When did you finally accept Valve sucks? They have failed to finish Half-Life in over a decade. They can't even make a new game in general. They invented microtransactions and other such cancerous practices in video games. Every piece of hardware they've introduced has failed. Their company culture has resulted in a system where nothing gets done. Gabe Newell is a billionaire but he looks like he's homeless. I know you had some good times with Valve games in 2007 but it's time to move on.
When did you finally accept Valve sucks? They have failed to finish Half-Life in over a decade...
>has the money to save vidya
>saves it
Probably when they released a card game.
thanks to the free games uncle tim
keep doing god's works
I guess after Portal 2, because at least back then they still made original games.
But I don't think there is an exact date. Each series died at a different time.
HL after HL2E2.
TF2 after Mann Co. update
CS either with CSGO, or a year or two into it (subjective.) Clearly dead now.
Lack of sequels for Portal, L4D2, etc.
I think most people are pissed at the lack of communication. They gaslight people for years. Not that we are entitled to anything, but it would be nice to hear "we're not planning/working on it currently." That would have kept most people at least at bay.
>They have failed to finish Half-Life in over a decade
Im glad they dropped it. I dont think it's okay to take a decade making a sequel. People have lives. It was 15 years between KHII and KHIII. Thats unacceptable. Can you imagine if there were 15 years between empire strikes back and return of the Jedi? No one would think that was acceptable. Im glad they burried half life. They failed to complete it and thats honest and okay.
The problem is they never at any point have said they aren't. Which consumers are right to bitch about. They don't owe us a game, but they do owe us honesty.
When they made TF2 free.
Thanks for all those free games btw sweeny boy.
Remember to support GOG if you don't like DRM.
>The problem is they never at any point have said they aren't
Good. Grieve all you need and get over it. Half Life 2 was cool when I was 14. Im 31 now. Ive got new and bigger things to think about.
How can you grieve something that isn't dead?
Did you read my post at all?
I have all my library on Steam and don't plan on switching besides Epic store doesn't have weeb games and i am a hardcore weeb so you can't change my mind.
CSGO died at release until Valve took over development from the outsourced devs and saved it. It's doing fine.
Its dead. Get over it. Grow up.
>valve sucks so epic is automatically good
fuck off tim
I realized I love valved when they were so based as to make Dota2 free. LoL costs hundeds just to buy the Champs. Dota2 has all heros available for FREE to a day 1 account. As it should be. Yes there's a noob mode but you can turn it off via a console command.
I'm not switching to Epic, Tim
>go on lad!
But Valve has never said it is dead. That was the point of my post. Of course everyone knows it is dead. Work on your reading comprehension ESL.
once again, give me Denuvo-free Arkham Knight, and I will shill your shit here for a couple hours, Tim-boy
you will be my boy for that very day, man, and you know you can do it
call the guys at WB and tell them to suck up and remove Denuvo, and also patch the Steam release
let's do it
Another one of these shitty threads? Get a life shill.
What happened to Unreal Tournament you goofy looking fuck?
Your opinion means jack shit here, steamcuck