Its improving stop complaining

its improving stop complaining

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>game that's still in development improves over time
Brilliant, Holmes!

Unless its going to have all the Pokemon I don't fucking care

Pokemon is a video game, faggot. Show me the global rule that says all pokemon-related posting is to be done on /vp/. Oh, wait, you can't, because there isn't one.

>adding slightly better textures
it comes out in less than 2 months not counting the time it takes to ship it out, its not getting any better than it is now

Why would you be upset about some Pokemon you'll never use?

there is a rule against spamming, op, which you've clearly been doing with this thread every day.

It's still a disappointing game and it still looks sub par compared to other Switch titles. I'm not buying it until it's confirmed to be a good game, and even then I'll buy it used because I dislike GameFreak as a company.

That is your blogpost for the day. also,

Nice, looks like an early PS3 title instead of a late PS2 game

>Complain about something being shit
>They make it less shit

>Stop complaining they are improving it

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>Why would you be upset about some Pokemon you'll never use?
Not him but I don't give a shit about the possibly hundreds of shitmon they cut. My problem with the national dex culling is that they...
>Removed Pokemon saying the animations would improve, but they didn't.
>They refuse to patch the missing Pokemon in post-launch
>They're charging people money to save their culled Pokemon on a cloud knowing they might never even be in a game for years
>Dynamaxing is most likely the reason for a lot of the culling, as fuckhuge Pokemon like Wailord just wouldn't be able to fit on the screen.
>They replaced Mega Evolutions with a boring mechanic, making viable shitmons once again unviable.

t. op desperately trying to derail

You ever think that Megas might still be in the game as Gigantmaxed Pokemon?

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Mods don't care
People break the rules all the time on this board and nobody gives a shit

No, I don't. Because they confirmed that megas are gone already.

This game gets me nostalgic for the N64 era

Still falling flat in comparison to the PS4 and Xbox One.

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Have you never heard the term "Gotta collect them all"?

you shit on pokemon but won't shit on Nintendo faggot

"Gotta get 'em all"

Did you take your pills this morning?

You can stop being a fucking retard any time

Attached: urafaggit.png (822x243, 20K)

Wasn't it "gotta capture them all"?

They had more than 20 years to improve and they haven't done shit and just copy paste the same mechanics and add something interesting to the game just to remove it in the next game

Yes, and I never did cause I didn't care for that. And all that aside, it's a pain to do anyway since you had to know other folks who had the other version. I'd rather not have an 800+ bloat of things I might not even use when I pirate it later.

>one of the biggest gaming franchises ever
>can barely pump out graphics on the N64's level

OP posts don't show (You)s

"Gotta apprehend 'em all!"

This has to be fucking bait.

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>visuals improved

Game Play is still as boring as always
Gimmicks are still as shoehorned and boring as always
New battle mechanic looks boring

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He tried it in /vp/ and they told the fag what video compression is now he's trying it here.

It looks like on OG Xbox game now.

Gotta snatch em all

To everyone in this thread complaining about the game
>Will you still buy it?
>Are you going to switch to another monster collector game?

Getto Daze!

I agree, OP.
2/10 to 3.5/10 is definitely an improvement.
I'll keep complaining until it's up to the standard of a current gen mainline console game for the biggest IP in the world though.

>looks 10 years behind but it runs at smooth 20 fps
how does gamefreak do it?

When are they going to finally cave into the demand of a pokemon sex game? It's the only thing that can save this dead soulless series.

Wow they added a very slight improvement to floor textures that I have to squint to see.
This sure made me forget about the dex problem and convince me to buy it!

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USM was the last straw for me, and LGPE only solidified that decision
I'm currently playing other genres, but keeping my eye on Digimon Cyber Sleuth

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No and no

That's the same thing but uncompressed

Damn, it wen't from GBA to GBA SP just like that.

I've been playing SMT since I was like 11 so it's not like I ever had to switch in case Pokemon started being shit (which is the case)

I already have with DQM

people said fire emblem would be shit and it's goty, this is going to be game of the decade

Modern Pokemon feels so weird. I couldn't get past Gen 5, everything afterwards felt like an unoriginal mess

>Still looks worse than a Wii game.

