This is a saudi arabian prince

>this is a saudi arabian prince

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Other urls found in this thread:'ad_bin_Abdulaziz_Al_Saud

Why are you posting my profile!?


Steam profiles of literally whos are not video games

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im barfing

Imagine having 2000+ games and play DOTA 2

I tried to load his library, my browser almost crashed, almost 2000 both games and dlc's

kek twitch wagies B T F O

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Imagine having so much money you can do anything but you choose to spend your time with unwashed thirdworlders on a free to play game on PC

Saudis are dumb sandniggers that stole oil infrastructure from white people. Didn't even know they had oil until we took it out of the ground. Fuck all of them. you think that's really him? I mean, most of the videos on his profile are of public things and some of the answers are strange to say the least "ie I don't need to stream on twitch because we have tons and tons of shares in Amazon" makes no sense - he could easily stream, but just not monetize, ask people not to subscribe to him, donate to other things etc?

Also, on the wiki page it mentions that he and his father were both picked up during the Saudi royal "purge" and held for a long time? "October 2018, the family of two detained expressed grave concern about the fate because they have not heard any news about them since they were summoned to the Royal Palace 10 months ago " . There's also nothing about his interest in gaming especially if he has such a prominent place in certain tournaments or whatnot.

They were clever enough to make a profit from it. Any other country would be really fucked (see African or South American countries)

There are genuine billionaires that use Steam. Oil princes and sons of chink corporate elite among a few.

This becomes extremely obvious whenever Dota 2's compendium starts and the top dog whales show up.

Yeah its not him, pretty obvious from what has been shown. Also anyone can claim anything on Steam profiles or the internet

This dude is rumored to be dead. Also he owns 2000 games. Not very billionairie

>Sahib-al-Sumuww al-Ameer "sweetheart yuki yukeo"
wtf am I reading.

Are you stupid?

Too rich too be stoned to death

Yeah, and there are some millionaires too and others with less money who could easily drop large amounts of money. I mean, good on the guy if he likes anime and gaming and if he's really a saudi prince even better, but I'd kinda be surprised that if articles like the above got out, he'd either be very vocally supportive of gaming and perhaps other things, or he'd have to hide his profile (ie Wou;dn't Saudi Arabia be upset about the anime girls on his profile?).

I could understand it more if he hid his true identity but just spent a lot of money in gaming as a way to relax, but it seems strange to kinda sorta do both.

Are you?

>streaming for anything other than fun.
Fucking retards

>Not very billionairie
So you think that a billionare will just buy everything? Interesting.

seething mcwagecuck.

Fuck Saudis and fuck you too

ok javed.

I hope Saudi Arabia will get destroyed in near future

t. Shia

Why not? Are you going to parrot the typical wage-slave lie that he didn't get to be rich by wasting his money?

If it was really him and he was really into gaming, you'd think he'd stream just as a PR thing for the Saudi royal family / ARAMCO etc..if he's going to be open about his identity.

but yeah, there's concern that he may not be alive -

unless there's something more recent that shows direct proof of course.

If you go through his games theres a lot of fucking garbage in there with a few decent shit like he has the FFXIII trilogy but no other FF games and a bunch of shovelware.

why would you browse here if you’re Muslim? Do you actually believe in god?

>play Dota 2
>call some random shitter a weeb sandnigger faggot
>he turns out to be a fucking prince
>sends his squad of royal assassins after you
What do?

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>why would you browse here if you’re Muslim?
I can't play videogames now?
Damn okay

No that’s not what I mean I mean what’s the appeal in a place that generally doesn’t like you or your kind.

But who is this guy?

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Akane is his zero escape waifu, is he based?

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I bet there is a fuck ton of Muslims here /pol/-san

>don't like it
Yeah, everyone is dumbfuck American who hates Islam. That's right

educational purposes. How else are we supposed to learn that americans and europeans are lgbt-furry crazed homicidal incel maniacs that want to murder women for not sleeping with them and infidels?

