Other urls found in this thread:
what is she from
wheres the fukken porn
extremely generic "anime bitch" design
Looks a bit like Rin, but I hope she's heterosexual.
all anime bitches are generic, genius
if her thighs are that thick
imagine what her ass looks like
One of you faggots use your neet bux to comission some pr0nz
It's sad to see how easy Yea Forums falls for shitty corporate marketing ploys now.
>reeee why isn't everyone else gay
lmao faggot
who the fuck cares i just love sexy stuff
The devs of the game aren't even real devs, they're an advertisement firm. They know what to put out to make everyone fall for their shtick. And judging from these replies
It's working dangerously well.
The world is owned by Corporate interests, might as well enjoy it when they pander to you.
Man who fucking cares my dude? World is fucked might as well take the fap material these mega corps throw at you.
Really? Cause seems to me a marketing firm right now would go with disgusting trans pride game shit right now for advertising to reach the lowest common denominator, but instead we get a thicc anime girl that’s gonna make blue check marks seeth. KFC is based and I will continue to eat there.
>heart-shaped boob window
How DARE a company try to entertain you
>KFC is based and stuffed with surrealist humor
>Chick-Fil-A is ardently Christian and can't get browbeat by bullies
What's with chicken and being based?
My dick didn't fall for this.
i hate corporations too
but if your hate for them starts with fast food marketing you're a faggot
Goddamn, how did this god tier design come from a KFC marketing game of all things?
>Another steamweeb bait dating sim
Weebs are no different than bronies
You want the honest answer? Because the people designing these marketing campaigns are either your age, or even younger. This is our generation, they know what we like.
Why the fuck does everyone these days seem to forget that sex has always been a core part of marketing, at least before the current year era? How is it suddenly this evil corporate scheme now?
imagine becoming a marketer/graphic designer and scoring a job on a marketing firm for KFC
you love anime and video games and always wanted to make them but it was never in the cards as marketing is where the money is
then they tell you they want to do this
Because it hits close to home and I feel called out
Because it's only ok when Japan does it
I have to hand it to them: it's certainly a weird way to advertise
doesn't mean I'm buying their literal shill game
dem thighs doe
Playing this game and jerking my cock to it isn’t going to make me want to buy their shitty chicken, faggot.
>can install/uninstall any time
>they’re not forcing you to buy it
What’s the problem here?
Well, I mean... Chicken thighs are supposed to be thick and juicy, yeah?
everyone here was sucking the Wendy's shit up
I don't play VNs but they surely don't usually require this much space?
Nothing, I just really wanna fug her thick fucking thighs
I think F/SN was like 500 megabytes and is probably 45 hours longer than this game
They do.
There's probably 200 alternate endings and 500 jpegs of raw smut made by the artists.
Probably poorly compressed video/audio and a shitty engine like Unity or RenPy
Because nowadays it's all trans/faggot pandering. Can't just have a pretty girl to advertise your product.
>had kfc today
>started vomiting around 45 minutes ago
I hate how ingrained in my mind that its totally worth spending $10 at a dumb fastfood place rather than buying $10 worth of groceries and getting two good meals just because the food is instant.
Is there more?
>had a kfc chicken sandwich 30 minutes ago
>still feeling fine
Works on my stomach.
uhh my dick
it's not the sex that bugs me its how annoying it is. KFC is on the low end compared to how much I hate how Elon Musk panders to advertise Tesla.
I heard KFC is very location based.
Have a friend in Cali who can't stomach it, yet UK people seem to love it.
i can eat buckets of the stuff and feel fine, is it kfc in general, or your local place?
Different quality meats
Mr shekelsten told me sex is bad
>I heard KFC is very location based.
That's usually the case with most fast food places.
There's two McDonalds near where I live and one has significantly better quality than the other.
Oh no I like KFC. I usually order just a 3 piece meal, Its most likely this point because I got this KFC from a different place than locally.
Hello fellow man of integrity
They take 5gb is they're on shit engine and are full of uncompressed pics and audio
>The devs of the game aren't even real devs
Are you too dumb to do a quick google search? Their portfolio looks promising.
Someone told me this too. Considering how the original chicken has been abandoned, presumably it depends on how much they've abandoned it.
>ironic weebs*
>Wendy's is Bants master
>KFC is giving us thicc VN goodness
>BK's Impossible Whopper is delicious
Are we entering a new golden fried age?
