Here's your KOTOR bro
Here's your KOTOR bro
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does disney just want to lose as much money as possible with star wars?
It's a viedogame movie. Of course it's goig to be bad
The only people who still even care about that shit are the losers who will buy anything with the SW logo on it, so they are trying to target the female audience
they still get a fuckton of money even if the product is absolute literal shit. Basedbrains eat any shit with a Disney logo
Women Directors... WHY?
>hiring DuVernay for your $200m movie after the critical and financial disaster that was A Wrinkle in Time
Pretty sure Kreia only works as a video game character considering you really start to understand her once you see all her responses to the different choices you can make, limiting it to only one outcome for a choice for a movie will make even more brainlets miss the point of her deep and compelling character.
No, they put Kennedy in charge of the movies because she organized the deal and her track record wasn't that bad.
Then she stabbed both them and Lucas in the back in order to hire her friends and tank the series as much as possible knowing she couldn't be fired because she's a women.
was it really that bad?
i't been on my backlog for god knows how long
seeing her name in the credits of god tier classic lucas films seems so bizarre now
how did she fuck up so hard
From the thumbnail I thought that was Jace Beleren
Luckily I was never invested in KOTOR
I simply pretend disney wars doesn't exist
Signs point to yes
Personal ambition and ego over both the drive to make money and the drove to make a good product.
Disney at least cancelled most of the shit she was planning after Last Jedi and Solo showed how bad the fatigue is.
It's for Mission! Yeah, that's it! No way they'd do that for Bastilla or even Revan hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Obviously the goal isn’t to make money, it is to push the globohomo Jew agenda.
This is the ONLY explanation that makes sense - that they’re not doing this to Star Wars for the money.
>how did she fuck up so hard
She’s a woman. That’s what they do. They cannot lead or build.
Looking for POC is always hilarious. I don't give a fuck what color they are just as long as they aren't white! Indicates they don't actually have a vision for the character they want to make
What the fuck is POC?
person of color
it's one of the worst movies I've ever seen and it shits all over the themes of the book, outright replacing themes of self-determination with communist garbage. I wish I was joking. The art and direction is also atrocious
the problem is the females who would be interested in Star Wars in the first place are already consuming Star Wars
they aren't on the edge thinking "I sure would like to like this, but only if there were more women and coloreds in it"
disney only cares about making sjw propaganda these days
Eh. At this point I'd say they're determined to weed out anyone that could be turned away by what they're doing, leaving only people who will watch/buy literally anything it Star Wars on it and just release as much material as they can to those guaranteed buyers. If they can make it cheap enough and have X number of guaranteed sales they can still turn a decent profit by quickly churning out cheap trash.
Well Jenkins is known for Wonder Woman. I didn't like it but at least that movie wasn't so awful.
Isn't white a color?
jewish for "non-whites only"
Fuck those goddamned colored people
Didn't you get the memo that the Force is female?
white is a shade
Then I want to FUCK the Force.
but the KOTOR 1 protag is canonically male
the KOTOR 2 protag is canon female
That's what I do too.
It's either all colors or an abscence of colors, depending on who you ask.
Just fuck people in general. Introduce an alien protagonist instead. I mean, what happened to all those different races that were Jedi in the prequels?
They hate white people and want them dead
A black person.
And Luke Skywalker was canon not-an-asshole, but shit happens.
Eh I mean there are WOC options for Revan and the Exile so it's not ridiculous if its one of them though I doubt we'd get fem!Revan.
If that casting is for Bastila then I got a problem.
Oh and don't let DuVernay touch anymore big scifi films - Wrinkle in Time was enough.
Kathleen Kennedy can't die fast enough.
the kind of tired that sleep won't fix
sure, racist
It's pretty much Disney's destiny to run this franchise into the ground. It's a 40+ year old franchise that should have lost it's popularity and been practically forgotten about 10+ years ago, just like just about everything made prior to the 1940s. All these companies clinging to past works and either expanding upon them or re-imagining them in this way is a clear sign that people in this day and age seem to have very little of the creative juices to make something unique that would actually draw in crowds from newer generations.
now i need to see the trainwreck
>Apparent writer behind it is the same writer for Avatar and Shutter Island
Interest slightly piqued
big companies need tax write offs user
do you seriously belive a company as BIG and greedy as disney and EA would LOSE MONEY?
they lose 10 million dolars to save 1 billion in taxes
Whose bright idea was it to put women in charge of Star Wars. Something these whores never liked to the same degree as men. Its retarded
pirate it if you must, but be prepared for absolute garbage wrapped in propaganda wrapped in more trash and feces
non porn parody twi'lek protag when
It was part of Disney's agreement with Lucas since Kennedy had been a part of Lucasfilms for a long time, but the agreement was meant to have the stipulation that Lucas would also have a hand in making the movies. Kennedy went back on this by only letting Lucas drop off his ideal script for Episode 7 before tossing it in the garbage and taking everything for herself.
goddamnit Yea Forums
There were niggers in kotor
Shaddup already
everyone is shitting on the lack of merits of each production memeber
kinda unexpected innit
please don't use the n-word here, it's extremely offensive. I've been on 4channel since the beginning and that nasty word has NEVER been allowed here.