Yoshihiro Togashi

art collecting
horse racing and falconry
fluent in 3 other languages
and graduated in one of those ridiculous french universities

the dude is straight out of a fucking fairy tale

They're are far more based than disgusting Amerifat /pol/tards

play games all day, fuck sex slaves whenever you feel horny. sounds good to me.

>He is dead
Thank God

there's a ton of muslims here, even since the early days of Yea Forums you dumb zoomer

>top played game isn't Dragon Quest or Idolmaster
no way

He is currently playing Dota though.

Who is using his account right now if he's dead?

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happy 9/11 + 1 :D

I’m not pol or American, I was just curious about your perspective. Thanks for answering.

tfw no oil money to live out your weeb fantasies

top tier taste


Who's his waifu?

Fucking hell, his fathers are killing Yemenis and killed many Iraqis and Syrians and there he is with brown as fuck skin and over a million dollar worth merch playing DOTA

Thank God,oil gonna run out and they will die in worst way possible

I hope Russians will get radiant victory on his monkey ass

allah bless him.

Yeah, provided he (and perhaps his father) are not either missing or still locked up somewhere on the orders of one of his relatives. Reports suggest that MBS (aka Prince Bonesaw who ordered Kashoggi murdered) was not on good terms with this guy and his dad.

But yeah, if you were part of an extensive royal family with over a trillion dollars in assets, wouldn't you do the same thing? Horse and camel racing, as well as falconry are big cultural pursuits so thats no surprise. If you had a fuckload of money, art collecting is a nice hobby. A set place in the family company and a fuckload of both personal and family wealth meant you could take the time to study whereever you want, and all the best universities would fall over themselves to either get a donation or just be able to say a royal graduated etc.

I mean, nothing against the guy he sounds pretty nice and if he actually games so much the better, but those above are "typical" royal pasttimes.

Well, I think you should be less ignorant -/pol/ non-American.
We are here to have a passtime and you think all we do is terrorism

maybe he's tired of the muslim way of threating women?

hello brother please give money so i can build a mosque
i promise i won't spend it on degeneracy like sex toys and vidya
allah muhammed and so on god is great pbuh

bro, 4chin has more no-white than whites, have you ever looked at the /pol/ meetings??

ffs there are iranian shills on Yea Forums as well?

>kids aren't allowed to have escapism

Based as fuck

maybe he just wants to be controlled by a 400 pounds, blue haired, self hating, cheating, w*man-like creature?

>A saudi prince
Oh wow, one of 1,343,223 possible princes.

the most diverce white supremacists one can find :D
meanwhile the left is mostly old white women, with some younger white women here or there....
At some point it becomes comical.

If he was, he could likely speak out in support of changes. KSA still has horrible laws on guardianship and whatnot and only recently women could drive. That in and of itself was an irony as Prince Bonesaw positioned himself as the incoming reformer king "See, we can let women drive!" and then it came out that a fuckload of the women who campaigned for it were punished/arrested later on, but the big thing was the Kashoggi murder which really rustled MBS jimmies now that everyone thinks of him rightly as Prince Bonesaw instead of a proggressive new direction for the KSA.

also, is generallyt right. But if this guy is either dead / locked up etc... or even if he wasn't, he seemingly wasn't involved in the Yemeni decision or anything else shitty.

does he have prince of persia in his library?

i want to be a prince too.

The prince is 34 fucking years old.

how is it even decided who becomes the new king there anyway?
straight up primogeniture or some retarded complicated shit?

Seething white wagecuck.
How does it feel knowing that guy won't ever work a single day of his life and he has more money than you will ever make.

>KSA still has horrible laws on guardianship
t. cuck


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when the old one dies they measure all the prince penises and the biggest becomes king

KSA is just cringe

Controversial opinion: muslims suck ass

>Wou;dn't Saudi Arabia be upset about the anime girls on his profile
I wouldn't count on it, a friend of mine was able to sell figures of Cidney from FFXV at the last comicon in Jeddah, a thing that wouldn't have been possible a few years back. Things might be different for a prince but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

>Big Nep
Holy based

mang, i dont think being related to king bonesaw is worth being born a billionaire prince. imagine having all that taken away from you in an instant and being thrown into a dungeon where you're tortured for years. shit is too spooky for me.

