Literally any game ever made will eventually be ported to the Switch

>literally any game ever made will eventually be ported to the Switch

which one are you most excited about?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Rayman 2

I'm excited that I don't own this piece of junk


Doesn't matter, until the switch becomes hackable and its build quality not shit, it's completely irrelevant to me.

>implying you have to own it to play its games
t. brainlet retard

Mother 3, oh wait. Fuck You Nintendo

>Morrowind is on Switch
>Skyrim is on Switch
>still no Oblivion or New Vegas

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>becomes hackable

team fortress 2

The Orange Box
Left 4 Dead
Ledt 4 Dead 2
Portal 2

None of them because the switch failed to impress me

>until the switch becomes hackable
user, I...

Halo 3

>dwarf fortress

Switch CPU would explode trying to run it

>Yea Forums and game critics for years on the PSP and Vita
>Yea Forums and game critics on the Nintendo Basedshitch

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Madden 2009

Right now Borderlands 3, but I'll take the entire Dreamcast library.

show one example of each

user I can literally take a paperclip, stick it into my Switch and go nuts with it

none because I sold mine

>no gb/gbc/gba/ds/dsi/2ds/3ds/3dsxl vc
>no 64/gc/wii/wii u vc

The only ports I care about are HD collections. I'm not about to pay full-price for Twilight Princess again, I just want to be able to replay it without feeling like my eyes are being stabbed with fist-sized pixels. Throw together WW, TP, and SS into one neat bundle and I'm all ears. Same with Galaxy 1 and 2, and Metroid Prime Trilogy. Sony and Microsoft have been doing it for years, I have no idea why Nintendo even during the worst of software droughts just ignore this obvious piggy-bank they can just break into for some quick releases.

Third party ports don't really interest me since I have a PC anyways.

Chaos;Head Dual

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I was thinking about buying WiiU by the en--
>inb4 no you didn't
Actually, I did. I found few in some shop, used, but really cheap. I was thinking about buying it for TMS and XenoX, but now TMS is coming out on the Switch. If XenoX gets ported, I really wouldn't have a reason to buy that console.

Also, I'm still hoping that Namco will, one day, release Xenosaga HD. Assholes ruined it in Europe, they skipped 1 entirely, gave us 2, didn't sell, so there was no X3 here. But I think they see what's happening on the Switch, people want RPGs. They would lose nothing if they port Xenosaga on Switch and on other current gen consoles. Ok, maybe not XBox, but PS4...

>Morrowind is on Switch

wait what?

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Golden Sun HD collection when

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Serious question, anons. Now that 3DS is dead... What's gonna happen with Etrian Odyssey, Persona Q and similar draw-a-map games?

Gamecube 1st party games
I don't give a shit about anything else

wind waker hq

Skies of Arcadia

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But the online is garbage still?

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Asians have shit taste on shoes.

hack your switch goy

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Sonic Adventure 2, baby!

Now look at this and tell me they didn't copy Hatsune Miku.

>Golden Sun
Never ever

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user it's been out for a while

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what is this supposed to be? Looks like an upscaled ds game.

Whose dick should I be sucking to get a Vagrant Story port that decreases load times and lets me have preset weapon loadouts

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It's a fanmade HD enhancement of the third Golden Sun game, which is a DS game, so yeah.

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there is no GS3

This also make it a remake like Xenoblade.

That's why the switch is portable I guess

I've been wondering the same thing, but extended to the whole of the 3DS library.

When the Switch was announced, I thought it would be a handheld and a home console rolled up into one. But in terms of the games it's been getting, it feels more like just a home console that you can bring with you. That's not a bad thing I guess, but I feel like something's missing.

The list of people in SquareEnix is too big for you alone, I'm afraid.

Playing Divinity 2 at the moment. Am I supposed to do classic difficulty in NG+ or something? Trying to kill this Griff dude and 3-4 other guys but everyone has twice the HP/armor as anyone in my group and everyone's at leave one level higher with no apparent way for me to even things up.

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Would die laughing if tf2 and csgo came to the switch

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What if I help?

cope, it's been almost 3 years

Kill yourself retarded Smashfag

At this point I don't even think anybody would complain if they released it on the Wii U.

Honestly, I keep forgetting that Switch has a touch screen. Hell, even Picross got rid of it. But then, again, I doubt I want to use Switch touch screen, at all.

