>Gameplay is more important than story and graphics
>Except when SJWs ruin the story and graphics
Are you seriously going to argue Celeste has bad gameplay?
Gameplay is more important than story and graphics
it has very generic and underwhelming gameplay.
did an SJW code and design the gameplay?
celeste level design is nothing like that
>No platforms that require you to figure out how to get past
Lol, imagine needing to use literal strawman arguments to justify being TRIGGERED by a flag
1. Make a short, unsatisfying and wholly unoriginal platformer that would've stood a 50% of getting blammed on Newgrounds in 2007.
2. Make the protagonist relatable to your target audience by giving them some (or all) of the following character traits:
- depressed
- anxious
- traumatized
- quirky sense of humor
- unique yet common basic-bitch hobby such as photography, drawing or video game development
3. Alter the protagonist's appearance to be palatable to both the clueless public who haven't yet realized your flash gam-- I mean indie title is awful, and to the 12-39 year old females (and "females") who insist that it's the most compelling design since that time their favorite tumblr artist redrew an anime character as a koala. This may include any of the following:
- neon hair
- pale or charcoal black (no inbetween)
- pastel palette
- piercings
- masculine clothing such as flannel or rough denim
- slender or childlike build
4. Manufacture buzz by baiting hit pieces about how awful your game is and starting fights with people on social media who don't like your game (don't worry, you've got the media in your corner!)
5. Have no less than three meltdowns over the course of development. It's best to have one before, during and after (with intensity ramping up with each consecutive incident of suicide threats, playing the victim and deleting your account only to return a week later). If you have not had at least a straight 48 hours of Yea Forums's catalog clogged with posters complaining about/ironically defending your game at this point, you have failed.
6. Enjoy your newfound fame and fortune. Port the game to consoles and watch your playerbase triple with disappointed children who saw bright colors, expected Mario and instead got to see a lesbian's battle with self-hatred. Consider making new controversies every few years to keep your game in the news. Rest well knowing you've inflicted your permanent brand of faggotry upon the gaming industry.
>that would've stood a 50% of getting blammed on Newgrounds in 2007.
2018 Celeste is an expanded recreation of the original Celeste which was essentially a flash game tho.
Do any modern Mario games do this?
I very much like that this image has become a staple of these threads.
It only got popular because of the political pandering, there're hundreds of indie titles with better gameplay
>It only got popular because of the political pandering
Depression is political now
I remember a lot of posts on Yea Forums along the lines of "I don't care if I have to play as a 600 pound black transexual, all I care about is good gameplay" and now we have constant threads full of people saying they're dropping games due to some pastel colours that you have to go out of your way to even notice.
Such as any wRPG
t. too bad to beat the game
Keep coping
Meatboy did it better
There is nothing wrong with that art style.
Trans shilling is cringe though, in whatever medium.
That's not true, it got popular because of the easy mode for journalists and le quirky artstyle
disappointed that Madeline is a sticc here when all of her art in the base game makes her look decently chubby
She still looks short and chubby here.
>tranny and fag flag
wew, is this official art or from some bpd cunt's tumblr?
>Caring about graphics instead of gameplay
Right, I forgot they don't teach consistency at art schools anymore
absurdly based, bordering on 'extreme'
Yea Forums is the same board that likes cringe-tier "RPGs" like Witcher just because SJWs bitch about the lack of black people
>Gameplay is more important than story and graphics
Only brainlets think like this
Surprised the feet folks aren't more vocal.
Fuck these garbage propagandas celebrating falsehoods. I'm sick and tired of the bullshit. And it all started with Women's Rights and Multiculturalism. Fuck those to HELL. Women should never have rights and people should stick to their own kind. That's how you stop the slippery slope.
What the fuck are you rambling about?
imagine seething this much because a dev put colored rectangles in their game
loved the game when it first came out. the free DLC scratched a good itch, baddy talked a little too much and her dialogue felt rehashed from the main game a bit, but the jellyfish jumps felt satisfying. the sjw boogeyman everyone fears isn't very present unless you don't like Leo or care about a few small colored flags in an ending cinematic. if you're on the fence on this game I'd go for it and ignore the Yea Forums threads.
its a platformer, why would i play another one of these when it's tainted by retardation
it doesnt bring anything new to the table, i would argue that it's bringing down the genre as a whole
Because Yea Forums will scream about how much gameplay matters but then get triggered to hell by pastel colors.