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>Wou;dn't Saudi Arabia be upset about the anime girls on his profile?
Vidya and anime exists in Saudi Arabia. Plus, for weebs who want to study in Japan, the KSA government will pay full tuition and allowance.

>Big Nep background

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Because he's Kevin Robinson from school

The only people that were arrested were corrupt leeches bleeding the country dry. Only iranian propaganda makes them out to be le innocent martyrs that dindu nuffin.

Americans would wish for even worse for similarly corrupt politicians in their country.

In the med school I'm in Saudi students get like 1000 euros a month so they usually intentionally fail classes to get more gibs.

So what's the consensus on who had the better taste?

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>Would you kindly please write a comment with a reason for your friend request to help me accept yours?

How polite.

You got the wrong Prince, there's like a hundred Saudi Prince, this guy's it:'ad_bin_Abdulaziz_Al_Saud
He's certainly not dead and not imprisoned and he's younger than the guy you're talking about. He also looks like a neckbeard, so he's our guy.

Unironically can't wait for the Saudis and the rest of the Middle East to be usurped by actual intelligent people instead of the retards that are in power right now, and leave us Berbers alone cause they've been trying to fuck us over for the past centuries.

Berber Quranist Muslim here. I come here for the Medieval history debates and shitposts on /his/, for the occasional good threads on Yea Forums, for the retro WRPGs and Doom threads on /vr/ and for the Schizoposting, Lost Media and Greentexts on /x/ and for the Salmonella Jack Webms on /ck/

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I'm a communist again. I stopped being one around 2012 when I became a Ron Paul fag but now I realize the only smart political position is communism because it is the only one that will lead to the deaths of people more successful than me.

kys zindiq larper.

>The only people that were arrested were corrupt leeches bleeding the country dry.

i've heard the same thing in china about the anti-corruption campaign for the past 20 years and i dont believe a word of it. especially since saudi royalty strike me as more petty and ready to use violence and torture.

this motherfucker was watching lucky star
holy fucking shit

No country is THAT civilized yet user.

>Unironically can't wait for the Saudis and the rest of the Middle East to be usurped by actual intelligent people instead of the retards that are in power right now,

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Nigger the fuck is a Zindiq?

Fine. There are plenty of other rich people in the world that didn't deserve it throughout time. Also not white btw. I spent 2 years not coming on Yea Forums and I come back to see seethe/sneed as the new meme. Its truly pathetic.

What a based lad

A lot of rich people alive right now didn't deserve/didn't earn what they have, it's par for the course, really.

do you have enough money to nuke israel and hollywood?

>Being a Quranist is wrong because I am contrary to the teachings of the Hadith which are so self-contradicting that they retcon half of the Quran and turn Islam into retarded self-contradicting schizoposting
Okay sheeple, keep believing what those Saudi TV retards tell you.

What's wrong with that?

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>tfw not rich enough to be a neet like that


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You don't need to be rich, you just need to be American.

>because it is the only one that will lead to the deaths of people more successful than me.
there has to be something that you are more successfull at than me, so it is possible for me to use that logic to kill you.

Osama was fucking based. He had tons of retro hentai games.

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It's actually elective nowadays and the princes are electors. I'm sure that'll be fun and that there won't be any funny business.
Before the oldest living dude inherited (agnatic seniority). I'm sure it goes without saying it's still agnatic.

Sure but let's kill the fuckers who never worked in their lives and drive McLaren F1s first.

while i could agree that they should pay taxes and probably have much harder lifes, the logic to kill more successfull people than one self would lead to around 99% of people dying and only the 1% of the biggers idiots surviving.... long enough for them to die from starvation.

no wonder he always had that smile on his face when you look at his collection

There are also Shia living there, though.