Switch can already emulate it great with a little overclock, its the best you are going to get

Shit, you will drag me with you.

Dude just euthanize the shit animals.

I really dont think they are gonna make a HD port or any port.
It would only make sense if there is a new entry being made.
Nigger you got your mii fighter

oh man where do I start
>original ff1-6
>also SquareSoft's entire 1997 to 2000 catalog
>DMC 1-4
>Metroid Prime collection
>Pandora's Tower
>The Last Story
off the top of my head

Einhander and Gundam Battle Assault 2

I haven't really had the opportunity to try it, but the touchscreen is probably just fine. There are pretty good styli for capacitive touch screens out there (not even talking about those fancy pen things, just those rubber-tipped things that have similar conductivity to human skin), it should at the very least be able to replicate the way Etrian Odyssey and games like that worked on 3DS, if not improve upon it.

They'd probably want to have the map drawing part be an optional thing since people might want to use the TV to play. But I wouldn't even mind having a title like EO be handheld-mode only. Or if I had to draw maps on actual paper - I love doing that. But the games aren't coming for some reason.

>implying every port in the switch happens because there's a new entry being made

Golden Sun isnt a big franchise though.

we've seen ports of smaller games

One can only hope, user. But seeing how much time they need to release Persona 5 Royal, and SMT5 is probably dead, I have 0 hope for a new EO game.

PSP and Vita ports were dumbed down graphically AND in the gameplay. Switch will at least play the game but just at garbage frames per second and shit graphics quality.

>we've seen ports of smaller games
Of GBA games?

I don't really want to believe you're right, but I kind of think if they were going to put EO on the Switch they'd have at least done some sort of port by now just to test the waters, maybe throw the 3DS games on the eshop with some minor tweaks or something. If it works out then you can easily put a small team on working on EO.

It just seems like most people don't consider the Switch a viable platform for that sort of game for whatever reason - and since there isn't really any other handheld platform around at this point, that means those franchises have nowhere to go.

Maybe they just think the graphical bar is set too high or something. I can't really fathom what would make anyone think that given how Pokémon looks on it though.

The only games i would love to get ported on the Switch are

>Dead Space trilogy but because EA hates the franchise it will never happen
>GTA IV or V will probably not happen considering how shit La.Noire looked
>Rare Replay could happen but since is one of the few good games on the XBOX One i don't think Microsoft would want to give it away
>Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil 2, realistically speaking Capcom could release these game son the Switch but who knows if they will.

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The nu-switch, or any switch I can buy at the store.

gekido for example

jak & daxter 1-3 on the switch would be comfy as fuck

I don't think those people have changed their opinions. The difference is that the Switch doesn't really have those games as its main selling point. The Vita launched with shitty, pared-down versions of Assassins Creed and Uncharted and basically tried to make that a big selling point. The Switch got games like BotW and Mario Odyssey, which from a technical standpoint were as advanced as those series have ever been.

The vast majority of Switch owners probably don't care about Witcher 3 on the Switch. It's just that there's other stuff to talk about, so they ignore it instead of complaining.

All Japanese online services are garbage, people just dont notice it on their nogaems4 stations since most only play Western games online

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user, do you have any recommendations? Labyrinth of Refrain, The Lost Child and few others are 1st person RPGs on the Switch. Have you tried any and, if you did, would you recommend some? I did play Lost Child tho, because one user on Yea Forums said it's basically Soul Hackers 2. :)

Other than that, I can say I'm a newly SaGa fan. I can't wait for RS3 and Scarlet Grace.

It is. More importantly, it's garbage you have to pay for. And then they throw in a bunch of old NES ROMs as if that justifies it somehow.

But then that kind of bullshit seems par for the course on consoles now. It's one of the reasons I still haven't bought a Switch.

Tekken DR and 6 on PSP were great

I can agree with that. I mean I might check out Swticher, but at the same time there are other stuff I'd rather buy around the time of its launch.

Halo 1
Jet force gemini

Skyrim 2

>online is garbage
>I know that because I don't have a Switch
From my understanding, only Yankees have problems with Nintendo online. Maybe your internet is shit?