Yea Forums is full of double standards, controversial shit doesn't matter when it follows their political views, everyone who gets upset at that is a retard because they can't enjoy a videogame as a game. But of course if the opposite happens they start screaming like the butthurt apes they are.
This place is just the same as the trannies on twitter that get triggered by anything "problematic".
Reminder to report this game for child exploitation, it literally promotes child abuse.
Celeste is fun, why do people choose to care more about the sjw shit?
Because Yea Forums is outrage culture central.
Because we don't want to financially support garbage falsehood bullshit views like homosexuality, women's rights, everyone is equal, etc.
Bunch of bullshit.
>Doesn't know how to pirate a game
>basic-bitch hobby
>video game development
Show us your video game, user.
Because the game was too hard for them.
>Are you seriously going to argue Celeste has bad gameplay?
I don't need to discuss the merits of videogames. Faggots will fill threads with shitposts for me the moment trans people are mentioned.
I made [your favorite video game]. On second thought, I did a pretty awful job...
Western indies are all shit so even if its bad its the average
Absolutely based and enlightened.
>Are you seriously going to argue Celeste has bad gameplay?
Kinda. I think it's mechanics are great, the snappiness of the jump, the acceleration in the air, the advanced techniques, and so on.
But it's level design is very uninspired and rather rote. Outside of the top of the mountain, it's difficult to remember any level in the game after you've put it down for five minutes - I think people confuse good mechanics for good gameplay. It's fun to move Celeste around, but the levels are generally just boring to slog through.
What the fuck are you talking about? Flying through the levels feels amazing, and it's even more fun figuring out how to get through a complicated area and executing the plan.
Yea Forums of 2012 didn't hate trannies because they weren't annoying cunts back then.
Modern trannies are fucking annoying, so they're hated now.
Gone are the days of circlejerking over traps or autists on v4c and babby fighting each other for the chance to sniff the obligatory tranny's farts.
>it's just pastel colors lmao
>just a rectangle
>a few stripes
>some pixels
>it's just pictures dude
>literally just pixels on your screen
>it's a video game
>I'm sure you're probably blind anyway, why are you complaining?
>how can monitors be real if our eyes aren't real
>didn't you say that literally only gameplay matters, you're just one person, right Yea Forums?
I'm more triggered by the fucking retards who defend things by oversimplifying them and completely ignoring why they're actually there.
The game is alright, the devs are absolute retards who forced out-of-place propaganda into their game not even on release but much later. It was already a "tranny game" depending on who you asked, but then it actually affected nothing. Could almost trick you into thinking they weren't not pants on head retarded like the rest. As if.
Aww little snowflake got triggered. Sad!
Imagine trying to oversimplify the issue this much
>Flying through the levels feels amazing
I just said that, Celeste controls wonderfully. But the levels themselves are either boring or shit - there's maybe 2 good puzzle rooms in the game, and while they're good puzzle rooms, everything else is lackluster.
Boy learn the difference between "its" and it's." How are you still this stupid?
At what pure platformer does it more cleverly?
Imagine desperately trying to deflect this hard.
Dilate tranny.
>out of place
How can it possibly be out of place in their own game?
>single mother brainwashes her son into thinking he's female because she's, without any doubt, a feminist who couldn't stand the thought of raising a white supremacist: the game
Video games aren't for politics, cuck.
Not even remotely true
>generic plataformer
I'm going to sign you up for an adult literacy class at your local rec
That depends. Do you like SMB clones? If so then yeah, it might be good for you, if a bit derivative though. Otherwise is pretty meh.
nobody likes tranny feet
t. footfag
Do you even understand what that means? Would a dick-shaped green+purple perpetually screaming rapist alien invasion added in an update feel just right?
>Do you like SMB clones?
Are you retarded? SMB and Celeste aren't even remotely similar. Most of Celeste is about grabbing and boosting. Mario is about running and jumping.