Do I give a shit? No. I'm honest about what I want. Richfags' heads on sticks.

somebody make a virgin chad meme with dota and league using this

Man I can't fucking wait to see what happens to SA when the oil money dries up. From what I understand everybody pretty much hates them and oil is literally the only thing they got going for them.

he only has 2300 games? lol

>yfw he was actually fighting decadent western thotism
>yfw the bad guys won the gwot(hots)
>we will never have pure loli waifu harems as allah intended

isn't islam against this sort of stuff?

>when the oil money dries up
Yeah, that's gonna take a bit of time. None of us will live to see it.

>People actually believe he's real
There's no fucking source except the steam profile, stop taking your fucking info from that twitter post you fucking zoomers.

funnily enough user most people on this autistic website will be more upset by your :D rather than your dumbass 9/11 joke that made me giggle

True. If the oil ran out I could see the billionaires and royalty just abandoning everything and going to another country.

He sees a game he wants he buys it right then and there. The guy doesn't have some kind of omniscience to know which games he will want, and buying every single game just for the fuck of it would take several days of clicking.

When you're that rich you tell Islam what to do, not the other way around.

>tfw everyone hates you for things you didn't do and have no choice in the matter
I'm just gonna play Portrait of Ruin and ignore you cunts

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The next in line prince is trying to make saudi more progressive, in a good "let's not behead christians and jews" way

>rich 1%
>adhering to any religion

i was thinking of making it "9/11 * 18 + 1" but it was going to be too complex.

>in a good "let's not behead christians and jews" way
Since when did any royalty say that shit? You're like those libz who shit talk Trump and make up lies.

Do they really have trillions in assets?

Nep is haram

based saudi

He recently changed the law so women can drive cars on their own

What has that to do with beheadings?

Women being property is a part of their religion, you start by dismantling the small stuff and then you get to the bigger stuff

Who cares, nigga? People who end up in shitty situations lash out at those who didn't all the fucking time.
Jack off and move on.

its fucking disgusting
littered with spics , hajis and niggers who think this is their new unique facebook

fucking low iq scum

i wounder if i let him beat me at CSgo he will buy me an eagle

ok so when saudi arabia is inevitably nuked he must be rescued at all cost

When you're rich god makes exceptions. Only filthy poors have to live strict and conservative lives.

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Imagine being a literal millionaire and all you have in life is video games

>Women being property is a part of their religion
>He doesn't know how the woman is always bitching and keeps wanting to eat take out food while taking money and the man just awkwardly agrees to everything
>still has nothing to do with beheadings except being a lying bitch
Oh I fucking wish they were property, but sadly life is too cruel

>Heavy DOTA 2 player
>Is an actual prince
If this doesn't confirm DOTA as patrician and LOL as pleb nothing will. Liking nep nep, truly a man of culture as well

Typical retarded nigger. Spics and niggers have been here since day one.

step on an IED zog

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Thers is so much wrong with humanity but when looking at this, you can do nothing but laugh at these low lifes

calm down israel

the west it gonna strip it of all its assets and leave it to the desert and neighboring muzzie countries
with most of the competent armed forces being the US army and fuckton of PMCs id give these oil muzzies a year before it becomes another post arab spring shithole with all the royal family seeking asylum in Europe

>Haha, you are so pathetic billionaire absolute ruler of a country! Haha, what a loser.

Are you ok, user. You sound like you're having problems with some things.

If I was ok, I wouldn't be here

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he might be a prince
but does he have the ENTIRE collection of steam trading cards from the summer event of 2014?
i dont think so

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Some (I'd say most, personally) of us come here just to shitpost and have """"""""""discussions"""""""" with other anons. Stop projecting.

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are you a muslim that has a wife? shouldn't she keep her mouth shut or else face stones?

weebs of the world unite

I don't hate you, user, and I'm not going to judge you based on your origin. I hope you have fun playing Castlevania, sounds like you have good taste in video games too.

