What would your favorite video game character smell like?

What would your favorite video game character smell like?

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Versace Blue Jeans


im so fucking lonely

Sweaty feet

Gunpowder, steel, and fried circuit boards

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Like an Ampharos

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Probably chemicals.

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Well you can guarantee being lonely if you lord over 2D images

do you ever leave?

heaven I'd wager

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Juri probably smells like sweaty bulgogi

Mm, that's some fine NEET right there.

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fucking gamers

She smells like goat.

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like salty coins

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>Dante from DMC
Imagine the smell after that month he was knocked unconscious on 5.
He probably reeks of sweat and BO.

bird lady sweat

Fish and the blood of her enemies

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The majority of them don't bath/shower and most of that lot have never touched water. Same clothes every day. I'm guessing they all smell terrible.

Sweat and semen

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>implying gunpowder is still used in Halo

Blood. Sweat. Warm milk and a hint of grape.

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Like shit

like the perfect movie star cum generated by bloo's ultra cum volume diet


Unless your character is based in reality this id bullshit
How the fuck am I supposed to know what an eldritch horror smells like?

even if they're not how would it work
this is bizarre and probably fake

probably like ass but it's alright because it's my waifu's ass

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How do the human weapons work then?


if the scent is clearly lore-inappropriate then im taking a sledgehammer to their machine learning server farm

Fuck if I know. Can't smell.

sweat, blood, chainsaw fuel and more sweat.
kinda like my father, actually.

w-....what do you think they smell like?

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Wumpa Fruit?

So does somebody have a link or..?

Nigga the assault rifle uses 7.62mm NATO.

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings

>Sweaty post-workout anus/pussy

This is the only smell I'm interested in