Obviously Super Meat Boy.
Good one mate, 7/10 since it is believable someone could actually think this.
Aww poor little snowflake can't handle the real world existing inside his little digital safe space? How sad!
Only a zoomerbaby would read SMB as super meat boy and not the most influential game of all time
>Indie pixel platformer about depression
Pico8 Celeste is what influenced Super Meat Boy
Yeah but only someone lacking boomer maturity would read something and jump to conclussions instead of thinking for a second the acronym could refer to something that actually fits the bill.
what is the context behind these new illustrations?
What the hell is wrong with queers anyway? It's always about crippling depression and suicide with them.
Chapter 9 DLC upate
So how many people in this thread have indie games that have either failed or never come to fruition?
This is so facile. All you did was describe what a platformer is.
I'm gonna guess most, based on how mad they are about the success of a title with humble beginnings that's become a widely admired modern hit.
it''s just pixels just close your eyes man haha
Mario. DKC.
The only reason it's popular is because of LITERAL trannies
40% is not just a meme. Their self-hatred runs deep.
>Pure platformer
If the game has enemies then it's not pure platforming.
Why don't you just not virtue signal to degenerates? Is it that hard?
You’d be wrong if you genuinely think most of Yea Forums has attempted to make a game. Why can’t you just accept that not everyone is gonna like your SJW game no matter how much you viral it?
>short, unsatisfying and wholly unoriginal platformer
I, too, hated Limbo.
And thus limits what it can do with gameplay. That’s why Celeste sucks, as does Meat Boy.
>>Except when SJWs ruin the story and graphics
Celeste has enemies and even a boss.
There is no Mario Game with puzzle platforming as unique or creative as either Super Meat Boy or Celeste.
Limbo isn't WOKE though
The only "enemies" were LITERALLY designed as gameplay mechanics first, and later had characters pasted onto them to give them some kind of meaning. They didn't even have the depression plot by the time they came out with the clone mechanic (which turned into Badeline)
I will when you start reporting Resident Evil 5 for racism and corporate negligence.
I haven't seen a tranny in my life but reading this board you'd think they're everywhere. And yet you're the paranoid one if you bring up /pol/ spreading their political drivel everywhere despite them accounting for the majority of traffic to this site nowadays.
Super Mario Maker. Check mate.
Cute feet
Neither is Celeste.
okay but does that mean she has a feminine penis now
how small is it?
>Neither is Celeste.
How do you explain then?
gameplay is either meh regular levels or "die 50 times until your muscle memory kicks in" times 20 b side levels. i'm like halfway through the game and i honestly don't even want to think what c side levels are like
also i would absolutely not care if they didn't make madeline cute and a redhead
>another indie game doing what so many other indie games have done
I used to love the indie community, until every game was pixel-art 16-bit-mockup designs with "a gimmick" and some sort of main character with all this shit goin on like damn
I'll just play Eversion if I want an indie game with chops, and I'll play shit like Count Lucanor if I want to soak in the best the artstyle/design direction has to go.
You just pick one or two or three from the FUCKING ASTRONOMICAL selection of games both free and paid that do the same shit in a different pile.
Every time someone gets all hoity toity about an indie game I think of how many games I've seen that rip off pixel styles and I wonder what happened to make all of them feel like they're unique.
Maybe that's why it's all SJW'd, they wanted extra pull.
It's an above average indie platformer. Not sure how it won so much praise as a masterpiece
It's mediocre as fuck and would have been better as a dustforce / super meat boy expansion
Harrowing post
Nice picture. Funny thing is even without the DEATH ZONE, fucking up the platforming would still kill you. Like it should in a goddamn platformer.
Your complaint is hollow, and only there to bitch about 'old good, new bad'.
Except your horseshit strawman has been a staple of the difficult areas of platformers for decades. Because the only difference between an easy area and a difficult area in a platformer is how precise you have to be to advance. Nothing else.
Are the early areas of Celeste like that? Fuck no, only the most difficult areas like the shit in b side are. Same as every other platformer worth a damn.
