How do we fix Casual Mode in TF2?

How do we fix Casual Mode in TF2?

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you don't
remove matchmaking

Ban americ*ns

A time machine

by giving Heavy the Soldier's banners

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why are people against this?

I wish they would do this already, and make a more military skin of the conch.

>balance teams taking into account hours played and points gained in the last days, weeks and months with different weights
>option to introduce class limits
>option to remove cosmetic particle effects client-side
>introduce a competent anti cheat

i came here to call you a FAGGOT

>You will never relive the golden years of late night 2Fort pub matches with everyone on mic shitposting and micspamming
>Nowadays it's mostly just one or two Doomers on the mic and if a match doesn't end with enemy engies camping your base it just ends with a scout cap while everyone becomes a fucking cancerous friendly

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>casual mode
Has this ever not had the exact opposite effect of what its supposed to do? It's literally a button to stomp on new/unskilled players.

The problem is that if you're skilled enough then smurfing kind of is casual play to you. "Tryhard" is mostly a meme.

>balance teams taking into account hours played
I've been saying to do this for years. Some retard will always say, "but hours played isn't determinant of one's skill", which is partly true, but it's a hell of a lot better than what we have now. If someone's played 1,000 hours of TF2, we can assume they're at least competent, and you can certaintly balance that out with the other players in the queue pool. I would argue there's more of a difference between someone who's played 500 and 1,000 hours than there is between someone who's played 2,000 and 2,500 hours, but that's where the different weights come in. You can certainly design an algorithm that handles all that and makes the teams somewhat balanced.

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Honestly it's pretty much a perfect game. Sure I near constantly bitch about black box and conch soldiers, pyro, and random crit sticky spam, but it's pretty much the perfect multiplayer game.

Congrats, you'll make every game boring as hell by catering too much in the other direction. You're just creating Overwatch at this point.

Server browsers are ironically free of just about every issue queuing tried to solve.

Nerf Spy and Heavy.
Heavy has too much health and damage and he can heal
Spy can instakill

>nerf the worst classes
Nigga what

Even better question - how do we fix Competitive Mode?

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Only trickstabbing Spies are OP but if you're not retarded it's pretty easy to tell when a Spy is trying to go in for a trickstab

Have you played casual lately? It's a horrible experience with with 90% of matches consisting in a team completely annihilating the other one. If you're on the losing team you get massacred, and if you're in the winning team you have it so easy that you feel guilty.

Would it really hurt to try?

Give me a reason to play it

By removing this
>A: The only minimum requirement is DirectX 9. However, certain graphical settings will be enforced in order to ensure a level playing field. Players will only be able to modify graphics settings that are available in the Options and Advanced Options menus.

This one retarded rule is THE reason why most Comp games don't start. This is THE reason why that message of "A player has abandoned the match. It is now safe to leave" pops up. People with fps configs and a Direct X 8.0 setup are unable to load the fucking server right away, because their game has to freeze and take a few minutes to switch over to direct x 9.0. If they removed this restriction, you'd see the play count for Competitive skyrocket. There'd be a much lower rate of people "abandoning" matches. The indirect effect of this is that even more people would begin queueing for Comp since the rising player population would allow for quicker, more balanced matches.

The main reason Comp mode is dead is because people get tired of queueing for half an hour, only to join a match that never starts, all because of a stupid config/directX restriction, which leads to lower player numbers, which leads to longer queues, which leads to less balanced matched, which leads to less players, and so on ad infinitum.

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It's a tradeoff. Every other casual match is fine. I'd rather live with a few where my spawn is being camped by Demos, Heavies, Medics, and an enemy sentry than to make every fucking match boring as hell.

By identifying and booting all the try-hards from game (pic NOT related)

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>Can tank most damage and do good damage from all ranges, kill instantly from close range, medics always heal and can heal teammates yourself
>The other can instakill, turn invisible or feign death, can destroy engineer's stuff and headshot or crit
>Oh, he can disguise as enemy, not OP at all!

