Launch pirated game

>launch pirated game
>cmd opens for a split second

Attached: laughter_stops.png (462x450, 189K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>pc slows down massively
>open task manager
>it suddenly runs fine

Attached: 1567270672209.gif (460x330, 989K)

enjoy your virus, poorfag

>open task manager
>cpu load 98% for a split second then goes down to 1%

Attached: k52S6mN.jpg (1920x1080, 606K)

>loading circle near the cursor suddenly appears for a split second

Attached: 1564495307481.gif (500x370, 110K)

>launch pirated game
>the game opens
>i enjoy
>$60 still in my chase account

Attached: sad.gif (480x238, 443K)

This only happened to me once when I pirated Sekiro day one and Malwarebytes was able to get rid of the miner in seconds. Windows anti-virus is pretty fucking useless for that shit.

>launch pirated game intaller
>keygen music start
Best feeling on Earth.

the free version of Malwarebytes is good enough right? just installed it today

get bitdefender instead, only dl malwarebytes if you want to clean up your pc

how common are miners?

>launch GTA IV
>this plays

Attached: 4931E45BE.jpg (794x284, 37K)

for me, it's ESET.

only on fitgirl

that's not the popular release of assassins creed blag flag is it

>using an incel bank

Attached: 1521061204162.jpg (691x625, 236K)

>desktop icons flash for a second

Attached: 1565679299626.jpg (184x184, 8K)

>he applied and was then denied a credit card with $500 line

When will this meme stop

My nigga. Razors cracks always gave me a heart attack the first time I execute them tho.

when "she" stops putting miners in her shitty repacks.

there's no evidence for fitgirl miners

ta gueule, bouffon.

A Windows commandline window popping up is your least problem. They don't need to do that to hack you.
You give the cracking group complete access to your machine, probably including root rights.
Computing Protip #1: Don't run executables you don't trust. Never. This is no laughing matter.

that's spooky

>run all games on VM
>no problems at all
>even if there are miners would install because fitgirl has saved me literally thousands of dollars

I bet you can't even define what you mean by 'incel bank'.

>pirate games all my life
>never caught a virus
I wonder what people even do to fuck up their computers or if it's just the fear that it might happen
Hell, worst case scenario you'd just have to back up your stuff and format your machine

thanks MS support

Nah, my recommendation would actually be to drop Windows.
I don't trust Microsoft.

shut the fuck up pajeet

>not keeping your actual gaming machine offline
A modern gaming PC would have to be running win10 most likely, you don't wanna connect that shit to the internet even if you don't pirate vidya.

I'm on edge right now because I thought the same way but never considered miners

I have a friend who managed to get a virus that fucked up his motherboard.

just scan pc with malwarebytes after dl

>internet shuts down
>go to kitchen, waiting for it to come back up again
>get beack to room, pc restarted for no reason

Attached: .png (751x633, 639K)

>launch pirated game
>Windows defender crashes

Attached: 3E510496-7F45-4646-BC73-837D79C5B7A8.jpg (125x117, 2K)

Actually made the acquaintance of a "pajeet" during my studies in CS.
Capable guy. Wouldn't dare to badmouth him.

>not just running the latest Win10 version and running all your pirated shit in a sandboxed environment

Can someone explain this "command prompt open and close" meme that makes Yea Forums unanimously shit themselves?

Your average pajeet outside of India is far superior to your pajeet in India. Usually means they've actually got enough intelligence to leave their shitty country.


>lostboy.exe was 6/7 years ago

Fucking hell, at least I can look at that back and know that Yea Forums isn't actually any stupider

>hack switch
>try to turn it on
>won't turn on
>try again three times
>won't turn on
>put it down about to punch myself for bricking it
>turns on on its own

Attached: vhjfUwL.png (671x636, 866K)

>put hand between her legs
>there's a bulge

Niggers fear the command prompt

Don't remind me.

Attached: l26qsoc5mws21.jpg (750x1072, 54K)

A .bat (batch) file executes via command line, if opened with elevated permissions it would yet you pretty much change anything in the registry/install malicious software or just open a tunnel to a network.

>Yea Forums.js

>t. fitgirl

>lostboy.exe was 6/7 years ago
was it only 6/7?

Shut up nigger

there it is, I saw that an official Sega game had a virus waiting for people's PC motherboards

Sleep tight, Terry.

Sauce in image?
Mind if I save it?

Attached: D16_y01U8AEOEs7.jpg large.jpg (1600x1600, 231K)

It was during my first year of uni because I remmber laughing at it from my dorm room so 2012/2013

we know you dork that is part of the joke

>launch pirated game
>windows explorer needs to restart

lol he's a troll fitgirl repacks are fine

What's the matter, webedia boy ?

I launched a gog Hollow Knight and my computer black screened and crashed and when I rebooted it windows said the battery was failing. I left it sit for a week or so and turned it on and it no longer says the battery is failing.

Imagine being this retarded.

>stay inside all week long
>catch a cold virus
Explain this

your mums anus

>launch legit retail copy
>refuses to run until it has talked with some server over in Murrikkka

Yeah, no, I'm going pirate.

Did you order food at any point?

has been bothering me for the last week

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Attached: file.png (660x534, 372K)

Task manager hogs your CPU while it opens up, then it obviously goes back to normal once it's done

idle processes might do this from time to time, but you never know since a good thief is an undetectable thief

>open any app on phone
>this app wants to access your camera

Attached: memeraps.png (400x800, 380K)

What is wrong with people on this website? It's been awhile since lostboy but retards would fall for it again no doubt.

>open chrome on phone
>front camera light turns on

Attached: 1523734749406.jpg (600x600, 68K)

No. My roommate hasn't left the house at all either.