What if they're jumping to KOTOR2 and are just making the Exile black?
SW games ended with KOTOR 2.
in defense of evil jews
Revan CAN be a black female, asian female or hispanic female
first column asian revan is a fucking CUTIEPIE
Then they will ruin Exile.
>muh alien protag
Which race?
The only cool aliens in the SWverse are the Kel Dor and Kyuzo, problem is, you can't see their mouths.
Maybe the Duros too, but without proper eyes, no emotions.
This without doubt.
Infinite money from the Fed Res makes them do weird shit.
Yeah but that means that Carth's the love interest, and it'd go down like a sack of shit with his trust issues. "What, does he not trust her because she's BLACK? Because she's a WOMAN?"
>they're already on their way to ruin the TOR
Universal themes that drive inspiration from classical archetypes is the perfect story for highly polarized, morally grey times. An actual modern Star Wars movie would bust blocks harder than it ever could have in the 70s but the polarization and need to capture modernity's moral shortcomings has infected the big escapism producers who can't seem to wrap their heads around the idea that most people seek escapism to fucking escape from exactly what they're trying to push.
WW was fucking shit and retarded as fuck.
>they are attacked by a whole flit, but somewho the all disappear after beating one ship
>dance with a sword in her back, no one notice
>try to find someone in deadly poison, but don't die
>that whole final battle
Holy fuck, I will never understand why this shit movie was praised so much, I literally face palmed in real life for the first time.
So is black.
Revan is canonically a male and always has been, Exile has always been the canon female.
That's an interesting plot my dude ;^)
Not that im arguing for female revan
i was just saying that they can make a female black revan and nobody should throw a fit because you can play as a female revan in game
They are investing into pushing an agenda. One by one, year after year, the cancer slowly spreads. One day it will suddenly take over.
Pray that you'll be long dead of old age before that happens.
picker of cotton
>expecting snoi wars to not be FULL WOKE
Disney literally cannot GO BROKE, they're too obscenely rich and powerful a megacorp. they can set fire to billions of dollars just to laugh at how angry it makes the fanboys.
personally i like soul patch revan
Yes, except everyone is going to throw a fit other than the crowd that doesn't even watch the movies and just want things to be PC. Everyone has known Revan was a male, hell they even make references to him in current EA games that he's a male. This is about the equivalency to saying Lucas' movies don't matter and now suddenly Luke Skywalker is a black female. That's what it's like.
I played as bald black Revan, and played him as though he was an ancestor to Mace Windu, but Revan is still male. Doesn't matter if he's asian, black, or whatever, but it does matter that he's male considering Disney has made literal toys that are MALE Revan.
>doesn't matter who as long as you're not white
When did this shit become acceptable
>Female POC
It better be Mission, because if it's Bastila or Revan they'll probably manage to retroactively make me hate one of my favorite games of all time
When the 10s Civil Rights movement started. It'll pass when it stops making money for rich white folks.
To be honest that kind of seems to be what they want to do, destroy everything that was once good.
Patty Jenkins is an old lady, and Ava Duvaney is well beyond the age/looks of Mission.
These two could literally play NOBODY in the first KotOR and have it fit.
Good thing the new trilogy already killed the franchise for me long ago
i see where you coming form but as the theory goes people want to see themselves in movies so with an audience mainly of white men anything else will only hurt the film
"Let the past die, even if you have to kill it."
Piece Of Caca?
She didn't organize the deal, George Lucas specifically requested that she be put up as head of Lucasfilms. Also it is really bizarre to act like she is tanking this shit on purpose, and I don't see her hiring any of her friends. If anything it's Dave Filoni hiring his friends (see: Mandalorian) and putting shit like time travel into the franchise. The only major fuck up Kennedy herself has caused is the firing of Lord and Miller from Solo.
>I will never understand why this shit movie was praised so much
because it was directed by a female
The things some of you faggots still watch, play or care about really leaves me seething to see people with shit taste posting about Star Wars, Blizzard or EA on here still.
cronyism and nepotism can destroy anything: even untouchable IPs
nepotism is a good thing incel
I think it has a lot more to do with ideological bias than anything else. Its telling that the only project that didn't get fucktons of executive meddling was TLJ.