Attached: Bionis%27_Leg.jpg (2000x1124, 560K)

Neat, might eventually be good enough to pirate.

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>mods care about spams

Attached: mods_are_fags.png (1335x344, 109K)

Three Houses actually bothered to change shit, from gameplay loop to other aspects of combat
Meanwhile the MAJOR OVERHAUL Pokemon got is 10x bigger models that work as a combination of Megas and Z-Moves

no, only way i would is if they updated it to a $60 dollar game post launch like nintendy did with star allies, but this is game freak so that wont happen.
ive been eyeballing yokai watch and im playing persona 3 rn, if SMTV ever actually happens ill check it out

>three houses

Fuck off shill

Says the man shilling for Pokemon
Regardless, I'm not defending TH here, I'm saying that despite it looking like a steamed turd, at least they bothered to mix things up
Gamefreak can't even fall back on that, the Wild Area is just a bigger route


GF is Japanese, the slogan only exists in the West. I don't think it plays a huge role in Japan and the way people think about Pokemon as much as it does in the US.
And considering that Masuda can't speak English, you really can't hold it against him that he doesn't care about it.

Yes, for a cheaper price
Getting the new Digimon and Yokai game when they come stateside.

>”Hello fans. We are sorry to inform you that we are removing over half of the content from the previous game, but we are doing so to improve the look of the game”
>*Game initially looks like an upscaled early 2013 3DS game*
>*A few months pass and it now it looks like an upscaled late 2013 3DS game*
>*Game also still reuses tons of assets with slight tweaks as seen with the rival talking or Growlith’s eyes being a few pixels bigger”
Fuck Musada
Fuck GameFreak
And Fuck apologist scum like you

>I'm not thrilled since the game look ugly in the advertisement
I mean between E3 and release Watchdog got downgraded, if you show me a already barebone game can only be worried

says the nintendo apologist

they didn't improve the animations of basic movement (flying types) nor of attacks, walking pokemon aren't back, evil team is nonsensical just like team skull was, npcs have the same movements as sun and moon, etc.

to be fair, that is not what it looks like on the Wii. That is what it looks like on an emulator.

Gotta acquire them all!

But people do use those Pokemon.
People play challenges like Nuzlockes or [Weak Pokemon] only runs.
People play with lower usage Pokemon because it can provide a challenge or simply because that Pokemon has a good niche that’s slept on.
People like collecting Pokemon.
And some people just want to use their favorites ingame even if they are shit.

Not only that, but SWSH is said to have only 500 Pokemon (70 to 100 of those being Galar Pokemon), and we also know Pokemon like Noctowl and Avalugg (which are pretty unpopular) got in (and they are not the only ones), so its highly likely that 1 to 5 of your top 20 favorite Pokemon doesn’t make the cut (unless you are a Kantofag, in which case you already hate the game since its not Kanto and there is a teapot Pokemon)

Just because you play the way that you do, it doesn’t mean that everyone else plays the way that you do.

I'm buying it because I can't help but love Pokemon and SwSh's notable shortcomings (no national dex, mega-evos, Z-moves) don't affect me in particular. Don't get me wrong, I sincerely wish it were Game Freak to be torched instead of KyoAni. Imagining the bugmen Japs who take this franchise for granted burning alive or choking for air is a great delight. But I don't believe voting with my wallet is going to do anything

You may not give a fuck about doing so, but I do. I just finished the Alolan dex in Ultra Sun and was pretty fucking pissed to find out that the National Dex was cut from that game too. At least you can transfer all the pokemon over to it, but no pokedex for them is fucked.

Emulator doesn't fix texture quality and pop-in

Same vibe as those, um, "rocks"?

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>be good for three turns and then go back to being garbage
If it was even in the game, that would be a massive downgrade.

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Gotta grab em all you dumbfuck

I'm going to miss Mega Beedrill so fucking much.

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It's not even better textures, just better texture filtering.
Saying they actually took the time to make better textures is giving this team way too much credit.