>task schedule
>task manager clean

I really do hope i dont have a good thief

Attached: 1386116060633.jpg (600x653, 136K)

Typically breathing in the same dried air is worse than walking out and getting some fresh stuff every now and then.

Skiddy malware.

google search
>wants your location
Well it would be a rootkit
Sega famously shipped a game that when you saved wallpapers to your computer it installed a rootkit that laid dormant until Christmas and then it executed and fried your motherboard to the point it needed repaired. They apologized.

Then you can just leave the task manager running, arrange processes by heavier first, and go afk for like 30 minutes or so (set it up so your monitor or system won't put themselves to sleep). Some malicious processes will shut themselves down when you are actively on the computer or open your task manager, but this way you can see if they flared up again by themselves

>The Normie Repack vs the Chad Scene / p2p Release

>open task manager
>consent.exe pops up
Wtf bros? Is my computer being raped?

Attached: Consent exe.jpg (744x488, 99K)

>finish playing pirated game and need to head out
>windows message "a program has not yet closed"
>computer shuts down before finding out what program halted shut down

No it gave consent

>Right click installer to scan for viruses
>Retardedly click Run As Administrator by acciedent

Attached: 1447524789567.jpg (500x503, 28K)

>Click no
Are you retarded, Reggie?

Doesn´t it always ask for a confirmation, though?

>implying this britbong even has a bank account

>leave pc for five minutes
>fans start speeding up and hdd light is constantly on
>touch the mouse slightly
>it immediately stops

I've looked into it many times and I know it's just windows doing scheduled idle tasks but it still freaks me out every time


>last Windows 10 update changed my log in account to a temp account
>can't access original account
>old data exists in user files still

fuck computers lmao

>year 200X
>be kid
>run a virus scan
>this shit plays at max volume

Good thing most bitcoin miners are obvious as fuck
>oh my GPU is suddenly running at 100% on idle? Seems legit

Guess I’m buying all my games full price from now on!

How do I fix the cmd error?

Windows 10 sucks
Windows XP was the last great oohrah

>pirate game
>controller doesn’t work
>search problem
>steam forums

So vat ve need to do ma'am...MA'AM..vat ve need to do vith your computar is run this scan vith command line oh my goodness it says YOU HAVE WIRUS NEEDS FIXEED NOW

>pirate PC game
>use a controller
you deserve everything

>launch pirated game
>no achievements or playtime recorded
>feel unfulfilled and shut down game

Attached: 1502437360515.png (270x200, 30K)

Next time it does this, hold down the power button for a while and try again


>Launch pirated game
>"If you like this game, please consider buying it and supporting the developers!"

Attached: 1523872463322.png (540x537, 428K)

it didnt used to do this though


>Launch pirate game
>play the game till im fucking stuck in a bullshit area
>decite to ask for help in some forums (not Yea Forums obviusly)
>open browser
>its bing

Attached: 1552199579040.jpg (283x492, 37K)

Pretty confident anyone who has used windows 7 or 10 for any amount of time has UAC pretty much set to show no administration warnings

Attached: 1567249627572.jpg (502x515, 46K)

>Attach adjective modifier "incel" to a rooted noun to make a new word or phrase with
The left has taught you well

this is the case

>Not having your UAC need a password to enable
have fun getting assraped by a badusb

>PC case makes a weird creaking noise late at night.

Attached: 1567170401567.jpg (990x600, 115K)


You can carry the cold for weeks prior to it actually kicking in. You got it the week before staying in

>browser suddenly deselects from the active window at random and have to click back on it despite nothing else changing

Attached: scared.png (527x615, 39K)

Sure, I'll be on the lookout for random people to come into my home trying to force their usb into my ports.

>he doesnt reverse and cracks his own binaries

Skids deserve it

>hasnt been a new HTF episode in years

hopefully they're just working on a movie or smth.........
i've recently rediscovered them and have had a nostalgia-fueled autistic obsession over this show

Attached: tumblr_o0lyvxPo731v00vp5o1_250.png (203x189, 51K)

You can't be this brain dead that you actually do this. Like this is almost criminal levels of negligent.

>beat pirated game
> enjoy it
>credits section says "thank you for buying this game"

Attached: 1563231708791.jpg (597x596, 57K)

What if I didn't leave the house for a month?


>Turn on PC
>cmd opens for a split second
Is it a miner?

Attached: 1562270332773.jpg (872x964, 131K)

more like you're a minor

Yes because apperently unlike all of you, I'm not running every exe I find on the internet. Never had UAC warnings on, have yet to be hacked, mined or anything happen to me.

>watch porn on some suspicious sites
>get some porn ad virus
>have to explain it to my sister

If you don't then you deal with confirmation with everything
>Are you SURE you want to do this thing
>>Yes Twice

A virus wouldnt open a cmd user that would be a very crap job

>turn off console
>hear the plastic contracting

Attached: 1406561962126.jpg (460x645, 83K)

why does this happen?

>Talk about a movie I haven't seen in a long time on the phone while my headset is on
>Movie scenes in my recommended Youtube feed

Attached: 1556074803030.jpg (768x768, 93K)

Miner obviously

>Worry my cat is going to die
>Literally only think this, never once even uttered the thoughts past my lips or typed up potential signs on Google
>Youtube: 10 Signs Your Cat May Be Dying
Not even joking. Freaked me the fuck out and it still does just thinking about it. No way that was just a convenient coincidence. Why the hell would Google recommend me that?

Attached: 1568151104516.jpg (640x640, 48K)

confirmation bias

Ferme ta gueule, fils de pute.

You're a cat person, you have made search for cats, and Google is listening, to your thoughts and opinions, and is mapping your daily commute.

Explain why Google would recommend that to me. I never searched cat videos, I'm almost exclusively video game shit besides RedditLetterMedia and LockpickingLawyer. What sort of algorithm is this shit?

