Start playing Greedfall

Start playing Greedfall

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Other urls found in this thread:

Where the fuck do I even get the rest of the fucking Metal Dowels to fix this niggers table?
Where do I even get the fucking Ore to make them?
I can't even buy anymore since I bought them both and I need 4

Give ME Aphra wife!

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What the hell is greedfall? No I'm not googling it. You're the one persuading me to play it.

Theres a bunch in a chest in the pub, just take a sidedoor and up the stairs or around that area you can find a bunch

>soundtrack is shit
>brain too mushy to think of songs to listen to while playing

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What! Did YOU find dowels IN tavern side room ON trash pile user! (Did you! Did you!)

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>pirate it
>niggers everywhere
>uninstall it


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literally this (did you did you)

Don't play Greedfall.

Play UnderRail, MHW: Iceborne, Astral Chain or Demon X Machina. And then on October 25th play The Outer Worlds.

already did
enjoying it so far

>explore the naut area in new seren early
>no idea wtf I'm doing, I'll just KO everyone
>do vasco quest later
>everyone is still KO'd/dead
>wtf why did you hurt them?!
I-I'm sorry.

>play The Outer Worlds

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>the outer worlds

Thats a yikes. Trusting obsidian at this point is like openly admitting youre a retard

>The Outer Worlds

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Spoilers ahead:

Just finished The Prince's Secret when the doctor reveals Constantin's condition. I spared Kurt but then he fucking killed himself. What the fuck? Now I can't finish his side quest.

I'll pirate it

Load and finish his quest NOW.

>Have to repair bells for the town so I can gain their trust
>Have to repair the bels but I dont have any points in craftsmanship
>Kurt says he can help me out
>He doesn't
What the fuck do I do, I won't get any talent points for 3 more levels.

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Are there consequences when you take money from counters or lockpick chests?

Also I saw this fucking guide and it says to have Kurt in your team to convince guards? Did I fuck something up?

What! Give ME Underrail AND give ME Iceborne AND give ME Astral Chain AND give ME Daemon X Machina BUT do NOT give ME Outer Worlds user BECAUSE Obsidian DID remove wifes IN Deadfire user AND Deadfire DID have BAD wifes AND it DID have BAD wifes story user AND wife anons do NOT buy wife games TO have wifes leave IN ending user AND Obsidian DID say Outer Worlds does NOT have ANY wifes user SO Obsidian IS poop AND Deadfire IS poop AND Outer Worlds IS poop user! You ARE a GOOD user anon BUT do NOT give ME Outer Worlds user! (Do not! Do not!)

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Literally none. You can do it infront of people and they dont give a shit

I am princess da sard day and u will give me your life savings or I will tell my cousin on you

It was paused to wait for him to "discover" something new. I figured I needed to progress the main story more to enable it. I had a save just before so we're good.

But I've been a proper citizen! I'm no thug that steals from others.


BASED pirateman.

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Do you even [Charisma]?

Was the game's anti-Christianity really necessary?

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who needs diplomacy when I have two handed swords, stasis, and guns

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based valerieposter

Do NOT worry user Theleme is NOT Christianity user SO it IS okay user do NOT worry user it IS okay user! (It is! It is!)

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Finally some Greedfall memes

I attempted that fucking pop quiz with Aloysius like 5 times before I realized Siora being there makes him attack you no matter what

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Religion is almost never portrayed positively in games. If a religion is shown to be a good thing, it is probably some sort of polytheistic sex cult.

You have the stink of natives about you, even bring one of the demon worshippers with you and you want to pass by an inquisitor?

Gonna pirate it tonight. It better be at least passable, Yea Forums.

Were the natives always going to be Celts?
I distinctly remember an older trailer where the natives looked like Caribbeans.

>Greedfall is actually about greed's fall
Who could've thought

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Nah. The hats put me off from the game

someone need to photoshop the heads of a bunch of de sardines into a pack of sardines

>Anti-Christian because it has direct connections to colonial Christian groups forcefully converting natives to Christianity
That's like saying movies about Nazis are anti-German.

Any way to learn native language.
Im tired of spying on people being fucking useless

Dont wear one then

Wonder if the astroturfing is being handled inhouse or if they hired outside help for it.

The one you start with looks fuckin stupid but then I got a nice one with a feather in it and I never take it off

Is this a Piranha Bytes game clone? I got a lot of Risen 2/3 vibes from the trailer. Those games sucked.
How does it compare to Elex?

Did YOU know that YOUR formulaic answers ARE not CUTE user! (They arent! They arent!)

Keep it up anyway

Can you get more memory crystals? I'm not happy with my current build.

how is the gameplay? All I've seen are pretty screenshots

they're a small company, they probably do it themselves

You faggots infected me with De Sardines so much I can't remember what is an actual name of the protag, fuck.

As someone who likes Gothic/Risen but wasn't a big fan of Skyrim/Witcher, would I like this game?

>Do an Ancient Secret since it seems like the 'basic' Main Quest
>Complete it
>Find out I'm a native and Constantin has the Malichor, the Coin Guard stage a revolt and Kurt fucking blows his own brains out in the space of ten minutes

what the fuck

is this the endgame all of a sudden? Have I just screwed myself out of a shitload of sidequests? There was zero warning shit was going to hit the fan this hard, all at once.

i'm trying to be positive about the game but it's crappy

What! Do NOT worry user it IS okay user BECAUSE wifes AND flesh women DO say ME cute! (They do! They do!)

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It'll take a lot of time to get to actual bosses. So cheat engine.

It's your typical Action RPG melee combat. Don't be a mage though shit is fucked

The Coin Guard might just be the most corrupt military I've ever seen. Seems like nearly every soldier is either a criminal or covering for one.