Hey, we lost money on Solo due to how terrible The Last Jedi was and the now boycotting primarily white males that watch Star Wars, and we lost money heavily. I know, lets add make them more mad because it's funny, that'll get us money and appease China!
I know Kathleen Kennedy got her place in this business because of a feminist illuminati cult, but jesus christ nobody could be this bad at business, even whores on myfreecams and shit have better business sense.
Lucas was smart, put her in charge so it makes him look better. Also time travel was always a thing, and perfected loops where its never mentioned again whatsoever has been a thing in Star Wars before and Filoni should honestly be in charge of SW considering how much he learned from Lucas himself, as long as he keeps the stupid helicopter sabers out of it.
Oy gevalt, we have so much royalty pouring in from other franchises that we can shit into your childhood for longer than you'll live, goyim.
>nepotism is a good thing
You're retarded, never become a manager or get into any power position whatsoever in your entire life.
Are they gonna finish raping star wars at some point?
No way they're doing KOTOR2, Star Wars movies need to have black & white morality.
Luke spouting Kreia-isms is as much gray as we'll get to see.
Many people tend to forget that George's wife pretty much saved the entire first movie from being a shitfest
funnily enough that's the most common way of getting into a powerful position nowadays
My Revan was always a waifu.
That isn't how royalties work. If Star Wars starts to massively lose money, it'll be shelved because it wouldn't be worth the investment. Hell they shit canned Spider-Man in MCU because they weren't making money off of it. They're willing to shit on and toss the most popular things on the planet to the wind because their pockets aren't being lined. Star Wars has to make money, not Lady and the Tramp for Star Wars.
Qui-Gon exists, also Kreia is a hypocritical moron who still adheres to Sith ideology and the corruption of the Dark Side.
To be fair, Revan could look like anyone. You could choose the gender/race in the game.
They better not fuck with Space Jesus Exile, though.
Man, I vaguely remember watching the third OT movie with my dad as a kid and falling in love with it immediately. All those good scenes, like Luke hanging out in the cantina, Han rescuing him on Hoth, even scenes from the prequels like Obi-Wan helplessly watching Qui-Gon fight and loose against Maul and falling into rage and of course the fight between him and Anakin in Revenge of the Sith. If my current self went back in time to show my younger self what this franchise or others would become down the road, I dont know. Taking a step back and looking at the state of things it might be best to simply ignore any new additions. For me atleast now, Star Wars ended with Luke and the others celebrating the victory over the Empire.
You think jews made up "person of color" so that the abbreviation could sound like "Piece of Crap" ?
The woman is probably going to be revan
As kids we'd probably still love the ST, as adults we realize it for the problems it has, same as we did the prequels. But the ST is so bad we're retroactively realizing that the PT as adults actually had love and lore and care put into it, not as much as the OT, but its there.
The Mandalorian trailer looked to good to be true. You think the twist at the end of season one will be the Samus reveal?
>Michael Fassbender as Malak
>Nigress as Revan
>Having to take a Fassbender Malak seriously when he's fighting some sassy ass black bitch
Can't wait, comedy of the year.
This. The PT had so many issues, but most of it stemmed from Lucas wanting to explain and show too much.
Piece of crap. All pieces of crap are a shade of brown.
I never said she'd be Kreia, just saying a KOTOR2 movie would be a horrible idea.
Lol you wish. Both will be female. Revan will be female to "break up gender convictions" and Exile will be female to stay somewhat true to "canon lore"
It's been an entertaining dumpster fire to watch
Malak will also be female and it will be about a woman's struggle against the fellow woman, and how the dark side is actually man's patriarchy.
Just say non-white you fucking kikes
Yes. The story is horrible and the acting is worse.
Somehow it looks like a Disney Channel original movie despite the $130m budget
Yep but they are doing it by releasing a lot of shit instead of just one movie. Toys are not selling well which used to be worth more than the movies ever had even with dvd sales, releases and some shit. A lot of people have soured when it comes to star wars. Keep doing this is not great in the long run.
But a lot of the jews are really banking on chink and foreign money. They don't really mind any loss locally because foreign money will just supplement it. Today, local and foreign is 50:50 in their profit and it will turn the other way in the future.
But that would trigger them, the shade of white makes them upset. Ya know, despite saying person-of-color is as demeaning as calling someone by a racist name because it lumps them all into some category that they're all the same and separated from whites.
reminder that this is all George flukes' fault for selling out to disjew for a measly 2 bil
Imagine they made a movie about Kingdom Hearts, but instead of friendship and hearts, it was about communism and directed by 4Kids.
to be fair you can buy a lot of cocaine and cunny with 2 billion
game to movie adaptation is a bad idea
>Samus reveal
Which is funny because the chinks fucking hate niggers and other chinks in movies and want stereotypical white man action films or anime films.