Fuck off, and quit pretending you play vidya.
because of the story
these days it doesn't matter how good the actual gameplay is, your game can win awards just by telling a good story, which is absolutely retarded because that's not what games are mainly for
also the music was nice i guess
>Neither is Celeste.
Hes talking about the prot being trans
that's not the same at all and you know it
in old platformers there'd be like one or 2 short areas like this, while every screen in celeste's b sides is designed that way, the platforming has to be way more precise, and you die instantly instead of taking some damage and get sent back to the beginning of the screen. not to mention you also have to figure out sometimes how to pass a screen since it's not entirely obvious at first, and some of them are also pretty fucking long too
i don't know about you but i don't play games to train my muscle memory
>Modern trannies are fucking annoying, so they're hated now.
The only thing that has changed is autistic retards on Yea Forums whipping other autistic retards on Yea Forums into a blind fury by talking about them in every single thread, but then blaming them for their own obsession.
Spend a week without coming here and you'll be amazed how few insane trannies are actually screaming at you every day. Turns out it's actually none.
Anyway, see you tomorrow for another 500,000 tranny threads and 2 videogame threads for those fast enough to catch them.
>why don't these people just fuck off and make their OWN games!?
they do
Primo post
It’s almost like Yea Forums isn’t a single person
It’s almost like Yea Forums isn’t a single person
didnt Yea Forums really like this game?
no, it was just shilled here.
>Yea Forums gets triggered into oblivion by two small flags
imagine being this sensitive
>Spend a week without coming here and you'll be amazed how few insane trannies are actually screaming at you every day. Turns out it's actually none.
Kill yourself degenerate
Celeste was a GOTY candidate in 2018. The 2019 DLC *hints* that Madeline might be trans.
>For fucking years the people here whined about SJWs complaining about 'problematic' things in a game instead of judging the game on the merits of its gameplay
>Ignore this thinking the moment the tables are turned
You're a bunch of huge faggots
idk never played it and now i never will
Your example is one part out of an entire game, even if the rest of the level is similarly spike-riddled, but you can really obviously tell that getting hurt doesn't immediately mean death, even in the extremely tight space where the guy playing takes damage. There's a lot of leeway, you can tank hits and take damage to advance, there's a lot more smart level design than just "there are spikes and you die if you touch."
I'm upset that you'd use a good game to further your terrible point and I'm even more upset that you used something I drew to do it.
based drawfag
>in old platformers there'd be like one or two short areas like this
Don't make me comb through every bonus area or final couple levels of every platformer, I have shit to do today.
Except instant death mechanics are a part of the level if you keep watching. Like the pincers that'll cut jim in half if he fucks up his timing, the precise areas of Heck that lead to spike traps if you fuck up. The floating head sequences in the second game.
Down the fucking Tubes.
You're a skilled drawfag assuming you aren't bullshitting, but you either didn't play old platformers, or you only played parts of them and quit.
technically no but literally every popular mario maker level is exactly like that
There's a reason why they're called bonus areas my dude. No one treats Champion's Road or Darker Side as the entire Mario game.
>all those munchers in an unorganized fashion
This is a kaizo hack, right?
Who are you quoting?
Yea Forums users turned into what they hate : obnoxious people who love getting offended so much that they purposely go out of their way to find minuscule things to screech about daily
Yea Forums are the nu-sjws
and once again you're comparing one small area out of a massive game with many easier levels to HALF OF CELESTE
every single screen in every single b side in celeste is designed to kill you over and over while you're showing me small areas out of entire levels that are unlocked at the end of these games. it's not the same at all
Go back to watching Secular Talk.
I believe they're called "Anti-SJW's" shill.
That video's from a romhack, even the actual Tubular isn't that awful.
And yeah there's the bugs that kill you instantly, one of about three things in the entire game that do besides bottomless pits, there's maybe six or seven of them and they're only in the final level. And Down the Tubes' submarine sections don't have any instant death, you only die if you run out of air or smash the sub open, those are akin to running out of health and the walls aren't inherently damaging, only when you run into them at speed and hitting the bottom of the sub doesn't damage the rest of it even if you were going fast.
It's all about navigation and being careful, which isn't anything like spikefest level design that's mostly just for throwing yourself at until you memorize it.