>the golden age of Source mods and classic TF2 is over
I hate it dude

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>Always enjoyed communities, never gave a shit about search engine
>Friend wants to play with me lately
>Gave me Mann VS Machine tickets
>Keep raging like a tard everytime someone kills him
>Chat bitch at themselves
>Have to hold myself from laughing like shit
>He refuses to join community unless it seems alright to him
You can't fix casual/competitive mode, faggots brought this on themselves

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I almost always kick the furfags first and foremost.

What if we actually did something with the contracts beyond some seasonal events every two years. I'm thinking map-specific ones where, one day, we're just getting loot for capping points on Yukon, and then the next day, we're getting playing on Enclosure. It'd help breathe some life into some of the less played maps, and I think it'd be fun to queue up for those maps knowing a good chunk of people are also going to be doing the same.

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Fucking this
I know how to fix TF2:
>Only 6v6 games in matchmaking
>Turn off random crits
>No duplicate classes in matchmaking
>Heavy has to reload his minigun
>Everyone gets infinite ammo
>Only payload, koth and attack/defense as matchmaking modes
>Remove trading
>Add competitive rewards so more people play it
>Engineers turret upgrades automatically to lvl 2, but deals less damage
>Dispenser and tele removed
>Spy has infinite cloak and cannot instakill backstab anymore, his main damage is now his revolver
>Rocketjump gets dedicated button and doesn't do damage. It has a cooldown
>Stickyjump gets a dedicated button and doesn't do damage to yourself. It has a cooldown
>You get removed from game if you afk more than 30 secods
>Crouch jump gets removed
>Scout's doublejump gets removed
>Bonk! has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Jarate has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Jetpack has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Every class has only one weapon, melee weapons have been turned into quick-melees which have their own dedicated button
>Air strafing gets removed
>B-hop gets removed
>Every 4-6 months a new class is introduced that completely breaks the meta for 1-12 months

Stop hiding Valve servers in the server browser.

You also forgot
>Every class automatically gets an "overcharge meter" that fills up over time that gives you a temp buff to firing rate and slightly overheals you rendering the Medic class more or less just a counter to overcharges

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Comp fuckers seriously can't just accept that their gamemode is a blatantly shit idea that people aren't interested in. It's a game with over a decade of development as a casual 12v12 game, how can you not understand that crowbarring that shit into 6v6 competitive one is never ever going to work? P.S. Fuck you for giving us the worst update I've ever seen in any game.


This. I just want to casually join a match with people already winning/losing.

What the fuck are americons?

The problem is matchmaking is way to volite, no community, no reason to stick to a losing game, etc...

So make pseudo servers:
If players play several rounds/maps together that must mean they must have enjoyed the experience, so next time favor grouping them together into the same game again if available.
Also you have access to the list of your "favored players" from which you can blacklist niggers.

With all the profiling tech and shit developed and going on in the past decade, the above would be shit easy, but would leave the serverhoipping game abandoning paypig niggers disillusioned, so normal players have to keep entertaining these fucks so they keep paying.

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People who are sexually attracted to Americans. I hear Kojima is one.

Nice try Blizzard but all those things didn't help Overwatch

1) Bring back old pubs with all the maps. Can have autobalance, team scramble, and all that good shit.
2) Remove Competitive Mode
3) Remove the item drop system
4) Make Casual Mode the new "Competitive" matchmaking mode. Make most of the maps seasonal to improve queue times. Keep it 12 vs 12. Remove autobalance and team scramble. Have actual matchmaking with hours played being the criteria. Give the winning team some loot (weapon drops) with a higher chance of getting something good the higher you are on the leaderboard. This replaces the item drop system. Losing team gets nothing. Let people grind the hell out of it and play as much as they want.

Would this work?

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I love couponbugdotcom!

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>We should nerf a slow as hell class that's useless against snipers or anyone who's more than 15 feet away from him
>We should also nerf a class who can't do shit to you if you just regularly check behind you and spycheck suspicious teammates

I'm against 6 vs 6 retard, I'm just exposing the real reason that Comp mode is dead.