>it's a /pol/ get triggered episode
surprise the madalorian is a nigger
George made a big brain move. He’s going to buy back Star Wars for half the price he sold it for.
>selling your lifes work for powder and holes
only george would do this
Didn't disney say KOTOR was not canon? Are they now going to go back and shit on it?
Pedro Pascal plays The Mandalorian, or Oberyn from Game of Thrones if that helps.
literally who and what
reminder that Star Wars was always shit
>Han Solo and Luke Skywalker dead
>Kylo is a fucking joke
>Emperor isn't dead
>Snoke just dies
>All of the comics are completely shit as are the novels that shit on everything
And you ask if they'll make KotOR canon in their own vision, come on now.
>or Oberyn from Game of Thrones
You mean Javier Pena from Narcos, a much better show?
he's a spic better than your generic white dude though
Yep however the chink government still haven't acted upon it for some reason so they are giving it a pass as they are in their "you are okay if you make us look good" phase but they will soon change their mind, really really soon.
fuck POCs
>Be me
>actually enjoy this star wars garbage
The original trilogy was complete trash, KOTOR is overrated as all hell, but the new movies are so absolutely insane that I enjoy watching them.
I mean, for fucks sake, they made a high ranking general of the Republic a pink haired bourgie white bitch that nags at everyone and is just magically correct about everything. It's fucking hilarious.
I'm still sad about how they raped Luke's character...
The twist is going to be that he WAS this bounty hunter, but died and his daughter took over without anyone knowing since no one really saw his face. There will be flashbacks that show him with his mask off in the past, but it's a misdirection before the twist.
Is that the movie where Bri Larson bitched about reviews because they were written by white men?
Well said
Imagine if he bought Star Wars back for half of what he sold it for and then immediately released a film he had saved.
This is the Mandolorian.
I mean, as long as Revan is done properly, does anything else matter? And they can't really fuck Revan up more than the MMO did.
She looks cute.
>the only main character from the OT disney hasn't killed off is LITERALLY dead
>Bri Larson
>Bitching about white men
I'd believe anything you said that combined those two items.
He has outlines for the entire sequel trilogy, even gave them to Disney, which was about Rey/Kylo training at Luke's academy before Kylo betrays and Rey is sent by Luke to hunt him down.
>Mass Effect
These are the ones that hurt me the most
What are the chances that they kill of Lando too?
I'm guessing 70%.
Lando and Palpatine.
Yea, be he also had more dumbass medichlorian tier bullshit in the Whills.
Piece of crap?
I’ve never read the book, but my ex had and she made us walk out in the theater because of how they raped her childhood to make it somehow both overly political and much more childish than the book.
Very high, his daughter is in the movie, so they'll move forward with her.
Why is Ben use this setting at all? No Hollywood faggot is going to make a better product than what I gotta izperiencced in my playtroughs.
I made my Revan a hot mulatto bitch so this is canon.
The correct phrase is People of CrapColoredSkin
The Whills/Midichlorians have been a thing since A New Hope's original draft. I hate to break that to you.
God please just be a rumor...
not surprising, pedro pascal has a severe case of TDS and constantly spouts insane bs on social media
Gwenpool movie when?
It's not. KotOR has been the rumored trilogy that D&D from Game of Thrones are doing for awhile now too.
Imagine it, Niggress Revan and D&D.
Christ, I can see that happening too.
Fucking hell.
They'll probably kill Leia off too and be like "She was killed in an attack by Kylo off-screen, we're so sorry Rey."
Also get ready for Clone Reys, because she's a clone of Palpatine/Anakin.
Ah fuck, my wetback nigga got dat TDS? Goddayyum.
Clones can't be force sensitive dipshit.
>muh childhood
kek sounds like a big bitch, good on you user for ditching her you're still a normalfag
You think Disney cares, do you really think Disney cares, the same people who brought back Emperor Palpatine which literally shits on the entire struggle of Anakin/Luke Skywalker and the OT/PT?
You think Disney gives a fuck? They will retcon that.
There were in EU, and they've already retconned tons. Get ready for Clone Reys.
They haven't even explained how Palpatine will be "brought back" if he was as strong as the originals made him sound, he could easily be a Force Ghost.
Sith can't be Force Ghosts. Also most of the leaks suggest he split his spirit on death, floated around like a magic spoopy soul man, and then entered Kylo and Rey, each half.