>Spend a week without coming here and you'll be amazed how few insane trannies are actually screaming at you every day. Turns out it's actually none.
>walk into a thread about trannies/see a thread where people are screaming about trannies again
>"gotta see what tranny is trolling right now"
>scroll up
>the "tranny posting" was some user bringing up trannies out of no where
>this has been happening for a year
I love the style of this game, but the gameplay is genuinely unfun.
It’s almost like Yea Forums isn’t a single person
It’s almost like Yea Forums isn’t a single person
You're right, Yea Forums just started to fill up with a massive amount of retards
I just like platformers and Matt Makes Games. An Untitled Story was his masterpiece and it's a shame more people haven't played it.
But the left isn't just one person!
>everyone who hates 24/7 trannies vs. non-trannies is an SJW
have sex
One mind though
You mean le ebin hibemind like my oldfag Yea Forums memes?
You can use Sypha's ice spell to freeze the water
Castlevania 3 has the coolest secrets.
I fucking hate modern platformers like this where it's just jumping from platform to platform in an abstract space and nothing else
They never have enemies or powerups or bosses or cool areas or anything actually interesting.
Now hang on a sec fellas, here's a little mental gymnastics for ya, the black dude did BLACKED a white woman from the gene pool if Madeline is trans, if anything, Madeline is cucking this black man out of spreading his seed into the whitney's gene pool.
Ergo, Celeste's writers are based and redpilled.
My what intelligent discourse we’re having
at least the original had some ducking effort put into it
*DIDN'T BLACKED a white woman.
what the fuck
i have
it's too floaty
So why treat b-side as though it was all of Celeste?
The game has a fuck ton of spiked walls, I won't argue that but that's only in the later areas and not even half as bad as the b side areas that are constantly dragged out whenever someone wants to make a strawman of modern platformers.
It would be like criticizing modern action games of having too many instant death enemies by dragging out Dante Must Die as representative of the entire game.
Funny shit is, it only happens with Celeste. Nobody was pissy when Meatboy had the exact same demand of precision because you'd die otherwise. Nobody shit on I wanna be the guy back in the day. Hell I'm hesitant to even argue this seriously, because I don't know how much of these complaints are just because the creators have shitty politics.
Anyway I need to go hop in my wage cage, if this is still up at around 2 or 3 EST I'll come back.
Fair enough
Fucking up results in instant death regardless.
I mean you could just look at the filenames of both of those to realize how long those dumbass pictures have been floating around
If there's a dagger on screen when the background clouds start to flicker, a lightning bolt will strike at it's location. Not very useful as it's nearly impossible to line up but damn does it look cool.
There's more to the level in that video than just jumping from platform to platform
Same could be said for Celeste, but seriously I gotta go.
And there's more in Celeste level design than jumping from platform to platfrom, brainlet.
And there's more in celeste's optional challenge levels than just jumping from platform to platform
>So why treat b-side as though it was all of Celeste?
because those levels make up half of the game rather than 10% and you have to do them for the ending
>I wanna be the guy
the game is trolling you constantly anyway so again, not a comparison
celeste has bad level design and pointing out all of these other games won't change it
>Tfw edging so much my dick is starting to hurt badly
It's all just spikes or pits though
Literally Mario games are just pits and enemies
Enemies mean a lot in a platformer
the SMW level posted is literally one long bottomless pit
the ultimate "I got casual filtered and can't cope" image
I got the game. The gameplay isn't terrible, but I guess it isn't for me. I would rather developers go in with a goal in mind rather than shove statements in halfway to renew interest.
and also fuck trannies, they are the most worthless attention whores
with enemies
Spikes and pits also mean a lot in a platformer. Even Mario has spikes
So is Celeste an actual good game or is it Gone Home-tier in terms of shilled by game journos?
get woke, go broke
Please delete this
Boy that image hasn't aged well.
Are you intentionally playing dumb? I didn't say that spikes are bad. I said that level design which is just pits and/or spikes is bad. You need some standard level design in there.
You're missing a few gimmicks there.
>I said that level design which is just pits and/or spikes is bad.
>making these implications
You couldn't be more wrong
Shall we make a list of all the stage gimmicks and obstacles in celeste?
