of July.
holy shit. i guess that includes the game studio plus production team for RWBY?
why wouldn't it when they are part of RT?
Is the crash finally coming, lads?
I find it mind boggling that their fanbase is mostly teens and they manage to move all that expensive as hell merchandise.
They go to a god damn RT convention just to be able to buy more merch
their animation department is stupid fucking big and also mismanaged to hell
i haven't kept up with main RT in a decade. i'v watched RvB and that's it. the only thing i've seen that icluded live action stuff was funhause. to me it kinda always stayed as maybe 30 people. reading they had over 400 employees is kinda crazy. i thought they contracted the games and big animation stuff to outside companies after Monty died.
You gotta wonder if it doesn't feel awesome to be 46 and knocking up your 30 something wife like 15 years after your previous child
>gets integrated while in its death throes and wastes RTs money
Jordan was a fucking dildo.
So I guess thats why bruce jumped ship. Funhaus will be dead by the end of the year.
I liked Red vs Blue but never followed the other stuff
I watched a video that had michael wife in it, good googly moogly what the hell happened to her? Looks like distilled tumblr
She had a kid. Twice
what a retard you are
she bloated up long before the kids though
i see the rooster teeth hate quad is here you know this happens all the time with other companies right
so every fat person is tumblr now?
"hate squad"
how old are you
Fuck off Burnie. RT content has been shite for years.
Not every fat is tumblr but all tumblr is fat
>Today's layoffs at Rooster Teeth have affected our Austin-based team. As a result, we will not be producing a Daily today to give everyone personal time to process
How long until FH and IG separate?
Shit, I hope Brian didn't get the boot.
13% of their population is gone?
why do you think they will
RT is clearly a sinking ship and separating from that is a good idea, especially for FunHaus who seem to be good at being self-sufficient. They'd just need to find someone else to handle merch.
>. it's too late for lawrence and he probably only has 3 years to live before his liver fails
Don't worry he'll upload himself back to a computer like the IG days.
Sounds like one of those "Where are they now" bits at the end of some 80's movies, an oddly fitting end for Funhaus
>RT is clearly a sinking ship
>RT introduces gay pride merch
>it's low effort shirts with a rainbow version of their logo or the pride flag next to some text
>it's more expensive than the rest of their merch
I laughed for days.
nigga nearly everything they've been doing lately is just not good, you can't rely on teens that will worship the ground you stand on forever.
no you have no good argument other than some head canon
I could've sworn AH and funhaus mentioned their audience are mainly made up of adults
you ever seen Rooster Teeth conventions and meetups?
ok idiot the guys at FunHaus do inside gaming you idiot why take it way from them when its doing fine
what are you trying to get at here retard
I'm pretty sure Lawrence owns IG now, or something to that effect. He was the one who had access to all their old content and is mainly responsible for bringing it back.
why do you want rt to go down so bad for anyway did they do something to you to hurt your feelings
I completely forgot about RT around 2013 or whenever Brownman left.
Can anybody tell me if the original AH gang of Gavin, OG basedboy Jack, Michael and Geoff are still around?
I looked on their channel but it's a fucking mess with three bizzarre 'wacky' videos uploaded a day featuring a seemingly infinite cast of generic nu-males.
What happend to qt Barbara?
Do they still do Achievement guides?
If this is good ending then what is good+? And then true?
read again esl-kun
dammit now I'm horny and lost my train of thought
guy are you fucking retarded
>it's a long known shit place to work
Quick run down on the working conditions at Rooster Teeth?
meme podcasts need to die
also rwby is absolute shit.
Reminder that Halo 4 only had 200 employees working on it.
they are still around, the guy who did gamekids is in charge now so that is the reason behind the content change, at least in the thumbnail.
If you watch the video you will see your OG AH cast doing Johnny Knox stuff mostly instead of doing game guides.
Honestly just skim through what their old employees had to say
i could see this from a mile away. doesnt make sense that they have so many staff, it's ridiculous, more layoffs incoming.
>Funhaus and IG
>As in both separate from RT
stop being a retard
yap its retarded
for the best, funhaus hasn't been funny in years, they all started thinking they're real comedians
>Check out RT and AH channels
>most videos get around 100k-200k views at best. Some even less
What the hell happened? They used to shit out million view videos every second day.
The RTAAs still get good views though
they're called castle super beast
I thought they made money off of RWBYshit
Japs stopped caring
>AH have resorted to water boarding themselves for content
Guess minecraft and gmod aren’t paying the bills anymore
>13% layoffs
Were they making up 50% of undone work?
name of the board is video games, who cares about them
what the fuck
don't forget joel
Rooster Teeth are technically a video game publisher
But a lot of seems like it's just creative whining that they aren't treated like they'e more important than they really are. That might not be the case, but a lot of the time the transgressions against them are overblown. I always take these job reviews/recommendations with a grain of salt.
>What the hell happened? They used to shit out million view videos every second day.