Sith? You mean Dark Jedi? Where does it say that only Jedi can be Force Ghost? If Dark Jedi can do every other Force trick that Jedi can, why can't they be Force Ghosts.
still makes me laugh desu. Was the first thing I thought when I heard she'd died. Had a hearty kek at the time
Remember: SJWs dont want or care about your entertainment media, they just dont want *you* to have it. It's the only thing that explains this kind of decision making that has become so popular.
So black Revan will tap Juhani ass huh
I thought you weren't allowed to call them colored people anymore
Because Lucas said they couldn't. Also because it's a good dichotomy of the Sith always wanting to live forever, because they can't live beyond death because of their connection to the Dark Side.
SJWs don't care about anything other than themselves and their own opinions. They're sociopaths. Every change and word they said is ironically just as racist, egocentric, and insane as the other far extreme they're fighting against.
SJWs are just Fascists with a new coat of paint.
Is there a ginger in the game?
Because they will cast a black women in her place.
Starforge confirmed for being Oprah Winfrey.
What year did everything start to go wrong? What made us go on this path?
It says its a rumor right in the headline dipshit
The Internet gaining popularity and becoming mainstream.
That's what went wrong. It gave everyone an outlet to say whatever the fuck was on their mind with no consequences.
Why would it be for Revan?
There is a shit ton of females in the KOTOR games.
>implying anybody wants to read that garbage
Yes, none of them are niggers either. Also people tend to cast leads before they do side characters.
Because it would be political and somehow cram racism in a world where fucking aliens exist.
>yfw disney rapes kotor 2 over a pinball machine 5 years from now
Considering how they hit me with the bait and switch on fin they have a chance to make it right with revan.
now that's not subtle at all. what were they thinking
>forgetting the Kaleesh
Imagine you're a "POC" and that's the only reason why you were hired. Imagine being reduced to your skin color. lol
And you faggots were crying when Sony took away Spider-Man. Based Sony knows not to change whichever characters origins for brownie points.
I think that's kind of ridiculous even for Disney. No way they'd be that blatant.
Can't wait to see Kreia be somehow doubly as retarded in that movie.
I can't wait for them to fuck up Kotor 2.
>looking for a female POC...
just write a good fucking story
fucking sjws ruin everything.
Yeah, you are right.
Utapaun are cool too, they looks like cenobites brothers.
>they're going to make a younger creia because an old white woman telling you do to something is too "old fashioned"
Kotor? More like Niggor lmao
Lmao. Fkn retard look at the demographics. The market is so efficient it makes boots that don't fit yet. Your time is up white boy.
Honestly they don't seem to dislike it, if anything it makes them more smug
>Walt Disney was a huge racist
>his company 100 years later that's still using his name is the #1 worldwide propaganda supporter
what would he think of this
He's rolling in his grave at such a speed that he could probably power the entire state of California in perpetuity.
>Walt Disney was a huge racist
No he wasn't. He just loathed Jews.
If he were racist he would have never made Dumbo or Song of the South, both of which he hired substantial numbers of black people to work on in a time where no one in Hollywood wanted to hire blacks.
>lose as much money as possible
imagine you had near infinite money and want to push a political agenda
Aaron Ehaz?
Nigger what? Yea Forums and Yea Forums were majority ecstatic that mouse's greed had been shown to the public. Normalfags still didn't see it that way, but Yea Forums and Yea Forums did
If darker mean less color, why do retarded americans keep saying "people of color"?.
Is the media just shamelessly manipulating the language here or is this "POC" term somehow reasonable?.
He'd be far more pissed over the fact that Disney has turned into a profits over craft business that has raped all his classic work with shitty sequels and spinoffs than he would over them hiring shitskins.
PoC is for browns, blacks, asians, indians,...
Basically, any non whites, which is kind of racist buuuut it's ok, you see.
>Visas is completely deleted because you can't show submissive women
>Handmaiden is a raging dyke because strong women can't like men
>Kreia is black and loves the Jedi with their blue lightsabers™
>Exile is female but her interactions with Sion are completely removed, he's just a generic bad guy
>Atton is just Han Solo, no mention of his backstory, he also likes the Jedi because the script said they're the good guys
>Nihilus makes some quips throughout the movie
Worst part is, I'm sure disney executives can think of something much worse
I have a friend that goes to Disneyland every two weeks, and then complains she doesn't have money for her monthly rent. People can have brand loyalty to the point of blindness.
I fucking hate these people now.
jesus christ
>over modern capeshit
>over disney taking any loss possible
>over another chance for tobey macguire spiderman 4
Why would I do that?