>Launch original game
>Opens Steam
>Opens Origin/Uplay
>Install epic game store
>Install critical windows updates
>Opens cmd before starting
>Grinds the pc to a halt because of denuve
>Crash to desktop

>Install fitgirl(male) repack
>It works

Attached: 1507021457816.png (2518x1024, 320K)

basic predictive models, with enough information google can just guess really good based on what you and 7 billion other people thought about a thing

Use an emulator. WoJ emulator works mistakes into miracles

Your family use your wifi network.

Get some vitamin D, dumbass.

Probably shouldn't be throwing that stone when you have been using cuck as a random noun to start phrases with for about 5 years

They don't use the internet besides playing mobile games.

>leave phone at home
>go to a bunch of stores on a whim
>no credit card used
>come back home
>google survey pops up about the places I visited
We live in a bottom text

Google algorithms are account based.

Attached: 1346869248043.png (192x279, 95K)

>they dont use internet
>but they do

Probably someone googles about your cat dying and it recommended you by same ip

If you're running on an admin account without uac i don't even know what to say. You're basically giving admin rights to everything that requests it automatically without question.

Dude the average person on this site wasn't even 11 or 12 when lostboy.exe happened

>one day while I'm outside I mutter "man, I'd like a burger right now"
>mobilefag in Yea Forums while I get back home
>first thing that pops is a Burger King ad

Thanks Google, I'm sure some cold, soggy burgers will calm that craving.

Oh so that's why it happened

Attached: Alrighty then.png (294x295, 161K)

I "raped" some girl a couple years back and I got some ads for lawyers almost right away. That fucked me up

>open browser
>immediately taken to yahoo search

that's what virus makers want you to think. actually viruses detect if you have task manager open and close the malware once it is.

Attached: 48423488_1153624798123252_6721101833684647936_n.jpg (300x300, 10K)

That's such a bad idea

Yes, and given that I know what I install on my computer and what I open that isn't a issue. This is only a problem for those who download shady shit to begin with. You can find out what something does before opening it famzo.

Does Task Manager not show the computer's usage that was going on a short period before it was opened?

Its so easy to make malware considering people just give elevated privileges to everything.

Enjoy your cracks frens :-)


just like i "raped" that 12 year old when i was 23, but it was only a problem the night after

Just don't pirate games ezy

i have nothing to hide LMAO. enjoy all of the kiddy porn on your PC now


Attached: Moe_Aha_Aha.gif (256x192, 146K)

No, bro, you can say about you know what you're doing all you want. Like this is one of the most basic principles of security. Like wtf man, you are giving admin rights to everything.


Attached: 1565364230992.jpg (296x640, 44K)

Blame videogame companies for that, even discord needs admin privileges just because

So just keep TM open

>be retarded kid
>browse some shady site
>get a virus that replaced every browser link with fake pig porn
good times


It doesn't give admin rights to everything you melon, it only gives it to those that request it to begin with which only very few things do and you should stay the fuck away from anyhow. Things that run without administration rights will still run without it as they never asked for it to begin with or need it bro

Is malwarebytes good enough to catch most of the shit that’s out there? It’s all I’m using currently and I’m worried

Malware bytes is good for malware yeah

I have a 40 yo friend who's used to browse a billion of schemy looking streaming website. His laptop is supposed to be pretty good but he's already hitting 95°C while playing old games. I don't know how to force him to clean it up from all the bitcoin miners he must be hoarding in here.

Attached: 1560185854425.webm (330x600, 1.66M)

So do you guys just not have anti-virus scanners or some shit?

Let's say you download a game and install it to "C:\Program files", that requires administrative privileges. That's normal. Then when you run the game you don't need to run it as admin anymore, a regular user will do.

But what if it was a virus? Then you already got fucked in the install phase, what help did the UAC do? Nothing

To not get virus you use common sense 2019 and don't run shady shit.

Good viruses can't be found by anti virus programs.

>He thinks antivirus works


>using pc
>everything is fine
>do something else like read a book or sit back on the sofa
>suddenly pc sounds like it's about to take off
>return to normal when I start using it again

Attached: 1523923688551.jpg (447x628, 82K)

>download pirated games to USB
>run the exe on another offline computer

Wait is this actually a 200 iq move?

is he ded?

It's cleary sad lily

Attached: 3948640701062840321.png (120x120, 29K)

Sounds like windows updates

Retournez vous faire tripoter l'anus par les sales negres de webedia les français.

Attached: 51220-full.png (240x179, 41K)

>insect BTFO'd by insects

Attached: Ironic.jpg (575x356, 20K)

Windows runs some program after certain time of inactivity. Leave task manager open, go away 10 minutes, to say a number, and check again and you can see the name of the process.


a virus is software, it dosent need internet access to function.

This happened when I hacked my 3DS YEARS ago, when CFW was first a thing for it. The relief was immense.

Attached: 1568087001197.png (600x920, 439K)

Don't you dare call based bee bros insects

>Sega famously shipped a game that when you saved wallpapers to your computer it installed a rootkit that laid dormant until Christmas and then it executed and fried your motherboard to the point it needed repaired. They apologized.
can i get some info on this please

Probably, that's a lot of stingers

The point of the virus or miner is to get information to the attacker via the internet. If that isn't available then that can't be done and the attack is useless unless it's some purely troll shit to destroy your computer.

Sounds like bullshit to me, Avast does a decent job keeping the internet AIDS off my machine.

ACTUAL viruses modify task manager to display normal/low loads while running at maximum.

I kinda like bitdefender
True, but when is the average user going to be targeted by a high profile virus or even come across it? Big companies have shit to worry about, but for normal people a virus scan is fine.