They shit out a million videos every day is what happened. Quantity over quality, baby.
>hate quad
E celebs have never been welcome, and are always for mockery. Who gives a fuck if they go under?
>E celebs have never been welcome
Egoraptor literally had a q&a here in like 2010 or 2011 and was given a tripcode.
Where were you when Ray won?
That's usually glassdoor in a nutshell but if you look at say, Boston Dynamics, the comments are more generous. Its all on the work environment, and what kind of industry its in; you cant expect low paid actors and people trying to get famous to be rational and objective like engineers.
Must have missed it or been in another thread/board and would have mocked the thread and fsggots relating him regardless. His content has never been good.
Fullscreen (RT's parent company) acquired Machinima (Inside Gaming's parent company). I don't think a split is in the future.
>The have a shitty IP made from an autistic azn wasting the dwindling minutes of his life making screengrabs in a dated jap porn game.
>Its stupid, its generic, but its popular enough to move merch.
>Make games based on this IP.
>Make endless collabs with popular mouth breather weeb games with this IP.
>When the master dork kicks it you bring new things like 'talent' and actually animation software.
>You realize the same internet loser chucklefucks are still running around the offices that you hold up this shitshow.
That's an unfair comparison but you know an exec at WB is thinking this.
and so is 51% of their content.
I hope he goes down with the rest of funhaus.
Where did the time go?
Settle down Michael
Well yeah, who even watches Red vs Blue anymore?
You hate to see it
nah youre just an incoherent mess and are trying to sidetrack that
go back to school, or at least start reading and writing irl
I what
like he's going to do any better
streaming is so saturated he'll be living off a single fanboy oil prince in 6 months
>rooster teeth hate quad
Wait, there are people who love RT? After all the shit they've done?
I honestly expected him to say he wanted to do consultant work for producing/marketing wigs small team or something worthwhile. He seemed above and beyond a twitch/streamfag.
The intern who had to make that post obviously.
You know, i thought she passed me in a store the other day but it was so quick and she was so large i thought there was no way it could be her. I hope she's able to reverse that, for her health more than anything else.
they should fire the whole embarrassing gaming division
Does that have anything to donwith the release schedule? I know fortnite has a swell of employees just to keep releasing cosmetics at a rapid pace.
>pic related got laid off
The blood's on your hands for being a sellout, Craig
What are the odds of FH just jumping ship and going indie?
I feel like its possible.
I hope they do
>main character dies midway through the game
I'm guessing he broke his leg doing this.
I doubt it, it'd be nice but I think they're to tied down with inside gaming and their other RT owned productions, another move like that would probably result in more of them leaving and a big loss in fanbase.
Broke his leg, dislocated his shoulder, popped his ankle, and I think sprained his wrist.
What was the game, Custom Maid or Artificial Academy?
>gets a hot gf thats way younger than him
>starts doing a massive comb over to pretend he has hair
>then quits his job to start his own "business"
this niggas going through some serious midlife crisis bullshit
i wouldnt be surprised if in 5 years he ends up dead from crashing his ferrari after his wife divorces him
this is where their money goes lmao
Didn't they just have a game that bombed too?
>Michael B. Jordan
>David Tennant
>Monica Rial
drink bleach, shitbrain
Who gives a fuck, they've literally never been good, like
Fucking idiots. Might as well just burn their cash for all the good this kinda shit is doing for them.
Peak of 300 players, 6 in 24 peak. That was after the news so I imagine some fanboys are trying to get it going
Yup. Dumbasses were trying to chase the Overwatch crowd and shit out a nothing multiplayer game that even their own fan base couldn't be bothered to give a fuck about.
What's Brownman up to these days? Dude up and disappeared after the twitch shitstorm and X-Ray and Vav.
>Hiring a bunch of legitimate actors for their voices alone.
>Hiring a bunch of Bongs so you have to fly them out and pay for their hotels.
They deserve everything that happens to them.
Still on twitch duh.
Probably going back to achievement hunter eventually.
>hate quad
Quads means you're a double nigger
Well there's where all the money is going, her name is Goldshifeh!
They used to shit on Pewds, his videos get more views in 40 minutes than theirs do in a week.
But the CEO of RT admitted culpability and confirmed these reviews were right.
Streaming but he doesn't have any growth.
>Eric Baudour leaves Mega64 and all his friends to move to Texas and work for RT
>They fill his position with two other people
>A few months later RT lays him off
Like pottery
>Hear about some thot killing her BF that animated rwby
>never watch the series of pay attention to RT at all
So whatever happened to that chick?
With the ADL donation stunt he pulled recently, I think PewDiePie will gain more than usual.
>Implying you were here
>Implying you weren't single digits age 9 years ago
You just made my day OP
You were funny when you did Rage Quit and you Nigger Clause. You lost your talent
>>given a tripcode
I can't wait for the ADL to announce that the bro-fist is now Alt Right dogwhistle hate speech