Is this the underaged ironic weeb thread?
>literally named "Psyop"
>their portfolio is their advertising
she is fucking FAT
>>BK's Impossible Whopper is delicious
>eating veggie """""""""burgers"""""""""
Britbong here to say KFC here is alright.
There isn't any other Chicken Chains which aren't from Eastern places like Dixy.
in the right places
Literally made for paikoki
>American corporations are stooping to using anime titties as a marketing strategy
I don’t know whether I should be impressed or terrified.
Perfect for my fat cock
You should take notes. This is how pros work: everyone knows what theyre up to and everyone still loves it
I love it when western companies make anime projects
Popeyes is way better and I imagine their waifu would be black
Didn't someone tweet that R34 pic of her to them?
It's probably going to escalate further.
God I hope so, I need her to have at least a muffintop
I've had two Impossible Whoppers and they taste exactly like the "normal" Whopper sans that gross, greasy feeling you get from eating Burger King. It's a good burger, mate, and I highly recommend you try at least one.
Made for sex
Imagine being so poor that you are worried about 2gb of storage space.
what's that
so you mean cartoons?
Imagine having reading comprehension
Heavily anime-inspired cartoons, yes
I wonder if this guy knows he's a meme.
You fucking leave Bernd Schmidt out of this he's a proud record holder.
>yfw KFC takes it up a notch and adds H-scenes
meh. Thigh job would be a lot better
her design is very basic and pretty boring.
I want to have intercrural sex with her tqbh
>the virgin KFC ironic weebshit “game”
>the chad Burger King tactical espionage action experience
Sneak King was just as dumb.
Ironically, Impossible meat is halal.
>boob window clothed paizuri
Almost guaranteed, those are FATTY thighs, so he's a got a big squishy stomach, perfect for playing with.
She is going to get SO much blacked art
that's nothing
vns contain audio files, videos, background and foreground art, etc. the higher the target resolution the larger they'll be.
>Fork Knife
also isn't the only successful ironic VN DDLC? And I guess this is """"successful""".
The average yuzusoft game is twice, even thrice that
She’s my wife, don’t look at her.
Dating sims are all shit anyway
your twitter is half stupid comments about this visual novel
Its nothing new bro, its like every other bait in all the different industries there are.
you see, you understand, you dont fall
all the other people, their problem
>Mumkey Jones
>Filthy Frank
That's 5 scores for me
Who gives a shit about marketing im waiting for lewds
well it is a KFC advertisment
>houseki no kuni
I don't agree with those being niwaka shit. The rest I agree with.
okay I smiled
Literal breeding sow for niggas!
The game is free though
>ironic weeb
Eat shit and die
Pay me.
just cause i jerked it to this sexy girl doesn't make their food good
fate is over two gigs brah
Too fat
Isn't the player character a girl in this though?
really? It's been a while and I didn't check.
The important thing is that you promote the brand
Not fat enough. She needs several family buckets, stat
>ameriblobs are getting excited over a literal fast food commercial
you can’t make this shit up
Touhou is peak ironic weebdom
It's not the ameriblobs
It's the semen brained thirsters
I don't even eat at KFC, I'm just here for the porn. There's porn of her, right?
>a fast-food franchise actually managing to deliver what a million Patreon wegshitters could only pretend to
mite b cool
>hate ironic weeb marketing
>hate wojak
oh no who do I side with
Your dick user, always follow your dick
corporation is just nigger for leftoids
yeah I kinda do..
Corporations love latching onto outdated memes, its only a matter of time before you start seeing TV commercials featuring wojak and pepe anyways.
Nerve = Struck
God, I can't fucking wait. The Family Guy effect is long overdue for both Pepe and Wojak.
that's not the original
This, despite them ironically being the biggest suckers of corporate cock. See: Apple, Starbucks, Disney, Nintendo, Sony, etc.
yeah man, KFC really needs thrives on spreading the brand
Sorry Pepsi Corporation™, you need to make an anime girl for me to do your marketing.
Mangina Status: Undialated. Better get to that.
>If you aren't a slave to corporations you're a tranny!!
my dick is an expert in investing though
if we enter a corporate dystopia how will I find time to masturbate
That was quick. Whose nerve is struck now, tranny faggot? :^)
Them being associated as """hate symbols""" probably has immunized them from that fate, unfortunately.