>hack switch
>everything works flawlessly
>one day the payload won't works during first try
>and second try
>finally worky during the third
>reinstall my nand next day and say fuck you to hacking out of fear of definitely bricking my switch

I'm too poor and too scared of fucking up my 300$ soi console

Attached: DGwSJAKUAAAfx0W.jpg (1280x1280, 190K)

look at this incel comment

I did an upgrade from 8.1 to 10, and the cmd prompt opens up sometimes on startup and goes away, and the computer randomly gets loud as hell every once in a while when it is supposed to be sleeping.

Shitposting aside, is this cause for concern? Sometimes it goes nuts and I can see the process in rainmeter and its a normal one that windows uses, but stops going nuts sometimes when I open up the command prompt. This normal?

Attached: 1566055098983.gif (260x195, 1.13M)


How do I tell if I have a miner?

Using rainmeter is your first issue.

?? My dad uses Chase.

Hey man some games are borderline unplayable without controllers mainly metroidvanias (which don't let you rebind )and some action rpgs

>launch pirated game

Gpu being used during idle, pc running hot while not doing anything, slow performance out of nowhere while doing nothing even tho that never has been a issue.

Attached: 1566461367499.gif (494x740, 2.46M)

It's hacking our mind now

Check your minecart, if it has dust on it someone is using it illegally.

>Gpu being used during idle
Where do I check this?

>RAM and CPU is making lots of noise over the past couple of months
>Nothing in task manager, nothing from anti-virus scans, nothing from malware scans

What do?

use the arrow keys nigger

This isn't confirmation bias or even a spoopy coincidence, google is always listening. This includes all other google services including youtube, and the services google provides through windows.

clean dust

Careful, boyo. You'll ruin me whole operation.

Attached: 71VqOnhvR0L._SX425_.jpg (425x478, 31K)

Read you nigger

What why whats the problem with it?

you dont need to rebind to arrow keys underage, they're default for literally every game

>open task manager
>38 instances of svchost

Attached: e36.jpg (720x569, 198K)

remember when everyone here was freaking out cause the extensions for 3ds homebrew were .cia and .fbi

Hwinfo64 or EVGA precision X, or anything that can read and record gpu behaviour

you have to mess up with the regedit to fix that


google has EVERYTHING to profile you and guide you to the thing you are thinking at frightening accuracy. AI is scary but it's how youtube works as well too.

>Buy game on sale after its been out for a while
>Plays fine
>Having a normal 9-5, $60k/yr job feels great

i have one of those around once every season but with minecraft or gmod. i miss just watching silly shit in high school, chatting it up with friends, now all i do is work some mediocre job and try to go through my day.

My PC does that shit sometimes, i am a PC illiterate, which malware scan should i download?

i was just really autistic about the show back then too and even made an OC that was just a Flippy clone because he was my favorite character back then


but its just for spamming you with personalized recommendations, its like they mine bit coins or steal pictures, right?


so you can shut off all miners by keeping task manager always open?

last I heard Windows defender does a good enough job and might in fact be the best option. unless you're on Linux then I have no clue

not like*

>detect a bit coin miner
>remember its me mining my own pc

who cares about a little extra in the electric bill

My dad mentioned something like that the other day, said he started to talk about gold and immediately started to receive adds about it, maybe they do have access to the microphone after all

>make $25k/yr
>still live with parents
>have plenty of money for vidya

Attached: 1482433035280.jpg (373x339, 23K)

>read copy pasta about the WAKE UP thing
>friend literally just messages me WAKE UP for no fucking reason and can't explain why he did

Attached: 1521101209223.gif (245x246, 1.93M)

He said he never uttered it or typed it. So that means google can read your mind. Which, yeah, pretty spoopy.

>CD rom opens randomly

right. instead they mine your brains, it's like that scene in matrix but much more mundane and boring

>get into a verbal argument with my mother one day
>ad about "the son who killed his mother during a fight"
What the fucking fuck google?

Attached: 1469838800539.gif (255x192, 1.07M)

>Computer booting up
>Just stays on a black screen past login
>Have to open task manager from the lock screen to go to the file location and launch shit from there
Weird thing is that it’s never consistent, it’ll happen a couple of times then be fine for weeks or months

You skipped the part where he spent a moment talking into the mic about it.

>Windows defender

Haven't used it in ages, but it used to be dogshit. Some tests I read a while ago had Avast and whatever Panda is called now at best detection (although maybe false positives and Linux/OSX/android support inflated the numbers) for viruses. I also use Malwarebytes as a backup. I'm thinking of reinstalling Spybot as it was heavily used back in the day. These days I pay for stuff online from time to time so this shit gets me paranoid (but not enough to quit my unhealthy porn binging habits).

Attached: 1567264875270.jpg (600x669, 87K)

based google

>admitting to rape on Yea Forums
Seeya in 15 years

I'll give it a shot
That's in the computer from fabric though, if i have a malware it means that it did a shit job at defending me

They do, disabling personalized ads stops them for using your voice to target for ads.

he'll be fine

It happened to me two days ago.
Are you a google AI too ?

When this happens, i wait until i have enough spare cash, i buy the game, and do it again on the good version in the highest difficulty.

Where do you pirate your games?

Just tell her i got horny so i blew a load on her face while she sleeps every night.

these days, 1337x(dot)to or fitgirl.
that's only PC games obviously

>cursor replaced entirely with loading circle
>blur appears over window
>loading circle freezes

Attached: 1525809868655.jpg (388x388, 33K)

>4+Yea Forums taken down
>have to go on shady sites to find weird porn now
>three thousands ads and risk getting virus every time

>cmd just randomly opens up and then instantly closes for no apparent reason
still have no clue why it does this

Attached: OH IT SHOWS.gif (400x225, 1.94M)

Based on lifestyle data such as buying habits, click patterns, searches, etc., advertisers can find out a scary amount of information about you and send you ads for exactly what you need.