>stealing oil from white people
nigga u got this story all sorts of fucked up

What you are saying here is wrong

Not only americucks despite the islam, its the whole modern world, because they are such fucking neanderthals.
I dont like their religion, i like no religion, i have no problems with the people though

How many saudi princes are there though. In the end there's so many that it has no meaning anymore

>I'm from Mongolia

Whatever helps you sleep at night

>shouldn't she keep her mouth shut or else face stones?
Only a fucking idiot believes this shit. She would scream and hurl insults at you and basically embarrass you if nothing goes her way. Makes me cringe how Westerners think all Muslim women are these silent obedient types when they're anything but.

If someone wants to traumatize or punish a person, they'll just get beat up by the police like any other shitty third world country

Seethe is the new meme and assblasted5000's like you are the inspiration for it. truly pathetic

>comes to the dumbest place on the internet to "shitpost"
>thinks he doesn't havy any issues

Im sorry for you, being unable to do that

go back you south American monkey
stop shitting up this board

samefagging is strong in here

this isn't facebook

you hate islam not arabs

arab people tent to be nice

and? seems good to me. imagine projecting your wants onto others. LMFAO pathetic.

lobby: Big Girl Parade
pw: rage

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>Ywn be a multi millionaire NEET playing whatever you want like a Chad and never be judged since you have more money than 99% of anyone's entire family combined

>Only a fucking idiot believes this shit. She would scream and hurl insults at you and basically embarrass you if nothing goes her way.
Dude are you like real muslim? Like, are you from Turkey or some other not-really-muslim muslim country? I cannot imagine women behaving like western women in the UAE, or some of the countries around it including Iran, Iraq... well most of the countries between Israel and India.

People familiar with Dota 2 know this, but he was exclusively adding Dota 2 girls / twitch whores and wanted to play with them

I wonder if he secretly wants to be an anime girl.

based whoremonger

Sunni here.
I really hate the jews.

so does everyone else

I am the user you're replying to, and honestly I am doubtful, he needs to first radically change the legal system and remove the retarded Hadith shit that modern Islam has made mandatory before he can genuinely impress me, I don't mind the Prince in the OP for being a weeb, but he and his other brethren are gonna need to make some changes before I fully accept them like I accepted King Idris (who was absolutely based)

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I also just remebered that North arfica is also muslim... well... I know nothing of their culture.

I'm not him, but I'm from Saudi Arabia, Jeddah (basically SA's California) to be specific and people in general have become way more liberal nowadays because of the internet. I've seen kids doing dumb fucking fortnite dances and teenagers wearing their hijabs like coats, shit's changing quickly.

thats what i said

I don't hate Saudi's for being rich, I commend them for keeping the profits to themselves as any resource rich nation should. I hate them for spending billions a year to export their barbaric Wahhabi beliefs to the rest of the world and being the main shit disturbers in the Middle East. There are Wahhabi funded mosques in Canada for fuck sake.

Not surprising at all, rich Arabs literally pay white girls to fly out to their country so they can use them as a toilet. The girls get peed and shit on and then get something like $15k.

let me tell you about the sword of damocles

yeah but you didnt used the term arabs

Not surprised. Gulf Arabs in general are like the biggest weebs over there.

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Also, they have no respect for human life and treat their poor and their foreigners as literal dirt. Their is no nation on this planet as cruel as them.

They are stealing the oil from their own people leaving them to live in the dirt

I'd bet /pol/ and Yea Forums in general has one of the biggest concentration of muslims

>+1 social score

>bringing up /pol/ out of nowhere
wanna know how I know you're the shitskin muslim here?

>(basically SA's California)
This sounds like a bad place lol.
> people in general have become way more liberal nowadays because of the internet.
So I guess Ted Kaczynski was right... then again I would imagine that people in the middle east would see how liberalism ( when taken to the extreme ) is a cancer and I would imagine people in the middle east to be against liberal movements. Fortnite dances are mostly fun, I do not think that if my kid likes fortnite I would have much of a problem with it..... however, if my kid wants to study gender studies and pain his/her hair, we have a problem.