Nigger, load and finish your shit before that.

Give ME coin guard wife!

They're more retarded than Theleme and BA, and that's something to achieve.

Fucking game breaking bug just turned the game from wonderful to shit for me. Last save is four hours earlier. And I don't even know what the problem is so perhaps even going back four hours and doing it all again won't help. That's the bad side of eurojank.

it's nothing like PB games imo
it reminds me of a slightly less shitty (but still not very good) Dragon Age Inquisition

I mean, I have. WAY BACK. But most games give a 'this is the point of no-return warning', even if a subtle one. Or at least the mission that triggers them is made out to be a huge deal. Or it's the result of a story path that natural makes that mission out to be an obvious conclusion.

This just fucking happened. I'm kind of in-shock.

Which bug
So far all bugs I've met were just me being retarded

I've just arrived to the island.
Can I smoke every Bridges towelhead I meet?

When does Siora's second quest pop up? Everyone else's has.

>killed high king
>not over yet
Well fug, this is going places.

What's wrong with you brainlets, who the fuck progresses MQ without finishing all SQs first?

pretty sure its just based on the number of main quests completed
I did ancient secret stuff first and nothing happened except constantin looking sick but saying he's fine

Let me help you. Astral chain, machina, gal gun pixies, autistically draw everything and triple triad every npc multiple times in ff8. That should easily get you through september till dragon quest and IOs titty simulator.

Can't advance the quest where you have to meet the council of the natives if the quest "The Prince's secret" didn't start before that.

Man, I just did quests naturally, with a little side-tracking for interesting SQ's. I was waiting for Siora's second quest to pop up, so I figured I needed to advance the main plot a bit more. Wasn't expecting that hot mess.

>tfw the second ending is basically RENOUNCE YOUR GODS
I can't take it serious.

>was going to romance Kurt because I don't like the native girl
>finish his questline ages ago and got nothing
>figured it might trigger later
>turns out I didn't pick the right option at the start so I got locked out of the whole thing

Guess my character is staying a pure virgin waifu

Don't let your dick guide you, renaigse.

Should've play more bioware games.

It still is guiding me. It just needs to hang on a bit while I do everyone else's SQ's and stop Kurt from blowing his brains out. I'm assuming that's possible, and not something locked to happen.

I want to fuck Siora. I don't want to fuck Siora with Kurt's corpse staring at me judgementally.

what game lets me decline the rendezvous?

A real life.

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Local romances aren't worth it, believe me. Take you time and listen to your brain.

>no option to disable this film grain filter

i'm not that interested in the boring story and setting to muster enough strength to play trough the extremely bad combat and overall feeling controls
why the fuck are they trying to do real time to begin with ? it feels like shit to play and i hate it

Don't bully autistic seaman.

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>wanting to disable any film grain filters

>not playing an rpg for a story
Go back to jrpgs.

fitgirl skidrow or hoodlum?

Repacks will give your PC mustard gas.

Imagine how Constantin would have been if that arab fuck didnt plague him

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I looked into it a bit and apparently the prince's secret should trigger right after the ancient ruins quest which I did literally at the start of the whole game so my 4 hours old save is worthless too. I have been fucked since tuesday evening. Fucking hell. I guess I'll wait until they got a few patches out before starting playthrough number 2.

this game unironically looks like a early 360 game
has good intentions but the gameplay looks rough as fuck

Honestly, after everything, it's only natural for you to become the local big guy.

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Souls like or...?

Is Outward better than Greedfall?
both of them looks like eurojank

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>all party members follow you during the final mission
Pure fucking kino

Which stage of the ancient ruins? I've got a save right before the boss right now, am I still good?

What games let me attempt to corrupt?

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Bridge Alliance tm is known for such interesting dialogue options.

seriously what the fuck is up with repacks
did Russia introduce bandwidth quotas?
up until about a year or two they were a mercifully forgotten thing and now they're everywhere again
even my private tracker is allowing that trash now

Definitely not shitrow


You don't belong here christcuck

Well I don't know what caused the whole thing to bug out so I don't know. All I know is that the prince's secret never started for me after finishing ancient ruins.

What the fuck is all over his face

An ancient curse.

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t. cuck

I'm interested but I want to play it on my couch if possible. How's the PS4 version?

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Fucking games are 130GB now. Takes third world bros probably two weeks to download that.

So how does this game play? Is it turn-based, real-time? Is their a level up system? What game would you say that it's like? I'm on the fence about buying it versus Underrail

Can I satisfy my colonist conquistador fetish with this game? Like slaying heathens and filling savage women with my seed?

RTwP but honestly you don't need pause at all if you're not a gamepadcuck.

Makes your penis stand tall


Most of them are.

It's similar to DA:I


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>So how does this game play?
Feels like a mix between bioware games when they were still good and gothic.
>Is it turn-based, real-time?
Real time.
>Is their a level up system?
>What game would you say that it's like?
See above.

don't turn this into a blasphomy thread faggots. No one wants you here, now wack off about your shit elsewhere while we talk about video games.

Why is this shilling not being criticized?


Borderlands 3 thread is 2 blocks down

Literally everyone shills on here now. However, I can totally understand why small devs would. Fuck the AAA companies that do it though.

Can someone sell me on this game? All I ever see about it is cinematic posing screenshots like your image or in joke shitposting.

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Can't, playing Technomancer.
I kinda fucking love it?????

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Fuck you, Badassâ„¢

I like shills.

Is the story any good?

I don't play flavor of the day shit games.

It's pretty kino.

it's kind of an ugly middle ground between dragon age (inquisition) button holding and witcher 3 dodge/parry - you can definitely god parry win every battle once you get used to like old assassin's creed games

>Daemon x Machina

that's a nope from me pal


Give ME Niesha wife!