Ever hear the story where Target sent ads in the mail for maternity clothes and other baby stuff to a teen girl? Her dad was furious and accused Target of trying to convince her to get pregnant. Turns out she actually was pregnant and neither she or her family knew at the time, but based on buying habits, Target already did.

Isn't it impossible to get a virus unless you download and run something?
How hard can it be to just not download shady stuff?

>Based on lifestyle data such as buying habits, click patterns, searches, etc., advertisers can find out a scary amount of information about you

But can they figure out why kids love cinnamon toast crunch?

Watch some did you know gaming or just google it if you want to read about it.

do you know that there are new viruses that install themselves on the RAM and or CPU?
even on VM, you can get fucked, bitcoin really gave people reasons to become creative when making viruses.

>no more hgg or zoo

If these tech giants already know everything I do, is paying for a VPN even worth it?
I only really use it for hentai.

Attached: Cirno.full.94293.jpg (756x1000, 79K)

ur adopted

More like
>controller doesn’t work
>search problem
>steam forums

Did I ask your fucking opinion or did I ask why it isn’t working you fucking whore?

Is Avast ok?

not advertisers, but the companies that harvest it, like google. they can sell it to anyone they want, which is arguably better than having money. it's a power of its own. they dont really need to make more money, what they have now is invaluable

mmmmh, because is a fucking fighting game and im not autistic enough to get a fightstick?

Nah but seriously, my cpu fan spikes randomly, even when I'm only running chrome, wat to do?


>being an incel retard

it's something about defender being built in to the system so it can detect shit better like said. I don't know much about it. thought id give my 2 cents.

>leave PC on while jogging
>PC restarts
>Avast SecureLine VPN is now isntalled AND a startup program

What the fuck is this kikery?

caring about this is a lost cause, there's no such thing as privacy online.

It is still used for bypassing blocks on certain organizations and nations. I wouldn't say it is worth paying for one, but it isn't bad to have a free one.

Anti virus software installing it's own bloatware is the biggest meme

you're friends for a reason
your conscious awareness is an intelligence

>viruses that install themselves on the RAM

Attached: 1519648371132.png (408x450, 34K)

t. nsa



is Avira good

I've given up on a lot of mobile games immediately after seeing shit like this. Your shitty flash game clone doesn't need access to my contacts. It doesn't need to fuck with my files. It doesn't need to make calls with my phone. It doesn't need my location or my camera or any of that shit.

>so paranoid about viruses that I end up wiping my hardrives every 6 months

thats half truth.
some viruses DO persist on RAM, but not permanently.
so, yeah,a PC running a Virtual Machine can still get infected by something that was run on VM.


Attached: HD.jpg (2500x2500, 453K)

>New game is out for one second
>Still cant pirate it

Holy Wow


Attached: 1557958652005.gif (580x328, 2.92M)

>homebrewed wii
>games run fine
>suddenly stops working one day
>nothing runs and constantly get region errors that softlock the wii
>know that theres no region error because i hadnt changed anything since it was working
>turn wii off and on
>games now work again

Attached: 1560201348474.png (912x562, 799K)

>clicking sounds start coming from pc
>it's just the backside fan

>HDD's are literally 8 years old
>No Backups
T-They'll be fine r-right?

Attached: 156456547547.jpg (601x508, 31K)

They are also on the verge of being buttfucked by 50 general prosecutors because of ot though, so i don't know if its as good as you think it is

Mine is nearly 10 and it's fine

>front phone camera starts randomly flashing

Attached: ajdiorapekdjnd.jpg (600x338, 28K)

found the incels

>phone randomly asks me whether I want to send this thing with either email or SMS
It doesn't show me what the thing is.
I genuinely have no idea what causes this, I just say no and forget about it.

Attached: 1512773960032.png (541x376, 234K)

Avast slowed down my PC and then completely killed my Windows install when I tried to uninstall it. Active antiviruses are too much hassle. Common sense, ublock, and a scanner like Malwarebytes Free are good enough as long as you aren't retarded and don't run dolphinporn.exe as an administrator

Solution: keep the task manager open 24/7.

>see this post
>unplugs microphone*

Attached: wut1.png (500x489, 231K)

>playing on brothers pc
>accidentally install a virus on it
>fucking panic and try everything to fix it before he gets back
nothing is scarier than that feeling...
sorry for getting a virus on your computer bro, atleast we fixed it, thanks for being understanding and letting me play on it again

Attached: 1559870144851.jpg (864x864, 150K)

How can it be ethical to offer a utilities that are spyware and sell data and info that is yours, any profit should be shared with those who use the internet, sorta like some electric companies do.

Le epic obligatory tranny post

>blag flag

Please explain this happens to me alot (im not him)

it's nothing, it's because your pc starts checking all processes running on your pc at the same time, so it peaks to 100% before dropping to normal

guys please recommend me some antiviruses to clean my PC
this thread is getting me worried

Attached: 1543950425800.jpg (732x558, 195K)

Glowniggers can read your mind


of what?
you probably can download all again.
and your personal stuff is probably not worthy to be preserved for prosperity.

** Join ** the ** Yea Forums ** Discord ** server **

invite: 3PKgVy

if you want to paypig, kaspersky.
If you don't want to paypig get avast or something, maybe malwarebytes if it's still free

tell the story please

haha i get it

Pornhub knows:
what kind of girls you like
What kind of fetishes you have
how much you fap per week
how much you last per session.
the size of your screen(if you put the video on fullscreen)

>browsing the internet
>second HDD starts spinning

Attached: 1560209097301.jpg (720x718, 103K)

Your ISP is so maliciously greedy that the difference in bandwidth between regular pirated releases and repacks comes to thousands of dollars?