>Remove the item drop system

to replace it with what's in #4

but that would be a pretty shitty reward seeing as most stock weapons are better than everything else
if they awarded stuff like a variation of botkiller weapons or unlocked crates that would be better

but then the dude who has 8000 hours played is a massive crybaby who if doesnt have a pocket sucking their direct hit off, or the team doesnt capture teh final point in 2 minutes leaves instantly, leaving the team in a massive "deficit of calculated player skill"

Or someone herds the 1 hour newbies to set up a sentry frontline while the rest of the more skilled players screen for them, so the other teams skilled players cant overcome the deficit of their own 1 hour newbies lemminging into the sentries.

Theres no way to make a balanced team based on personal scores no mater how arcane way that shit would be calculated. The goal is to make fun games, and folks would naturally gather into groups of like minded folks to have fun with, if they weren't forced into "balancing" other shitters games by matchmaking.

Fuck mathcmaking of any kind with a passion.

>tfw you can never go back

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Reverse 90% of all changes made to the weapons ever since Reddit's hard on for E-Sport's Autism took over. Roll it back to Gun Mettle for starters. Then tweak things from there, but don't take a Tough Shit on the next update where players will Meet Your Rage.

Also, Competitive and Casual must be kept as separate as possible.

comp babies already hate banners and heavy buffs, imagine the butthurt.

Remove all matchmaking.

make map times 40 minutes long with the option to vote change map or vote team scramble for balance. Also let people switch teams. 2fort is out because there are community servers for that anyway.

unironically it would make heavy too powerful.

>Also let people stack teams

That's a problem because no one can change teams along with no auto balance.

A gross oversimplification of the three largest issues people would realistically have about the state of Team Fortress 2 right now.

1. E-Sports & Reddit Circlejerking (muh competitive autism overwriting the foundations on which the game was based on, copycatting the horrible design choices of overwatch, no fun allowed)
2. Stale Loadout Possibilities (everything is nerfed into oblivion and stripped of what made it unique)
3. Poor Optimization & Cutting Corners (downgrades to the visuals, simultaneous tanking of performance, horrible default configurations and settings, spaghetti code, etc.)
4. Art Style is not being respected or followed. (art style clash, retarded cosmetics that have no place in the game, etc.) (same applies to Counter-Strike)

>2fort is out because there are community servers for that anyway.
Is HTML MOTD still around? Are shitty hosts still using it to spread Chinese malware?

just remove it. it's terrible all around

a 'competitive' highlander (1 of each class) queue would probably be much more popular

Heavy should be allowed to equip foodstuffs as his primary. I want to carry around The Family Business whilst having a Sandvich on me.

Better yet, just give Heavy a 4th slot for his food, and do the same for Pyro for his jetpack. It would differentiate Heavy/Pyro from the other combat classes and give them a slight buff.

Remove it. Revert the changes made to the weapons that were a consequence of it's implementation. Highlander is what it should have been.

Use the Accessories slot for that perhaps?

heavy doesn't need a buff. He's already powerful enough.

heavy's base DPS means he would fill banners up in literally 10 seconds of just holding m1, and then gets superspeed and the ability to heal as he shoots people

it's a sidegrade, something the mongoloids in charge of balance seem to have forgotten exist. maybe they would be happy if it came with a stupid debuff like taking 500% extra fire damage and having a 1% chance of instant death every step.

We can never go back.

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Heavy is strong in pubs, where you can have three of him and there's no meaningful counter to it. He's also very good at steamrolling a lot of enemies in a confined space due to his range and no need to reload. But he's terribly inefficient in the compfag scene (mostly due to item bans though) and he has 2 of the hardest counters in the game.

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Bring back the 16vs16

so increase the damage amount needed then

the conch is just as dumb on soldier too don't lie

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at least soldier can't generally just m1 which is the entire point of heavy
it wouldn't be dissimilar from the phlog

it depends on where heavy is. If he is by the medic then soldiers and scouts will have a really hard time picking off the medic because he's next to the highest dps class in the game. But yeah heavy would be borderline op if it wasn't for item bans.

been f2p for 250 hours and i got the money to upgrade but how do i do it?

Build a time machine and travel back to 2008

buy the cheapest thing in the mann co store. You'll also get a bunch of inventory space of doing so.