Nigger why you even quote me when i was making a meme reply.
Memo from Yum! Brands:
You are to cease all transphobic comments immediately or face termination. This is your final warning, Employee #4083-2571.
i think ive seen the most autistic video in a while
not even niconicodouga autism can suprass this
That, and Matt Furie would probably sue them.
Joke's on you, I'm a neet.
unga bunga big tiddy thigh heart window she thicccccc me want buy delicious Meal #1$5 Fill Up: 2pc. Drumstick & Thigh, Mashed Potatoes, Biscuit, Cookie, Medium Drink
Please tell me she has a big ass
Matt Furfag owns Wojak?
I don't even like KFC I just like thick anime women
With thighs like that, you know it ;)
just pepe
>all the seething resetera invaders sperging out in these threads
Anime really is the most powerful force on Earth.
Everyone knows it's shilling. That's why the game is free.
But it's all fun and games, so who cares? It's not like I'm gonna suddenly eat KFC everyday just because I played their game.
I don't eat at Burger King even after playing Sneak King.
Is Japanese KFC that much better than American KFC? I swear to god, Nips are addicted to that shit but it's soggy and stale in America.
this is a cartoon
most fast food is better out of America
Cope harder tranny
i never ate kfc but all of the trash food i ate there was better. they have different menus though, like all regions
haha yeah us Yea Forumsros love corporations and ironic western visual novels when are those trannies leaving *high fives*
her left tit looks small.
>made by Western company
nice try Yea Forumsmblr
I like chicken and I like thighs (not the chicken kind). I'd take a marketing campaign like this over some dumb "hello kids" unfunny tv ad any day. You don't because you're a closeted homo who needs to dilate twice a day to keep your gaping wound from closing.
Now get off my board you ugly freak.
Me and you. We're the only two inllectuals on this forum.
>all the resetera tranny seething itt
>"hello kids"
that's what this is though
America ironically has far lower standards for fast food quality than the rest of the world
>shilling KFC for FREE
>shilling nintendo for FREE
Why the fuck is her name spelled using ebonics
>shilling Yea Forums for FREE
calm down jizzbrain
KFC is already shilling for itself for free. Why not add fuel to the fire to have some fun? Also never saw any of you fags complaining when Arby’s made a weeb anime girl mascot
yeah fuck off KFC shill, no one is gonna buy your nigger tier food
fuck off bots
It's a free game and I was never gonna buy KFC again anyways
If we are going to live in a futuristic dystopian reality, I want it to be fun.
you defending kfc is free too it seems
I literally have eaten KFC once in my life, i just want to fap to the big tiddy slut with big thighs.
>Arby’s made a weeb anime girl mascot
I was complaining about that shit too
I passed the captcha though. If I was a bot I would have failed it
Behold; the perfected goyim
They have a low standard for everything except house sizes, but if I had to live together with blacks I would have lower standards as well
Who DOESN'T know what KFC is?
No those are drumsticks friend
>captcha stops bots
frig off underage
everyone with a healthy weight
that's not really how advertising works
I'd rather have idiotic suits pushing cute big tiddied anime girls than the uggo and tranny propaganda we currently have in the west. It is up to you as an individual able of critical thought and self control to not gamble all your money away on idiotic shit to not fall for their schemes, but at least the visual stimulus is pleasant.
But if it doesn’t stop bots and I passed it how can I be underaged? Can bots be underaged?
>It's real
>Local news station covers it
>Shows actual footage from the trailer...
Falls for? I can enjoy this game without ever going to KFC, nor does it actually make me want to go to KFC.
>Can bots be underaged?
yes time affects everything you know
>it's on the news
source? saucenao isnt giving me anything
Don't call me that
How many times do I have to filter this cunt
I like almost all of that and that whole cirno section seems specifically directed at me.
peak autism
>Local news station covers it
Must be nice living in the middle of nowhere.
apparently he's very nice, not his fault he's got a big mouth
Angry little tranny
VERY cute Miyano
Dude on right's face literally screams
>Da fuck was I thinking
Surprising lack of JoJo in this image. I wonder who could be behind it…
>falling for a "hello kids" ad campaign
how do you live yourself
It's actually funny as fuck to watch those VN babies cry about this one.