>female poc actress
This is what pisses me off. I get the female angle, even though it’s trite at this point, but why does it have to be a female of color when we’ve never even had a male of color lead one of these stupid movies before? They’re treating casting like a checklist.
he was really good in narcos so i have no problem with this
>It's a 40+ year old franchise that should have lost it's popularity and been practically forgotten about 10+ years ago, just like just about everything made prior to the 1940s
>made prior to the 1940's
>alien protagonist
This is actually a really cool idea, but it’s ludicrously unmarketable unless the alien is one of those aliens that looks like a human
That image is pretty ironic given all the merchandise plastered everywhere.
Is she this chick?
It's almost as if that's part of the joke
They were making a parody of some mechandise shilling podcast that's name escapes me.
>Disney are actually accelerationist by crashing and burning one of the most iconic franchises about hope for the future
Who knew?
You know you've really fucked up when using time travel to retcon away your sequel trilogy actually sounds like a good idea.
>Star Wars movies need to have black & white morality.
The old, good Star Wars was about good vs. evil. The new, shitty Star Wars is about cynicism and "subverting expectations". KOTOR 2's tone is a perfect fit for nuWars.
>obsidian autists shitposting about the greyness of the star wars moral system because they can get away with it do a better job than the best hollywood writers and directors money can buy
Why, exactly, does it need to be a KOTOR movie specifically? Why take an RPG that allows character creation so everyone can have their own version of the hero and turn it into a movie where you're forcing your version on everyone? Just make an original story in the same era. Then you can do whatever you want without pissing people off and looking like you're trying to hijack stuff. Of course, that's assuming that pissing people off isn't the goal in the first place.
That's going a little too far, I think. The fact that the sequel trilogy sucks doesn't change the fact that the prequel trilogy also sucks.
Malak will still be white, though, as a "take that" to the patriarchy. They never seem to be interested in taking a male *villain* and making him female. It always seems to be the heroes that need to be changed for diversity.
Female Revan and Jedi Jesus Exile is my canon. Though I expect nothing but garbage from Mouse Wars.
My Revan was black so I don't care
>female actress
As opposed to what, a MALE actress?
The only one I ever really enjoyed was Warcraft, but maybe it was just because it was nostalgic seeing all the characters on the big screen
even if it's old republic, it won't be kotor.
isn't revan canonically a dude? Rebel should have used him like planned, to not have shit like this.
God damnit, stop with the poc and just use fucking aliens please. they are cuter and more in theme with star wars.
Star Wars is a female power fantasy now, it doesn't even care about it's own universe.
I'll just stick with Legends, good and bad.
Oh well, at least the new game look "alright"...
>that feel when Solo unironically is a good SW money but it tanked because of SW8.
I didn't gave the movie a try at first, i regret it.
star wars simps will slurp up anything they shit out
Star Wars is the OT. Period. Nothing else exists at all to me after ROTJ.
Terrible the woke side of the force is, broke the Lucasfilm will be.
>looking for poc actress
What the fuck does that even mean?
Is any non-white fine?
And they already shat on mainline star wars so now they have to fuck with kotor too?
I hate americans and i fucking hate disney.
Colored People
I knew the franchise was going down hill when the first disney star wars movie was a rehash of episode 4
If he doesn’t have a dank mustache under the helmet I’m gonna be annoyed
>still caring about soiwars
Disney turned it into another princess movie for girls like most of their movies, SW died the moment George Lucas sold it to Disney. It's time to move on.
Is nothing sacred
KOTOR1 was never good
Oh god, imagine a world where blacks and whites, women and men are all equal... where workers aren't subjugated by greedy CEOs... where everyone gets guaranteed happiness and good health..
Fuck bros, I'm so scared. *clutches Hitler doll*
To have more kino scenes like this
imagine a world where adaptations are made by people with integrity
what am i looking at?
TOR expansion trailers.
The only good thing about that MMO is the CGI trailers. They're even better than the Disney SW movies.
TOR gets expansions?
And expensive CGI trailers?
I thought the game was running on skeleton crew fumes by now
Imagine being a gigantic mammonist company that blatantly exploits politics for money and then has it all crash and burn, and then try the same time again.
"Too big to fail" is the term we prefer in eagleland.
So powerful
Not like this
Shitting on everything that came before is what the new Star Wars is all about.
They made KOTOR non-canon as they were looting it Revan's mask.
Well there you have it, folks: Even George Lucas has a better understanding of how to write a basic plot than the hacks running Star Wars now.
they put the EU to the side and will pick and choose from it if they ever feel like it
What about all of Palpatine's clones?