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>you can definitely god parry win every battle once you get used to like old assassin's creed games
Dude, stasis + gun literally makes the game easy as fuck.

Holy shit you have terrible taste

If fun watching them earn their 5cents/post or something
ask some question about their stupid fuckin game and watch them earnestly type some shit and then you can call them name and watch them seethe

standard melee focused action RPG stuff, i don't know how to describe it
there's no stamina bar
you have two followers
you can attack, stagger, dodge, parry, you have spells and a gun as sidearm

Listen to some 2pac or some sheeeeeit nigga


most third world country i've been to is Jordan, and they had 30 megabit connections, that's not terrible

>gun as sidearm
Can you gun as mainarm?

Jesus Christ how fucking sensitive are you people? Greedfall's religious groups are a depiction of Spain's tendency to desecrate and destroy religious sites, practices, and rituals.
This is not something they did in south America alone, they did the same thing in countries like the Netherlands where Protestantism was punishable by being burned to death in public.

Spain was known for having ruthless Christian groups coming out of the movements that reconquered Spain from Islamic groups, you see them in a lot of games and movies, and it's almost never about directly challenging Christianity, just part of some of history's most dangerous sects which has always been a popular theme in western entertainment.

>Spanish conquests good!

I didn't make a judgement call about the Spanish conquests, but we can't deny the ecnomienda system, smallpox killing 1/4th to 2/4th of the country, and the brutal destruction of these native cultures that not even the tripple alliance dared to do.

Tripple alliance was fucking garbage and Aztec culture was ruthless, but saying that the Spanish made these places jolly to live in is fucking dumb, that's like saying that Germany going from HItler to the DDR was a great thing because the Russians killed their dictator after all.

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>black in white face
This is highly problematic.
>play casualised monster hunter or nuobshitian trash

Is it wise to go guns/swords/magic or am I spreading my points too thin?
The cringe is real

renounce your gods

No need for swords when magic has a melee

Watched some gameplay videos on youtube. Why does the fighting look so boring?

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renounce your perks

>we just got a get a little money, and then we'll be sucking on mangoes in Teer Fradee Arthor

>why is this game that released within the last two days being discussed!?
Quit getting so hysterical and give it a week.

Im not religious and I wanted to tell the guy but he scared me so badly I charisma'd myself out of it.

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Because you're supposed to play it yourself you stupid zoomzoom.

Kurt betrays the coin guard instead if you're bros

He's actually a pretty nice guy who doesn't mind to burn a person or two for you. Literally.

Based Chad Spaniards

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Because you shouldn't be fighting, you're a ambassador not a nigger.

god i love the fashion in this game
loving my gloves of steel magic punch and dodge lad
shooting projectiles is for women tho
having no facial hair in this time period is also a mark of a sissy

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I'm from the Pyrenees and Spanish people are not based.

>White man BAD
>colonisation BAD
As expected of frenchie cucks.

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No outward is shit. Greedfall is junk but has soul

are you retarded?

When the Saint of your religion ends up getting
So he incorporates it into his own

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Where the fuck is Aphra? I wanted to get all 5 companions before I started doing side quests and I figured she would just be in the palace of her nation like Petrus was

I don't care what race you are, but colonisation is pretty damn bad yeah.

show me your sardines

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She's part of the main malichor quest

Hikmet main quest
Find the lost scholars/expedition
Should be after the first set of MQs

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thanks friends

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Mai de salami

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No worries I had the same problem. Tbf I found her cute and picked her over greasy celt puss

yeah but greatswords are cool though. I've been going 1handed Sword/Ranged Magic and it's worked pretty well so far.

What's good about occupying another country against their will, even if said culture eventually decides that it is ok? You still occupy a country through conquest and then live off of its resources. You also take advantage of that country or people's weaker position and their less advanced culture to rob them.
It's also not very ethical to forcefully make a peoples advance in a few decades what your own continent got 1600 years to do.

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True, post-Franco Spaniards are cucks

Colonization is objectively a good thing.

It's that dog...

*blocks your path*

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If Spaniards are so great then why all their former colonies are 3rd world shitholes?

>he doesnt wear the jewish hat of maximum gains

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Survival of the fittest, faggot

>30 hours long

aaaand dropped

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Seriously why are French studios gigacucked?

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I tried, it's too narrative focused and the combat is meh.

gonna play that 2d souls-like instead.

>the first faction to arrive on the island, and that is in outright war with the natives is the Achmed Acme Alchemists Alliance Incorporated full of turban wearing browns
>natives are mostly white

Your excellency!

Not enough fetch quests for you, aimico?

you'd be wiped out

i decided to try out stasis right before doing this quest
poor guy didnt stand a chance

didn't like it
>astral chain
>demom x machina
saw a gameplay demo a while ago and remember it looked like shit so no
>outer worlds
i'm only willing to give monhun a try because i haven't played any of the games and it looks fun

play KCD right now, it's the best eurojank game.

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Oy vey! Your mother signed the contract goy, your souls belong to us now!

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believe me, that's not a jewish hat

i know, im just calling it that cuz it gives +25% loot chance

Yeah mostly to the people doing it, are you seriously suggesting that forcefully taking control of a less developed peoples economic, political, social, AND religious life is justified, even extorting and killing these people which is entirely out of place with common rule back in your own country, because said peoples will eventually catch up with you?

Why not trade with these peoples? Why not show them the ropes in trade of compensation?

Yes it is, it has 25% bonus loot stat

What did you expect?

>Yeah mostly to the people doing it, are you seriously suggesting that forcefully taking control of a less developed peoples economic, political, social, AND religious life is justified, even extorting and killing these people which is entirely out of place with common rule back in your own country, because said peoples will eventually catch up with you?