Hahaha when did Yea Forums become so fucking gay? Oh wow.
none of them read vns
I love anything that triggers ResetEra types, so yeah.
Some user already posted her giving a titty fuck on here. They RT'd it right to kfc
yeah bro hahaha
what does this have to do with resetera
literally a game where you date a dude
>don't play game
>jack off to fanart
It's extremely bold for a company like this to directly pander to weebs, especially with sex appeal, so I respect them for that
So is she the western rival of Ryza?
what weeaboo would want an American company to pander to them?
This guy gets it.
Aishe vs Ryza in tigyhjob battle
Who the winner?
no, I'm trying to figure out what that game is about right now
the western rival is probably those sluts from that wayforward game that just came out
Chaddest way of dealing with this
it's not really bold to recognize that anime is popular and commission a visual novel
it's not like it's a rape incest vn
What the hell are you talking about it's right there
In terms of thighs, yes.
>combining newgrounds-tier parody concepts and anime shitposting is now considered a viable marketing strategy by megacorporations
What a time to be alive
>I just want to fap to the character
This doesn't make me desire KFC. Stop being a faggot
I'd ronron her ru if you know what I mean.
sorry im a jojo fan and i have no iq left in my head :(
A tight battle no?
No way this is actually getting fanart and porn
Are you telling me that a cheap VN featuring KFC products and mascots that was made for a sole purpose of promotion is used for marketing? HOLY FUCK, HOW COULD I BE SO BLIND, I'm glad we still have freethinking individuals like you to spot subtle and deceitful stuff like this
It makes me desire some thick, meaty chicken legs if you catch my drift.
>daring to find an anime fast food franchise mascot fappable
Aren't you scared that you might get branded as a shill or a cumskull, user?
Sure, it doesn't make you desire KFC. But it works on other people, which is what they want
>Hur dur coombrain totally not a seething tranny btw
>""dating sim""
>no actual dating sim mechanics, it's literally just a kinetic 2 hours long VN
why do ironic weebs do this?
Rule 34 and Rule 35
It's not like making games marketing stuff is new.
>Dating sim
Just a fucking excuse to read a shiton of text to see alewd scene.
hot dame....she's a fucking KFC Combo meal
Who's a good artist I can commission porn from?
The really good ones don't do commission, so maybe settle for incase.
>Coca-Cola waging wars and Nestle denying free water to the place they take it from is good
>A company posting something silly on social media or making a silly game is bad
its disturbing how precisely theyre focused now though.
Realta nua version is six gigs, just checked
The original version is probably a lot smaller with the lack of voice acting
do you know what that means you nigger
The industry hasn’t made a dime from me in over a decade. I just fuckin’ COOM.
There's Hatoful Boyfriend.
Considering the success of that Hitler-chan VN's kickstarter, that'll probably do well too.
thats quite a position you projected on him.
also, just fucking wait till nestle and coca cola do this same thing. they already appeal to idiot twitter people with fake camaraderie. "theyre just regular people! i love coke memes!"
post mroe porn
Hatoful Boyfriend sold itself entirely on the meme of being pidgeons, though?
Yes hence it is a "successful ironic VN".
It's actually a pretty nice VN once you get on the true ending route, but at lot of people just dismiss it as a joke and never get that far.
ironic, self-aware parody VNs are already a cancerous blight but having one just be a fucking ad for some restaurant is the most disgusting shit and the fact that ironic weeaboos everywhere are eating it up and begging daddy KFC for more marketing in their faces is probably a sign that I'm the minority for just genuinely liking anime related stuff without either having to constantly self-depreciate or act like I'm only in it for the porn.
Why would I be scared when the post outs me as a fluidhead already, user?
wish casual weebs would develop self-awareness
It's not even veggie, it's onions + wheat.
The Beyond burger is actually vegetable.
>ironic, self-aware parody VNs are already a cancerous blight
Is there like a list of them that have appeared so far? Because it feels like a recent surge
God bless America's exploitable fast food mascots
it's salt, coconut oil, and processed pea protein
try eating food instead
the chad pea protein
the virgin SOYE and WHEAT "BURGER"
As with all things the more we shit post here the more it reaches the outside world. Its fucking terrible and I hope this game flops hard (but I know it won't).