/pol/ is part of the site you stupid faggot.

he's just letting you know you post with shitskin muslims about george soros e'ery day
jews too


Fuck off, CIA shill.

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Bruh /sg/ on /pol/ is probably the single largest concentration of Muslim posters on this site

Where else would they be? Int?

fuck you faggot. SA, CA, and Mexico is responsible for literally 90% of the low quality shit on here. This was apparent during /vint/ when flags were a thing. They're also the monkeys that scream and obsess over /pol/.

whats fucking hilarious is that all the other dumb muzzies form piss poor shitholes think these oil hajis to be their gods ,righteous cause etc etc,
when the Saudis don't even consider them human and will fuck them over without a thought

>retards saw a onions anime tweeter post that took this from leddit and started posting about this today even though d2g has known about this ‘rich oil baron’ profile since ti8

lmfao Yea Forumsermin being late to the party as usual

ps: the dude may be some rich faggot playing toy with steam items but he doesnt even know the names of the children his supposed king of saudi arabia daddy has

canada and australia have the worst posters on Yea Forums

kill yourself retard.

Of course I am aware of the Sword of Damocles. It's true that Kings in power are under constant threat every day of poisonings, stress and conspiracies (that's why I don't exactly cheer for the deaths or the executions of the Kings, just their replacements), but at the same time, an active King is far more respectable than an idle King. Not to mention the Saudi Kings aren't my Kings (again, I am Berber), I am merely criticising them because their actions up until this point have caused problems for my people and if they legitimately want to earn my respect and the respect of others then they will need to reverse that and fix up their own society, their predecessors have caused Saudi Arabia to become a country that's only pretty from a distance but not actually good to live in, and they are going to have to fix that if they truly want Saudi Arabia to have a future, that's all I am saying.

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>saves Valve

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I know you worked so hard on those oil fields, user all to have it taken away from you by those who had no hand in it. I feel bad that you now have to waste a way in your mothers basement after all of that hard work you did. Thoughts and prayers, user.

(((Saudi Arabia)))

Are you still stuck in the 90s? pic related has already purged the fundamentalists.

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>So I guess Ted Kaczynski was right
its basic human nature
pump them full of ideas , make them feel special and these hajis will embrace the new islam faster than the monthly allowance from their sugar daddies

People really don't know the situation. Most of us don't live in Taliban rule with fucking guns waving at everyone, so of course you won't see obedient women around here. There are great partners but they're a dime a fucking dozen, especially how everyone I knew and even my own experience was awful.

>then again I would imagine that people in the middle east would see how liberalism ( when taken to the extreme ) is a cancer and I would imagine people in the middle east to be against liberal movements.
nigga there were literal commie movements in the 50s and 60s on a local and governmental level. read some history

I think this is him
apparently his rank is around 3,6k mmr

extremely based, would love to play with

That guy sent assassins to kill and cut up a journalist. Based! Second greatest ally!

>kills a literal traitor

Unironically based, probably didn't even happen though.

The Saudi Royal Family net worth totals 1.7 Trillion Dollars.

What the fuck. The richest member has like 18 Billion.

>nigga there were literal commie movements in the 50s and 60s on a local and governmental level. read some history
how the fuck is it not haram to have commies in the government? No fucking way that islam and communism are remotely compatible. I know that I know almost nothing about the region and most of what I know is probably comming from (((CNN))) but ... I would imagine muslims beheading commies and noone but commies would have anything against it.

the world runs on energy brah

lmao thats pennies
you call that rich?

if saudi arabia is so rich why the fuck aren't they courting private industries to build them spaceships and shit. Seems like they waste it on gay shit

If a world war happens would Saudi get buttfucked for their oil?

And also a former Saudi intelligence agent as well.

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invest in valuable foreign companies or build dick rockets

I had a saudi prince exchange student back in college.

this thread basically shows me that I know nothing about the region. I guess I know more than the average american - I can point the middle east on the world map and tell you like 4-5 countries in it.... but that's about it.