Because it's not very interesting. It's static.
>levels with changing platforms, constantly moving platforms, walls which grow spikes, timed platforms which appear and disappear over time, etc.
still not enough for me
Proving his point perfectly.
Literally like Mario's static platforms and enemies.
>platforms, platforms, spikes, platforms
wowee what variety
This is just the definition of a platformer though?
>hurr durr the left gets offended at everything
Look at the fucking thread you're posting in.
Enemies aren't just a static element. Especially Chargin' Chucks and Hammer Bros.
No. It's about those shitty meat boy derivatives that are nothing but platforms and kill zones
>static enemies
madeline is a cute! and the soundtrack is the best, fuck the haters
The fact that people here are pissed off (in my opinion, justifiably) doesn't give leftists any sense of humor. Besides, it took all of three seconds for faggots to call out "queerbaiting" which is probably also true, but not specifically what I care about.
>traffic light blocks
>dream blocks
>cosmic clones
>dust bunnies
>blue/pink clouds
>blue bubbles
>red bubbles
>dash blocks
>theo crystal
>gold feathers
>lion blocks
>badeline fight
>hot/cold switch
>vertical conveyers
>ice/fire balls
>rising lava/ice
>puffer fish
>jellyfish gliders
>alternating music blocks
>badeline orbs/bird boosts
it's just spikes bro
>Same enemies spawn in the same places with the same predictable patterns every time
>Adds basically no challenge to the platforming at all
Very static. The most you get in Mario are platforms that move on predetermined paths. Very static, very dull, very easy.
that's an arab you fucking tard
not to mention wall climbing, wall jumps air dashes, double air dashes, flight feathers and the ten different kinds of wall and ground kicks that you don't even need until the challenge stages
Try Rayman Legends man, its superb!
>t. quit at Hotel B-side
Well I sure am laughing at conservacuck snowflakes like you crying over this
I can't tell if you'd like sonic better or worse then, since that game is less about platforming and more about pinball crossed with speedrunning
Half of those do the exact same thing as spikes, and the other half are mechanics to help you avoid spikes. Next argument
Yes. Matt Makes Games is a huge SJW and recently came out as "genderqueer".
What does that mean, exactly?
I'm surprised you like games at all, the vast majority involve you sitting still and pressing buttons
fucking yawn
what else do you expect in a platformer? the entire genre is jumping between safe platforms and avoiding obstacles
half of them are obstacles and the other half are mechanics to avoid obstacles
wow, it's like a platformer
He wears different clothes sometimes.
best track youtube.com
You do realise that static means unmoving, right?
>i-i-it's not hard you j-just have to to try it a bunch of times until you get good at it. NO i'm definitely not mad that I'm just not good at platformers!
how does a person say this without realizing it undermines the entire concept of practice
It also means unchanging. The same enemies spawning in the same way with the same AI is a static element of the gameplay.
>the entire genre is jumping between safe platforms and avoiding obstacles
Only garbage indie games are like this. Real platformers have variety and enemies.
it means unchanging actually
>Mega Man
>A 2D shooter
>Is "real platformer"
>stand still and mash fire while occasionally jumping
woah.. how can celeste compete with such deep and dynamic gameplay..
>it's not a platformer unless it's literally just jumping from floating platform to floating platform like a shitty flash game
It's a fun setpiece at the end of a level and something no indie hack could ever think of.
>special education class feelings hurt because of the devs expressing their political views in a game
Wow nothing new here.
>game where you sit still most of the time and press a fire/attack button
>REAL platformer
Lmao, literally 4 jumps in that webm, and only 3 of them move you forward.
you don't get to decide the makeup of a genre just because you have an irrational hate for some of the, child
also megaman x is the easiest megaman game ever made. even easier than megaman 7
>game where you sit still most of the time and press a fire/attack button
You have never played Ninja Gaiden.
>Lmao, literally 4 jumps in that webm, and only 3 of them move you forward.
And yet it's more difficult and well designed than any indie game.
Yea Forums wanted (((them))) to make their own games and is now upset because (((they))) have.
>You have never played Ninja Gaiden.