>Why not trade with these peoples? Why not show them the ropes in trade of compensation?

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Top jej

what kind of rebuttal is this

Uplifting savages is based, tranny

it feels like a less polished witcher 2/3

and im not crazy about the combat system

oh i didn't know that
jewish hats are just taller and completely black, sometimes i see them walking around with giant wool cylinders too

>what kind of rebuttal is this

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>Having empathy and foresight

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This scene is very interesting to me. It's almost as if the main character feels bad that he is about to finish this beast off. Really makes you think.

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>what are reservations

you are bringing the pain with your absolutely overpowered punches of mystic powers right?

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>this is how American liberals say colonization was, even though that's not how American colonization was, but instead Spanish colonization
>Spaniards doing a holocaust or two means all colonization efforts that ever happened were exactly like that

Nah, I'm rocking out with my cock out and slicing niggas up

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You can't expect sjws to actually be able to think. They just do what they are told.

>playing a mage
>dude pulls out a gun despite being unable to equip them

Goddamn that annoyed me.

>arguing that reservations are good

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good choice of companions my guy
best bro Kurt and native qt Siora

i tried but its horribly optimized. it was making my cpu go nuts

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Kinda disappointed that the game forces you to be a good boy and play nice with the natives, at least as far as i have played. i hope it will let me choose the path of Light further down the line and let me spread the faith by force.

I agree. There should be no reservations. Finish the job.

They're not bad, but they probably shouldn't exist. Probably would've been better overall to just integrate them into the rest of society.

I actually really like Greedfalls setting don't get me wrong, despite being the user bitching about how bad colonialism is ITT, I like that you can sort of decide to treat the natives badly if you want, but there's still a red line that doesn't really care about your allegiances, pro-natives or pro colonial rule, it doesn't really matter when it comes to being a diplomat.

A good game with factions gives people the illusions that they have control, and offers enough content where the person can side with his favorite faction, but still challenges the player by blurring the lines and making things a lot more plural than they first seem to be.

I don't know exactly why but I've truly fallen in love with Greedfall's story, the natives truly do feel like a bunch of violent savages until you get to know them better, but that goes for pretty much every faction in this game. It's mostly about trying to retain order in the wild west, and even you as a diplomat tend to get bogged down by personal allegiances, especially when you have to make decisions after the obvious reveal about your character.

>Mev "kinda scares" Kurt
Dude, get your shit together.


Is the Alchemist worth Arresting?
Was he a good guy or not?

one day someone is gonna smash your fucking face in so hard you'll need your jaw stapled back onto your head you disgusting gross little faggot. I hope you have AIDS or something. you're absolutely disgusting

Filthy scamming hypocrite. Send his ass to the brigg

MC really has a Superman complex, doesn't he(she). He even has the cocky pose.

Which one
Yes, arrest

>b-but they were doing bad things so it's only fair that I do bad things too
Fuck him

anyone else really surprised by the quality of the soundtrack?
im especially digging the more native tracks like this one and the one you hear when you reach Dorgred

The one at the start?
Later down the line you find out that he was telling the truth about the university being fucking monstrous

Every criminal has a story to tell about why their crime was super legit and everyone is just out to get them. Either way his method is shit. He's not recording the affects, he has no way to control and observe his patients. He has no parameters.

Though I'm sure there's some ending slide where sparing him meant a few thousand people were saved, just to spite me.

Excuse you.

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>modern ideas of sanitation
holy fuck user

based autist
outer worlds is gonna be shit

Then don't. They're really fucking retards.

He just wanted to create a cure

The baby crying in the cities is the exact same sound at the baby cry in fallout 3 intro.
Overall still pretty N I C E

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That cocky pose is that of a nobleman. It's an upright posture as taught by his superiors growing up as a child. To stand tall and proud.

You completely misunderstand the game, you are a diplomat and your task is to keep the island from falling apart due to all the scheming, backstabbing, theft, extortion, threats of war, and coups that are going on.
It's essentially the wild west at this early stage of colonialism and you're the sheriff/detective/butcher.

If you can just say fuck it and get to fully support whatever faction you want, you're a shit diplomat and the island turns into a battlefield, why would the game ever let you do that?

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Where are all the legendaries people have found. I found a legendary two hander after beating the arena boss.

Good taste

The ends don't justify the means in this case

Soundtrack isn't exactly groundbreaking or anything, but the environments, with the atmosphere and music are a good mix.

I want to kiss Valerie poster.

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I really hate the track that plays while sneaking, desperately trying to make the buggy stealth sections exiting.

I see.

Do not use my puffy wife to say these terrible things.

yeah thats what i meant i guess, those 3 things mix well and make it pretty enjoyable

>tfw all party members are simultaneously making this gesture
I think it's contagious.

French studios are cucked as hell. They'd never allow you to do that

She's mine, homo. What are you going to do about it?

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How is the conquistador game?
Is it good?

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I mean, the potions aren't even harmful. And I won't arrest him so they can lynch him later.

Tell her that you want to kiss some smelly 500 pound weirdo on a mongolian throat singing forum.

>why are these renaigse standing like this
>is this a symbol of respect
>or a part of their weird traditions
>I probably should stand like this too

>this line
Fucking red flags everywhere.

You'll figure it out the more you play, the game is really heavy on showing how everything is a massive clusterfuck one step away from war, most quests are about rolling up dangerous groups or stopping illegal trade.

Man, greedfall is such a good [videogame] I am having such a great time playing this [videogame] who is your favorite character in this [videogame]?

You can watch while I pound your wife Holo balls deep, okay? When I splurt inside of her, maybe she'll allow you to clean her out.