>would you kindly
based and bioshockpilled

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I found out his party mate. Its a russian girl vk.com_slash_id239083685

which celebrities have you had sex with and rented out as whores

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>1.7 Trillion Dollars.
that's more than the entire US student loan debt and spain's entire GDP


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So, for someone interested in learning more about Islam what's a good place to start? I've always felt curious about different cultures and religions and all the discussion ITT has got me wanting to know more

>Has harem of dozens of the most beautiful women in the middle east.
>Still immerses himself in Anime anyway because he realizes that 2D>3D

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It isn't though, or at least not the OG. The Saudi prince has been detained for 10 months and no one's heard from him.

Can you imagine how many weeb world leaders there will be in like 50 years? The odds are becoming more favorable every day.

You can't call him an ironic weeb. He's an authentic hardcore weeb.

>Wasting money on meme spacecraft
This is no cold war buddy, also the moon landing was a hoax made by insecure Americans, god bless communists

the world belongs to weebs. the rest of you are just visitors.

academical or spiritual?
t. world religion historian

Get into yoga instead.

Everyone in this thread is retarded, that guy died 2 years ago by hacking to death probably, why the fuck would an arab crown prince put anime garbage online.

>You can both be a rich as fuck dictatorial ultra-religious Royal warlord and enjoy anime and gaming

This gives me hope

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I'll make this easy for you buddy so you don't end up in any of that fucking fundamentalist haddith-worshipping shite:

>Read a good translation of the Quran (or learn old Arabic up to you) and keep in mind that a few parts are metaphorical as fuck
>Read Islam's history from start to finish, analyse various regimes and Empires of that time
>Read up on moderate Islamic Governments like the Libyan Kingdoms with King Idris was in power or the Iranian Shah period.
>Do NOT read the Hadiths
And that is all.

because cute things are cute

It's not worth the effort is it retard.


Why is this coming to light now? Seems weird And just as the trump administration is about to release new info about saudi government connection to 911

I work at a casino. I see rich saudis crosdressing as women all the time. And not for laughs.

Probably not since nobody wants to dedicate the logistics/money/people to pump, refine, and ship that oil. SA would cut a trade deal with whoever is strongest and rely on them for defense.

Hope for what? What's good about getting off to media?

i wonder how much of a business man this guy is
are these guys held to a high standard when it comes to upbringing?
like do they study hard and know alot of shit and such?
or do they just have a bunch of guys to do that for them and then take credit?

>Idiots will believe this

That guy probably killed the guy in the OP.

> Seems weird And just as the trump administration is about to release new info about saudi government connection to 911
Doesn't matter, anyone in Saudi royalty involved with that got axed by

That i can fulfill my dreams of being a royal dictator without having to leave my fascination with gaming

White people lol fucking cringy.

Based pure hearted Mongolian.

>lose in dota against russians
>bomb yemen
Halal and islampilled

gotou shojiro

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Im still mad i lost a qt3.14 Arab girl i could have breed because I didn't want to join her religion

>anime avatar
>plays Dota 2

Just goes to show you that even with all that money, you can't buy taste

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umm that's not him. I'm the Saudi Arabian prince that he claims to be and I'm not an ironic weeb like that.

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Sandniggers are allowed to have internet?

They didn’t though

The west needed oil at a time when genocide was no longer morally acceptable, so the Arabs had to be compensated for it instead. Arabs did fuck all except be in the right place at the right time.

how do you know hes a saudi prince

that will take at least six decades and thats with the stuff they know they have (there is likely more oil) and even then they have a few trade routes they can milk

Parents own huge fucking company.
I got my matura and now sit on my ass all day playing videogames

Nah, they just kinda stand around and drive lambos and let their secretaries do all the work.

>the Saudis are weebs

>clever diplomacy and commercial moves
>hurr durr we could nuke em
They shaked the whole western industry by making a few calls in the mid 70s

pure cancer, would not add

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>Anyone but white people stealing oil
Blood for oil.