Ninja Gaiden is an action game that happens to have platforms.
>And yet it's more difficult and well designed than any indie game.
>also megaman x is the easiest megaman game ever made. even easier than megaman 7
Mega Man 7's final boss is fucking bullshit hard, of course X is easier than that game.
>Ninja Gaiden is an action game that happens to have platforms.
So it's an action platformer. Still a better platformer than shit indie games. Indie "platformers" that are in fact easy as fuck since you can retry the ten second levels infinitely.
So what happened to the spikes and pits user
What really makes this argument great is how the people who use it feel pride about fucking internet memes they never created. That is like a military wife cutting in a walmart line because his husband went to Iraq to shoot at farmers for USA.
you keep using "indie" as if that's not a totally ambiguous and broad term
as if that's an actual argument that holds any ground
as if you don't have very many examples of indie platformers at all to go off of
It's at the very end of the game as an easter egg in a cutscene.
It's also the end of it, development is done.
>s-s-s-s-seethe, r-r-r-republitards...
Okay kiddo
If you like platformers with nice movement and some thumb wrecking screens it is worth a shot especially on sale. Don't let the gender politics sperg shitposting stop you from trying it out.
You sure are
>a few non verbal tucked away hints that a tranny may be in the room
>""justifiably mad""
This image aged like milk.
>I speak for the Yea Forumss
No you don't, faggot.
>you keep using "indie" as if that's not a totally ambiguous and broad term
It isn't. Literally all indie platformers are like this.
>Tell SJWs to make their own games
>they do so
>Yea Forums still freaks out
I don't get it. This is a company funded and founded by SJWs. Isn't you crying about their games (which you never would buy) the same as when SJWs do it to yours?
>Atlus adds a tranny that literally says there's nothing wrong with same-sex marriage
>indie dev reveals that Madeline has a dick
One side or the other you morons. I'm on the side of who gives a shit
This. How assblasted on trans people you have to that seeing a pill bottle and flag in a picture from a video game makes you complain about it on a korean futanaricomic forum for hours? And how on earth can you after that claim that the opposing site is the one that gets triggered too easy?
Cave Story
Shovel Knight
Hollow Knight
Hat in Time
La Mulana
Mark of the Ninja
just to name a few. there are dozens more you simply just don't know about or just refuse to acknowledge because that'd dismantle your argument entirely
the notion that only AAA games can be difficult or "true" is frankly retarded
>censorship is bad unless it's censoring fag propaganda
Yea Forums which repeatedly said that during GG.
Oh God, you're basically one of those 3x3 "am i Yea Forums yet?" posters. Those games are literally the same shit but just gobbled up by Yea Forums.
>Madeline has a dick
Ummmm no sweetie. We're fighting for the white race and western civilization so it's not the same at all
In her mouth. It's my own.
>th-those don't count! too many people like them! y-y-you're just a 3x3 fag! 3x3FAG!!
I'll take that as an admission of defeat.
Thanks for playing.
Touched a nerve, did I?
Hat in Time is a 3D platformer, Mark of the Ninja is a stealth game. Honestly I would have listed Spelunky before either of those. I'll admit I was being a bit hyperbolic when I said every indie platformer, but the vast majority are. Not everything can be good like Cave Story or Shovel Knight. When I say "indie platformer" I mean a platformer that plays like the majority of indie platformers. That is to say infinite lives, short levels and no or very few enemies.
>Mark of the Ninja and Shovel Knight are the same.
How many cans of paint do you huff a day, user?
>Yea Forums is one person
If trannies and liberals and sjws and niggers are, yes.
>Yea Forums is me
Unironically true. The air dash is nice and does have some puzzles that utilize it but I honestly just prefer Super Meat Boy’s Level style.
It's just a puzzle platformer, no need to keep xirs onions mocha girlcock in your mouth for a 3rd str*ight year.
I dont want (((them))) to exist on earth
Its a shitty super meatboy clone. Fuck off op.
I don't care about if is he or she...
I love her/his eyebrows...
And I love that he/she probably has a massive bush down there
Nah, fine wine. Don't get so upset over it.
How do you ruin something that was never good to begin with?