Attached: kmii.jpg (575x800, 307K)

>Are we supposed to do the dance we practiced now?

I put every skill point into two handed swords

What do i respec into to have fun?

I love clueless innocent Siora

I just asked and she says she doesn't know you, and she thinks you wanting to kiss that guy is pretty gay.

I want to show Siora some noble customs, if you catch my drift.

Of course. Literal punch wizards are my favourite.

You pick up someone that shreds armor and you pair that with the two handed swords.

Or you just respec mage and use two handed hammers, because they're braindead. I'm considering it.


Is wanting to rape valeriefag gay? Raping another man to bring him down a few levels and take away his pride is the ultimate display of power.

magic, then use magic fists
nothing more satisfying than shooting 1-2 magic bolts at ur enemy then going nothing personnel kid on the enemy with an upgraded Shadow Impact and teleporting to them stacking the dmg ticks from missles and punch at the same time

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He's a snake oil salesmen with delusions of grandeur. The only thing he accomplished was lining his pockets.

Why is Daddy Petrus so perfect, bros?

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user, take your fucking cape off, you're under cover.

Just did the Coup and all quests I could find until then. 30h on the steam clock.
How far am I? 75%?

I don't think anyone finished it yet

Siora is great during that battle where you save her sister and discover the enemy soldier. It's kinda disappointing she's immediately back to normal after that. Haven't finished the game yet, maybe it gets better later on.

At least 15-20 more hours, buddy

im at 50 hours and just did the missing expedition
send help

Anything more /fa/ than this outfit?

Attached: GreedFall_2019-09-12_18-57-16.jpg (1141x985, 252K)

What the hell user

*teleports behind you* Nothing personnel, kid.

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Ok, how badly does this game let you fuck over the natives? Does it actually let you choose to commit to what I'm assuming are pro/anti native factions or does it just sort of push you into a pro native faction with the narrative after a bit of bullshit and call it a day?

You don't say.

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how long is the main story line? I cant find sidequsts everywhere, do i littearly have to go into every building in the 3 main cities


Pagan Thot Monsters

Attached: 2019-09-12 16_54_38-Greenshot.jpg (1920x1080, 896K)

>Kurt just shot himself in the head

what the fuck

>is wanting to kiss and have sex with another man gay?

Attached: yougay.jpg (750x502, 123K)

French studios are extremely SJW cucked

There's literally a cheevo for making all factions work together and being friends with all of them.

You seem irrationally mad at Valerie poster.

RELOAD YOU FUCK and finish his quest


what when what WHAT

if you dont dismantle shadow camp he is forced to betray you and then shoots himself

Honestly, how is the monster variety in this game? All i've seen are dog-like creatures, bats and some tree monsters

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I'm fine with that being a option, gotta please the diplomacy tards who think everything can always be solved with words words words because they're the super duper spechul protagonist. But if the options to favor certain factions over others and make one of them come out on top aren't well fleshed out because someones feelings might get hurt thats a no buy from me.

Maybe I want to kiss you instead. How about that?

To be fair, it's a super kino moment, and the parallels between the duel at the start and the fight are great.

Basically, after you do a certain number of Main Quests, everything hits the fucking fan all at once. You find out you're a native, Constantin finds out he has the Maligor, and the Coin Guard bust out a rebellion. If you're on good term with Kurt, but not blood brother terms, he'll kill himself after your duel with him if you don't finish him off, unwilling to directly betray the Coin Guard by siding with you, but unwilling to kill you either.

Pretty bad, but the mini bosses at least have same variety.
Also theres a bunch of different kinds of strong monsters. But for the weak monsters its just really not-bears, not-bats and not-boars.

I don't use kbm unless I can avoid it but this game somehow gets all my controller buttons wrong

Should I let the Smuggler out of the Jail?
I don't know if it would be good for my city to let a Smuggler run amok, but I did promise him.
Was there something I missed about him being a thief or murderer?

Sorry, I'm taken, and also not gay.

It's misleading.
There are actually quite a few (but some are obvious reskins/share animations) but it's nowhere near as low as some fags would have you believe.
It's just that the starter areas mainly have packs of the same black beardog thing and a notlizard making you think that's all you fight
Also, bulettes a cute

Attached: Bulette.jpg (1920x1080, 802K)

too much talking

It's more kino when he remains loyal to you.

words hard

i got bored and words hard

I mean, I prefer him being loyal (and reloaded to get it) but it's still a cool moment.

I give YOU Swamp MOMMY wife instead!

Attached: Swamp MOMMY.jpg (1920x1080, 311K)

Well, so far pretty much all cutscenes are pure kino in greedfall.

Gotta be honest, their previous games have been absolute trash, and not just trash but janky trash. Is this one actually worth playing? why?

Anyone? Surely someone must have played through enough endings to know if you can actually pick sides at the expense of the others or you just sort of get roped into helping the one faction that's clearly the 'good guys' no matter what.

>this is a supposedly beneficial nature guardian

>enough endings
game was released 2 days ago

So far
1.become gods ending with cousinbro

This is probably better than Technomancer and Bound by Flame, but I haven't got to the end yet so I don't know if it had the same problem where they run out of budget at the end and everything gets rushed.

Yes and?

become gods ending with cousinbro IS RENOUNCE YOUR GODS ending
Also a bad end

So the game plays heavy with religious themes? Huh, ok.

Better than Bound by Flame isn't saying much, that game was a generic uninspired mess with garbage combat. Technomancer was a bit better, but still had mountains of issues. Is the combat actually enjoyable this time around?