It's labeled as a rumor and boundingintocomics is notorious for making shit up so I'm gonna go ahead and take it with a grain of salt
Didn't Mara Jade make a comment that she didn't think they were actually clones?
I'm just so tired of the entire "creative / entertainment" industry in general. Can they all just have a massive crash please? Holy fuck.
>Because Lucas said they couldn't.
Why did he allow it in KOTOR?
how are the reshoots going?
I don't know. I never really got into the EU heavily outside the video games. I just remember reading a wiki article that talked about Palpatine coming back again and again by moving his soul into clones.
kniggers of the old republic.
That does seem to be the case. Whenever they take over an established IP, there's always this air of hostility about them, like they're coming in to throw bombs and tear everything down. They usually don't say something like "I'm really excited to be involved in this thing people love." They sound more like "I'm here to correct all the 'mistakes' this thing people love has been making."
"No White allowed"
The whole show is a satire.
The force is female amiright? All female story team with rian as front puppet.
That's the world that true leftists want. SJWs just want a world where everyone does what they say.
You're already living in that world
>TOR gets expansions?
>And expensive CGI trailers?
Yeah. Too bad it doesn't also get animators.
>yfw final nail to the coffin
I seriously believe Lucas placed Kennedy as head of Lucasarts so she'd tank it so fucking hard that he can buy star wars back very cheap.
This level of incompetence is so fucking unbelievable.
Prisoner of cock.
I mean, a little less than half of children in public schools are white now. This is the future of Hollywood. Buckle up buckaroos.
>inside job
This. Might as well embrace it.
>not redpilling hispanics
>Source for those statistics?
>Why the deep inside of my asshole of course
>getting black female directors to direct generic hollywood schlock instead of letting them make movies that they can put their unique perspective on
Well done Disney you solved racism.
>Bounding Into Comics
i was gonna say that i was sure there were force ghosts in kotor
we got a true intellectual over here bois
The Chad route would never be reveal revans face.
Disney's CEO would disagree with you, the SOLO movie would disagree with you. DICE and EA would disagree, as would the licensed Star Wars toy manufacturers and the retailers whose warehouses are stocked floor to ceiling with cheap plastic Star Wars garbage that no one wants. Speaking of garbage, ask the disposal agency who is transporting literal tonnes of unsold Star Wars merchandise to be dumped. The brand is finished, forever.
>yfw there are people who actually think there are or ever will be any good star wars movies outside of the original trilogy
God dammit fuck Lucas for retconning all these stupid rules into SW. Obi Wan coming back as a spirit in Luke’s mind was supposed to be mystical and metaphorical, a representation of his mentors being with him long after death, but now we got all this ‘force ghost’ bullshit sucking the magic out of the original idea.
The prequels were superior. Keep sucking cock and guzzling cum, retard.
i always thought they needed to have been connected in life with the force, so like they worked together and got used to peoples "force signal" or an ancestor who has a smililar "force imprint"
not based off of anything except my perception but its how i thought of it
like thats why yoda obi and skywalker only appeared to luke
made sense in my mind
So Carth is going to be lusting after a tranny sheboon. Honestly serves him right. Better than Bastila getting blacked.
How is the existence of ghosts *less* "magical" than what amounts to a hallucination?
Ghosts are more mystical than hallucinations.
How is that a retcon? Obi-Wan did say that he'd return more powerful than Vader could imagine.
A nigger
Don't be transphobic.
the people in charge want to destroy star wars so straight white males (you) have nothing you're able to take pride in or like anymore.
Your ex was right.
t. read the book when i was 7
>female person of color
Disney is not losing money. They are just not making as much as they could.
It's true they still managed to squeak out a profit.
But they were expecting to make billions and instead they're making pennies.
Something that normies don't understand about financial stuff is that there's an opportunity cost to these things. 10 billion invested into star wars needs to pay off better than 10 billion invested into dog shit. If the dog shit is financially outperforming your IP purchase you fucked up. You should've invested in dog shit instead of star wars, because you would've made more money in a shorter span of time.
Star wars was supposed to be BIG. Absolutely huge. It was gonna be disney's next money printer. Instead it's barely staying profitable. They could've just spent the money on the stock market and made better returns.
What just floors me though is that they're doubling down on this shit. They know it doesn't sell, and they keep pushing it anyways.
How many more years of these people financially destroying themselves is it gonna take before they finally run out of fucking money
White men btfo
I still think back and laugh at all of the people that praised the canon wipe back in 2014. You fuckers got what you deserved.
"Kill me my dude"
What did he mean by this?
wow a little girl that can fcc up a grown ,man just with her mind!!!
There's literally no proof the POC female is going to be Revan. It could be an OC or one of the females for whatever reason. Hell, that cat girl was pretty damn black coded.