>Leave pc on while going down the road to get food
>Come back 10 mins later
>Tab I left opened has changed to another one
>My room was locked so no way anyone could get in

>nothing open
>40% disk usage

get a camera jumbo

lucky me
i have been on the same scenario, but on my case, my grandma also got that kind of viruses too, and my mom and sister dont want to belive that they target speciffic people, but that anyone can get that kind of porn ad virus.
i mean, no way a 70 year old lady is into huge insertions and bondage, right?

have >look up what the more extensive tasks are
>they are all from windows

>pirated game crashes when antivirus is running

Attached: 1560037805149.gif (500x340, 768K)

>he thinks svhost is windows
it’s the glowies

Metal Gear Rising: Repentance

Attached: 1551835548748.png (497x732, 671K)

svhost is windows, they are basically subservices that stops existing once you uninstall a certain program that requires W10

>pirate Windows
>afraid to login into your bank account

Attached: 1506627071387.jpg (322x322, 15K)

used to happen with my first computer. need a windows reinstall senpai

Click all you want. I have nightly images saved to my RAID.

Ok well thank you

>block all ads and unwanted requests
Is there anything google can do with all that info they have on me besides recommend me stupid shit on youtube?

>Nightly backups
Nigga, what?

Attached: 1567487155453.jpg (720x602, 40K)

Depends. If you ever become a public figure they could blackmail the shit out of you. On the 1% chance that ever happens to me I’ll just admit the shit I’ve searched

what exactly are you doing?? if you follow the bootloader procedure hacking works flawlessly

based bro

>that split second when a window gets hazy before it says (not responding)

Is ClamWin actually good for checking viruses? Or am I just wasting time?

Attached: clam.jpg (52x48, 1K)

i got a free norton copy with my gtx 1660. should i bother installing it?

>Screen randomly goes entirely black for a second
Wtf happened?

Attached: 1565410505935.jpg (288x288, 14K)

your mother or someone turned on/off some light switch in the apartment

>alt tab out of a game
>a window with a bunch of text suddenly closes

Attached: 1443663989391.jpg (200x156, 14K)

GPU got ejected for a moment?

don't you be h8n on blag flak
How can you have free will if everything you decide to do or not is dictated by preference outside your control? Friends exist in a reciprocal relationship centered on identity. All events in life are coinciding phenomena and you are what signifies importance in any of it.
Synchronicity is a term coined to give significance to and attempt to understand instances of events seeming to coincide with personal meaning.

Thing is i didnt even remember i had it
I guess it came preinstalled in my PC and i disabled it in order to use windows defender instead
But out of nowhere yesterday this shit appeared and i had enough so i uninstalled avast
Thing is, that didnt actually uninstall the "secureline vpn" bullshit, it just broke it, so i had to delete the installation folder in the C drive and run a registry cleaner in order to actually get rid of it

fucking hell

>download 10 $69.99 games excluding DLC
easily hundreds there, i believe him.

>screen goes all glitchy and monika-esque for a split second
>sometimes screen just goes black for 1 second
>random beeps if it lags
>using my mic blue screens my laptop
>tape everywhere due to things breaking apart
>fucking windows movie maker can crash the whole thing
my laptop is seriously gonna break this year i know it

Attached: image (11).jpg (3264x2448, 1.06M)

This is why uninstaller programs have to exist, holy cowabunga

my wii has gotten more depressing every year in terms of its sounds
the sound of disc going in and out have gotten distorted and slower, pretty much like Strong Bad's paper in it's final breath

Attached: Strong Bad.png (128x128, 16K)

Not that user but I googled it and checked youtube and can't find a single thing about it. What game was it?

>pirate game
>comes with a screamer virus

Attached: 1564315016680.jpg (500x500, 188K)

sudden power loss and return in a few miliseconds.

Avast has been on a downward slope in a lot of ways, their design is getting ostensible and direction is bossy and "please download/buy our shit."
Wish other companies would be as based as WinRAR but you know, there can only be so many winrars.

There's literally 0 reason not to hack a wii.

Okay, look, level with me and assume I look something like a wojak edit if it helps.

How the fuck isn't the VPN just also a place where your information congregates and can, therefore, be extracted from?
How is it not just A) another portal by which you can be attacked and B) another excuse for them to fuck you hard when they DO make laws for this finally?

I feel like this has never been a thing

Most people don't understand computers.

who the fuck does miners still? It is woefully inefficient for mining shit.

I imagine combining a botnet with miners is the definition of efficiency

>taskbar icons disappear completely
>they start appearing slowly one by one when you realize

Attached: mfw.gif (320x286, 796K)


Attached: 1565884197732.gif (382x308, 1.47M)

So what's the worst thing that can happen if my Windows partition has nothing but a browser and pirated games installed? Disabled protection, no antivirus, nothing.
All my important shit and accounts and passwords are in another hard drive formatted to HFS+ for Mac (because that's my hackintosh's main OS) so the drives aren't even visible to or accessible by Windows.

Attached: 1567292961800.png (564x473, 407K)

Just back up your shit before you regret it, retard.

>you probably can download all again
Put that into the list of "things people think until it happens to them"

Purposely search things I have no interest in just to mislead google
>Google advertises baby toys and women’s jewelry to me
I don’t gain anything from this but it still feels good

Blackcom and Hikaru.exe are both screamers. That's about all the virus screamers I know of.

>Google "dark net"
>Internet goes out
Happened twice.

>two iexplorer.exe instances always launched for no reason
>start panicking
>turns this is a bug caused by outlook365

>Game bluescreens with no minidump
>Never find the cause but no other game does it
>Eventually play the game again, for months
>Bluescreens again, still no cause to be found

Attached: 1382419521576.jpg (423x222, 27K)

>install scene crack
>no issues
>install (((repack)))
>bitwarden detects multiple miners and trojans

Attached: 1353956709498.jpg (296x333, 8K)

Because all decent VPN providers have a zero log policy meaning that no data/logs get saved.