Are there only whites in this European game? Or have they shoved niggers into it?

post your favorite flavor of sardines

Attached: fishs.png (1920x1080, 3.89M)

Natives are white, continentals are brownish :^)
Also theres science technokingdom arabs

It plays with religion in the same sense that Narnia is basically a fantastical retelling of the story of Jesus. The gods and the magic are actually real, and the dogma has got it wrong. Discovering the island has made it obvious to a LOT of people that the dogma is wrong. The church decides the best course of action is a crusade and burning all blasphemers.

On Extreme it's fast, and playing with a two handed sword is fun. There's definitely ways to make the combat brain dead, though.

Literally everyone who plays videogames here HATES you and wishes you would just leave us alone.

In that user's defense his way of typing is really annoying.

This game looks bad and I'm not interested in it.
The trailers worked so hard to try and convince you this game wasn't a steaming pile of shit.
However after watching others play it for a couple hours, it is indeed, a steaming pile of shit.

>Yea Forums tells me to play the game
>google the factions
>literally all boring half assed ideas
>they're not really different nations as much as different combinations of occupations and jobs with 0 depth to them

Attached: e minor.jpg (480x360, 27K)

>after watching others play it for a couple hours
I'm afraid you are the steaming pile of shit, user.



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Game looks soulless af.
Is it ?

its not really the church but one part of it
Ordo Luminis are assholes

Yes, how foolish of me to investigate what the game, how it plays and what it really looks like, before blindingly throwing my money at it like a retard.
Consider suicide you sheep.

>call out the kotaku tranny for xis shit review
>he blocks me
>an army of trannies crawl out of the woodwork to bombard me with the "yikes, oof, umm sweetie" manure
>one of them says im a chump and, in literal quotation, "a no-pronouns-in-the-bio" chump

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>The first boss fight
I get the feeling I'm about to die and I'm supposed to lose


I've heard such mixed things about the combat so that's where most of my trepidation is.

you mean the tutorial one or the first boss on the island

Don't buy it, i bought and regret it.

>The church decides the best course of action is a crusade and burning all blasphemers.
Sounds like your standard Catholics bad story. This is a good thing, Catholics are idolators.

>The church decides the best course of action is a crusade and burning all blasphemers

Based church. Can you support them?

50hours in
still havent progressed main quest after village investigation/missing expedition


Shadow Impacting the shit around battlefield while teleporting like a maniac is actually a pretty fun way of playing, didn't expect that.

I actually have no idea where people are getting the 30-40 hours from unless they ignore all non main quests

Is it good?

Thank YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user!

What is the typical endgame level and the general amount of skill points you can get per playthrough?
Is it enough for full fledged hybrids?

Have the Coin Guard chimped out yet?

Can I kiss YOU?

>reddit space
>le deus vult is epic
checks out

No. Too expensive atm.

I won't touch it from the voice acting alone. It really pisses me of when the audio is low quality trash and Mr.BurlyBigBeard sounds like he is voiced by a 12 year old, cringe.

They'd have been better off hiring 2-3 people doing it right and making them be everyone oblivion style instead of letting timmy the neighbor over for a free recording session.

So do I have to repair my armor at some point?
Right now I have 2 and a half shields, do I always have that damage reduction or will I have to fix it some point?

I am male!

Looking at the one promotional video they have of that play style I could swear some of those animations were taken straight out of Black Desert onlines Sorceress class.

17 hours in, too bad I can't sink in more this weekend.

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What difficulty should I play on?

That's fine. Would you not like that? I am male too.

"No!". His Research Book proves that he's legit, the Letter From the Friend confirms his story. If the Ambassador of the Bridge is confronted, he admits lying to you about his underlying motive.


Take your fag shit to /soc/ or /lgbt/

you have asimilated with the local culture right Sardine?

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im tired of dogshit "rpgs" with checklist infodump dialogue lists. youd have to pay me to play one from the scam artists that this particular studio is. they make nothing but derivative, inferior janky garbage

>50 hours in
>game was released 3 days ago

get a life

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does this get me free +3 rep with the alliance tho
cuz if not that nigger alchemist is going to the stocks

no thank you

>Paganism true, Christianity false

Attached: Soy reddit.png (594x582, 41K)

I don't think so Tim

Yeah im running around the island exploring and helping settle all kinds of things, its addicting.

not yet

Seething atheistranny

Just started, seems alright
Kinda what modern BioWare games try to be

Which girl has a better romance?
Or they are both shit?

Somebody give me a quick rundown on this

Old-school Bioware-style colonial fantasy RPG


Oh wait

More like
>Christianity was founded on paganism, haha whoops better erase that little mistake with the BIGGEST eraser we got, haha

can i move the camera around while pausing please

>it's the /Loot Variety/ episode

Attached: GreedFall 2019-09-13 01-32-31-51.jpg (1920x1080, 244K)

>not Creedfall
What a shit title. No thank you.

Thanks for saving me the time of actually playing it. Sounds like trash with a railroaded story.

>if you don't wanna suck Heyzeus' cock you're a liberal tranny
shoo shoo, GOP fossil


o lawd she comin

Attached: GreedFall 2019-09-12 20-24-26-54.jpg (3840x2160, 2.8M)


stop farming brigands

you fucking apes are really getting on my nerves
talk about the fucking game not ur reddit tier politics

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So, did the spiders finally did it?
Did they struck gold and we gonna see their games finally having good animations and melee combat?

This bitch was easy though.

>that quest about rights to ownership of a forest
>and then the mine nearby
I have never ran back and forth so many times for pieces of paper

Does the hoodlum version have the day one patch?


no but they are improving with each release, this is their best eurojank yet

what does the day 1 patch include?

Speaking of Eurojank, Was Elex actually any good? I never got around to playing that one.

