Is Cave Story a masterpiece or a generic indie platformer?
Is Cave Story a masterpiece or a generic indie platformer?
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false dichotomy
it's a pretty great game all round.
it's dogshit
dude I coom
>that hypnosis animation
I coomed to it as well
oh god, nhhhg...
There's also a middle ground, you know?
it's pretty fun for what it is and it's free
What's with the shitposters in this thread?
just discordfags pushing their new wojak
they can't even spell cum right
report and ignore
Someone's been trying to shill their brand new meme for a couple days now. That or trendslaves have already picked up the forced meme and now the forced meme toboggan is at full steam.
I haven't played cave story yet because Uni just takes up too much time, but I have it on switch. What version of the soundtrack should I play when I start?
I just think it's funny honestly, and ironically softcore porn threads have been more rampant with this shitposting around
Original. Always.
too easy and boring.
Original graphics and music.
In fact just play the original freeware version
i think its funny sometimes since half of the threads here are just excuses to share R34. In this case the meme is really forced though
Why the fuck is there a daily Cave Story thread now?
Faggots will tear their own assholes in rage over this but Pixel deserves more recognition than Toby for his efforts of game creation. Quote deserves to get in smash more than any other Undertale character.
It was a surprisingly good game for being made by a single person in his spare time. The true ending level is pretty rough, especially compared to the rest of the game. inb4contrarianfags "IT WUZN DIFFICUL". Wouldn't call it a masterpiece and a must play before you die but for sure worth checking out if you have nothing good to play.
same thing as the 'gamer' shit that was spammed all over the board until being filtered; it gets spammed hard by an attempted raid (presumably from some discord), eventually getting picked up by newfaggots as well until it's ran into the ground and posted even on totally irrelevant threads. It happened with sneed posting, it happened with gamer posting, it's happening again with coomer posting.
it's good enough that i played the game for free and then willingly gave money to the developer by buying the wii version
It was a masterpiece for its time that Nicalis has since milked dry to the point that I can't stand it anymore.
It's like Rayman 2. You fucking love the game when it came out. Then the publishers feed it to you again. And again. And again. Until you can't take it anymore. But Cave Story is even worse because nothing has happened to it since then. No new entry in the series, it just gets shitty Nicalis crossovers and keeps being heralded as some big fucking deal. It's like a guy who won a prestigious award one time, wasn't able to follow up on it, and then couldn't shut the fuck up about the glory days, just living off of the iconography. A has-been.
It could've stayed a nice little cult classic but Nicalis dragged its corpse to the point that there's nothing sacred left. But at least there's some good porn.
Haven't played it, but re-releases don't mean that the quality drops. Its not pixel's fault that nicalis are fucking scam artist, he still made a good game
Pixel made a good game then he later made another good game, if the nicalis garbage bothers you then just play the original freeware with the translation people always used to say was better.
How does this song capture the rollercoaster from tension to triumph of hell so well
Well, it was pretty funny when it was new desu. Even if it is a coordinated effort, disliking it just for this reason is just contrarian faggotry.
You gave money to Nicalis, you mean.
The new flavor of wojack? Wojack has run its course so thoroughly that I must be misunderstanding you.
trannies are rabid about the fact they are vanishing into irrelevance.
Not that they even mattered at any point in time but now it seems to be sinking in.
Kill yourself tranny.
Post the gif
is it that newgrounds one or is there another outt there
As the one responsible for the earlier shitposting, I kinda feel bad for Cavefags
not even on any discord, just wanted to cause commotion but ended on a sour point from the lack of vile responses
I never even played Cave Story lol