Its not ethical, its not legal either, which is why they are being investigated

just tried torrenting Dark Souls 3 from CS.RIN.RU, I fucking give up
I get the game, that's all good, but the .exe doesn't work, so I check the FAQ and it says I need 'Steamless', an emulator for the Steam verification thing
I get Steamless but I need a way to get the .sln file to work, so I download Visual Studio Code, but that doesn't help either, turns out I need C++ which I get, doesn't get me any further, still have no idea what the fuck I did wrong, fuck it

Attached: 1567509947947.jpg (750x554, 433K)

Dude just download a crack and paste it in the game directory

im lazy

every fucking time with me

its amds fucking trash gpu drivers that does it. same for me. you need "autorun" to block an online service that it keeps calling to. disgusting chinkware

> be me
> fat fuck
> download weight loss calculator on phone
> days later start getting junk food delivery adds

feel insulted. I need a cat girl to hug me

Attached: 1523376738036.jpg (223x226, 7K)

Eating less is good way to start losing weight

What're the benefits of bitdefender over malwarebytes

>Pirate movie
>Youtube recommends me scenes from the movie

Attached: ligeon.jpg (604x604, 32K)

one is preemptive and the other reactive

>install cracked game from russian torrent site
>suddenly have 5 odd looking shortcuts on the desktop and a bunch of processes consuming 100% cpu

Malware bytes focus on one point while bitdefender does a bunch of things, some well some not so good.

>launch pirated game
>i enjoy
>nothing bad happens

Attached: 1538270815447.jpg (648x718, 80K)

>mouse pointer spazzes out at random

Attached: 1498666568920.gif (255x170, 678K)

>had an actual nightmare about my computer getting infected with a virus and watching everything go haywire in real time
are these the kinds of nightmares that someone who spends all day staring at a computer has?

Attached: oh no.jpg (500x500, 26K)

>block ads while browsing Yea Forums today

Hiro installed a malware on this site that detects that now.

Attached: 1513735766624.png (769x377, 105K)

Become vegan
Use your fav sauce on veggies and swallow
works if you have enough mental strenght to see junk food as lethal poison

Use uMatrix.

I had a nightmare about getting a BSOD and then the letters would form a face

>open task manager
>find a process you've never seen before

Attached: 1539291131869.jpg (400x400, 12K)

>uninstall game
>it leaves a bunch of folders and shit behind
>windows won't even allow you to manually delete some of them

Attached: 1563388487185.webm (720x394, 1.93M)

"hi, yes, hello? obviously shady company? i'd like you to hire me so you can put your crummy ads that actively will make my entire website's userbase leave! but i get great paychecks! Namaste~

Attached: unff.png (461x560, 253K)

>this file to a deleted program, do you want to delete the file?
>error deleting file because file could not be found

>cant end that particular task for some reason

Attached: ridleh.png (895x741, 736K)

>end process but it keeps coming back

>files can be deleted
>they keep reapearing every five or twenty five minutes or anytime sporadically on it's own
>it's "movie" but it is only tagged with bunch of numbers and you don't know nor want to know whats in them
>only way to get rid of them is to force reset your entire computer entirely
>it fucks up your computer and you have to factory reset it five times til it works
>it is all gone and computer is working now

For now...

>computer bsods constantly
>update GPU drivers
>works fine
>repeat next time nvidia releases an update
What the fuck kind of kikery is this, my 1070 runs like butter until that little exclamation point pops up to let me know new drivers are available then its crash city till I update

>process consumes 90% cpu
>end it
>pc slows down
>cpu temperature goes down to glacial levels

okay, but I have an actual problem
>buy a few shitty Russian games for less than a dollar as a lark
>install them and delete them a day or two later
>there are still folders in my steam and documents folders named after the games that don't have anything in them, but when I try to delete them it says "these folders don't exist"
My performance really hasn't changed, but I do worry about this. Is bitdefender the best thing to pick up?

I had that problem once, they're just ghost folders. Go into safe mode and delete them.

>shut down
>h has stopped your pc from shutting down


What are you trying to do dumbass

Attached: 7772.png (599x718, 1.19M)

Linking to post

Guess the mods deleted it fast

>launch official game
>it crashes

back to the pirated version

with how easy that is to prevent, i would be more worried if it didn't show up desu
cmd popping up tells you that they're rather incompetent and not a threat

this is all you have to do to stop it from popping up btw
link /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup /SUBSYSTEM:windows [other linker options]
really all you need is the subsystem windows part but /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup lets you use standard main instead of shitty winmain

not him but I mostly see this when it comes to playing FPS on PC w gamepad willingly.
armchair sergants will run out attacking you for daring to use a controller over SUPERIOR MkB

i love that anime :)

I had one very recently that the computer started acting funny, hiding icons and the start menu and I started panicking and woke up.
This is how le windows operatesFarcry 3
Bitdefender is good but programs like that are going to slow your computer down monitoring everything.
What the fuck gets deleted like that, CP ?
Lol at least the pirate versions are Todd Bethesda: It Just Works
>It sucks when my pirate software don't try and bug my computer

>shady sites
ulmf and f95.
if it's not on either it's probably not worth playing.


