There’s literally nothing wrong with playing on the easiest mode possible. Change my mind.
There’s literally nothing wrong with playing on the easiest mode possible. Change my mind
It makes you a ghey boi
you're right. As long as you're having fun then it doesn't matter
There isn't. You win.
No, that's a real card.
but how can you have fun if there’s no challenge?
you know the bend test is actually one of the more simple ways to prove a card is real right? the card stock used back in the day was able to bend without actually deforming and as such would return back to how it was before the bend; while fake cards would remain bent as they were not made using the same card stock; this test is not as effective on modern cards because of a change in card stock several years ago the company made in order to reduce overhead costs and increase profit on sales; Learning is fun
I own a shit load of fake cards, including a fake alpha lotus, and that shit looks fake to me
World exploration\story>challenge
meme card, not worth 30 grand.
one-time mana source is only useful if you happen to draw it in the early game and nobody will ever run 4 of these.
it's called a game because there is gameplay
if you want a story, watch a movie
Have sex
Lotus is only usable in 0 banlist formats, in which the game is most likely over on turn 1 or 2 anyway so... seems pretty good to me
Did someone say EDH?
Post your EDs.
with you ;)
I'm casual as fuck and don't pay much attention to the meta, but three mana can put you ahead immensely. Competitive one-on-one games can be decided by turn four or five. There's a reason why that card was restricted and then banned.
>one-time mana source is only useful if you happen to draw it in the early game and nobody will ever run 4 of these.
No one will ever run four of these because it's banned in every format except vintage, where you get to run 1.
Lotus is retardedly busted and if you don't understand how then you're an idiot. Even anti-artifact, Null rod decks still want to run lotus. That's how fucking busted it is. If your entire experience of MTG is Arena, then yes, you have no idea how good fast mana is. There's a reason even in casual EDH games, a Turn 1 Sol ring makes you an immediate target.
Depending on the format, games can be over on turn 1 or 2. If the games last longer than that its only because strong enough answers have been printed to answer cards like lotus, not that lotus isn't busted.
The dude in OP pic is literally doing a fake check, you utter retard.
multiplayer brawl in arena when wizards
>No one will ever run four of these because it's banned in every format
Yeah, that's totally the only problem. Nothing to do with the rarity or prohibitive costs associated, no sir.
>Lotus is retardedly busted
Yeah, when I have 14 lands out and I draw this card and get a free 3 mana that I can only use once, that's SUPER busted. Totally justifies the money I could have spent on a new car.
I agree there is nothing wrong with playing the easiest mode.
vintage games are actually very grindy. you might say oh well I'm playing storm so I CAN win on turn 1/2, but your opponent is doing everything they can to stop that, packing mental misteps, FoW, mana drain, and shit to slow you down in general.
decks in formats that allow lotus rarely play more than 10 lands, with over half being fetches. glad to hear that you think you'd ever have 14 out.
You could build a good Charbelcher or Ravager Affinity deck 10 or 20 times over for the cost of that one card, if "format" is the only thing that matters to you
I'll consider easy mode for some games. But I know that some games will lock out some story content to easy mode players, which can be irritating.
vintage tournaments typically are unsanctioned and have very liberal proxy rules so that people can actually participate in them. Legacy tournaments near me do the same. So cost really isn't an issue
Really been enjoying Elsha lately, probably my #2 after Gitrog Monster
spotted the 1%er
Yeah, I remember channel/fireball. How else could a turn one Black Lotus have won in a turn or two when that was an actual playing card and not something traded like fucking stocks? I got started shortly before Ice Age. Saw a Black Lotus in the display case at my local game store for $300 and thought it was hilarious that a card could be so expensive. Wish I bought it then. Wish I kept all my Tempest Lotus Petals, too. I used to have like 5 of them.
I'm very poor, and would never ask or suggest that anyone ever spend a dime on this game. But I also wouldn't let some dumbass paywall stop them from playing high power formats, which are the only fun ones.
I'm a timmy and I'm salty about counterspells.
Lotus Petal only recently started to climb, and it's like $8.
yea there is literally nothing wrong with being a little bitch
Where is the /card/ board?
no he's not
Depends on the game.
No card is worth paying more than double digit dollars, but it's one of the best cards in the game, retard
You're even dumber than the people who keep asking about progenitus
For the most expensive cards I would advice other methods anyway. It's quite a shame if something happens and you accidentally crease it.
There is like 20 books worth of so called story and even more which you have to "explore" yourself by putting the various cards of each set into context and fill the gaps.
I'm trying to be sarcastic but while I don't keep up with the overarching story or really care, the later part is one of my greatest pleasures with this game.
>nothing wrong
I would argue that you are only wrong if the easiest difficulty is not the default difficulty as designed by the game developer(s). Any experience outside of the original crafted one is a perversion of the effort needed to progress through the game and would be "wrong".
I say this because in many cases the difficulty slider in game is more of a tedium slider. Making the enemies do more damage or take less damage or inflated health bars does not make a game more difficult and the core mechanics are all the same. If you can dodge an attack from something by pressing buttons, or get a hit in on an enemy when they are vulnerable, it really doesn't matter what the damage outputs of those are. Racing games tend to introduce more rubber-banding more the AI or less for the player. These are cheap gimmicks that don't introduce any more challenge or obstacles for the player to learn and overcome.