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WIth the NES and SNES games and Tetris 99 and Mario Maker 2, I feel like I'm getting a good deal for what I pay.

paying to use your own internet is a scam, just because you grew up in an era when this bullshit became normalized doesnt mean you arent getting ripped off. Especially since you arent even paying for servers and are just getting P2P

I can't wait for FF7R: Pocket Edition.

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I'm really sorry, but I don't actually own a Switch yet, I've been holding out for a model with decent battery life. I've only managed to play a good number of the games I'm interested in since I've been able to borrow a Switch from a friend from time to time, and none of those are dungeon crawl-type games. I won't have the opportunity to go through the eshop with a fine comb until I've bought my own Switch, which I'll do as soon as the new model is in stock nearby. I'm definitely going to check out the games you've mentioned at the first opportunity though, so thanks for mentioning them.

Ratchet and Clank trilogy
Jak and Daxter trilogy
Sly Cooper trilogy
Halo: Master Chief Collection
Rare Replay
Sunset Overdrive
Doki Doki Literature Club
Half Life 2
Team Fortress 2
Portal 2
Donkey Kong Country: Divorce Cruise
Nintendo Switch Simulator

Just because I don't own a Switch that doesn't mean I haven't had the opportunity to use one. And it's not a case of the online being unacceptably bad in itself anyway, p2p is fine for games like mario kart, it's a case of it being utterly unacceptable for a paid service. If it was still free I wouldn't have nearly as much of a problem with it.

And I'm not a yank, whatever the hell that has to do with it.

Panel de Pon.

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np user

This game looks so weird, I might buy it.

Also, check out this. It's not 1st person, but I have a good feeling about it:

Ehhhh wasnt this game ported because there was a new game coming out? Still think its unlikely.

>Nintendo Switch Simulator

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I like the general vibe Mistover gives me. It feels comfy.

>>Nintendo Switch Simulator

>i don't think Microsoft would want to give it away

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they ported old rare games, they already ported Cuphead and Lucky's tale.

It'll never get PS-
>FFVII - XII exist
Well it never got SaGa Frontier I & II.

I'm still weirded out Romancing SaGa3 is coming to Vita.


You can have your damn RS3, just give me my fucking remastered SaGa Frontier already Kawazu before you retire/kick the bucket.

Where the fuck is it Nintendo? It bombed because it was on the Wii U. A Switch port would do good.

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Armored core 3 collection as a follow up to DXM

I'm assuming DivOS2
The armor system has issues but you can work around it by cheesing enemies with items or environmental effects

>be retard
>get retard outcomes
>bring up your retard outcomes as an argument on Yea Forums

I hate when people confuse Divinity 2 with OS2.

More fucking katamari games, hands down. I literally have fucking 80 hours on just Damacy according to my switch hours. Jesus fucking christ I love these games.

Otherwise in no particular order
Rare Replay
Putt-Putt/Freddi Fish/Pajama Sam. It's happening you faggot. It's a tablet.
Lego Island
Vice City/San Andreas
MGS Legacy Collection

Vita ports in general were really, really bad. They took out effects, took textures down to the bare minimum, compressed the audio to hell, then made them run at sub native resolution and most like to run at an unstable 20fps with dips under 10fps. Even the exclusives don't run at a stable 30fps.
Even the worst switch port would likely be better quality than some of the best Vita ones. In general they were bad because the hardware wasn't good enough for the resolution they picked.

The Ratchet ports weren't that bad, most of their issues came from the HD remaster they were based on

I own a vita as well as a switch. The last time I touched it was on the release week of spider-man ps4. I was going to play spiderman in bed because I was so into it. I lasted literally 5 minutes max, and just switched to plugging a DS4 into my laptop instead.
Vita is great for emulation if you don't hack your switch or REALLY want some weeb psp game, and nothing more.

kenshi since paying $30 for kenshi and it making my switch hot enough to cook eggs beats paying $50 for a decent egg cooker

The borderlands 2 port isn't really representative of everything ported to it, Indies and PS2 games were great on the vita.

I was mostly talking about all the PS3/Vita multiplats, and PS4/Vita multiplats. The PS3 ones were mostly okay with exceptions but the PS4 ones started to get really, really bad to where sometimes even a DRPG has performance problems on Vita which is insane.

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The Langoliers is shit but that furry is kind of cute

Yeah, Laura's a pretty fox. She's from Twokinds in case you were wondering.

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