I think it's just the usual "child who can't control his/her powers and is a walking unpredictable nuke" trope, nothing deeper than that
Isn't the canon protag in kotor 2 a dark skinned woman?
No. She's white.
FemExile is cute and that's why she should be canon. But if the movie happens they'll cast some ugly goblin i am 100% sure.
same here, dvd OT masterrace here
>How many more years of these people financially destroying themselves is it gonna take before they finally run out of fucking money
They will never run out of money because they are subsidized by ZOG/The Federal Reserve.
All the gay tranny and forced social justice shit being promoted by companies everywhere is unpopular with the majority of people, and no doubt causes some to boycott but they are big enough and have enough cash flow that they don't need to care.
Fucking Americans, how many times have you changed how you refer to blacks in the last two decades?
Your politics are a fucking cancer, these people do not integrate because you are trying to pamper them with political correctness while at the same time you shoot them in the streets.
Just treat them like equals.
Would he just be wearing his Sith Lord mask while he has amnesia?
Its an allegory of rape accusations.
Sure why not? That mask is sick.
Bonus points if they somehow turn Revan into a silent protag.
>Just treat them like equals
i don't think you know this but they don't act like equals. They are blacks who come from africa, and western culture is not their thing. They literally think that laws and the courts are keeping them back from being who knows "true niggers" i guess
You shouldn't respond to people like him user, it will only fuel him.
>Sure why not? That mask is sick.
How much you wanna bet a bunch of ignorant fucks would say Revan's mask is a ripoff of Kylo's mask?
“Force Ghost” is a term that’s been used and expanded upon in the years AFTER the original trilogy, and it doesn’t carry the same meaning that the original Obi Wan/Yoda apparitions were meant to carry. “Force Ghosts” follow a particular ruleset defined by wookiepedia, while actual ghosts, phantoms and spectres are more loose and metaphorical and used for the purpose of storytelling.
The orgininal Star Wars trilogy was famously pulled from Joseph Campbell’s ‘The Man With a Thousand Faces’ and generally plays out as a mystical Hero’s Journey story with a sci-fi coat of paint. It uses the archetype of the Wise Sage liberally and weaves it into a bunch of spiritual mumbo jumbo we call The Force. But Lucas injected a bunch of pointless details into the mythology and thus robbed the story of all magic and mystery that it once had. The fact that “Force Ghosts” apply to a set of rules completely goes against the Campbellian philosophy that backbones the original story.
Then punish them, that's what treating them like equals mean.
Why do you think changing "Niggros" to "Niggers" to "Blacks" to "Coloreds" to "POC" make a difference?
POC = Penis of Cummies
the media (run by jews) changes what term to call them, your average working man doesn't give a fcc about what to call a black person
>actual ghosts, phantoms and spectres are more loose and metaphorical
Not really. Most of the time, they're literally the souls of dead people speaking from the afterlife.
>muh jews
Every time
well it is
like every time
don't know what to tell you?
>whites become 49%
>"finally i get minority protections"
>"no user, you're still a majority"
>"but whites are 49% how the fuck is this not a minority"
>"because you're still more people than any other race"
I genuinely don't understand, what the fuck do they gain from targeting the wrong audience? How do these women even get to the positions they're in and fuck up the franchises so hard?
>Parasites of Civilization
>Predators of Civilians
>Perpetrators of Crime
>Partners of Chaos
>Payload of Crematories
take your pick
>those shooting animations in the background ported straight from KOTOR
you consumed to much reddit memes to the point you actually think those garbage movies were any good at all.
the truth is, Lucas killed star wars with those shit prequels, Disney is just using the corpse as a marionette to milk extra money. they'll continue with this feminist and poc trend until there is nothing left
>I genuinely don't understand, what the fuck do they gain from targeting the wrong audience?
Facebook likes and a feeling of moral superiority.
If only they'd also ported KOTOR's saber dueling animations.
>where workers aren't subjugated by greedy CEOs... where everyone gets guaranteed happiness and good health
You do realize we're talking about Didney, right?
Yep that's your typical modern leftist, sucking Disney's cock.
god, why can't they just look for a race,
Anything other than white is not something to look for as a character.
A Mando war movie would be kino tho. Maybe a Rouge One type movie could work for 2
Why didn't he just Force pull his gun away?
That video was actually sick though. She was weak as a person but her negative feelings and lack of control made her powerful in the darkside. That combined with her evil upbringing turned her from a sweet little girl into a vicious killer.
The video of her brothers also gave me huge chills. They were freaking great. That one is probably my favorite of all Star Wars shorts.
these are pretty good
POC? Piece of Chit?