Attached: 1523406351372.jpg (800x807, 340K)

>install a pirated warcraft 3
>soon my browser randomly opens a facebook page
>5 minutes later it opens a random youtube channel
>fucking adware
>freak out
>restore system to 1 week ago
>it works
and that's how I had a mini heart attack

>want to fap
>but want softcore porn instead of hardcore
>google panties ads because that's fun for some reason
>next day facebook is giving me panties ads

>What the fuck gets deleted like that, CP ?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-09-12 at 7.40.13 PM.png (1346x734, 181K)

Warcraft 3 Reforged will be sick af
>fuck jannies

>go to pirate game
>"Btw if your antivirus detects malware it's a false positive ;)"
yeah okay dude

>launch game
>slow as death
>black screen
>oh, it is one of those who require change of aspect ratio
>shows my screen again
>goes black again
>shows half my screen supersized
>shows black
>shows some wrong colors
>shows black
>shows the game menu but everything is glitching
>alt tab off of it
>cursor isn't usable
>flashing fest
>finally manage to be on my screen with correct aspect ratio without flashing
>try to alt tab into the game
>game freezes and crashes

Attached: this is no longer beautiful.png (230x236, 86K)

Windows spyware

>I wonder what people even do to fuck up their computers or if it's just the fear that it might happen
Searching for rare, obscure porn will take you to some sketchy parts of the internet.

>download game
>install game
>play game
>enjoy game
>finish game
>delete game
>nothing bad happen

Attached: 1562120920055.png (640x443, 279K)

>download game
>start it up
>steam opens up

what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuck

If you've never gotten a virus you're either underage or a normalfag.
There are two types of people who get viruses.
1. The pioneer. they were pirating before you had reliable and trustworthy sites. They are how you got these sites and trusted uploaders to begin with as nothing is trustworthy or reliable when it's new.
2. The archeologist. New games are almost always on one of the sites, older or more obscure games, especially after mega died, require you to go to ancient shady foreign language sites. They are how older games get on those newer trustworthy sites.

>game freezes
>open up task manager
>task manager is behind the game screen

You'd need to infect hundred of thousands of systems to equal one dedicated fucking farm you run yourself with actual good shit and not run down low end gpus and cpus

>get source for obscure, hard to find but top quality porn
>it's a website that makes my avast go insane and constantly prevents the video from being played because the ads are embed into the player, pausing and playing triggers more to open which avast closes
it looks like my computer is fighting itself

Attached: IMG_20190821_080630-1.jpg (625x938, 104K)

Electronic clairvoyance technology

so /delicious/ its forever gone?

Based and unironically true. Why would anybody lie? It’s not like there’s a profit unless... wait... THEY ALL HAVE BTC MINERS

This actually happens to me but it's like 95% down to 20-30%.

Attached: 1443417944310.gif (500x500, 1.56M)

Are you retarded you fucking zoomer? No one who's used PCs for more than 10 years uses uac. I've been using a computer since windows 98 and I disabled that cancerous shit the moment I installed 7.

Yes, it's the only way

fuck this

>Be me
>pirate game
>crash on startup
>try everything but nothing works
>"dude just unplug your headphones, start the game, and plug them back in"
>something so ridiculous wouldnt work right?
>it actually works
Computers are amazing sometimes

Attached: 1516542977429.png (498x724, 758K)

Attached: blocked.png (232x42, 2K)

>there's like 5 of them
>they're using all my resources sometimes

>opens setup

>pirate the game
>play through to the end
>the end of the credits has a big list of thanks ending with "and you"

>system idle processes
>99% cpu usage
Guys I think I got a virus

Attached: 1367841773678.jpg (626x717, 55K)

>finally upgrade my pc after being absolute poverty-tier for a while
>runs flawlessly for a week
>now I hear a clicking noise if the pc is on and my air conditioner isn't on
It's not even coming from the HDDs and if I leave the case sidedoor open it doesn't click. wtf

because taskmgr is a bloated piece of shit now that is 10 times the size it uses perfmon and resource monitor and performance counters driver for christ sake

>microsoft teams not only installs itself but has a file in a different location that checks and reinstalls it whenever you start up your computer

It is even worst if it is on a phone and you have a 1000 files of it on your phone and it is all under one file that tagged with your phone's model number

Attached: 1538946375344.png (740x1000, 922K)

Same. I check the Task Manager every-time to see my computer's CPU usage and it's always at 100% and then it goes down to 5% a second later. It's infuriating.

Attached: 1424029742157.gif (195x130, 1.94M)

HOW does this happen

It's fucking infuriating

Attached: 7d5.png (480x261, 274K)

Just take it to a computer shops you fucking tech illiterates

>dark souls 3 stopped launching for me on steam
>now the only way I can play the game is installing a pirated copy

malwarebytes is better for browser related shit. webroot for a regular av.

>be a buyfag
>pirate games as backup copies for steam library
>too afraid to launch pirated games
a-at least I have all of those backup copies

Attached: 1551665470288.png (234x234, 95K)

I don't want them seeing all my pirated video games, anime collections and wierd porn though

>have to navigate using arrow keys so you can close the game using the keyboard
>keep alt-tabbing to check in the mini window preview which process you have highlighted

They won't care you fucking dumbass

have you really fallen so far in life that you care what some washed-out geek thinks of your life?
you need to do more outdoors things, user

>rom sites taken down
>have to go through shady sites now

Attached: 1565093858351.jpg (1080x726, 30K)

This is me except I only play the cracked versions since DRM always seems to find ways of getting in my way


>game says "press any button to continue"
>hit power button
>computer shuts down

Attached: 1515725624487.jpg (555x357, 26K)

>download file
>do a quick checksum of it's SHA-256
>check on a couple websites
>checksum matches
>I have the right file and didn't pay for anything other than my internet

feels good not being a retarded pleb


That's some DSP tier intelligence right there.

no it's like it's own version of malware and loves putting shit on your computer

>i'm merely pretending to be retarded
no you are just retarded.

try being funnier asshole

I'm not your clown you stupid retard, also don't forget to breath.

oh nice real nice that's real nice real nice one big guy real nice that's a realice one

There's nothing funny about somebody being an unironic retard.

would you kindly kill yourself

Attached: 1539363321966.png (375x207, 51K)

link to the copy pasta?