A few people have mentioned there's a bug with one of the magic talents that messes up the attack speed buffs does anyone know what specific talent that is?

>improving with each release
Personally I hate Mars War Logs higher than Bound By Flame. BBF was just so blatantly unfinished.

Give ME new mommy Jehanne game! Give ME new mommy Jehanne wifes! (Give me! Give me!)

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Can I make a QT barefoot gril character? Like as a joke haha

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you have companions to tank for you so it sounds viable, but i imagine it would be extremely boring

Yeah Bound by Flame was unplayable trash. Technomancer was almost good, Mars War Logs was playable trash.

Why aren't YOU playing as a plague doctor, anons?

Attached: GreedFall_2019-09-12_19-47-54.jpg (2123x1305, 590K)

when does the game get good

>2 (two) groups

Hell, they don't even respawn! The the alley boys were the only ones I killed. The majority of these came from chests.

Can you fuck Petrus?

What white religion? I hope you're not talking about the one brought to Europe from Kazakhstan by swarthy shitskin invaders

>The genetic basis of a number of physical features of the Yamnaya people were ascertained by the ancient DNA studies conducted by Haak et al. (2015), Wilde et al. (2014) and Mathieson et al. (2015): they were genetically tall (phenotypic height is determined by both genetics and environmental factors), overwhelmingly dark-eyed (brown), dark-haired and had a skin colour that was moderately light, though somewhat darker than that of the average modern European.[26][5]

When you get to New Serene

Everyone seems bland compared to Petrus i wish i could take based Constantin with me.

apparently it was, since future school shooters like yourself still feel the need to post le ebin pepe memes are still are on "le ebin crusaders" power trips.
incels like you need to be bullied in literally every aspect of media you consume.

tough it out, weirdo. survival of the fittest and all that, aren't you acne faced nazi cucks all over that shit?

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Siora > Kurt > Petrus > Vasco > Aphra

Cringiest post on Yea Forums right now


but can you though?

Turn the other cheek so I can slap you like a bitch and fuck your wife cuckboy. Your slave religion demands you treat me like a superior.

old earth god and his dumbass children had it coming.

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Based post





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can i subjugate the natives yes or no?

Is this game better than Outward?

fuck the church for persecuting the masons

is that the dude from vikings? whats he doing in this game?

god damn this is a nice sword, and so easy to get too

Attached: Screenshot_10.png (691x615, 453K)

>apparently it was, since future school shooters like yourself still feel the need to post le ebin pepe memes are still are on "le ebin crusaders" power trips. >incels like you need to be bullied in literally every aspect of media you consume.

>tough it out, weirdo. survival of the fittest and all that, aren't you acne faced nazi cucks all over that shit?

Attached: pure.jpg (700x734, 107K)

It wasn't a review it was an "impression." Which I think is the really fundamentally idiotic thing about the article, that 10 hours in to a 30-40 hour game the writer is bitching that it's not coalescing into some kind of anticolonial payoff. No shit dumb fuck, it's still cooking.

It's like playing Mass Effect until you rescue Liara first, and then rushing off to slam out an article about how problematic it is that the game is all about rescuing hot alien babes and getting to keep them as prizes.

>It really pisses me of when the audio is low quality trash and Mr.BurlyBigBeard sounds like he is voiced by a 12 year old, cringe
Sample please

its shit, cant be upgraded

Can you just use the Coin Arena to farm xp?

spanish colonization was very beneficial for the populations, problem was when the crown was replaced by the bourbons and started expelling the Jesuits

>5 agility
I have a purple sword with nearly that much damage and 3 slots that i found at a merchant.

any way to increase FPS? game's poorly optimized.

Thank you user

Did you ever play Bioware's games before they turned to shit, like the original Dragon Age, or the original Mass Effect? Try to imagine a Bioware RPG from that era with a tenth of the production budget and you've got Greedfall.

>lvl 27
>found multiple yellow neck pieces, but still no yellow ring
the game is easy as it is on Extreme though, so maybe it's for the better

Sounds pretty based. How's the gear/weapon variety.

Third world countries usually have BETTER internet then first world
In the states we have a ton of places that are basically monopolized by ISPs that dont want to invest in new infrastructure but also dont let their competition take footing
so you get depressingly slow 500KB downloads like I do

Female Sarde only has one good face preset

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how was it user report back

So, what exactly is the best way to defeat the Yorglan? I just defeated the High King boss and now I can enter his crypt that I want to explore but I am constantly getting buttfucked by these 6 armor beasts and there are a ton of them. Fucking High King was easier than these bastards.

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post your De Sardet

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This was pretty decent, proper epilogue for all the important decisions you did and all. Game had some great kino shots during cutscenes too. Good job for some no-name company.

and that is not it

>casualized MH
>can turn off scout flies, damage numbers, and either leave cat or unequip palico equipment

So its basically a better looking shitendo MH?

Petrus + Siora are top kino team desu

Fuck is wrong with you

Attached: 606880_20190911154139_1.jpg (2560x1440, 2.02M)

>smallpox killing 1/4th to 2/4th of the country,
gibe primary sources

t. amerinsectoid

ignore pseuds, always.

Attached: 1566595231850.png (1870x3674, 2.77M)

muhammed only muslims and schismatics are iconoclasts.

As far as I'm at the church seems right
>hey these guys are summoning demons
>investigate and find they are performing some kind of grotesque demon ritual.
>go kill a demon

Quintessentially correct.

sorry mistyped.

But that is wrong you fucking heathen. Go convert.

Im a bit late to tell you that you were told to pirate it instead. Beep Boop.


Aa much as I like some dsl's, that preset gives your face some weird green hue on the corners

Once you get to level 46 you stop earning attribute/talent/skill points. You can still level up, just not earn any more points. Apparently this is a bug since the devs said the max level is 99 and you can unlock everything, but who knows whether to believe these french faggots about anything.