Add a "join in-progress" toggle so you don't come in seconds before a team wins
Add the option to split party members into different teams, as was promised in Jungle Inferno
If the end-of-match voting system picks the map you just played on, start a new round instead of resetting the server
Add arena to the lineup of modes
Allow halloween maps during full moons

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buy a $2.49 Mann Co. key from the Mann Co. store, it's the best bang for your buck. You can buy a lot of goodies with a key.

buy a key in the store, everything else is super overpriced, then sell the key on the scm or to buy shit you actually want

buy the cheapest cosmetic on the Mann Co. Store which is like 80 cents. Congradulations

replace arena with player destruction, you could easily use the arena maps for it anyway and it fits tf2 better as an objective based dm mode.

Remove it, add a system for pugs.
Actually, hire the guys from tfcenter and directly implement their system into the game.


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Spy is the worst class in the game lmao

To be clear, make sure it's a Mann Co. Supply Crate key (pic related). Like another user said, you can then sell that key for scrap metal and buy a bunch of cheap hats, maybe a killstreak/strange or two.

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Someone tell me what the hell was the point of Mannpower and Passtime.

Requires too much teamwork, honestly.

remove matchmaking
remove 90% of the unlocks
remove all cosmetics
TF2 was at its peak when community servers were king. absolutely nothing positive came from matchmaking

I played a game with 2 lmaobox snipers and an autoreflect pyro on thundah mountain.


experimentation of wonky game modes that no one liked because they were too wonky.

>remove 90% of the unlocks
fuck no

yep. game was perfectly fine before they added crates and the unlocks that came with them. why try (and fail) to improve perfection?

People can already stack teams it's called a retry bind.

I didn't really get a chance to do all of the Jungle Inferno contracts, anyone mind helping me

they add more variety to the game


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We don't, the game was good years ago and we all played our fill. All good things must come to an end, it is time to just let it go user.

Passtime is unironically fun.

nah they just make it less balanced. maps add variety, learning to play each class adds variety, custom maps (surf, jump, saxton, etc) add variety without affecting the base game. if you need constant game changes to stay interested, you actually don't like the game. stick to gacha little zoom-zoom

add arena maps to casual

at a certain point, over-emphasis on balance kills creativity. the beauty of tf2 is the nearly infinite amount of class/weapon combinations you and your team can utilize to beat the other team. by removing all those weapons, you kill some of the fun.

Buy a Mann Co Supply Crate Key. Sell that for Metal to get the items you want.

TF2 went into a downward spiral following Tough Shit.

t. no skill shitter
the skill ceiling for TF2 is laughably low compared to something like quake or tfc but it still towers over the average pubshitter. you need unlocks to mix things up because you are shit at the game and have the attention span of a zoomer. it's okay to admit you are the problem

Is this the offspring from between E-Sports Faggotry and New Weapons Soldier?

Disguised spies can't walk through you and they can't use their disguise's weapon animations. If turning around once in a while or just having general awareness of your surroundings is too hard for you, then you deserve to be backstabbed by some gibus spy.

Bring back Sudden Death mode. I hat waiting 3+ hours to upload my contract results.

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Let's brainstorm some ideas about how a TF3 would work, all under the basic assumption that the gameplay will be similar to TF2, but that TF3 will do some things better. I'll start with the obvious:

>TF3 is pay to play

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Elimination of long respawn times. Balance around attacking and defending teams should revolve around the map design, not having defensive respawn times be 15-20 seconds longer than the attacking team.

>eating a sandvich without sounding like a loud retard.
>When eating a sandvich, can immediately stop eating to attack incoming enemies while still "consuming" it
>Buff fist of steel to 75% incoming damage, enemy crits are just base damage.
>remove incoming damage penalty to steak
Congrats, heavy is now fun to play.

EU casual is full of sniperbots lol
Literally every game

except.. you cant walk through teammates too, retard. try playong the game for once instead of assposting, niggerass

>you cant walk through teammates

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>you cant walk through teammates too
How are you this retarded? Even if you can't tell who a spy is from looking at them, there is AN ENTIRE FUCKING CLASS THAT IS PERFECT FOR SPYCHECKING. But somehow you've managed to prove that you're too stupid to even think of using that class to combat spies. Choke on a dick and die, you braindead retard.

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