Marketing companies can suck my cock in general though. I worked for a company that specifically target outlets like Yea Forums and reddit and was paid to shit post all day for DA: Inquisition despite me fucking loathing the game. Its terrifying. I wouldn't be surprised if this thread wasn't made by some marketer either just to garner attention.
I honestly doubt it's made by a marketer. This kinda shit is designed entirely around appealing to the ironic weeb market and those faggots infest Yea Forums like a plague.
Remember when people were just sincere about their interests? I fucking miss that. If I tried to discuss the show I'm watching right now outside of Yea Forums itself I'd just be met with constant "cringe" replies.
a young wendy-chan working at her dad's classic hamburger diner that he setup after brief stint as a chicken salesman. you work with her for the summer, trying to muster up the courage to ask her out, but then she moves away, because her dad realizes that he has to be proactive in visiting franchises out west. you confess your feelings to her and she tells you she'll always think of you whenever she thinks of all beef patties. credits roll. 10/10 review scores. "we are all looking for our own all beef patty" -rock paper shotgun bafta awards are received.
there's actual time and stat management in real dating sims
chasing flags, building properly and spending your time wisely is a trademark of the genre and it's actually quite engaging when you don't cheat with a fucking guide, not to mention the variety of outcomes makes consuming the content pretty fresh
it's a dumb term but that's what the western VN fanbase calls it, don't blame me
you're not alone, but you should definitely learn japanese and browse actual communities beyond the western side of the internet, a lot of otaku share universal and unironic love for the real works of art you probably enjoy
Gas all ironic weeaboos please.
Do you think you're smart for pointing out what we already are aware of what's happening
>ironic weeaboos
this means nothing now
you just post this about stuff you don't like
>Hatoful Boyfriend
>Dream Daddy
>I Love You, Colonel Sanders!
>Mein Waifu is the Fuhrer
I blame the all of the ironic otaku culture tourists over at Youtube.
? No, there's a clear distinction
But where is Starbucks-chan?
>implying that there's anything nebulous about ironic weebs
To be fair Hatoful Boyfriend did it with soul and was actually made by Japs as a love letter to the otome genre, the rest was trash tho
Oh please kill yourself
How is the world fucked?
casual weebs are insecure that people won't recognize serial rape in fate/stay night as the serious art that it is, if other people are enjoying humorous things.
What is that?
Japan does it, why the fuck can't America? Because of SJWs?
Dating Sims aren't even lewd, the last relevant game in the genre was Kakyuusei 2 which was its own clusterfuck for a whole bunch of reasons
Why should I kill myself? There's no simulation in a linear visual novel, and unlike what ironic weebs seem to think dating sim IS an actual genre, funny literal children back in the Newgrounds days knew the difference better than these fucks
>Red hair
>thigh highs
It's like she was drawn for me. This is the kind of advertising I can get behind.
>No wanting Fuher as your waifu
Gas this idiot!
Can you ignore the Colonel and get into Aishe route instead?
They've even given her snaggle tooth.
This would have been funny if it came out in like, 2001 or so I guess
At least the girls are cute and dont looks like sjw garbage designs
literally nobody in the west knew what VNs were in 2001
Not bad desu
You guys are such faggots that you don't realize what an entry level, unlikeable bitch you are
Only an sjw would call another sjw an sjw user.
Anything that reproduces and spreads their meme is falling for their tricks. By acknowledging it you create a demand for it just like everyone else and even if you personally don't spread it others will and others will evolve it and make it more contagious as a meme
>See this
>want KFC
>The closest one to me was a combination KFC/Taco Bell
>Now it's just a Taco Bell
>probably a sign that I'm the minority for just genuinely liking anime related stuff without either having to constantly self-depreciate or act like I'm only in it for the porn.
Yes you are in the minority you idiot, get it through your thick skull that 95% of all consumers in any country are braindead drones, this has been the case for all of history and will not change anytime soon. However, bellyaching about popular culture accomplishes absolutely fucking nothing and makes me despise you even more than the people you complain about. Why are you so desperate for meaning that you have to conflate your hobby of "anime related stuff" with this segment of marketing? Do you feel embarrassment when people criticize loli SOL anime? If you have a real, genuine love for your hobby then you don't fall all over yourself trying to distance yourself from other people who enjoy similar things because you don't approve.
you should try the suicide meme