>based cringe
Unironic non-buzzword cringe.

Attached: Tree-Sparrow-2009-16-02.jpg (1920x1502, 479K)

I see that crap on their face all I can think is that they're trying to grow mutton chops and failing miserably.

It's a birthmark :^)

>Don't post about new games on my videogame board, it's for anime tiddies, nintodddler trash or e-celebs!
I fucking despise you faggots. You "shilling" cunts are easily the biggest cancer on this board, far eclipsing twitterposting or /pol/posting

Eurojank will never be popular

Can you support the Church and slay the demonic pagans?

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Each weapon seems to be pretty unique. Though i cant be trusted since ive only every used the hammer and the divine ring.

tell that to cdpr

>here look at this language only 12 people knew because it was intentionally made impossible to read by the non-priestly caste, and had to be speculatively decoded by western code breakers and linguists
>oh hey slaves could have property let me ignore that american slaves under the task system could own homes and livestock, and even under the chattel system held property in limited quantities as well.
>aztec cities where cleanlier than western cities and had super science
This is a common mistake made by retards who get to invested in secondary sources playing fast and lose with their primaries and trying to champion the little guy as actually being better
>yea cannibalism and human sacrifice happened, but it was super cool and rare
This is retard thinking, this entire post comes off as a redditor who just finished his first community college course on pre-columbian America and new feels himself entitled to make low quality espousments about how those cultures actually where with plenty of wikipedia thrown in.

Based and Redpilled

>>here look at this language only 12 people knew because it was intentionally made impossible to read by the non-priestly caste, and had to be speculatively decoded by western code breakers and linguists
provide evidence.
>>oh hey slaves could have property let me ignore that american slaves under the task system could own homes and livestock, and even under the chattel system held property in limited quantities as well.
Yeah I'll ignore the shit out of it when not writing about american slavery 400 years later.

>This is a common mistake made by retards who get to invested in secondary sources playing fast and lose with their primaries and trying to champion the little guy as actually being better
Pseud-tier armchair statement. Give me the names of the secondary sources you researched and elaborate your argument on why you think you know better.

>This is retard thinking, this entire post comes off as a redditor who just finished his first community college course on pre-columbian America and new feels himself entitled to make low quality espousments about how those cultures actually where with plenty of wikipedia thrown in.
Same as above. Quips, strawmans and adhom, while ironically mocking wikipedia and college students. You are the posterchild in this image.

Any sourceless sub-2000 character shit will be discarded on sight, so don't bother typing it out unless you want to save face water with a rebuttal and impress the rest of your 80 IQ kin.

Attached: 1526007706223.jpg (1024x663, 124K)


Onus is on you bud, shore up your argument, I'm not the pre-comumbian historian, you hold that claim.

>Any sourceless sub-2000 character shit will be discarded on sight, so don't bother typing it out unless you want to save face water with a rebuttal and impress the rest of your 80 IQ kin

Attached: 7AB57B3B-F1E9-4A63-B090-26A22E8DD1FC.png (703x800, 37K)

>I'm not the pre-comumbian historian
Will gladly take this as a concession.

>views history as a linear process
uh who wrote this? very clearly not a historian if they are proposing grand theories as viable frameworks.

>uh who wrote this
every person who studied grand history or anthropology
next question?

>Will gladly take this as a concession. /discussion

Attached: soy.png (800x750, 106K)

Can you gay romance then?

>becoming 'Carant' of every clan one by one
>delivered relics to Mother Cardinal
all thats left is to remove Ottomans

Clearly not unless you are trying to say modern academics forward outmoded frameworks with little explanatory power, this isn't the 17th century.

the philosophers and historians advancing the idea of history not being a linear process is an ideal that only came to prominence in the last century when large libraries & resources of human history became accessible and archaeology started revealing alot of the mist surrounding ancient history, you retarded faggot.

Are you the man in this picture. The conception of history being cyclical is rare and only pushed in academia by woo woo pseuds at the moment, it relies almost entirely on mental gymnastics and squinting at a willfully limited grasp of events, no two historical events are ever the same they may be comparable, but little else.

Attached: file.png (360x450, 293K)

And yet here we are.

ahem, ring cycle *mic drop*

>on October 25th play The Outer Worlds
It doesn't come out until October 25th of next year, retard.

Leave RPG kino to me, senpai.

Attached: GreedFall_2019-09-12_21-35-40.jpg (2560x1440, 657K)

>no two historical events are ever the same they may be comparable, but little else
no one said they're the same you dumb fag, the point is that many similar social cues spanning vast geographical masses and lots of people have occurred in very similar curves many times in history. History can't be called linear when you have 3 different major civilisations over the course of 3,000 years going through the entire same cycle of primitiveness, unification, development, rise, greatness, spread, intellectual & artistic peak, decline and collapse. If you think this is linear you are retarded,

I'm doing the Treason! quest.

Is there a way to get the lieutenants and the commander? I got one lieutenant and then went outside and got the commander, but then reloaded because I wanted to get them all. Then I got all 3 and when I tried to go after the Commander he got away.


>History can't be called linear when you have 3 different major civilisations over the course of 3,000 years going through the entire same cycle of primitiveness, unification, development, rise, greatness, spread, intellectual & artistic peak, decline and collapse.
You seem a bit behind the curve on this, historians generally aren't in the business of grand theories for the very reason that gross generalizations like this are never verifiable, and very easy to pick apart with enough time. I could spend days picking apart as other historians already have at this mechanization, but others already have, I would encourage you to look at the example of feudalism as a concept and it's downfall as a concept(because it never existed)