>the comment section
all this beggers lmao

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There are like a thousand princes, FYI. And they get their education overseas because the country only got rich in like the 60s. One of them was bound to be a gamer.

never become a celebrity bros

A religion established be a mentally ill pedophile who raped his 9 year old wife and spread his religion by the sword. What more could you possibly want to know.

so the usual eh

>oh ye I love da anime like Narto and Dragon! Let's be friends, yes!

No. Jesus was a good man.

>unironic saudi shilling
What the fuck is going on these days

>cuz ur famous i add you

Anime makes you better at dota so it's natural that people who like anime gravitate towards it

t. rose from 4k to 6.5k after I started watching at least 3 SoL episodes every day while climbing

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Yes and I'm sure all those extremist groups that almost took over Iraq and Syria a 3-4 years ago were completely self-funded. Gtfo dirty Saudi shill.

no he was a jew that went around telling people he was god
he was extremely unwell in the head
and then his dumb gay religion was spread everywhere with violence

I'm sorry, I don't remember any part of history where Christian hordes invaded Ancient Rome and forcefully converted Europeans. Granted, Christianity was somewhat forcefully spread during the colonial era but in Europe is was largely spread peacefully.

And Christ did not commit violence against anyone nor did he encourage it. Mohamed on the other hand...

Christ sounds like a pussy

I wouldn't say so. Most Christian scholars believe that Christianity permits self defense.

I've had Chris Hemsworth around my house for dinner as my dad's a producer. Chris plays Dota 2 a lot too.

Hi Yea Forums, famous guy here, how jealous are you?

You sound like an even bigger pussy

Give me games

give me money or i wont care about you

>Saudi Arabia

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literally everyone hates literally everyone else in this miserable shithole

in fact i bet i will get a hate comment based on either this post or my pic

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"in Europe was largely spread peacefully"
Sure buddy, you keep telling yourself that.

Imagine being this retarded. I bet you also think everyone that posts on Yea Forums is white.

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This is why everyone is outbreeding you spineless fucks

you deserve it gem fucker

It was spread through the Balkans peacefully, to Slavs peacefully, through Southern Europe peacefully, even through Scandinavia. So exactly what the fuck do you think you know about history?

>Christianity peaceful through Scandinavia
This is how I know you’re lying, try reading up on the shit crusaders did to Scandinavia while spreading religion “peacefully.” I hate you faggots who try to rewrite history more than I hate trannies and actual faggots.

>what the fuck do you think you know about history
the irony of what you just wrote

buddy as soon as christianity became the state religion of rome it began using state power to persecute pagans

This is bait

The Northern Crusades were directed at Finns and and Baltic tribes. Danes, Swedes and Norwegians had already converted before then due to a mixture political motivations and the work of missionaries.



yeah ok im just gonna put my penis inside of you and stop listening


Repeat after me:




Taking advantage of a failed rebellion wasn't that hard that it didn't require "funding"

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Its a spectacle to behold truly. Since Yea Forums became the actual cuckold board it seems like all the retards moved here like you.

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Why wouldn't you want that? If anything, I would use all of my money hiring devs to make games specifically catered to me and no one else.

i would just live peacefully with my friends and try to start a normal family

Nice selfie faggott ass tranny u will never be the girl rope urself anytime
U digusting looking creature


First she killed a man, now she's awarded to write a spin-off comic for Batman & Superman?

Seethe, the Queen will never be dethroned.

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Yuki is the current king's great-grandson. is one of the current king's son this is Abdulaziz's son. Note the name

The name in Yuji's steam profile is Abdullah bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. I guess the real name should have been Abdullah bin Salman bin Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud but that would probably be too long. Abdullah must be Salman bin Abdulaziz's son, which makes him the great-grandson of the current king of Saudi Arabia.

People in this thread somehow don't think grandchildren or great grandchildren don't exist despite the House of Saud containing 15 thousand family members.

You really expect Wikipedia to contain profiles for all 15 thousand members of the House of Saud?

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