Yea Forums thread

Yea Forums thread

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*soijack face accompanying a quote from someone in the thread*

So what did you guys think of the Steven Universe movie

i wonder if people really think that wojak is funny or impactful

i see more and more wojaks not even getting bait (You)s. it's really coming to a close quickly in the last month or so

what'll be the next shit meme that overstays its welcome?

Seriously, can we ban wojaks already?
>Inb4 someone copies what i said with a shitty edit no 10102022

Holy shit

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Didn't watch it yet

This used to epitomize Yea Forums when it was into traps. Now, not so much

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>when it was into traps
>when bailey jay was a thing
Hello new fag

>opinions can't be wrong

1. I hate it
2. Its gay
3. Fuck off

now Yea Forums just hates everything because negativity and drama is objectively easier to get entertainment out of than anything else

i dont watch propaganda

Is this the Silent Hill thread?

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Might as well be

What are you seething about now? Who disagreed with you?

Holy shit why is Wojak so fucking popular im sick of seeing this shit its not even funny It's a fucking meme template aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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yes you do

>i wonder if people really think that wojak is funny or impactful
>i see more and more wojaks not even getting bait (You)s. it's really coming to a close quickly in the last month or so
>what'll be the next shit meme that overstays its welcome?

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>Every fucking thread

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>Holy shit why is Wojak so fucking popular im sick of seeing this shit its not even funny It's a fucking meme template aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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I liked it.

>Seriously, can we ban wojaks already?
>>Inb4 someone copies what i said with a shitty edit no 10102022

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hey I like thing you no like haha loser! poo poo stinky boy!

>calling feelsguy "wojak"

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I hate that faggot now

>oh....the last time I made OC......ha ha..... You know me the OC MACHINE

Yea Forumsā€˜s greatest hits

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it's le wrinkly man

I cancelled my preorder.

bideo videos?

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>someone saved my screenshot of that abomination of a thread
I'm so proud.

Eh if it still annoys people it works I guess.

not funny and I didn't laugh

>masturbate to horse fucking a loli until she inflates like a water balloon
>laugh at gore Webms
>play anime tiddie simulator 2019
Hahaha look at those dumb degenerates over there doing thing I dont like.

It looks like the average thread


>someone saved my screenshot of that abomination of a thread I'm so proud.

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Only thing Yea Forums mods do right is banning wojak and frogshit on sight honestly.


Yea Forums hates everything and calls it all shit because they're afraid of being made fun of.

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Yea Forums is one of the last good populated boards.

If we're doing this, I'll share.

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/tg/ is pretty solid

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>Yea Forums
>and especially now that mods are overcucked

See that's what I'm talking about. Yea Forums doesn't stagnate with the same shitty memes repeated forever. Wojak and Pepe get banned for being shit.
Mods may be overprotective but they actually deal with faggots like you.

Pretty good.
Not much as a story, pacing was bad and resolution amounted to ignoring he conflict entirely and losing with no consequence.
The songs and characters are awesome though and the antagonist steals every scene she's in.

As somebody on /tg/, ahahahahahaha no it's not.

Yea Forums is gay as fuck now still though

guess that is what i get for only frequenting the pdf share for a while

Why are you all so sensitive to disagreement? It's like you're so insecure and got so traumatized that someone didn't agree with you that you feel the need to make these threads.

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Quick to latch onto a word I don't even use much.
Enjoy your rotting circlejerk.

There isnt anything wrong with wojak himself but the soijaks are the absolute worse and I'm convinced its anti-wojak people using them as annoyingly as they can to get them more hated, despite it only ever being the one soijak face

Its less the disagreement, and more the shitty, cancerious, zero effort methods of disagreement that contribute nothing to the thread.


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