I'd like to see difficulty sliders add/subtract additional behaviors for AI enemies, or introduce additional simultaneous win conditions, or modify character or enemy movement and interaction mechanics. To me, that would be actually make a game more difficult.
most adventure/action games expect the player to go through some sort of hardship as a form of character building. if it's not at least a little bit hard, it's a glorified sightseeing tour with annoying interruptions. just go look at Google Earth if you want to look at things.
The wrong comes in when you expect people to respect you for it.
Also own Purphoros and just finished Ghired.
>But I also wouldn't let some dumbass paywall stop them
Do you even understand how the concept of money works, or are you a literal Untouchable?
>dude, lotus is nothing
One of the first cards ever banned due to how powerful it is, and it's nothing to you? You must be new to the game.
let's say I would start with this arena shit today, is it possible to catch up for free?
And what do you get in the beginning? Is it possible to build a proper deck?
Playing on easy mode is fine if you come back and play it on a harder mode later; just rushing through it on easy and dropping the game is a waste
What if you're so bad at the game that it's still hard on easy mode?
Why do people care about the black lotus anyways? Its a bit of fucking printed cardboard.
Cool to know, thanks knowledge user, I'd still go for a safer method if it was something as expensive as a Lotus
>trading card games
>literal pay2win
I once considered buying a la carte yu-gi-oh cards to build a relatively cheap burn deck. Ultimately just stopped playing.
eeee? easy modo?
how lame! only kids play in easy mode.
It's very possible to win with cheaper decks. For a while, a Modern deck called Jund, which costs around $2,000 to build, was seen as a joke because of how easy it was to beat.
Depends on the game. Some are designed for the challenge, some are designed for the narrative, some are designed for other reasons. Combat, comedy, whatever.
I choose Easy for games I'm not initially interested in. I might up the difficulty later on or for another play through if I like it.
>For the most expensive cards I would advice other methods anyway
its the most common and safest way to test a lotus actually.
Playing on the easiest difficulty is LITERALLY RAPING the developer/creator views just to let turbocasuals and manchildren be able to clear a game so they can pretend to be part of something where they don't belong
Remember when commander was supposed to be a casual game where you build silly decks?
I wish I had people to play commander with. I tried my lgs but they were try hards.
>meanwhile at WotC
its so boring though
>I tried my lgs but they were try hards.
you're not going to find anything else sadly.
I had one friend that made some meme decks he balanced against eachother.
Most fun I ever had.
as long as you don't say
>2 ez
and complain
Used to have a group of friends that play but we went separate ways. I only got to play my human tribal karona deck like once.
Everything is Czikszentmihalyi challenge when you have Czikszentmilow ability
You're right. There's nothing inherently wrong with it. Doesn't mean people won't see you as a pathetic degenerate though who cries when a little challenge gets thrown in their face and they have to adapt.
where the video games at???
you know your word is worthless if you don't even say why you think it's fake
Nothing wrong with easy mode, but hard more lets you get more from the game.
While often to truly authenticate a card the best method is a jewelers loupe, it is not a tool most people have at the ready with them at any given time; While I personally wouldn't bend test any of my more expensive singles I understand how and why some people would subject them to the test when purchasing and selling such high end cards when other tests are not available or feasible; learning sure is a good time
you sure got me
Can anybody help me figure out a card I used to have?
It was a white card of two dudes wrestling or beating the shit out of each other and the effect was something like if you had 50 hp you automatically win
It's a flagrantly fake card.
Have you even seen a real mtg card in person, before?
Look at how fucking wrong the reflectivity of OP's card is.
Improper glossing is the #1 quickest way to tell a fake by eye.
Also the bend test only works on rebacked cards.
For starters, fakes are very to get today, so the reckless treatment makes me think this one. The white boarder fakes I have are are also glossy, which the lotus in the picture also looks.
Plus, bend test only separates from the worst of fakes. Here's a picture bending a fake volcanic all the way back, and it has no signs of wear from that
I've never played commander/edh before but I made a deck with her the other day because I like making a shit ton of tokens.
Damn boy you a hairy motherfucker
You have literally no reason to ever play Valkyrie Profile on anything but hard mode because there's content locked behind it and the game is barely any harder anyway, so that's at least one game where you'd be wrong for playing on easy.
Those GIANT eggs came out of a GIANT dinosaur vagina
Test of Endurance.
There's a cycle of one card in each color with a similar effect.
there's nothing wrong with it but unless it's your first vidya ever it's gonna get boring quickly for most people if they're barely having to focus and still breezing through it
Thanks dude.
Always thought it was kind of a cool card cuz it implied you could gain more hp than you start with but it'd be difficult to since it's an autowin
It's the card that kinda made me respect MtG because even despite not knowing the rules it showed me that the game had a lot of depth just from a glance at this single card's text
I'm painfully aware.
Reptiles actually have Cloaca's and not vaginas; The more you know
It's normal for those with measurable testosterone levels.